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I live in a HoA that holds routine beach gatherings from the community. When I attend these, it's almost always the 50-somethings complaining they say an unknown car driving through and how they think they are casing the neighborhood. Or they instantly post on nextdoor or whatever stupid platform that is. They never seem to remember that Instacart, DoorDash, Uber and all these other delivery services are just random people driving personal cars. Yes, we live in one of the safest villages in one of the safest counties in the nation. Not much crime happening in my area.


FB is a Goldmine for this. I find it hilarious, it’s always some sort of post that goes something like: >listen up ladies. I just wanted people to be aware just a reminder to keep safe. I was out walking today and I saw a man and then I looked at the man and then the man looked away and then I looked back and then he was looking again and I just think it’s very suspicious


The olds of any given generation are always more weary of comings and goings, crime and the state of things. Holding their childhood memories in great regard.


An idle mind is the devil’s workshop, and old people have nothing but free time and idle minds to come up with all kinds of paranoid anxiety theories.


There is an increase in crime in neighborhoods that have something to steal.


In the Huntington Beach area we have had a lot of car theft in the past year


Before Ring cameras etc...someone could've came by your car or house and you would have no idea. Now with social media and cameras, everyone can report "suspicious persons" ...it's a perception and reporting issue.


Election year, ring cams and social media. Statistically we’re the safest we’ve ever been. And Suffolk/Nassau are two of the safest counties in America.


B…but Fox News said……. /s




It’s a CARAVAN…..!


Take into context that when compiling crime statistics Nassau county doesn’t include villages or cities. So Hempstead, Freeport, Long Beach, glen cove etc aren’t in their compstat numbers. Food for thought. EDIT: I’m sorry I should’ve clarified, Nassau county doesn’t include crime stats from villages and cities with their own police departments.


That's... not how the statistics per-county work.


Why wouldn’t it include villages or cities in the county? I think you’re thinking of towns vs independent villages, rather than anything to do with counties. There’s no debate about whether the Village of Freeport is in Nassau County and subject to the county regulations and taxes. In any case, the villages and cities tend to be in nicer areas so excluding them from the data would mean the crime numbers are actually better in reality than they are on paper. I think you’re just mistaken on how they calculate stats though.


Hempstead would make a significant dent in Nassau’s violent crime stats if it was included.


Again, I think this is missing the main point of the issue (i.e. county stats don’t exclude villages and cities, excluding them would be nonsensical), but Hempstead is just one of 64 villages in Nassau (there are also 2 cities and 3 towns).


Except it's not excluded...


Except it is. The county does not include any of its villages or cities in its reported crime stats




He’s making it up so he won’t give a source. Wrong and strong. You can check https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/crimnet/ojsa/indexcrimes/county_totals.htm and see reporting is done by police department and the data is collected by NY Division of Criminal Justice Services although Uniform Crime Reports UCR are also submitted to the FBI and that data is also compiled and reported. The idea that Nassau County somehow can control and alter the crime statistics readily available to the public is wrong and laughable, bordering on conspiracy stupidity.


I’m done arguing with them lol the county only submits numbers for the ucr from their 8 precincts, the villages and cities are on their own.


Why’s that?


Because the high rate of robberies and assaults.


Keep going…


Wouldn't Valley Stream and Lynbrook boost it?


That doesn't change the fact that crime in general is on a downward trend


That’s *not* true. Nassau county doesn’t even control that data. UCRs are reported to the FBI and NY DCJS and are available to the public. You can literally scroll the list and see Long Beach PD etc statistics. This is where perceived increase in crime comes from. Freely shared and believed false information.


Do you have a source saying that the most recent Nassau crime statistics exclude the villages with their own departments?


It isn’t just election year bullshit. People think crime increases every year even though it has in aggregate dropped every since the 1990s, with the only increases during COVID.


I think everyone’s covered the other issues with the post, but regarding: > homeless treating public places as their bathroom They’re literally homeless and have nowhere to go. Finding a bathroom while working in the field/on the road was hard enough for me during normal work hours and wearing a uniform. Unless you are inviting them in to use your bathroom and they say no thanks, then I’m not going to get on their case about it even if it’s undeniably nasty. The more pressing issue is that it’s 2024 and we have billionaires taking tours to low orbit, AI that can create videos from a text prompt in seconds, cars that run on battery power, hotels and spas for just dogs, and we still have people living without shelter in one of the most affluent counties in the country.


By design. We also have a record number of vacant and unaffordable homes. Landlords who use an algorithm to decide skyrocketing rents and a political system that works for the donor class.


Not sure about other things, but murder is the lowest it’s been in a long time.


This is not true for the NYC metropolitan area. Murder is up from its low about 5 years ago. People like to quote national statistics on crime. Crime is a local phenomenon.


Crime EVERYWHERE NATIONWIDE was up during and after Covid and it’s been in a steady decline since the end of Covid heading back to its pre Covid numbers.


This is simply a false statement. Your google-fu is lacking, my son.


Ignoring the fact that statistically, we live in a god-damned paradise compared to most of the country, there's also this: https://x.com/kylegriffin1/status/1800522180389921231?t=A3Sf8gV5XP0xKS61anGcaQ&s=19


Crime is overwhelmingly down around the country but that doesnt fit the narrative of a certain, very loud, political party so they just make shit up


OP is referring to quality of life issues. Haven’t seen it here, although people breaking into unlocked cars in driveways at night has always happened here, Garden City. Why people can’t lock their cars, or better yet, use their garage is beyond me. Our police blotter in the local newspaper is filled with traffic/driving related issues.


Went to a Neighborhood Watch group and the cops said, point blank: "They're just opening doors. Lock your doors, stop leaving your keys in the car. Every theft was a theft with the keys."


