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>How broken is our education system? They're not being indoctrinated by the schools. This is coming from their parents and falling down Internet rabbit holes.


Seriously. I don’t understand how this is a “failure of the education system” It’s called; shit parenting


Not just shit parenting, purposeful parenting by shitty people. Long Island has plenty of racists and xenophobes, and a lot of them have kids.


As some of a jewish background (father) I can assure you, in my travels and studying history, this is not a Long Island problem. It's a global problem. Understand in places across Europe in the 1930's after the Nazis came, the local populace was perfectly happy to hand over their jewish 'friends' and neighbors. Spoiler alert they'd gladly do it again. Same shit will happen here on Long Island if we ever descend into that place.


Not shit parenting, it's shitty nazis parents, I'


It can be both. Shitty parenting and shitty nazi parents doing the shitty parenting.


Ok but Long Island also has some of the most segregated housing and schooling districts in the nation, so it’s kind of ingrained. Many places on LI have considerably more racist folks than places I’ve lived in the Deep South.


Exactly. This isn’t the school’s fault. I’m a teacher and trust me, parents are the biggest and most often sole influence on a child’s attitude. However it’s not all the parent’s fault either. Teenagers love to buck the system.


Also the internet is a massive influence, their faces are always in their phones absorbing misinformation. its so easy to go down the rabbit hole


Yeah I don’t understand how OP thinks this is somehow being taught to kids in school.


1000% this. Schools are just dealing with the fallout of parents radicalized by social media and right wing media. Kids, especially young ones, want to be like their parents, and when they hear mom & dad ranting and raving about Jewish people at dinner, this is the result.


The New York State Social Studies Learning Standards require instruction in the Holocaust. This isn't on the schools or the state.


Yep. My 8 yr old already knows about Hitler ww2, because of school. Edit: in case my point wasn’t clear, I am talking about how schools promote tolerance and why antisemitism is wrong. I work in a school district and we promote cultural diversity and inclusion all the time.




That was exactly my point. How could kids be indoctrinated in school with antisemitism when schools are literally teaching kids that it’s wrong.




Oh Jesus, this is Long Island. Teachers are absolutely teaching that it was wrong. That being said, teachers are limited in what ethics they can teach…but shit like this? Absolutely wrong.


On the surface level schools do this but everyone should know how segregated the school districts are.


That is true, and a good point. I work in the Brentwood SD and we have inclusivity. But I do work at the elementary school level only so I can't speak about middle/high schoolers, or other districts Also the elem school principals are diverse. I've been to all of them so I know them.


Yup, and then from the classmates influenced by those parents and internet rabbit holes. I grew up in a very good LI district in a relatively affluent neighborhood. The kid from the court next door (full of huge mcmansions) said “we are like a bunch of mexicans” because we were picking up our bicycles getting ready to ride them. He was 11. The amount of racism, nazi symbols, misogyny, etc was atrocious. Any attempt the school made to remedy it, students made fun of it. We even had an incident that resulted in the ADL coming to the school for an assembly. I learned a lot that day and still remember the assembly..but Most people made fun of it.


I would’t discount divorced/absent parents either. Had an family friend this happened to several years back. They divorced, father out of the house, mother working full time+ and their kid went down a horrific rabbit hole for a couple years. Neither of the parents taught/encouraged or held those beliefs at all. The kid came of it and and couldn’t regret it more for what they’d done/said/participated in and the impact it’s having on life now.


This happened on October 5th, before the attacks happened. So it's not even a reaction to that. There have been several incidents in PW over the past few years, including swastikas and anti-Jewish graffiti painted in the PYA clubhouse, and in school restrooms, and on the wall of an elementary school. Huge Jewish population here and the adults who are antisemitic know to keep quiet, but kids - who learn it from those adults in their lives - are stupid.


There's a relatively large Jewish population where I live, and they had at least 2 incidents of swastikas being found in my kid's middle school. This happened last year before the attacks in Israel. Now they check the kids for pens before they are allowed to go into the bathrooms, because that's where they found the graffiti. It's really sad and scary. The school held an assembly about tolerance, and another swastika was found like the next day. I don't know what's going on in the homes of kids who do this kind of thing, but their parents are failing them and all of us.


