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I’m not tipping unless it’s delivery or I’m sitting down and getting served


This is the way. No other answer needed. Tips are for service. The service of getting your food delivered to you in a restaurant or at home.


Yeah, because it's not like it's not ten times harder to pack up all your shit in a bunch of little containers, and then make sure you have all the special requests on the side as well. As a former server of over 30 years, who used to have to pack to-go orders in between serving tables as well, I can promise you it's a LOT easier to serve you at a table than it ever is to pack that same order to go. But sure, feel free to convince yourself there's no service involved to justify your cheapness. You'll be totally wrong of course, but I'm pretty sure you don't really care. EDIT: I am not even discussing tipping culture, I am disputing the claim that there is no service involved. Apparently, people think all that individually wrapped food gets into the bag by itself, or that those who pack your order are appropriately compensated for it. Sadly, neither is true. So tip, or don't tip, but don't pretend it's not work when the truth is, it's harder than serving a table where you WOULD normally tip. That's just the plain truth. Sorry if it offends some.


It's really shitty that you're not compensated accordingly. But tipping in general is such bullshit. Just like.. charge me for my fucking food.


Look. Tipping is not even a practice in many other countries. Initially tipping in the U.S was given for outstanding service, now that bar has been lowered and it’s morphed into something that is expected. It shouldn’t be.


This is the answer


same here


Guy put his full government and state of residence in his username




Pretty sure it’s a movie reference


My best friend, Hank Mardukas


Same here.


What about when you're at a counter service place and the waitress comes by and takes your tray as a courtesy?


I’ve never been to a place like that, so I’m not sure. The last place I had a tray was around thirty years ago. I dumped it in the trash and handed it to the lady through the window. That was in school.


I do not tip on pick up. I do tip for sit down. This tipping shit is getting out of control. Now it’s on the keypad when you use your card 😩


My favorite is the self serve yogurt places. I served myself and I’m prompted to tip when paying. Am I tipping myself?


If only you could tip yourself 100%


Omg yes!! I was on a website buying their products and they asked if I wanted to tip the “team”. Like WTH, I’m purchasing from your company and buying your products, that should be enough to keep the “team” employed and happy.


I never tip for takeout 




Nope. Tip for delivery, tip for sit down service, and I will also tip at a cafe when I plan to be there for a while doing work.


The recipe is really simple actually: Anything you pay for after services are rendered (on your own time; that part is important!) is a thing where you may want to tip. That's it. It's that easy. Sit-down dinner where the check comes when you're leaving? Tip. Self checkout somehow asking for a tip for the person watching to make sure you don't steal anything? Definitely no tip. McDonalds where you pay for your food, then they make it, then you get your food? No tip. Jersey Mike's or Subway, where you order your food, they make it in front of you, and you pay immediately? This is a tough one, but, you're not paying "at your convenience". Sorry Jersey Mike's employees (you folks are great), but, no tip - you're not paying "on your own time". That's where I personally draw the line - generally, if I'm paying after the fact, tip. If not, no tip. Restaurants, et al: Pay your fucking employees so I don't have to, because, I won't. If you can't, maybe you shouldn't be in business. I'll make my own sandwiches or meals or whatever at home. I'm done. Inflation is bad enough.


I disagree about the cafe. Prices are getting out of control. A sandwich and a coffee is $22 at the local coffee shop, and when it’s ready they call out your name and you have to go get it at the counter. Even if I’m taking up a table for a while I don’t tip. I believe I “rented” that table when I bought the food, even if I’m working.


If I have to drive to get it, I'm the one who deserves the tip.


For getting you’re own food? I don’t tip for pickups either, but they don’t owe you anything lol


Yes, he most certainly meant the restaurant should tip him for coming to pick up his own food and wasn’t making a joke


It was a joke.


99% of us knew.


