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Is that the one in Freeport? If it is, they are really good. Not as good as my first choice but really, really good.


Agreed- Love that place. I moved to North Shore and still travel sometimes there for the Diner


Golden Queef


Haha, there is no such thing. I just looked it up. I knew it couldn't be lmao.


lol yeah it’s actually the golden reef


Tom’s in Westbury 


Valbrook Diner. Border of Valley Stream and Lynbrook (on Merrick Road). Has been totally consistent since we started going there in 1994. Burgers? Great! . Salmon? Great! . Chicken? Great! . Steak? Great! . Onion rings? And this is very important to me…. Great! . Also, and this may be hard to believe, they make the BEST Long Island Iced Teas around (except for the ones I make for us at home).


Yesterday's in New Hyde Park.


Their food has always been good, and I like the 1950s vibe.


Love it…never disappoints


lol which one?


Watching this post also will be making a trip to Grand Stage. Thank you!


No problem! Grand Stage was a repeat recommendation on the 5 month old post I found on here as well, but my family has ordered practically everything on their menu many times. No complaints, though. It's definitely a winner!


Port Washington Diner


Love them


Thomas's Ham and Eggery in Westbury. Omega Diner New Hyde Park. I've heard good things about Nautilus Diner in Massapequa.


Big ups to Omega


Tom’s Ham and Eggery in Westbury (love that place)


We live a few blocks from Grand Stage. We really like it as well, though we just moved to the area 7 months ago so we haven't explored the whole menu yet. Imperial in Freeport is my wife's family's diner of choice: also quite good.


u/herrmann0319 - Sheesh we graduated high school together. Grand stage diner is good and it’s relatively new which is nice, I like Omega diner in new Hyde park, but Pantry diner in RVC is probably the best but a little pricey I think. Are you going for breakfast or dinner? If breakfast id look into morning rose cafe in bellmore.


Haha, wow. Small world. Thanks a lot for the recommendations. This is exactly why I created a separate account for questionable comments and posts several years ago as my username reveals my last name AND birth date. 🤣 Very stupid in hidsight, but I had been using it since a child.


Majestic Diner was my go to for years. It's down the road from Thomas's Ham and eggery in Westbury. Great alternative if Thomas just gets packed which happens very quickly. Omega in New Hyde Park as well.


On Parade in Woodbury is great! Great staff, great food and they have the jukeboxes at the booths that I don't really see anymore


Thomas's Ham and Eggery is in Carle Place people.


Landmark Diner in Roslyn, hands down.


This is on the border of Nassau and Suffolk, but Whiskey Down Diner in Farmingdale is probably the best Diner on the island by far. Excellent food, great service, great cocktails, and they have a rotating seasonal menu and cocktail menu in addition to their standard year round menu.


Whiskey down is not a regular diner vibe though.


What kind of vibe is it?


The vibe is a bit more modern than a typical old school Long Island diner. They also have a bit of a smaller menu because the food is much higher quality than most diners. I'm truly confused as to why this person seems to think a place that's called Whiskey Down Diner isn't a diner 😂😂


Thanks, I will have to try it out for myself. Haha, yes, I agree. 😊 They actually have amazing reviews.


I'm struggling to figure out what your reply has to do with this post?


They asked for diner recommendation and whiskey down, in spite of having “diner” in its name, is not a regular diner vibe. It’s not a regular diner menu. It’s not a regular diner. If someone was going to out to a diner to have some fries with mozzarella and gravy, they wouldn’t be able to get that at whiskey down. And as such, OP should be aware of that in advance. So maybe you can chill out.


Ah, okay. I didn't understand your point either at first until you clarified. This is good context to add, thanks.


First of all the post said absolutely nothing about the diner having any specific type of vibe. Second of all it absolutely is a regular diner menu, it sounds like maybe you haven't actually read their menu? Their menu is a bit smaller and more specialized than most diners because their food is higher quality than most diners. Just like every other diner they offer burgers, eggs, homefries and gyros. Lastly, you absolutely can get fries with cheese and gravy there so again, it sounds like you either haven't gone or haven't even bothered to read their menu. Edit: forget the gravy fries you can even get chicken parm ala vodka fries!!


Well, this now goes against the context of the other commentor, so I don't know what to believe, haha. But... if they offer all of the above, then they seem to be closer to a regular Diner than not, I would assume, correct? Looks like I will have to see for myself. Thanks for your recommendation, and thanks for adding this information as well. It's very helpful!


No problem! They are a regular diner, if not better! If you give it a try feel free to follow up on what you thought about it.


I’ve eaten there many times and the point is still zooming right over your head. But go off.


Why are you replying to me as if you're the OP? You're just here to argue...


Pantry in RVC is next level






The OAN playing will keep me away. Thanks for the tip.


I'm turned off by the blatant disrespect to their neighbors with the bright lights all night long and the rude wait staff making comments about what I'm ordering


Really, they play OAN on every TV? Are you sure? That seems so goddam odd for a diner to do. Politics don't belong in an eatery. I've been there before but never noticed OAN. I'm just skeptical bc why would a diner run half its customers out the door like that? Pretty wild.


I've deleted the comment. I have seen right wing news in there but I will walk back the every TV comment. 


OAN is on every TV? Was there today, it has News 12 and sports channels, that's it (and some classic rock channel on the radio). Yep, they're big on that "back the blue" stuff but in all my times there, never saw any political news on.


OAN playing in a diner seems very odd to me. I'm a center right person myself, but politics should be left out of a public eatery. Are they sure they got that right?


I'm super far left so we can't talk to each other.... /s Anyway, we've gone to Embassy probably once a month or so for at least the last year and we've never once seen OAN or any right-wing stations on their tvs. It's always News12 and various sports channels. I'd like to think the owners of the diner are smart enough to not want to alienate a portion of their potential customer bsse.


Been there before and didn't notice that either. Would make no sense for a diner to do this, but I guess a business owner can do whatever they want. Just seems ridiculous to run half your customers out the door, haha. I agree.




Oof, I can barely afford to eat at diners these days


Haha, I don't blame you. I don't know why you were downvoted. I counter upvoted. Fair comment.


I used to eat out multiple times a week! I LOVED eating out! Then COVID hit and we couldn’t dine out anymore and then prices really increased. Once we were able to eat out again, I realized how much money I was spending every time I ate out. I still do eat out, but much less frequently! I also don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. I don’t feel bad about it. I just feel like I’m getting older and living a different lifestyle now. I cook delicious food at home.


Good for you! That's the way to go anyway! 👏


Apollo in East meadow is better


No way! Where did you get this idea? Respectfully. Maybe I need to give them another shot?




Great point. Yea, one bad meal that turns your stomach or grosses you out will definitely turn you away from an establishment. I had a bad one at Apollo a while ago, but it was during covid. A watery pasta dish. Like something that was frozen and reheated with no care put into it whatsoever. The sauce was mostly water. You never forget those kinds of experiences. Maybe I do need to give them another shot. Thanks!


Apollo Diner, East Meadow


What makes you recommend them? I may give them another go.


I love their French dip and chicken souvlaki platter with Greek salad


Hmm, I'll have to try that. Thanks.