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Ya it's annoying my neighbor did the same. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt and wouldn't call until after 12-12:30 or so hoping they would know better and be considerate and end their party -but nope...now I don't give any leeway and call exactly at 11 pm


Yeah I’m going 1130 now. Short wind down time and then the calls start. Also looking into bagpipe lessons because that’s everyone’s favorite way to wake up after partying loud into the morning. I won’t actually do that because I’m considerate to the other people having to deal with them but it would be funny


Bagpipe music is cheaper than lessons. Only buy the music, blast it, and try your darn tootin’est to follow along with a pawn shop bagpipe. Lessons are for people who care about improving their skills.


Leaf blowers man. You can hit a leaf blower pretty early in the am, and not be considered a total dick.


the bane of suburbs everywhere


In Brookhaven, the ordinance is actually 10pm. One of my neighbors has had parties with PA going until 4am sometimes and none of us used to call. Late last year, we all finally had enough after talking with them didn't result in any respect for the neighborhood. They started up again last weekend, so I looked up the ordinance.


I was surprised at the 10pm too. Here I am trying to be polite and waiting till 11pm. 10pm it is let’s go!


If there is one or more neighbor that complains you can take them to court and they have to pay a fine


I had that once with a house, but apparently they had a police scanner and knew when they were coming so they’d quiet down then start up again after the police left. Before calling the next time, I took a drive and got the address and told dispatch they likely had a scanner. After that call, no more noisy parties past 10pm. They were going to 1-2am.


The fact that people go to these levels to do this. How do you not feel any sort of embarrassment and feel at all weird to be “those people”. Low life shit right there. So inconsiderate. Like at a certain point, lower the music to a little Bluetooth speaker and try to keep things down a bit. Hate this. Been relatively lucky in my area but used to have it far worse before I moved. Sort of off topic but I also hate when people come to the park with a DJ speaker (which is not allowed) and blast their music so loud that you can’t even hear your own.


Fully agreed and the beach too. I’d be so ashamed if someone was hearing my music so i just use headphones in that situation. I’m all for a backyard party though but there is a line of acceptable that these people cross all the time. Real real low life shit.


Yea I don’t understand the need to come to a park or beach and play your music so loud that people multiple yards away can’t hear their own. It’s unreal. The backyard thing totally but at a point just be considerate. I don’t really have like DJ level music anyway, but I have my outdoor speakers on and at a certain point I lower everything down and the voices sort of follow. I’d never wanna be that guy.


It's everywhere. I took a vacation with my family up to Back Lake close to the Canadian border and our night in the peace and quiet of nature was pretty much ruined by the neighbors blasting country music until midnight.


Nassau PD uses encrypted digital radio channels, so you can’t listen to them on a scanner


Yes, you can. You just need a good scanner


no you cant. i used to think it was funny that i could listen to nassau police on my cheap scanner but couldn't hear or understand most fire dept around me because they had trunk systems that would need fancier scanners but police was just old school. NCPD then upgraded to military style encrypted trunk.




they only upgraded to that system 4-5 years ago I want to say. I used to be able to listen, was cool to turn on whenever I saw a PD helicopter.


Same here I got so upset when they switched to the digitals system and basically my hobby of listening to them was not gonna get me to spend a couple hundred dollars on a radio that was capable of listening but u sure do miss listening in always interesting sometimes even funny


well be glad you didn't buy the better scanner because its not just a trunk system they went full encrypted you can't hear anything now. honestly surprised it took them so long to do it but was very entertaining while it lasted


Everyone is entitled to a loud party a few weekends a year, on the holidays, celebrations, long weekend, etc. But when it is happening after hours on a regular basis, it is just inconsiderate. Do I want to turn my music up full volume to have fun? Hell yeah. But do I do that? Hell no. I don’t want to disturb my neighbors!


If it is that loud and the parties are every weekend, other neighbors must also be complaining. Good luck!


That’s what I’m hoping for too. I can’t see how they aren’t. I’ve driven down the block and see people with small children on the block and families put cones on the curbs to try and keep the parking less insane - the block gets completely jammed up from the parties. I feel worse for them because at least I have some distance.


I’m a 90’s kid and this may be a great opportunity for a three man water balloon slingshot.


Sneak over in the cover of darkness, remove the electric meter, take it with you, dispose of later, this will shut him down for a day at least. (or get it done for you) This worked for me about 20 or so years ago.