Nope. Sit down and delivery. For the life of me I can't understand the tip jars at self serve yogurt places and shit.


i put tip jars in random locations and come back later to collect the money. i havent had to work in years


Eh, I will tip at for ice cream because I know I’m not going to be working at a place like that, dealing with people all day and the heat.


No. Not at all. Pay your workers


I agree. I will go a step beyond and say the US is out of control with tipping in general and workers should just be paid a wage and tipping is not required (It works great in Europe). In many restaurants tips are pooled so your server isn’t getting your full tip. They end up splitting it with everyone else on the floor. They also have to tip out the bar, and the busses. And maybe you didn’t even order a bar drink. Restaurants here also do shady things on the check. They often calculate tip percentage at the bottom but many times it’s on the full check price! You’re tipping on the sales tax!


So you're punishing the workers because the employer doesn't pay more? Don't do takeout there if you disagree with their policies.


Why does it fall onto the consumer who is already spending money to give more money because employers choose not to? I understand your point but nah for pickup I'm only paying what my total is, nothing more.


And how does this help? By giving them your business you're saying it's OK for them to underpay their employees. The owner gets the same money either way, but by continuing to patronize them you're giving approval for them underpaying their employees.


You didn't answer my question. By giving them my business I'm saying I like their product, by tipping (dining in) I'm telling the individual I appreciate their job (although I tip 20% regardless min). However, the law is what says its OK to pay them what they do. Just about every place does it, so should everyone nationwide just not go out in protest?


I answered your question; you chose not to understand it. If you do not tip workers on takeout, you are saying that in addition to saying you like the business's product that you approve of them underpaying their employees. And write to your legislator and tell them it's wrong to have a separate minimum wage for tipped employees. The food is already priced less because the employees' pay is based on tips, so you're getting the lower food price while sidestepping how the employees get paid as a part of that.


Your logic isn’t adding up here…


By your own logic, regardless of whether you tip, if you support a restaurant that doesn't pay their employees a living wage and/or allows for takeout knowing it's at the expense of their already underpaid employees, then it doesn't matter whether *you*, Scott, tip - you are still supporting and giving expressed approval to a business that YOU are ranting about being unethical. You're yelling about the Pilgrims while seated firmly on the Santa Maria yourself.


You are twisting the logic. The wage law says that employees can be paid less if they are also getting tipped. I never said the business is being unethical if they are following the law, I am saying that if the pricing system of eating out means that I am expected to tip, then I will do so. If people tip as they are supposed to, then the employee should be making a fair wage as a result. I think it would be better to pay people a fair wage to start with--which would mean higher menu prices--but that's mainly because so many customers manage to find justifications why they don't need to tip.


I'm not twisting anything, I put it quite bluntly, whether you try to sidestep or not. Whether or not *you*, Scott, personally tip a business that underpays their employees or allows for take-out even when *you*, Scott, aren't personally ordering takeout, then you are literally still supporting the same establishments you complain of. Whether you tip as a dine-inner is inconsequential that you are still frequenting the same place that allows for non-tipped-takeout. Stop eating out if you feel strongly about the ethics of the food industry, at least until they raise menu prices and start paying wages that don't require compensation via tips.


Yes, you bluntly twisted the logic. The law allows this, and until the law changes this is what there is. If people tip, then the employees are getting paid fairly. The business isn't doing anything illegal or unethical; it's the customers who don't tip who are being unethical, and they are the ones who ought to be ashamed.


Are you advocating for never eating out?


The issue was takeout and not eating out in general; do you also not tip when you dine in? I'm advocating for either the employer paying their employees a good wage--which would be reflected in the food prices--or tipping the employee because the food price is lower because their wages are based on getting tip. Otherwise you are taking advantage of a loophole that allows tipped employees to get paid less.


Well, wait a second - regardless of whether you tip in-person, are you not still giving business to an establishment and industry that finds it acceptable to grossly underpay their workers, regardless of whether or not you pick up their slack by tipping? Are you not equally participating in said loophole by dining out and supporting businesses that use such loopholes, regardless of whether you spare another $5 on your $25 bill?