They started locking the bathrooms at our schools (Schreiber, and Weber Middle School.) That of course got a ton of blowback. I think the only one open was the one by the admin offices so they could keep an eye on them.


> The school held an assembly about tolerance, and another swastika was found like the next day. Jeebus, you haven't learned that teenagers suck yet???


It's the adults teaching their kids this. The kids just act out, I blame the parents.


This has literally nothing to do with the education system. Source: I'm a teacher on Long Island... We do not teach kids that hate is ok. Every school I've ever set foot in has anti-hate messaging and programs running at all times and actions like this are swiftly punished if it's within the district's power to do so. This is a failure of parenting.


Long Island is full of parents like this who balk when you point out their blatent racism. Now it's "woke" to not be racist basically.


A school just canceled a teams season for antisemitism, racism and hazing, and a local mom is complaining that the team can’t be racist because they used to have a black captain. Her husband is a judge


This has nothing to do with the education system and has everything to do with shitty people raising shitty kids.


Went to HS in Suffolk 05-09. There were tons of neo-nazi pods of students. Most just edge lord's looking for any form of attention. A few actually ascribed to the neo-nazi rhetoric. Long Island is racist and antisemitic af. I envy you for having been ignorant of this until now.


As an adult who was once a kid who went to high school, shitty kids and naziism have gone together like peanut butter and jelly for decades I can't how many times I had to scratch swastikas into windows on school desks


It’s largely edge lord contrarianism and also just angry nihilistic BS from kids with shitty home lives. They’re lashing out at the world and Nazi shit is the easiest way to get the attention they’re starved for.


I went to high school in the early 90s in Nassau and there was a HUGE crew of Nazi kids. The school administration was terrified of them. They had the shaved heads, brought brass knuckles to school and went after Jews and minorities equally. I remember they rolled up on a tiny jewish kid and held his head underwater at a pond and threw rocks at him. This shit has been around on Long Island for years.


> The school administration was terrified of them. They had the shaved heads, brought brass knuckles to school and went after Jews and minorities equally. Then the school administration (and the school board) were fucking pussies. You can pretty much expel kids for all of that. Maybe not on the first shot.


They were fucking pussies. They were more concerned with getting them graduated and getting them out then trying to expel them.


I think most of the alt right are kids at heart that just want to be edgelords. ("Nobody that anyone likes has these views, and nobody likes me, so...")


Long Island has a long and shameful past when it comes to racism. And I’m tired of people “blaming the schools.” At some point the parents need to be responsible for this own damn kids.


Long Island is filled with racist wanna-be rednecks and let me tell you there might be no group of people worse than a LIer who wishes they were a southerner. I’ve been to many a metal/punk/hardcore/rock concerts in my life and there was no crowd worse than when I go to country concerts.


The LI/NYC punk community is actually a generally open, inclusive, and understanding community because punk is all about being okay with being atypical or on the outside of society.


Punk & Hardcore shows: Everyone dance, and if the person next to you goes down, pick ‘em up. Pretty good ethos if you ask me.


Ska show: everyone dance and if the person next to you goes down, pick ‘em up pick ‘em up pick ‘em up!


Ska: truly the devils music (bc horns)


Yep. Never a fan of the music but always admired the scene.


I know you are my true hardcore bro from the 90's for 2 reasons: My man, calling them dance moves is so on point. My friends would practice many of these 'gorilla' and 'windmill' moves in coordination in the pit. Falling down, when things are getting too rough and crowded, 5 guys have already picked you up before you even hit the floor. Its almost like you never really fell at all... When everyone knows the lyrics, even the complex ones, and the singer is literally putting the mic by your mouth for you as an audience member to really sing the song.. This was my long island experience... sadly these places are all gone now :(


There has been a couple bands from the 90s that have done recent shows again. I’m in my early 40s and it took me a month to recover from a show I went to over the summer!


