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I've lost 65 lbs and have similar issues in various areas. Bits without hands even clap if I move or jump too fast. It's definitely an adjustment, but I actually dont hate it that much. I see it as proof that I've literally worked my ass off, I even have a giggle sometimes when it does its own thing. I'm pretty sure eventually I will be like flying squirrel, able to jump out a tree and fly on my newly acquired pterodactyl wings (coz bingo wings are so last year). When that happens, I may start dressing in spandex and fight crime, make way for the flappy avenger!!!!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm 40 lbs down and my boobs are deflated af too. I was in the doctors office getting a EKG and when she was putting the leads near my boob I was like "lemme know if I need to move anything... they run around like yard dogs."


Thank you for the laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ©·


Rofl!! Omg I've just spat my tea over my phone šŸ¤£ #relate


110 lbs down and I have this problem as well. My boobs are two tube socks with tennis balls in the toes. I am going to look into a breast lift next year (Iā€™ll be happy with whatever volume I get, no need for implants) but in the mean time, I think they look pretty great in a well-fitting, supportive bra. The only people that have to suffer the deflated look are me and my husband and he doesnā€™t seem to mind šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Many people seem to not realize that if one gets implants they will need to be replaced or removed at some point, it will require more surgery in the future. I had a lift with no implants 15 years ago and not only do my breasts look just fine, I don't have to have any additional surgery unless I want it (and I don't).


Thatā€™s not necessarily true with modern implants, according to my plastic surgeon. They might last the rest of my life. (My plastic surgeon is a genuinely good guy who volunteered for long periods of time giving his services to people with cleft palates in Africa. Really good honest dude) Edit, have had 7 years, see no foreseeable future of needing them replaced.


Youā€™ve accurately described my boobs, only mine are due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. I havenā€™t even lost they weight Iā€™d like to losešŸ« šŸ« 


The problem with just a lift is the half cup of coffee effect. It's not like the volume you have can be shifted like filling in a bean bag. Your surgeon will advise you on your best options.


what is the half cup of coffee effect?


I think they mean round on the bottom and flat on top?


Nothing in the top half of the cup but the bottom is full. The upper half of your breasts will still be sunken in after a lift if your breasts have deflated to the point where your nipples point down. OP needs to get the opion of an actual plastic surgeon. I'm just speaking as someone who had had multiple procedures, including breasts.


ā€œBreastā€ options




This is what I want to do when I reach pretty close to my goal weight.Ā 


I thought fat transfer wasnā€™t effective because the fat cells donā€™t stay in that area?


There will be some reabsorption, but plenty will stay.Ā 




selective desert offbeat detail seed nutty work innocent lock plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, I feel you. When I was skinny I had small but good-looking imo boobs. Extremely practical. Never had to think about them. When I gained 90 pounds probably half of it went into boobs. I wasn't happy because I couldn't walk without a bra, and I couldn't even sleep without a bra, but at least they were perky. Now I lost some weight and I'm left with boobs that are too big to be practical and too soggy to be cute. I feel like I ruined them. I'm not devastated but I'm pissed.


Iā€™m so sorry but extremely practical made me laugh. Probably because I developed SUPER early and have never once had practical boobs. But now that Iā€™m down 55lbs I do have saggy ones and am also pissed


LOL me too. Extremely practical sent me. But tbh I'm glad at least one (at-one-time) skinny person appreciated their practical boobs because frankly mine have always been impractical and it's a pain.


I donā€™t know if ā€œsoggyā€ was an intentional word choice but itā€™s so, so apt. I will be calling my long boobies ā€œsoggyā€ from now on.


It was a mistake. My long boobs are covering the keyboard...


Bahaha this kind of laughter is what my heart needs (because my long boobs are so far away from it now)


OMG I spit my coffee! LOL




Lol at extremely practical


Wow yes , Iā€™ve always had ugly boobs. Iā€™ve seen different people, friends , whoever over the years topless and i have never been able to just take my shirt off and change comfortably. Itā€™s crazy bc I would think wow how are they that perfect. Iā€™ll hide my boobs and always have. My friends mom whose like 50 was changing in the bathroom with me one time , her boobs were literally perfect. No implants no nothing. And here I am with orangutan tittys. When Iā€™m skinny , theyā€™re just flapping around


I had breast reduction and lift after losing 80 lbs. was 42dd now small 36c. It was the best thing Iā€™ve ever for myself.


How much did it end up costing you? And how long did you have to be out of work?


I had one too. I paid $8000. I took two weeks off work but I could have gone back in 1.5 weeks. It does depend on your job though. Mine is a remote desk job so easier to return to.