I am not taking advantage of the workers who are getting underpaid, seeing it as a windfall to me in the cost savings of the food. If the system is that workers are legally paid less because they are meant to get paid in tips, then unless the system is changed I acknowledge that the onus is on me to make up the difference. Tipping is the cost of eating out--dine in or takeout. It's not taking advantage of a loophole if I am paying the cost.


The logic is if you pay for employees then the restaurant owner will find something else for you to pay, hmm credit/debit card fee, perhaps? then when you are accustomed to it they will find some other fee for you to pay and so on. So to stop that nonsense you stop paying the tip AT PICK UP. If the worker is underpaid then it is for them to demand equal pay or find another place to work. If the restaurant owner cannot afford to pay his employees working at the counter (not waiting staff) then it is their problem to fix. Remember, it is a business not charity.


Food service workers are victims. Got it


Victims have no way out. Food service workers are free to get a better job that pays a living wage anytime they please.


They aren’t my employees. It’s not my job to pay them.


I'm old school, I tip well if the service is good and not so good if the service is bad. But IMO picking up food isn't getting a service, you're doing them a favor, so I don't usually tip unless there's a special reason to.


No. Tipping culture is out of hand. I tip for a service provided, like delivery. Tipping for just doing your job is insane.


tipping a delivery driver is in fact tipping someone for just doing their job.




Do not normalize tipping for take out.


If the person is above and beyond, extremely friendly or they seem like they could use it I’ll tip a $1-2.


Interesting (to a degree). I will USUALLY drop some or all of my change from the order into the tip jar. It never really amounts to more than a couple of dollars - also, I have an aversion to carrying coins on me. That being said, I have always been thanked for my contribution by the person taking care of me. I frequent a few takeout places near my home, and I have come to know some of the workers. All younger people. All polite. All courteous and efficient. I am retired. I live on my IRA and SS. I certainly have no extra cash laying around, but I consider myself lucky to have what I have. To me, it's not a big deal. Some people truly work hard for their money. If someone treats me decently, I feel it's the least I can do to repay them. I turned 69 this year. The fight in me is gone. I have little tolerance for BS at this point in my life...good equals good, pure and simple.


Back in my day they called luggage Swedish Suitcases, but nobody knew that but me" Long story bro


I do, in college I waited tables and taking take out orders was always alot of effort generally for no pay. Meaning id take the order, place ticket into cooks, get all food ready and bag it, and make sure it was correct. This takes time away from my tables where i make my money and really sucked to not get paid for that. I didn’t expect 2x tax but getting a small tip was always appreciated


This! Pretty much same story so I'll almost always give at least $3 for takeout if it's a big order then a bigger tip. But if they're rude no tip


Only if a place that its clear the host or hostess is running around getting orders together


$1-2 for packing.




hell no


If it's a take out place, like Chinese or pizza, no. If it's from a restaurant and the bartender has to pack the order and handle the take our portion, yes I'll throw down 2 bucks or something.


If it's a tipped worker who handles the order like a bartender or hostess I will tip between $2 and 10% depending on how I feel and how helpful they are. Not set in stone like a food delivery of $5 or $20% if a dine in check.


no especially cause i dont know if my orders right/good til im already back home with it


The Subway app kind off sucker you into tipping for the takeout. As some other mobile apps... But we shouldn't pay "barista" fee, because it never ends.






If you are able to tip and it’s someone working a shit job do it. It’s a nice gesture and probably makes the persons day. But you are in no way required to.


At my favorite places, i would. I do it less now.


Depends on how much I order. If I'm ordering for a party of 8 people, yes. If I'm picking up a single thing, yes, but like a buck or two.


10%. I got in the habit of this during COVID when local small businesses were struggling and I've never stopped. I don't get takeout often enough that this is a big drain on finances.


I used to work in restaurants. I always tip on takeout — $5 or 10%, whichever is more.