I’m 42 , always loved VOD , <— which would join the diversity of late 90s bands like Fear Factory , type o negative , etc .. Always remember this. The most important thing that our generation contributed to metal is screaming / melodic singing in one song which is the trendiest thing now but …WE are the ones who invented it . 👍🫡


I saw VOD open for Korn at the Roxy Music Hall in Huntington in 1996. If I was ever going to die at a show, it was that one.


I was at this show !!!!!!!! Can you believe … to think how big they would become …but before they would … they would play some small ass show together …


That was right when or right before Life Is Peachy came out. I don’t think they played more than 25 minutes. I remember Jonathan Davis complaining how hot the place was. VOD was incredible that night. I played that venue before and they definitely oversold it. The whole dance floor was a pit. When Korn came on, people were kicking the picket fencing around the elevated pool table area and swinging it around. There was nowhere to hide, just absolutely crazy. EDIT: But yeah. I never would’ve thought Korn would reach the heights they did. A popular rock band? Yes. #1 on TRL?? Nah.


Nazi punks fuck off


I hung out with a big group from the punk community and they were always the most welcoming and inclusive group I had ever experienced.


Yeah I’m not in the scene but everyone I’ve encountered is super open minded


Punk in general is very accepting even going back to the 70's.


the south of the northeast.


Alabama with snow


I don’t call this place North Florida for nothing


Dude they’re on this sub, in this post right now. Not gonna comment of course, cause they’re pussies, but they’re in here. There’s a blatant transphobe that I’ve called out on here multiple times. Gets quiet real quick


> Gets quiet real quick They used to be quiet most of the time, before trump got into politics. He gave them free reign to show their worst intentions out in public.


>I’ve been to many a metal/punk/hardcore/rock concerts in my life and there was no crowd worse than when I go to country concerts. This is so fucking true. It's safer to be in general admission at Lamb of God than at a rap or country music show.


Best part is the South HATES Long Islanders/all New Yorkers who end up moving down here.


I live in the south and literally no one cares


Exactly, I was neighbors with an actual southerner for several years (northern nassau county) and let me tell you he is nothing like these wanna-be red necks. Not a racist or antisemitic bone in his body. It’s the wanna-be ones that are much worse. 10 times out of 10 I would hang out with an actual southerner over some “LI wanna-be southerner redneck.”


I moved to LI during in 2020 from the dirty south, and let me tell you, I heard more open racism/discrimination, and general vindication/acceptance in the 2 years I lived there vs the 28 I lived off th gulf coast. Shit was wild hearing wanna be rednecks pretend. It ain't like that yall.


Port Washington is not typically the part of Long Island you're describing


Really wish they would all move to the Carolinas, they won’t be missed.


It’s the weirdest subset of people on LI for sure. You’re not a blue jean-wearing country boy from the hills of Tennessee, you’re Greg from the suburbs.


Can someone explain this phenomenon of so many people in the suburbs of NYC who cosplay as southern rednecks? What is so appealing about it? Does it make them feel tougher or like they’re a “rebel”? I don’t get it.


LI is filled with upper middle class people with a huge chip on their shoulder who think that they're actually working class. They all have the same ethos of ethnic identarianism that existed in neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens 75+ years ago; their parents/grandparents/great grandparents moved east and this attitude still lives on. Also lots of people remember when LI was less developed and largely better than it is now, in the 50s-70s, and want to go back to that time, so they're just pissed off in general and looking for something to latch on to.


Curious what bands and where you went. Real punk isn’t filled with prejudice


I got a little confused reading it the first time too. On the second reading I got ...Punk etc is cool. Country shows on LI are not


It's the chud parents all over LI




Good time to remind people about [Yaphank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Siegfried) and the role Long Island played in the American Nazi movement. A lot of those people are still here, all around the island.


It's the home of white flight. All this racism has been there the entire time.


Just more visible with the internet. Nothing new for the island or anywhere else for that matter.


Just more visible since election day 2016.


Rising statistics beg to differ


Blaming schools? At least you didn't blame Obama.