Lmao. But bad advice in this day and age of home security cameras


I have two Hispanic families near me that have parties (1-3) during the summer. They can get a little crazy but are always respectful about noise after 10-11. What you're dealing with sounds over the top, however. I did have one guy blast classic rock every single day, and I could feel the bass with my windows closed. He stopped, but now I have a neighbor behind me who plays country music, which makes me want to vomit EDIT: I'm saying all this because people can be really shitty lol


I've found that more often than not, people are unreasonable the other way around. Most recently, a new neighbor doesn't mind mowing the lawn at 7am or yapping on his patio into the early morning hours, but comes at me for playing loud music during weekend afternoons and evenings. Can't have it both ways.


It’s just the continuing evidence of civility going down the drain… you see it all over; people not holding doors for others (I literally saw a lady walk out of a store and the door closed on another lady and her kid in a stroller), people speeding up so you can’t merge in, kids on quads and dirt bikes racing up and down the public streets, and of course, the original topic, inconsiderate neighbors. They say it “takes a village”, but honestly most people seem more concerned about, “I, me, mine”. It’s a damn shame.


People speeding up so you can't merge has been part of NY driving for as long as I can remember. I remember when I was a kid in the 80s, and we'd take vacations to Virginia Beach, people were courteous on the road in other states (beyond NJ) and it was weird to see


When you call the police and they ask, if you want to stay anonymous, what do you say?


I would like to place an anonymous report?


I called last week for the first time on our neighbors whose bass was still going through my bedroom wall at midnight. I called the non-emergency precinct number and they took the noise complaint and asked me unprompted if I wanted to remain anonymous, so I think they're likely sensitive to that.


What is wrong with LI are people getting dumber. I know the driving is getting worse.


We have a neighbor who does this every weekend. He must've had issues because it'll be 10:59 and he'll shut it down. if it was every now and then, I would not mind. But every weekend -- it's like dude, come on. Sometimes people just want to enjoy their property


The whitest thing I've ever done was call in a noise complaint for the party directly behind me at 1am in Shirley. And then again at 2 and 3. I cannot sleep when my house is shaking from your terrible choice in music. Glad I was only renting. Now I own in a nice quiet neighborhood.


I live in Brookhaven just off of Beaver Dam Road. There’s a house every weekend that starts the music around 11 AM and goes until like 1 o’clock in the morning three blocks away. It’s insane. I would kill myself if I was their neighbor. People are very inconsiderate I don’t understand.


I'm sure the cops down in Patchogue would love to write some citations for you. They would jump at the chance. Money hungry power tripping pieces of shit. (Them, not you, sorry you gotta deal with that)


When we first bought our house, we made sure that our post wedding party wasn’t too loud…the day after. Neighbors were awesome and said no, even though I was a bit skeptical. Since then, my immediate neighbors on all sides (live on a dead end) have been invited to all of our parties and have been known to make the long drunk walk next door across the street at 3 am quite often. And our ages vary wildly. Just thought I’d interject a different angle on the whole neighborhood party conversation.


Where is this?? There’s someone in East Patchogue right off the service road who was having an insane party until midnight. I didn’t know where it was coming from


I'd be blaring it at full, forget it's even on and go to sleep. The blessings of being a deaf person :)


I have a neighbor that does the same exact thing everyone hates it


This is lame as hell LOL


You don’t have to wait until its quiet time if they are to noisy past a certain level the police or code enforcement can shut it down everyone should know and spread the word you can alway call 631-852-NOISE we pay very taxes on long island don’t put up with this garbage.


I sent you a message.


Can you give me address I totally don’t want to go and party there


Just try and drive down case Ave or find parking (because of the parties) and you’ll know exactly where to go. Show up Friday-Sunday 2pm-5am and you have a good shot.


Ooof. That street always has something going down. Norton Street, below Montauk Highway, is also deeply Hispanic. My dad even jokes that it's "Little Mexico". But they at least keep the noise down.






I live right there and I haven't heard this party happening. I know the people right behind us sometimes have a crazy party like that with the screaming on the mic, and dj literally shaking our house


That is likely what I’m talking about then


The people partying on Case Ave till 5 a.m. are most certainly not reading this thread at 9 a.m., but i hope you feel better by venting. Have you tried talking to them?


Do you seriously think people who are selfish enough to blast music until 5am are going to be like "oh sorry we didn't know"? People like that are only concerned about themselves.


Some people are just clueless.


The police are well versed with investigations, perhaps they can help these people find a clue.


I do thanks. More of just seeing if anyone else in the community is bothered and making it known. No im not trying to talk to anyone blaring DJ music into the morning… go there at 2am to a house full of drunk people and ask them nicely to cut it out? Ha ha ha.


I'm several blocks south of Case Ave. i think I heard it this weekend...but its hard to know for sure with so many inconsiderate jerks.


Yeah, that seems like a sure way of getting your ass beat.


5 am parties usually involve coke so they could still be up still


And they love to talk, so the lines of communication are OPEN.