I went one of those maybe 3 years ago and it was the exact same thing. “Someone stole my iPhone from my car overnight”. YOU LEFT IT ON THE SEAT IN AN UNLOCKED CAR!!!


I hate when someone refers to their unlocked car door being opened as a “break in”.


Legally it’s breaking and entering. 


Yes, but it’s also entirely preventable.


It’s actually “trespassing“ if it’s on private property


It depends on the jurisdiction. Breaking and entering means someone trespassed with the intent to commit a felony or a theft therein. 


Agreed , but in New York, I believe there is no crime for entering an unlocked vehicle on a public street. If it’s on private property then it’s considered trespassing. If said person stole property out of the vehicle then it would be some sort of larceny depending on the amount stolen. Breaking or entering into a building or dwelling with the intent to commit a crime would be burglary which is a felony


It is a crime. You cannot go into someone’s car. Locked or unlocked. With the intent to commit a crime. Period. 


because they've all turned their garages into accessory apartments to offset the property taxes.


No. Not a one. No neighbor would tolerate that, nor would the Village. The garages are all filled with crap. Old Bikes, strollers, snow blowers, sports equipments, second refrigerators…..


we just got rid of our old refrigerator...to fill it with more crap! Used the garage one time!


> Why people can’t lock their cars, or better yet, use their garage is beyond me. because you really shouldn't have to do either


Reports of increasing crime? Lawlessness in the streets? It must be an election year. Happens like clockwork. Vote for me, I'll keep you safe from crime.


everyone's lost their minds. crime escalated during the pandemic but is now lower than prepandemic. social media is scaring all these people.


It’s all bullsh*t to insure that you never question a police budget, the overtime expenditures, or inflated pensions that come outta your tax dollars, without being labeled pro-crime. This, regardless of what the crime numbers say up or down. Somehow the “I don’t trust government or authorities” people are the same ones waving “blue lives matter” flags. It’s laughable but a sucker is born every minute and plenty of them reside here on the island.


Nah it’s just an election year trick


Crime is down. It's (often race based) hysteria being pushed for an election.


I think it's suspicious when people stir shit up needlessly.


[Current trend](https://imgur.com/a/JzojMwH)


I would go to your local civic association or precinct meeting. The cops do reports and can will let you know if there’s a rise in crime and what’s actually going on, not the perceived crimes people think of on Facebook and Ring.


Election year.


No. I have seen no evidence of an increase in crime. If anything, I'm seeing many fewer emails from the village about recent crimes. What I have seen is vague earnings spread by text about a Venezuela gang "worse than MS13" doing carjackings in the area. I haven't heard about that either except for these texts which are attributed to someone's friend's cousin's brother who is a cop.


I think there is an overall rise but the media stokes the fear and anxiety to where is is out of proportion for actual risk in many/most suburban neighborhoods on LI.


Lol @ “imperial” evidence


Damn. Autocorrect got me. Fixed!


Lol nicee


There's been lots of car thefts, catalytic converter thefts and rim thefts. You'll notice it in rising insurance costs.


Robberies, larcenies, shootings, assaults and other crimes happen multiple times a night, in multiple Nassau County towns, and most never hit the paper. A homicide , a child involved, or a hate crime will likely be reported on. Let’s say the statistics are correct and we live in one of the safest counties in the country, it doesn’t negate the fact these things are happening everyday


Last night on Jericho turnpike, in Woodbury, I saw 2 motorcycles running from the cops. They were literally slowing down and taunting the cops then they sped off as the police got closer. Two weeks ago in glen cove, I was almost hit by a guy in a jeep who was running from the cops. Thankfully he slowed down before running the red light.


This sounds like more of a traffic problem Traffic on Long Island is a nightmare and no politician is going near that.


Mass self-sacrifice to the fascist outrage machine


Crime will never be shown as on the uptrend in this day and age. Despite what the news says or shows, or what news article is going to be linked “showing” crime is down, crime is either up, or on par with previous years. Crimes going unreported, or being classified as a lesser offense to make the numbers look better is a huge problem within PDs right now.


Robberies and burglaries being categorized as larcenies and so on and so forth. Assaults being classified as harassment. Been going on for years


Dude I saw a group teens on bikes brawl out on middle country in broad daylight. Homeless less than a block away. It wasn't like this 5 years ago.


Do people really think this is fake or exaggerated? Are people supposed to just put up with more crime in their neighborhoods because you say they should? This idea that crime should be allowed/ignored/tolerated is disgusting.


I’m not saying they should put up with it. I was asking if it’s a very loud focus on a small / smaller set of activities or if there is truly an uptick. If there is an increase it should definitely be dealt with, but social media is very sensationalized


I don’t know what to make of what happened the other day: I have a 2 car driveway (sedan & m suv parked up). Was out with the suv and came back during daylight to see a security/surveillance company’s card inserted to my driver side window. I do have outdoor cameras and ring doorbells. Feels weird that someone walked all the way up the driveway to put card on the car and not even in the mailbox or front door.


When money gets tight either from inflation or higher unemployment rates petty theft will increase. People have to eat and buy gas


The media market for the NYC metro has always been kind of insane and sensationalist, but social media, specifically Nextdoor has made this much worse. Nextdoor is like a boomer Facebook for deranged Karens. Add in the popularity of Ring doorbells, and you've got people who are afraid of their own shadows watching home security cameras and spreading their hysteria.


I noticed more security in some stores, even though it doesn't guarantee there's crime activity in the area.


Telephone Scams on old folk is up. Identity theft is up. Anybody going to say that identity theft is the lowest it’s ever been?


They’re also trying to make us believe that things are more expensive, they’re actually cheaper!! Dirt cheap.