Back in 2008, I had a classmate refer to Obama as a "monkey". we were in 8th grade. This guy didn't think of this himself.


Lol I was on 4 Chan at 14 in 2008 Promise you I was hearing worse on /b/, wow trade chat and other online games


What's going on *ON* Long Island......


/u/schil just put a darn auto correct/auto replace already so we don't need to waste precious resources correcting every single time.


This guy’s from Long Island. OP couldn’t possibly be a LIer.


Here's a fake award 🌟


Bahaha I say “On” too


Because it’s correct


That’s the only way to say it


This guy knows


It’s Long Island, are we even surprised at this point?


Wtf. Hold the parents responsible I’m sorry, this is pathetic.


As a middle aged man who was born and raised on Long Island, the only part that’s new is the brazenness and pride with which the very stupid display their stupidity and hatred


It’s the imbeciles who find that it’s okay, this is a norm because Facebook would never take it down. It’s happened at my university as well. It’s laughable because it’s more acceptable seeing this and people thinking this is ok.


Okay, well I guess this explains the vague letter from our Superintendent


made it seem like it was far less severe


I thought so to. This looks like a thought out plan with the helmet, mask, shovel, etc and then distributing it to specifically a Jewish student. This isn't some young child parroting shit they heard at home from their parents. There must be some serious neglect/unlimited access to the entirety of the internet combined with parents that keep shit like gas masks and helmets in their house and likely are in fact racists.


Long Island was ALWAYS like this. There's also tribalism/self-segregation among students of all sorts which has always been at the root of this which is the space in which anti-semitism and hate against various people grows. There's a fact of the matter here: Long Islanders pretend to be the cream of the social ladder in America. They pretend to be sophisticated, the elite, the richest of the rich. Even the schmoe in Hicksville or Roosevelt. The reputation of the schools plays a role in this where everyone thinks they are automatically highly educated and sophisticated. The actual fact is that Long Island is filled with rednecks and people who not only detest education, but many who are products of the inflated grading system so prevalent in Long Island schools. We can't expect someone to be educated just because they come from Long Island, especially when that level of education often doesn't even rate anywhere compared to much of Europe. Long Island towns are insular and have always prided themselves on being such and they were settled later by people specifically fleeing the city because of Blacks and Hispanics and people thought just as long as there's no mass transit, there won't be any issues. So it made this. ​ Sorry, but not sorry to state that much of Long Island is completely fucked up.


> Even the schmoe in Hicksville or Roosevelt. No. Roosevelt knows who they are. Even if they're shitty people, they know they're not pulling off elite or rich. > The actual fact is that Long Island is filled with rednecks and people who not only detest education, As someone who remembers my public school educational experience, one can appreciate education and still hate their public schools. > but many who are products of the inflated grading system so prevalent in Long Island schools. They still get an above average acceptance rate from the Ivies, and *many* of them still excel in the professional and academic careers. And Florida and Alabama still makes LI public school graduates "look educated". > We can't expect someone to be educated just because they come from Long Island, especially when that level of education often doesn't even rate anywhere compared to much of Europe. You can be educated and still be a shit human being.


This is true esp the point where it didn’t matter which part of LI they lived in. I have a cousin who lived in what I would consider an OK place to live, Levittown, who once introduced me to her friends as “this is (name) she’s from the ghetto” because I was from Queens. Mind you I am from Queens where the homes in my town were well over the 1-2 million mark THEN (25+ years ago) while she lived in a shed worth not even 1/10th of our home.


This isn't because of the school system. It's because 4 years of their childhood was spent with a presidential "rolemodel" that described that "side" as having some "very fine people."


... and then mocked a disabled man.


Thats where his political career should have ended, and WOULD have ended, were it still the 00s. I hate it so much


Staggering amount of fascist Trump white trash on Long Island. When did all this happen ?


In 2016 Trump told them all it was ok to show off their racist, homophobic, antisemitic feelings in public. It’s been downhill ever since.


But all of this shit was going on before Trump. Lets not rewrite history. The difference with Trump was that he gave the chud a green light to be vocal, shitty, racist people.