I imagine the folks who are blasting their music into the night are prob not open to talking about it…


Surely whinging on Reddit the next day is more productive than talking to them about it.


OP wasn't whinging, they were telling us what they did about it. But ok.


They didn’t do anything about it; they whined.


They called the police and code enforcement. What do you not understand?


Chill. OP is just updating folks and it might help someone else in a similar situation.


What help was offered? And im very chill, im not the one crying and calling code enforcement about a party 2 blocks from my house, that i never interacted with at all before involving authorities. Perhaps you two should go party with the folks, and....Chill?


Dude, this post clearly bothers you and I don’t understand why. Just scroll on by-it’s not that difficult.


I am completely unbothered. If , however, my answer to a useless thread bothers YOU, you can, as well, just scroll on by. And again, maybe try speaking to your neighbors, instead of being afraid of them. Have a great day.


Best of luck to you 😘


All talking to them about it is going to do is attach OPs face to the complaints. Which is way more trouble than it's worth. I've dealt with rude, inconsiderate neighbors in the past. It has never helped.




At no point did i defend these people...


> im not the one crying and calling code enforcement about a party 2 blocks from my house, that i never interacted with at all before involving authorities. Perhaps you two should go party with the folks, and....Chill? I mean, it sure sounds like you’re taking up for the party that is clearly in the wrong.


I live in this area and they do not care.


Why dont you just walk over and tell them???? Calling the cops just makes people feel better they are annoying someone and do it even more. NEVER CALL THE COPS!!! IT ONLY MAKES MATTERS WORSE. Especially if it goes to court because someone got a DWI. If you did or didnt call, in their minds it will always be you that caused their problems. Thats how people think. And at that rate you never know who your pissing off. I dont know your situation, . NEVER CALL THE COPS. HANDLE IT YOURSELF!!! Someone finds out youre the one calling the cops.....welcome to slashed tires and shrubs gone and you will just end up moving because its not worth the backlash. Youll get more respect if you just say something the next day or when you see them in the yard without a crowd to impress or drunk or high. Good luck.


If someone gets a DWI it's well deserved. Don't drive drunk and blame it on the neighbors.


Im just saying, most instances its everyone elses fault but their own. It will be your fault the cops were there in the first place in their minds. Its sub human nature but exists in most of todays world


Scenario..those cops never would've been waiting for you if that asshole down the block didnt call the cops. Dont think for a second that thought will mot be brought up as their all fucked up blasting music and tempers flair up. Just saying.


And? One less asshole driving drunk around the streets. Are you suggesting they are going to assault OP over it?


How do you suggest I approach a party full of 50+ drunk people at 2 am? Do you really think they will be ohhh I’m so sorry I didn’t realize? Not a chance.


Where did I tell you to approach the party? I suggested calling the cops. A party full of 50 drunk people isn't going to listen to reason. Best case you talk to the homeowner during the day, but odds are they already know what they're doing and don't care.


I wasn’t replying to you sorry I agree with what you’re saying and wouldn’t mind if they all got DWI it seems like it would be easy to write those tickets just wait at the corner.


I told you. Drive by on an afternoon when its quiet and they dont have beer muscles to prove, dont say where you live and dont let them see the vehicle you drive. Say it nicely but stern. Say you have kids or whatever comes to mind. Getting police involved is gonna be the worst cause for action. They wont always be there and they arent gonna pull units off main street for high dollar dwi's or assaults for a 75 dollar noise complaint


“Don’t let them see your car or tell them where you live” But let them see your face with the knowledge that you live in the same neighborhood as them? This “advice” is really A+ material.


It wouldnt be the first incident that came across the desk. I work in state government. Alot of associations with the local P.D. The world is not what it once was. And local P.D cannot have posts on your block all the time because of a threat you cant prove or hearsay. Im not suggesting anything. Just the reports that I see. People today think the world is a "gangsta" movie and always feel they need to prove themselves. If theres no penalty for pushing people in subways and drive by shootings, why stop at harrassing the neighbors who keep calling the cops. I was just giving advice from a point of view I've seen all too many times. If youre gonna call anyone..its election time. Call your mayor or local politician who would love the promise of a vote.


Call the mayor over a noise complaint? GTFO of here.


Yes. Every mayor on long island sets a day aside to listen to residents com0laints ideas. Stop arguing with me already. Dont want advice then stop asking stupid questions. Youve called the cops. Got nowhere called again got nowhere. Call the mayors office and ask when his open door policy is. Geez. Its like explaining things to my grandkids here


I'm not OP so you're yelling at the wrong person. Watch the condescending attitude and insulting comments.


Gtfo of here wasnt condescending. Trying to help where no one gets hurt. Let OP do his thing then. Good luck OP. Wish you the best and your problem resolves. Take care