As a former restaurant manager I will say- it derails everything and takes a lot of double checking to make sure your $350 takeout order gets out hot and correct. $10 for the staff that puts it together goes a long way, especially when it's a regular occurrence. Just a couple entrees though? Yeah nothing needed.




I usually give a dollar for like 40 and under, and 2 for above.




Damn I guess I’m in the minority. I don’t do a full 20+ percent but especially if it’s a place I frequent and they’re always quick and accurate i throw a few bucks in. I usually round up. If it’s $57 the $3 won’t hurt and most of places I do that with know me by now so they’re always good to me.


We made an agreement for 2024 that we will not tip if it’s takeout. This includes going to a coffee shops. It got out of hand and awkward when trying to figure out what is appropriate v a cash grab. (We do tip a minimum of 20% when we do dine out or delivery)


Hell no


No, no, no




I tip for takeout if it’s a place I go to frequently


Same as you, around 10%. But by no means is it required.


Yes, I do.


I tip because I can afford it and I'm not cheap.


Yes, I was raised to tip 10% on takeout. I actually just did so about an hour ago. This is not a new "tipping culture creep" thing, contrary to what a lot of people are saying here - I'm almost 30 and my parents did it all throughout my childhood. 


Always, someone is taking, cooking, packing, and checking the order. Since they are saving me the time of cooking and doing dishes it feels like the right thing to do.


Someone took the order, repeated it back to you will all your special instructions, conveyed it to the kitchen, made sure everything you asked for was in the bag when they said it would be, while juggling probably ten different things. Sometimes it’s the waiter or bartender answering the phone, taking time and service away from regular tipping customers. For God’s sake if you can afford take out throw AT LEAST 5% down, and 10% is better. Still a bargain from the 20% you should be tipping if you sat down. Cheap is a bad look on you if not.


Just to add, even if it’s a kid doing a summer job behind the counter, not a barman or server who are relying on tips, what’s another dollar in the tip cup even for a 15 dollar pizza? That money gets divvied up with him and the kitchen staff end of the shift. Have a heart.


Tipping is for receiving good service. No service, no tip.


Then I guess I'll look cheap. Doesn't bother me in the slightest


A little bit yes, usually a buck or two.


Always yes Staff have to work on and handle your order. It takes effort to coordinate.


That’s what they receive a paycheck for. Tips are for receiving good service. If I’m not receiving service, I’m not tipping.


I tipped the places I was a regular at and those places I’ll still tip whenever I visit. And sometimes my loose change because I don’t feel like carrying it around.


I tip if I'm picking up from a place where I'm a regular, because I know them and they know me, and they'll usually throw in a little something extra or whatever. Other than that, no. A lot of places on Long Island only deliver with Uber Eats or Doordash and I won't use those services at all, because it's a grift. I'm not tipping 30% of my bill so that my food *might* get to me.


If it's over $150/200 of food, yeah I'll rip like $10-20. There's certain restaurants I'll support and throw them a few bucks or five every so often. Or if I know the restaurant is hooking me up with extra food or is serving me right before closing, I'll tip then.


$3 usually if it’s a decent sized order


Definitely not. And I say that as someone who used to work take out. I also do not tip delivery on a percentage of the bill. I consider the amount of food and the distance from the restaurant?


Yes. Tips for takeout are most likely going more to kitchen staff. They work hard and aren’t paid well. I always tip the driver for delivery.


I tip for takeout. I’m tipping the people who are preparing and packing my food.


Same here. I do also tip the sushi chefs when we take out though, we would do that even if eating in house.


I tip $10 if it’s an order over 100, otherwise $5


No. Tipping is for delivery or table service.


It’s always ok to tip for everything. It’s not expected but you should.


Yeah, I tip a few bucks. Someone still had to prepare the food.


That’s what their paycheck is for. Tips are for receiving good service. If I’m not receiving service, I’m not tipping.