It’s always been like this, now it’s just “acceptable” to take it public and I do think Trump played a part in that.


Dumb kids being edgy. This could've happened at my school, 20 years ago. The difference is that everyone has a camera now.


Edgy? Is that what they call it now?


Short for "edgelord". Not the 1970's use of the word "edgy". Yes, teenagers have always been pricks. Not all of them, perhaps not the majority of them, but there's always a percentage of pre-adults that are still emotionally developing. Frankly, I think its the people that think either their teens are angels or that high school positively modifies negative attitudes have got to be the most deluded people on earth.


Another difference is the increase in racially motivated and anti-LGBTQ motivated violent crime, as well.


That's a great excuse. This way the kids learn to hide their antisemitic beliefs without any trouble. No need to make it a learning moment, just give them excuses.


Idk does anyone get the feeling these kids are trying to be edgy and they don't even realize what the hell they're doing?


In our modern political climate? No, not even for a second.


>How broken is our education system? You mean how shitty are some of these parents? This has nothing to do with the schools.


This has been going on for years, it's just pointed out now because of the hot topic these days


I bet you these kids hit the bagel store for breakfast 😂


Sometimes the news really makes me question the great place to raise a family” and how long I should be here w my family. Their parents have been emboldened by “fine people on both sides


Three adolescent boys being dipshits means “our educational system is broken”? Have you ever met an adolescent boy? Quite a few of them are dipshits. Source: Went to school with, lived next to, related to adolescent boys at many times throughout my life. Dipshittery is rampant among this group for a few years. If hey have dipshit parents it can be a lifelong condition. It’s not the fault of the educational system. But there is a concerted effort by conservatives on social media to turn people against free public education, so I’ll assume this post is a typical finger-pointing troll trying to turn people against public education and against teachers (Teachers are mostly female; they are unionized and are paid with public funds which is a triple horror to political conservatives)


This is sick and makes me embarrassed to be from Long Island 😡🤬


It's not specifically a Long Island thing, it's a general teen being assholes thing. These kids aren't actually specifically antisemitic, they're just edgelords looking to harass someone. A lot of teens are just assholes because they haven't developed a sense of consequence yet and they're learning they can push people's buttons by doing "edgey" shit. When I was in grade school 20 years ago theres def kids I could imagine doing this just for the sake of ruffling some feathers. It's not a new phenomenon.


Why do you think to know they're not antisemitic? Just curious what knowledge you gave about their personal feelings to contradict the clearly antisemitic actions they've taken. Here we have them performing an act, taking a picture of it, and sending it to Jewish students (if the post is to be be believed). But yet you know they aren't because you know them?


I am making an educated guess based on my knowledge of teenage behavior. The chance is higher that they're just being dick teenagers than that they're actually nazis. But I mean they could be.


I tend to believe their actions mean what they mean instead of hoping. people don't lie when they show us who they are, and your actions just tell them to hide their beliefs and its ok.


What is your knowledge of teenage behavior? I've been a high school teacher for 20 years, "edgy" kids don't do this, racist kids do. Why is it so hard to imagine that there are racist kids out there, most of them being raised by racist parents.


When someone shows me who they are, I believe them the first time. These kids are antisemitic. They could be edge lords, but they would have done other dumb stuff to bully someone. This is who they are. They are antisemitic and making pathetic excuses for them only adds to the problem.


What a bunch of shit. When people show you who they are, believe them. Making excuses for these little shitstains will just teach them they can do it again.


Exactly!! It’s freaking amazing to me that people are making light of it because they’re a bunch of edgy teens looking to ruffle feathers. Literally sickened by this.


I don’t know the answer to this, but the confederate flag hanging in a Sayville backyard facing the train is quite shameful.


It's kinda strange as port Washington has a very large Jewish population. These are just stupid kids that can't comprehend the stupidity of their actions


Or they're antisemites. I don't get how people can look at kids doing the nazi salute, sending it to Jewish kids to purposely harass them... and somehow KNOW that they're just stupid or edgy. Hateful people exist. I wish it weren't true. But it is. And we need to have clear and open eyes to the reality. Maybe more evidence will come out that these kids were just edgy idiots. But the fact that people jump to that first with zero evidence is not how hate should be handled.