Do payment plans and stuff exist? I'm a student atm and I can't just pull 8k out of nowhere hahah. I guess I could save up if not! But a payment plan would be ideal


I used care credit. No interest if paid off in 24 months. Thatā€™s what worked for me basically paid $500 a month for 2 yeas


yeah, you can do financing through companies like carecredit, alpheon, prosper, etc. better to pay cash upfront, though. interest is a bitch


It was 11,000 total. $9000 for the breast lift and reduction and $2000 for the lipo for the side under arm and back bra line. Luckily, iam retired. I had the surgery in Thursday and drove my self to my post op appt on Monday. Pain was level 5 for two days following and then it was jut uncomfortable. Sleeping on an incline or 6 weeks was the worst part, once I am a side sleeper. Iam thrilled with my results


Itā€™s hard. Hard when an attribute you liked goes away. They may not be quite as bad as you think - other people might not see them the same way. But ultimately a breast lift +/- implants is the way to revive them lol. Thatā€™s my plan. Itā€™s sucks though. But Iā€™ll take a body I like over one feature. It sucked trying to dress when you wanted to hide everything but the boobs lol.




I would be so sad if my husband was on the internet commenting about my breasts and saying I had a great pair before the kids etc.


i think you misinterpreted his comment. he literally said that he thinks that they are still amazingā€¦? and even if he didnā€™t, reddit is anonymous asfšŸ˜‚


He said he thinks theyā€™re amazing. I mean we all know that undeflated boobs are better looking than deflated one. With my weight loss I also feel like my boobs look down and I hate it, saving up for a lift as well.


I think your projecting here, it sounds like they've had healthy honest communication, and he's being supportive of her goals and preferences.


But he also said he thinks theyā€™re amazing now! FWIW, my husband would say the same thing (and he loves them nowā€”he just knows I donā€™t feel the same)


It's not like he said 'they were great before! Now not anymore.' he said they were great but are now a bit deflated, which is just a factual statement on the shape of them. No judging their greatness at all.




People are talking about their own bodies, not their opinions on wether their partner had a great pair before their weight loss.


Isn't it exhausting looking for reasons to get pissed off? You clearly didn't even read what he said. You just saw something you thought could get you keyed up.


Get over yourself Bet youā€™re really fun to hang out withā€¦


Your partner must walk on eggshells around you.


Reading comprehension: 0


I'm in the same boat! 26F, used to be 300lbs now 188lbs with the goal of loosing a little bit more I have got deflated saggy boobs. Lots of loose skin above the nipple, it used to really bother me. BUT as time went on, I have got used to have they look. I can now run for the bus without my body hurting or needing 20 minutes to catch my breath, I can wear shorts without my inner thighs getting rubbed raw, but BUTT is perkier and I have found new things to love about myself other than my Tattas. Also as a bi woman - boobs are amazing. If they are smol, if they're huge, if they're perky, if they're puffy, if they're saggy - I really don't care I want them in my face. I'm sure straight men can probably vouch as well. So it's not about other people liking your boobies, its about you! It's hard, but if saggy boobs mean you get more mobility and other parts of yourself to love, it's worth it! Tip: treat yourself to a good bra that makes your tits looks great still for your low days :)


hehe you're 1000% correct, any boobs are good, small, big, perky or not, I just want one in my face :) (or both ideally lol, but I'm not picky)


Lost exactly the same amount of weight as you! My boobs look so sad as well, lol. I still kind of like them - very soft, still look outward, etc. Just sort of deflated balloon-looking. I had thought it was a combination of breastfeeding an additional 2 children in my 40s (after having bfed two in my early 30s, as well), but perhaps it was just all the weight loss. Not ideal, but I'm glad I'm healthy again, and in a firm bra they look normal in clothes etc. I'm a lesbian and my verdict on my deflated boobs was that I'd still totally be into them if I saw them on my partner. Is that comforting? I hope so :'D




Hey guys it wonā€™t help with the sag but a retinol body lotion will fix the crinkled skin. It makes a huge difference in how they appear. Give it a try


oooh, thanks for the tip, I'll try it! It did great things for my face so it makes sense it will do good things for my body!


Breast cancer survivor here. Love love love your healthy boobs. Mine tried to kill me.


Iā€™m so glad you survived and Iā€™m so sorry for your experience. It definitely helped me gain some perspective though


Seriously, love those healthy boobies!!!! Iā€™m not gonna lie - Iā€™m a little jealous!


Oofā€¦that was the perspective I needed. Iā€™ve always been a boob girl and was sad about the way mine have been looking lately with my weight loss. You just reminded me of a coworker who had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer and how heartbroken I was for her over her boobs. It made me feel so vain. So thank you for bringing things to perspective, kind stranger.