I started to during the pandemic and just feel guilty now if I don’t. Usually a buck or two or no more than 10%


If someone prepares food for me I'll tip 10%. If it's a small order like a slice of pizza and a soda I'll throw a dollar in the tip cup if I've got one. What I hate are places where they pour a cup of coffee and hand me a croissant and then the register tries to nudge me into a 20% tip. Nope.


You are the chump


If it's a place I frequent often I will generally leave a dollar or two.


I usually do yes


Yeah. Probably making inflation worse - but it’s not the job of the takeout person to control inflation. Or maybe, I think of both of us as f*cked.


Hell no




Not usually but sometimes I’ll round up if I like a place. Like keep the $20 on an 18.62 type deal






Absolutely not


If the dish I ordered had a lot of extra things added I would, but I normally just order things as is.


When I grew up on LI my family instilled it in me its customary to tip on any services. Now I live in Iowa and most places legitimately have their staff refuse tips for their services. I still try.. So I do the whole " I think you dropped a few bucks on the floor" routine It works, It makes me feel better cuz I know those few extra bucks can go a long way..




No I don't


Of course not


Absolutely not. And not at the store either. Fuck those corporate tax right offs. Companies are effectively having us pay their taxes for them.


Fuck no






No. Am I supposed to?


For complicated and/or very large orders I’ll tip 10-15%. For regular ass pickup, no I’m not tipping. And I say this as a server! During Covid, servers could only work as takeout workers so yeah you tipped more. That’s not how things are anymore.


No. Delivery and table service, yes.




Tip for sit down and delivery only.


Would you tip in the drive through? No.


Are you kidding? I should tip someone when I'm picking up my own food? No way! This world gone tip crazy.


I have to pick it up. Nope no tip. Not sorry.


Not usually


Several years back I was friends with the waitstaff at a chain restaurant. Part of their job was to put together the to-go orders, and they’d say that it was not insignificant work to check the orders, make sure all the dressings or sauces or whatever sides were there, etc. Screw up something at a table and you quickly make it right. Screw up a take-out order and you’ve got a pissed off customer. And, they aren’t making money if you don’t tip. I think of this when I decide whether to tip. If it appears to be waitstaff putting the orders together, I tip. If it’s a counter worker who makes regular wages, no. I went to the takeout PF Changs in Plainview a while back. The guy at the counter took my order, and as he handed me the payment thing he said, “tips are not required but are appreciated. You freakin kidding me? Everyone in the process makes regular wages, and you still ASK me to tip BEFORE even giving me my food?! I tipped, but I also never went back. Edit - I see others essentially saying the same thing. I didn’t read all the responses before posting.


No definitely not


No, because I don't know who that tip is even going to. Also, what am I tipping for? For the food being cooked and put into a container? That doesn't really seem necessary.


No. Why, I’m doing all the work. Weird though cause I just realized I do tip at the morning bagel place.


No, far too much tipping


I never. Only for dine in and deliveries.


I think most people don't for takeout.  I do on rare occasions 


If it’s a local spot and I know the people, I tip a little but they usually hook it up with extra sauce or little freebies and whatever. Corpo spots get flat rate and no donations cause that’s just a tax rebate for them down the line


No way, Jose!


Why? Do you get a discount for picking up?


I would prefer to not tip anyone for anything and just have them receive decent wages. Yet here we are and this is the social norm. Tipping service people for doing a task to make your life a little better is customary. Tipping a waiter or delivery person because they made your experience a little better is nice. Tipping the person that took my coffee order didn’t elevate my experience, hence no tip. I also don’t know how much to tip them because maybe they are going to make a terrible cup of coffee for me, but they ask for a tip before hand. That said, if I didn’t tip and the person does an amazing job, I’ll go out of my way to give a little extra. I once picked up some takeout and a guy ran a bag out to my car that I couldn’t carry so I gave him a few bucks.