What concerns me the most is how they learned it. Are their parents standing around and doing Hitler salutes all day?


There's this new fangled thing called the Internet where kids can learn all sorts of stuff their parents may not like


Don't make excuses, that's how we end up with tragedies. A high school kid absolutely knows that this is wrong and knows the difference between doing something stupid and edgy and doing something racist or antisemitic. Your comment is like when they described Brock Turner as an athlete rather than a predator/rapist. Stupid teenagers stay out too late, drink too much, experiment with drugs, go places they shouldn't, etc. Racists and shitty people do things like this.


I guess everyone else lives in fucking paradise? Please. And stop letting the school raise your damn kids. It all starts with the parents. If that's your kid, that's you.


Long Island is a super segregated place with very minimal mixing of races besides in public places. Everyone’s known Long Island is a racist place but now we have the internet.


I went to high school in Suffolk in the 2010s and there were students with Confederate flags on the back of their cars. This is sadly not surprising


I've got to say from my high school experiences in the early '80s, I knew of kids that put up Confederate flags in their rooms, but never did I see any cars with Confederate flags or stickers. But then again, I think only a minority of kids had their own cars to drive around.


Honestly I hope they put them in detention and show graphic images of the holocaust


Well... at least we know they're paying attention in history class. Ugh. I didn't say that was a GOOD thing. I will never understand why some people choose to hate, rather than be kind. Being kind is so much easier.


Send the punks to a holocaust museum and make them see various pictures of nazis doing this salute over piles of dead emaciated bodies.


I got some news for you. That doesn't fix the majority of potential Nazi punks.


The island was basically engineered to be racist & divisive. Kids get raised with this ignorant shit, then have kids themselves and pass it down to them. Long Island is a big enough pocket of red in the state that they're constantly getting affirmation on their bullshit views from so many people around them. I have a few people in my life that were pretty progressive and recently started spewing ignorant shit that they've had drilled into their heads from coworkers and podcasts.


Poorly educated immature kids


Lol bet I served them after school when I worked at that shit hole starbucks


You can’t say in Long Island even with this usage.


stop blaming the education system and look at society and the parents.. good grief there is only so much teachers can do


While I do believe schools can be a shitty place this all starts at home. Lack of parental guidance and unsupervised social media and internet use is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately a lot of parents truly do not give a shit.




Can you elaborate? Their website just looks like something similar to our local salt cave... ETA: nevermind, did my own research and oh wow they are def. a Q Anon business. Yikes! Def. going to avoid popping into their storefront!




I live in Massapequa. A few years back, an armed militia was formed to protect the community from a BLM march down Sunrise Hwy. Then a woman stood up at a school board meeting and asked them to defend her white rights and everyone applauded. The district is suing the state to keep their mascot even though they asked the Shinnecocks for permission and they told the district to fuck off. Everyone has a Blue Lives Matter flag in front of their house but they regularly doxx the names of cops and code enforcement officers that give tickets in the neighborhood and disparage them on FB. It's NOT the fuckin schools.


You’re adding to the problem by trying to vilify the education system as if this is their doing. How ignorant


The KKK has deep roots in LI


Immediate expulsion They should be made examples of. There is zero room for this in our educational system.


In the 90s this would have been unheard of in my town (south west Suffolk)… I feel like there was a weird shift. Back then if someone was like this it would have been hidden and now those people feel ok trotting it all out in the open.


I was in CI and for a year Connetquot during the 90s, we absolutely had kids do stupid shit like this. Minus social media of course.


This. There was no shift.


The weird shift is Donald Trump telling people this is OK so long as they also support Donald Trump.


Long Island is absurdly racist and filled with neo-nazis. Has been for decades.