Iā€™m got a franken titty and a franken pitty. Franken titty is smaller and perkier than my normal one. The radiation burns on my nipple are almost gone (itā€™s been 9 months since I finished radiation). I would give anything to have healthy boobs!!!! Love those babies for me!


There is nothing wrong with getting plastic surgery on your breasts, and there is nothing wrong with sticking with what you got. I had mine lifted and stuffed and I don't regret it one bit.


I never said there was, and to be honest I will probably end up with a lift at some point. However, it never hurts to be reminded that there are worse things than saggy boobs if it means youā€™re healthy.


I know I just didn't want you to feel like you were wrong for wanting that option.


Sometimes building your chest muscles can give more of a base for your boobs to sit on. People have mixed results with this.Ā  A well supported bra is a must. I definitely recommend a bra that fits online calculator. It takes into account your laying flat and your leaning measurements which can really fluctuate.Ā  Some people get surgery. I'm not planning breast augmentation but I am seriously looking into getting a tummy tuck.Ā  I went from a 40C to a 32D. I wear a sports bra 90% of the time cause that's just what is most comfortable for me usually.Ā 




Thank you SO much


I'm not big on lifting weights, but when I was losing weight I did a lot of chest exercises and I think it helped make them look fuller when they went down a full cup size.


Unfortunately this pretty much always happens. šŸ˜• I'm planning to have a breast lift with fat transfer once I'm maintaining.


Unfortunately, our boobs tend to be the first fatty area we see change when losing weight. When my weight started coming off and my boobs headed south, like my nipples were on a free-dive mission to my knees, I was so upset. Getting augmentation is expensive and while exercise can shape the muscles in the chest, unfortunately it wonā€™t fix the sag. Iā€™ve resorted to shape wear. Not the greatest option, but it gets the job done and keeps me from stepping on my nipples.


Ok the last sentence made me spit out my coffee. God I love people with humor. Thank you so much for the honesty. I guess im just waiting for my boobs to give me the slap in the face I need to make the surgery happen


Congrats on the weight loss! Iā€™ve also had a large chest for years and my boobs naturally sag a bit. My weight has fluctuated a lot over years and regardless of my weight, my boobs were still the same level of flat. I think ny boobs are just, ā€œlike thatā€ which helps me not feel so self conscious about them. Besides my boyfriend seems to really like them lol. If you want a way to try and make your chest less saggy, I have heard that strengthening the pectoral muscles can have a bit of a lifting effect.


I have the same problem but with my butt Iā€™m literally like what happened?! But Iā€™m just trying workouts for now itā€™s at least worth a shot before turning to surgery


You can build pretty sizeable glutes as a man or woman so you could give that a year or so


Butts are easy to build up with exercise, at least. Which is a good thing because a BBL is just about the most dangerous cosmetic surgery you can get. Not to mention, it pretty much *always* sags and ends up looking even more ridiculous.


These BBLS be killingā€™ yā€™allā€¦šŸŽ¶


I love the stairs for this reason




So, can you ā€œspot trainā€ when it comes to building muscle and build your butt more than other areas?


I'm sure no one is stopping you from squatting every single day, it's not a like a diet where fat can't be "spot" lost. so yes, you can def. focus more on a specific area by training it more per week or with more intensity.


honestly youā€™re better off it happening in your ass than your boobs. thereā€™s plenty of glute workouts


welcome to the sad boobs club! /s Iā€™ve lost 61 pounds so far and have gone from having a 42 inch bust to 32 and mine are saggy and deflated looking so much so that my mother always comments on how Iā€™m gonna need to get a boob job! when I had fuller boobs, she would tell me they looked like udders so Iā€™ve never been fully confident about themā€¦ however my body has carried me through so much change the least I can do is treat it with love and respect, despite not feeling fully confident in it currently. its all a journey and itā€™ll take time, only you will know what will make you the happiest whether that is surgery or not.


Excuse me, your own mother says stuff like that to you?!? That is so not ok. Iā€™m so sorry.


yep! she always comments on my body whether itā€™s good or bad. always tells me to shave when Iā€™ve got body hair. Iā€™m kind of used to it by now and sheā€™s my only alive parent so I just put up with it šŸ˜…


In the same boat and planning a lift and augmentation for next year. I lost 90lbs 12 years ago and then regained 40. After losing that 40 all over again they are even worse this time, Iā€™m 40 years old vs 28 and the elasticity is not the same. Iā€™m only large breasted when Iā€™m heavier so I was a C cup before the gain, DDD after, and probably more like a B if I just had a lift which would be really weird for me after the DDDā€™s for so long. Never did I imagine that Iā€™d be thinking about implants but here I am.