Hell no


My favorite is the tips requested on top of charging 4 percent fee for using card. I won’t go to any of these places


Not generally


Why would I tip if I picked it up myself. If I could tip the cooks I would. I do know cooks usually get paid more than waiters and host do.


You’re doing the work when you pick up. Tip yourself.




I don’t want to but I feel obligated now. But not a percentage. Maybe a few bucks depending on the order.


How do you not tip a guy at least a couple of buck?


If it's a bunch of teenagers working, usually a buck or two


Maybe the coin change plus a dollar max if it’s the type of place where I think they are making min wage. If it’s owner run or higher end place, no


You're fine. I don't tip unless if I get served. I don't tip if I get takeout, but you're okay. Do what you believe and don't pay them any mind. I went to a local diner to stay, and I tipped. A week later, I ordered 2 meals for $35 to take out. They prompted me for 15%, 18% and 20% but I wasn't going to tip them for that. I already paid a lot. Plus, they were packed. Some places IMO get greedy and make you feel awful if you don't tip with takeout. Some fast food places, including McDonalds, will bring the food to you and clean up afterward. I wonder if they should be tipped. I get my own food and clean up after myself, but I'm still wondering.


If they are primarily a sit-down restaurant, yes, typically 10%. Otherwise no l


10% at takeout is a lot. I’m giving 20% minimum to my server at a sit down restaurant. I’ll throw a buck in the jar at some places depending on my service, experience with the workers. Even then it’s a buck or two at the counter, the flipping of the tablet act is a joke and I think a lot of people feel that way.


Counter servers get min wage which is now 16 bucks an hour. If my order is involved or I am a real regular, I'll throw in a buck or two but usually no


Never tipping unless its a delivery or service. Picking up my own food is not a tip thing.






I never tip when I pick up


Stop tipping 10% for pick ups. You went to get the food yourself. Save those 10% you would have spent for pick ups and put it towards hardworking waiters/waitresses and delivery drivers.




Sometimes I feel too uncomfortable not to, which sucks. Most of the time, no.


Never!! When I use the moes app they always try to slide it in at 15% adding over $5. Not a chance I’m tipping when I pick up




Neverrr. It’s out of control and just laughable at this point.


What we need is confirmation from a food service worker that they are not going to spit in my food if I order on the app and don’t tip.


I don’t tip for pickup. Only only tip for delivery(usually a flat rate $5-$10 depending on the order and distance) or for sit down service(20% with $5 minimum). I also do not tip at places that pay their employees at or above minimum wage without tip allowances($15/hr as of 2023) (fast food and coffee shops) unless they go above and beyond expected service. I also tip in cash whenever I can. I like to think I’m usually generous with my tips, but they are usually earned. Personally I think we should do away with tipping and keep the minimum wage flat across all industries. Wait staff should be doing their jobs. Everyone has a bad day from time to time and it should be up to the managers who review their employees overall performance to hold the individuals responsible for their actions(or lack of). If you can do what is expected of you(take order, submit to kitchen, verify before delivery, follow up with customer) then you shouldn’t be in that position, just like any other job. I’m open to counter points especially if you are wait staff.


It depends on distance. If your right by my house I’m not tipping 💯


Long islanders are entitled a holes … So the common answer … NO.


Typically no but if it’s a holiday or a particularly big order, absolutely


Maybe if it's sushi.


Yes you're a chump, why would you tip when you did all the work haha


Depends. I may throw my change in the jar, or if it's a mom and pop and the place is always good and the economy is in the shitter and I have extra in my wallet, I might toss in a buck. Otherwise nah.


If I’m picking up sushi, I will tip but that’s about it.


I did tip 10% during covid. But now I'm back to only tipping during sit downs or delivery. Tipping culture got out of control.


Uno dollar




I usually don’t, but I’ll give $1-2 if the person is particularly friendly, my order was complicated, or it’s a big order (like more than 4 people worth)


Only if the bag is heavy.