I have a friend with a college age kid who said the past year or two everyone their ages started hating the Jews . Parroting all the usual social media talking points


Shitty, bratty, dumb LI kids rip on and offend Jews, blacks, middle easterners, homosexuals, Asians,....etc ... these idiots just happened to take a picture. Their hate and ignorance is not solely focused on Jews. I graduated in early 90's.. anyone in my age bracket knows how ass backwards some of these dirt bags are raised


Oh yall didn’t know ?? This is Long Island hunni the most racist place in America.. the most segregated place in America.. yall only care when it’s against Jewish people.. I’m telling you as a black person my experience on this shitty island has been extremely racist


I'm sorry you experience this. I know it's cliche, but we're not all racist.


I know not all of you are racist.. but so many are and so many of you are quiet& complacent when it happens. I need no sympathy I posted my comment bc I’m not surprised.. it’s very on brand for Long Island


Felt this. I’m Hispanic and I’ll never forget being called a slur right in good ol Sayville.


Fr it’s crazy out here & it’s been like this pre Trump. So to see them so shocked & appalled is almost comical


Those three haven't worked their way up to meth or oxygen yet. Well on their way


I've posted about this several times . Long Island for the most part holds on to it's anti semitism and racism through generations. There's still a Nazi community in yahpank about 6 or seven miles away from where I work. The school that I went to made sure I was treated different and I'm mixed. My friends were targeted by the administration regularly just for having brown skin. Even now, my kids go to that same school in the same town and they come home telling me some foul shit. Just last week a coworker said some of the most fucked up shit anybody ever said to me and I had to chew it up and swallow it. I'm doing an open mic tomorrow and I'm gonna mention it. This person (an adamant trumpster) actually said to me "there was a time when n*ggers and $p1cs knew their place in society , now it's up to the white man to change it back to the way it used to be.". I was dumbfounded . Man is old though I couldn't hurt him , and he's leaving here soon so I had to swallow it . But yeah, racism exist in the boomer generation and won't go away anytime soon


I would bet almost anything that at least one of those kids are Jewish.


It’s somewhat of an open secret. Generations on the island sympathized with the Nazis. [Camp Siegfried](https://mjhnyc.org/events/nazis-on-long-island-the-story-of-camp-siegfried/)


Seeing children do this doesn’t scare me nearly as much as seeing full grown adults protesting in the streets celebrating the death of Jewish people in Israel.


What a shame, like others have said it comes form home Or lack of home then the hate spirals Soooo sad We’ve got to teach our kids from early on to ❤️ everyone!!


The island was built through White flight from Queens and BK. They came, build houses of highways, and brought their own brand of macho racism with them.


This is what happens when kids have never been disciplined.


im gonna partially disagree with the folks exclusively blaming parents. they can absolutely be a HUGE factor, but kids can also get radicalized in online spaces (like reddit. womp womp), and constant bombardment from bigotted extremist disinformation can be a hard thing for parents to counter, especially if parents arent aware their kids are being exposed to it/influenced by it in such an extreme way. people can say "well the parents should know what their kids are doing online," and while i dont entirely disagree, i think its unrealistic to expect parents to know EVERYTHING about their childs online activity. in general, kids tend to be more tech savvy than their parents (especially as they age), and they can find ways to get around whatever parental controls their parents attempt to set. people my age (young-ish millennial) and older have trouble comprehending just how all-consuming the internet is in the lives of children these days. having internet access at home was still a fairly new thing when i was very growing up, and social media wasnt even really a thing until i was in high school. now kids whose age is still in the single digits are making instagram, tiktok, etc. accounts and are bombarded by whatever The Algorithm™️ decides to throw at them. shit's scary. id be really interested in hearing from any younger folks here on their experiences w this growing up, if any are willing to share. i think parents need to be more aware of these things and how to handle these issues with their children. "stranger danger" isnt the only big danger of life online anymore. theres some really insidious shit going on, and i think its crucial that parents sit down with their kids and talk about it. establish trust. let them know what to look out for, and make sure they know they can come to you whenever they come across something that makes them uncomfortable or seems suspect. educate them on media literacy and the importance of taking things you read online with a grain of salt. i really dont think the US education system is to blame... mostly. i dont think its entirely off the hook, particularly with the book bans and gross historical revisionism/censorship happening in some states. i really do think schools should teach media literacy too. but its up to parents to raise their kids, not schools.