This has been really hard for me too, it seems like surgery is the only solution šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s so much support here thank you all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„¹


I don't know if your concern is the way they are when you're naked, or if you just care about having them look not saggy when you're clothed. If it's the latter, there are a lot of things you can do. First, get on r/abrathatfits and find bras that are recommended for your specific situation. Second, there are tons of tricks you can do to perk them up a bit in a bra. I remember years ago, Jenna Marbles had a video of all these tricks she does to perk up her boobs, which involve stuffing the bottom of the bra with socks, or wearing two bras (a smaller one and a larger one), things like that. Just google "Jenna marbles bra sock trick". Personally, I would be looking into these sorts of solutions before considering surgery. Also keep in mind that we're all aging so our breasts are always going to do that eventually in some form or another. I've already accepted that after I finish losing all the weight I want to, they won't be the same cute c-cups they were when I was last at my goal weight at 23. And that's ok :)


I think itā€™s just this self consciousness. Iā€™ve been single for 3 years, Iā€™m 27 almost 28. I have really been working on myself before I get into a relationship but now I feel like a saggy mess and self conscious all over again


Ah I understand. Honestly, unless you're with a very superficial guy, 99% of them are just happy to be seeing boobs at all. They know they come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. I fully get how you feel though, but maybe part of the working on yourself that you refer to that you've been focusing on, can be learning to love and appreciate your new body and appreciating how far you've come, and enjoying all of the things you can do better and more easily because of what you've accomplished. You're still so young in your 20s and have so much life to live still in that body, so you may as well learn to love it. I'm mid 30s, and have had 2 kids and I've only learned to not hate my body in the past few years, even with the stretch marks, extra pounds and other things pregnancy has done to it. The things we've been through (pregnancy, obesity, injuries, acne, etc.) will always leave some lasting signs or scars - everybody has some of these "imperfections" that they weren't born with. And almost everybody has something they're insecure about that they feel is strange or most people don't have, or is worse than the average person. So what you're feeling is normal, but I promise you, nobody else will ever notice or care about it as much as you do.


Not me crying at work. This helped me a lot


I get this..I feel like a melted candle and am seriously considering saving up for some surgical help. In the I teri , a pricey, well fitting bra has made me feel better about my boobs at least. They kind of pour into it, but they look great once they're in. It's worth getting a professional fitting. I will say, it's been a few years since the bulk of my 80lb loss and things have firmed up a bit all over. I've got some years on you too (I'm 40). There's hope.


Ok but a melted candle has me crying laughing. I admire your humor so much. I think a bra is my next move because right now I can pick them up like Iā€™m pinching a half deflated balloon


Iā€™m around the same age, single, and my weight has fluctuated since I was a teenager. I have this same insecurity and it sucks :( Now that Iā€™m about halfway back down to my goal weight I worry daily about where my boobs are going to land this time, and how Iā€™ll feel dating. I donā€™t have advice, but youā€™re not alone!


I am having the same issue! I've lost nearly 80 pounds and it seems like the only place I have loose skin is my boobs. I either need to find a good push up bra or get a breast lift lmao. Edit: Idk how old you are, but I'm 26, so I feel like I'm too young to have issues with sagging boobs, which is also annoying! If you're my age we can start a community lol


Im younger than you, and mine have always looked extremely sad. They literally look flat from the side. They just grew in like that. It really does steal your confidence. If it makes you feel any better, atleast you had nice looking ones at some point. Mine have never been nice. Looks like I breastfed 6 kids. There is nothing attractive about them.


I am 27 and I lost 85 and DEEPLY relate


Congratulations on your weight loss! Iā€™m a guy and I love breasts but more importantly the person they are attached to. I also love every shape, size, look and feel of any type. I like their uniqueness.They are all beautiful like a box of chocolates. And so are you. Keep up your weight loss efforts and good luck!


Idk why this made me feel so much better šŸ˜‚


I do have one solution that isnā€™t surgery and it worked for me. I built my pecs in the gym. It really filled in the space above my breast that looked so flat. I made sure to get a well fitting bra that lifts the poor girls up and gives a good shape under clothes. I breastfed for several years and have YoYoā€™d throughout my twenties and early thirties. I recently lost again and it was even worse. Started working my pecs two months ago and my body image has improved in that area.