This is heartbreaking. I'm 62 and couldn't ever imagine this happening while I was in high school. Parents weren't very involved with their kids in my day but there was no Internet. The Internet is a hell hole and parents seem oblivious.


Not schools - Unmonitored access to the internet is at fault. Parents provide said devices and wifi.


There are a lot of racists in Long Island. It's a long time family tradition here. Many nazi supporters here from ww2. Not surprised. If this happened during the time of my high school days, I would have knee capped them.


These are kids that are really stupid. What were they thinking? I can’t imagine in this days and age this happened on Long Island. I had so many Jewish friends growing up near Great Neck. What is going on?


Social Media is a Cesspool. Majority of people are feeding off of all of the negativity and hate. Very disturbing


Probably kids that belong to the guy who has nothing better to do than to park at the Bellmore train station with his “flags”. He’s added a confederate one to his collection.


Taxes----Poor Education System----Every Broken--Racist---Infrastructure.


Let’s thank the Long Island loud majority


Long island is hella racist. this is known everywhere


Sadly, this is a lot of the side of LI you don’t hear ab. Shit is more common than people think.


So I figured that I’d add this relevant and unique perspective. I live by a park in the Smithtown area. Last June (2022), my fiancée and I put out a small pride flag in our front lawn. That’s it. Nothing else in the front yard - for days, weeks, and months, a troublesome gaggle of boys on bikes would stop in front of our mailbox and yell anything you could imagine that you’d yell at a person if you hated gay people. “DIE HAGS” (replace the H with F). “MAGGGGOTTTTS!!!” (Replace the M with F) over… and over… and over. For weeks. I called the police and after the 3rd time, the SCPD hate crimes unit got involved. Took a statement, filed a report - couldn’t tell me who it was as they were minors (8th graders at the time). When the detectives came to their house, the parents were upset that the school gave the police their information on their son. Read that again - the detectives told us that the parents were only upset that the school gave up their personal information. Nothing came of it - and one of the detectives in SCPD is Jewish and he told me that there are routinely Jewish-targeted things that happen in the county (one of the Smithtown high schools had a swastika graffitied in a large area last year) and it’s always the same shit that they said to me… “it’s free speech unless they commit a crime like breaking something of yours or hurting you.” It only stopped over time and I’m hoping that the boys just grew a bit. But in reality, they learned NO lessons. They were taught we were lesser and harassing adults that you didn’t know because they were lesbians - and screaming at their children coloring sidewalk chalk in the driveway gay slurs was okay. I don’t even know what it all means - but I can imagine the kids that sent this picture would have been friends with the middle school homophobes that harassed us. Edit 1: it happened from June-November 2022. And you sure as shit know that we didn’t put a pride flag up this year and won’t again.


In the early 70s I was invited to spend the night at a friend’s house in Baldwin. I’ll never forget walking into her house and seeing a flag with a giant swastika hanging over the living room couch. Her dad was super scary to me and I remember faking an illness and having my mom come to pick me up. I never went back. As an Italian American Catholic growing up in a 99 percent Jewish neighborhood, I can honestly say that we were welcomed with open arms and never felt like the odd ones out.




This is not new.


Bad parents and schools really don’t a give a shit.


Not surprising given there was a Nazi camp in Yaphank during the war


Thank....... Maga


Kids are idiots nothing more


It’s the incredibly sheltered and ignorant parents that force the internet rabbit holes onto their kids and happily reject any form of real progress in their life experience.


I don't know that every Trumper is a racist, but every racist I know (my family, first hand) are Trumpers. He has made being miserly, greedy and self centered acceptable.


And here I thought all the Nazi's lived on the South Shore?!


Yeah out in Yaphank in the thirties


What’s going on in Long Island? Pretty much not this. Almost all of us who are not Jewish have several friends who are. So I promise you, this is not common on Long Island.