This helps me a lot thank you so much, I just canā€™t afford the time off necessary for surgery YET, and want to find ways to improve my physique naturally. Thank you so so much


Iā€™ve gotten a breast augmentation, trust me it is so worth it. After all your hard work you want to feel confident without any clothes on either


Exactly!!!! I want to feel good naked


r/reduction On the other hand, mine deflated big time when I lost weight, but everything redistributed and evened out after a couple years. Definitely working out, especially lifting!


Losing a third of your starting weight is an amazing effort! šŸ‘ Have you thought about treating yourself to some good quality bras that may help you to feel a bit better? You could get a professional bra fitting done too. My boobs have definitely shrunk with my weight loss so far and Iā€™m a long way off my goal.


awww, I can really relate to this. After my breast reduction and subsequent 100+ pound weight loss (this was a long time ago, like 21 years) I ended up with saggy, pancakey boobs. I was self conscious about them for a really long time, untilllll I started lifting weights! It hasn't made them look like "perky" per se but I can tell that doing weight-bearing chest exercises has definitely helped their appearance. You might already be lifting weights, in which case keep at it. There's a very good chance that your breasts will look better and better over time. Your skin will firm up as well, as skin does. Try not to be too hard on yourself, you accomplished something truly remarkable.


Breast lift with some fat transfer is the most "natural" way to restore your breasts without gaining weight back.


I donā€™t hate the idea of doing it, I just have looked at prices and the amount of time Iā€™d be out of work and I just canā€™t afford it in this dang economy


I hear ya, was just giving an honest answer - hopefully life turns around for a lot of us, soon


Absolutely :) thank you so much for the advice. I havenā€™t really looked into a fat transfer and so Iā€™ll be doing some researching


I lost 100 pounds and my breasts deflated, along with a lot of the rest of my formerly admirable attritbutes šŸ¤£I also have EDS which meant I had saggy boobs before I lost the weight. Iā€™ve regained 50 pounds over the last year due to depression and various health issues and I can tell you that I miss the body I worked hard to get, saggy, small boobs and all šŸ¤£


Workout your pecs, will lift your boobs up. Just keep in mind men love boobs. All boobs. Dont let the photoshopped internet hoes give you a complex


I'm currently experiencing perimenopause that started at 39 from chemotherapy. This happened to my boobies. Surgery is the only fix but I gotta say Volufillene serum (just a drop or two) added to Nivea CoQ10 firming lotion on my chest makes a seeeerious improvement. I even use the serum on certain areas of my face. Other than cupped bras with push up Volufillene is the only thing that has made a noticeable difference. Not much more I can do than this :(


DUDE. my boobs went from 36J to still dd cups but are just flappy flesh. I gotta push them into plave, the skin is always folding on itself and in summer it really sucks for the stickiness.. It took 2 years for them to reconstitute, i only bought a bra with cups for the first time 6 months ago cause finally it was like i suppose ill sit like boobs instead of tryna get under those armpits! Overall, your body will be like 'oh, this is where we store fat? Not the belleh? Fine then" but it does take a while. Like at least a year of maintenance and exercise/muscle building will help it go faster. Theyre still loose and i want a lift - but they are like incredibly different compared when i first dropped the 97lbs.


Same problem here. Iā€™ve always had pretty big saggy boobs but after losing 60 lbs they are sadder looking than ever. I ended up doing a breast reduction consult recently and to my absolute shock my insurance company approved it. I think part of the reason is because my BMI is healthy now and my boobs didnā€™t get any smaller at all. Perhaps thatā€™s an option? Weā€™re gonna do a lift and reduction and I canā€™t wait šŸ„¹


Whaaaaat! I had no idea insurance was even a possibility. Iā€™m SO happy for you!!!!!


Thank you šŸ˜Š I didnā€™t think it would be either since Iā€™m not that ā€œbigā€ (about a 34F/36E). But I made sure to emphasize how much they impact my mobility, pain, skin, etc. I think my doctor is just an insurance pro too honestly. Itā€™s def worth a shot!


I think it's just age and life for some. When I was in the depths of my disordered eating (5'7 and 100 or so pounds) I still had large breasts. Now I'm almost 38. I did extended breastfeeding for all three of my kids (9 straight years) and weigh 135 after a 75 slow and steady weight loss. They are gone. It's wild! If only they were small and not so... long šŸ˜‚


Omgā€¦. Long. Iā€™m sorry but this wording cracked my ass up.


I always lose from my boobs first!! It doesn't fix the underlying issue, but one thing that can really help with your confidence, if you can afford it, is to go get professionally fitted for a bra at your new size. I'm sure you can find something that makes you look great.


Iā€™ve lost 80 lbs (only 10 more until I reach my goal weight), and my boobs were the first to go. I wore good supportive bras for about a year, but I honestly hate wearing bras. I miss having boobs that donā€™t sag under my shirt without one. Iā€™m also getting married in a few months and Iā€™d like to not have to wear a bunch of crazy uncomfortable shape wear under my wedding dress. It took me about six months to actually make the decision and find a surgeon, but I got a breast lift and implants two days ago. Recovery has not been fun, but Iā€™m excited to have my boobs back. Iā€™d be happy to answer any questions you have about the procedure, recovery, and/or cost. This is a very personal decision and I want to be clear that I am not pushing any sort of pro-plastic surgery agenda. I decided it was what I wanted, and I respect that everyone has their own journey to self-love and self-acceptance. ā¤ļø


I had female issues which left me bed bound pretty much for years, surgery and hysterectomy and Iā€™m fixed, back alive, and kicking ass working hard! Unfortunately because of that Iā€™ve lost a ton of weightā€¦ went from 36DDD to 32Dā€¦ theyā€™re soooooo saggy and hanging low I could throw them over my shoulders, literally afraid to get tangled up and trip theyā€™re so dead. BUT, god my back feels good. I feel like I can breathe better too! Everything has its ups and downs. They look sad, but my back is happy!


Girl. That sounds like a horrible time :( Iā€™m so glad youā€™re still here!!!! I feel you on the dangles šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have noticed that too, about back pain!!! Itā€™s lovely! Thank you for giving me such a positive perspective that I never even considered. I hope your mental health is doing okay after such a rough time šŸ’•


Girl you are my inspiration. I'm trying to lose my boobs but it seems I got second growth spurt in 20 that weight masked and they refuse to budge. I'm tired of back and neck pain and exercise is so much harder than it has to be.


Iā€™m a little jealous as Iā€™d love to go down some cup sizes. To be honest as you age they naturally just sag, I wouldnā€™t worry about it too much. Thatā€™s would properly fitting supportive bras are for! Our boobs are naturally supposed to hang by our ankles lol, primitive woman did not have bras or boob lifts. I can also second that stronger pectoral muscles adds lift to boobs.


I've always had smaller boobs, nearing 50lbs down and mine are already looking like this, too. I am almost certain I will have loose skin at the end of my weight loss as well. I've already started saving up to have skin removal and augmentation surgery.


Most women who obtain excess fat do store a fair amount of it in the breasts. When you get rid of the excess fat that includes the excess fat in the breasts. If you have recently lost the weight and especially if you lost it fast giving it some time may minimize the saggyness. Outside of that you got two options really. Accept you saggy breasts, there is nothing wrong with them, or surgery. If you are still losing weigt and want to minimize additional sagging I reccomed losing the weight at a slow rate and frequent moisturisation.


I used to have awesome breasts. Likeā€¦. Bikini model greatā€¦ and then two kidsā€¦ PCOSā€¦. Weight gainā€¦ now they are decidedly average. And Iā€™m late 40s nowā€¦ Still good for late 40s and overweight, but I now fail the ā€˜pencil testā€™ ha! And Im smaller than I was/the fat seems to come off there first sadly. When Iā€˜ve reached and maintained my goal weight for 12mths I plan to do any skin tightening. When Iā€™ve maintained for two years I plan to put those boobs back where they were. In the interim Iā€™m doing chest and pectoral muscles workoutsā€¦ they are actually helping a lot to keep that area fairly stable. Maybe give it time, and see what the end picture is likeā€¦ Iā€™m finding as I lose weight the shapes I am changes week to month all over the shop, itā€™s not steady from one area consistently, but moves about.


My wife was about 115 pounds but very well endowed when we got married, she had some personal tragedies and major depression for about 2 years and gained weight, we had 2 kids and she gained weight, her highest weight was about 189. Now over the last couple years, weā€™ve both lost a lot of weight. Iā€™ve gone back to my high school weight after losing 90 lbs. sheā€™s back down to about 135. She complains about her boobs all the time saying theyā€™re like grandma boobs and flat and deflatedā€¦ To be totally honest, I literally sit drooling at her beautiful body every time I see her topless. I donā€™t see her complaints at all. Iā€™m obsessed.


Ya same thing has happened during my weight loss. Went down from a 48D to now a 38C. When I eventually hit my goal weight I know Iā€™ll have to consider a few things to account for the saggy stuff (boobs, extra skin, etc) šŸ„²šŸ˜…


Noooo don't tell me this. I'm a 38E and trying to lose 50 pounds. :( I was hoping not to lose too much volume in them.


I would strongly advise a slow weight loss. I lost 80lb last year and I think if Iā€™d gone slower maybe it wouldnā€™t have been so drastically deflated


Same here. Lost 98lbs and my boobs are like deflated party balloons. I want to get a lift and maybe augmentation once I'm at my goal and maintaining. Until then I'll just use padded bras!


Yep... I was a 22F and I'm now a 16G. The total volume is still significant but they require origami folding to avoid the dreaded cleavage crease. I recently got married in a V- plunge neckline so my amazing bridesmaid helped me roll my nipples under and tape them in place. They looked like cinnamon scrolls under all the tape. But in all seriousness. I worked really hard to like my body regardless of size before losing weight. I've lost almost exactly the same as you and whilst there are many things I do like, accepting my flapjacks is definitely testing me. I'm sorry I don't have a helpful suggestion but you're now a reluctant member of the saggy-baggy club. Welcome. Feel free to grab a bullshit sugar free "cookie" and check your nipples at the door.


When I lost 45 pounds last year, I had the same issue. I went to a store that specifically does bras and ensuring the perfect fit. It was a great experience as I learned how they should fit as well. The woman at the store told me when you lose weight you lose a lot of volume at the top, so the right bra is important and made sure a difference in me looking smaller in my clothes.


I lost over 100lbs. H cup down to saggy DDD. Insurance covered my reduction, it's worth looking into. I've never been happier to not fold and crinkle my boobs into my bras. It's easier to do cardio. I have before/after pics on my profile I'd posted on the reduction subreddit if you'd like to get an idea of what a reduction can do for you.


Chest weightlifting, push ups. It can strengthen the area if you commit to it, but wonā€™t fully fix it


IF you're gonna get them enhanced go for fat injection, not implants.


Oh I definitely donā€™t want implants. I just want a lift.


I have implants, I got them 10 years ago and fluctuated weight. I have since lost 80 pounds, and now my boobs look so strangeā€¦the implants look ridiculous with all my loose skin. I want them out and a lift. I just need to save up šŸ„²


2 options: surgery or self love affirmations to reframe your relationship to the changes. I chose surgery (NSFW pics under Jason Tomsic on Real Self). I went from a perfect natural D to a G during pregnancy. I gained 102 lbs in 34 weeks and after losing it, I had completely different boobs. Lots of skin stretched out and the full perkiness was absolutely gone. He said I could go the lift or implant route since my nipples still pointed forward. I was adamant that I didn't want rock hard 90s porno titties and he definitely delivered. Pre-pregnancy I was a 34D, after surgery I'm a 36DD. We used an implant shape and size over the muscle that filled the lost volume. They don't look or feel "fake" and I absolutely love them. Word of warning: if you need a lift, and you want to have kids in the future, wait. Pregnancy and breast feeding could destroy your result and you'll be back at square 1. Best to do it when future pregnancy is off the table.


Iā€™ve lost 40 lbs and breastfed 2 babies. I had glorious ddds prior to this. Oh man they deflated horribly to a small d/large c and sagged so that I had no fullness anywhere near the top of my chest. I got a breast lift with implants in November last year and itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever done for myself. Helped my confidence and made me feel like my old great boob self. Recovery wasnā€™t nearly as bad as I thought and Iā€™d do it again in a minute!


To emphasize what others have said, you can just do a breast lift--cheaper, the results are more long-lasting, easier recovery, no implants.


Honestly, if it bothers you a lot and is impacting your confidence, just plan for the surgery. I 100% expect to need a lift and a mini tummy tuck when Iā€™m at goal. The scarring is VASTLY better than it used to be with a lot of the products they have for post op healing now.


After 80 lbs down, I have this issue, too. I've had to find different bras, and it took a while to figure out what works for me now. I'm still self-conscious about it, but it seems like I'm the only one that cares lol. I'm at high risk for breast cancer, so if I test positive for the gene, my insurance gets to pay for my new boobs.


I had an absolutely fabulous bubble butt and now it's a sad flat deflated looking pillow that's been slept on for years to the point of being and flattened out. I guess I need to start doing squats or something. Anyone have tips for body sculpting my butt back most effectively?


Oh Iā€™m the same. Lost 80lbs, my boobs are comically flat. Like literally concave. Iā€™m considering implants/tummy tuck but not really sure if the cost and recovery make it work it. In the meantime Iā€™m wearing padded bras and bought those silicon inserts to give me some volume. Ultimately though, I would take my current body over my old boobs any day. The trade off is worth it to me.


I was big 275, and lost 20 pounds.. I had to have a breast reduction. My surgeon was reluctant to do the surgery at 265 as he said that loosing weight would cause everything to sag again.. I insisted. 3 months after the reduction my ex husband cheated and we were in a very difficult divorce, I starved myself down to 160 in 5 months.. I had literally no chest left. I then had to have a whole tummy tuck/ breast reconstruction with implantsā€¦ Itā€™s insane what gaining and losing weight does to your body..


I had a breast reduction and lift mine were so saggy (actually, 2. The surgeon originally didnā€™t believe me when I said I wanted them to be fucking small apparently)


I had this then I was part of the large statistic of people that gain weight back after a few years. I'm not as big as my heaviest but I'm bigger and I'm actually pretty happy with my breasts now. I'm saying this because before you make any big decisions wait a few years to see where you end up. I'm not saying you will gain back the weight but you may just come to accept your body as it is.


I had very deflated SAGGY boobies after nursing for 18 monthsā€¦ I remember I use to lay on my back and they would flop on either side of me.. it was so sad. After I starting working out consistently and lifting weights my boobs really bounced back I was honestly shocked. Sure they still look like mom boobs but they are so much perkier now ( sometimes I even go braless which is kinda crazy for D boobs) For home workouts I use Sydney Cummings on YouTube. She really got me into working with weights. She also has no equipment workouts as well but donā€™t be afraid of the weights. Hope this helps! Congratulations on your 85 lbs weight loss! That is amazing !!!!


I got a fat transfer to fill my breast up again šŸ˜‚. I got lipo on my waist bc I had stubborn pockets of fat and then they took that and pumped it into my breast. I liked the idea a lot better than implants that can make you really sick over time. They look natural and they are as close to my original size as I can get.


I have this problem as well and I will have an breast lift next year


Iā€™ve lost over 1/3 of my body weight as well. Iā€™ve always been small chested. Biggest size was 42 B. After weight loss I was an A cup and always wore padded bras. I got a mommy make over which was tummy tuck, monsplasty, liposuction to flanks which was transferred into breasts after a lift. Iā€™m only a month post op but I already feel much better. Iā€™m not even to my goal weight yet but close. I didnā€™t want implants so the fat transfer was the doctorā€™s recommendation for me.


My fiancƩe went through similar, I've loved her body through ups and downs (though to me it's always been an up!), but she found a lot of helpful resources and information over at /r/Reduction which despite the name, isn't just about breast reductions. A lot of the women there also get lifts and augmentations. In the end she decided to not have anything done, but the subreddit really helped her along the way.


Thank you so much for your advice and also your kindness towards your fiancĆ©e through lifeā€™s changes. Thatā€™s love mate


So Everytime I lost weight in my 20s and early 30s my body recomped and my boobs got bigger everytime. Last place to lose first place to gain. Now in latest 30s to early 40s, all my losses are in my legs, shoulders, and boobs. My stomach stays annoyingly the same size until I lose substantial weight. Unfortunately because of this my boobs point to hell not heaven and are quite low. Hope some day I have enough $ or can convince insurance to pay for a reduction and I can add a bit of a lift. Start making sure you document any rashes and pain at gp apts (the sagging in sports bras is painful and I've been getting rashes where they rub on my arms and belly) for insurance purposes.


So with that Iā€™m a lover of natural beauty I think most people are maybe donā€™t go crazy and get an implant or anything but a reduction would definitely get rid of the saggy that you donā€™t like but also I would say love your body first and if you have a man he should love you no matter what and support you no matter what at the end of the day itā€™s your decision But natural is always the most beautiful and if not natural then just a reduction would get you want you want


I love this


I think thereā€™s so much societal pressure on how boobs ā€œshould lookā€ instead of embracing them as the lovely things they are, regardless of shape or size! When our bodies change sometimes it takes a moment to love our new look, but I promise your body is beautiful! And if youā€™re not loving your breasts right now, itā€™s nothing a well supported bra canā€™t help! And remember, you lost 85 lbs! You chose your health and thatā€™s an amazing and difficult choice to make! You made the changes, youā€™re going to live longer and healthier because of those changes and thatā€™s worth a lot more than aesthetic!




You're a creep. Nobody cares what you like. As hard as it may be to understand, OP's life doesn't revolve around men's preferences.


Iā€™ve lost 70, and I thought I would hate my boobs, but I really donā€™t. They are a bit smaller and still sag a bit, but overall I think they look pretty nice, and Iā€™m 45. I fully attribute not hating them to strength training. Specifically I think the chest and back work and pushups have made the most difference. They sit much higher than they used to. If youā€™re not strength training, I highly recommend you start. It will take quite a bit of time before you see results, but itā€™s time well spent for so many reasons. At the end of the day, after asking my husband and many guy friends over the years, most men are just happy to see boobs and arenā€™t over analyzing the sag and shape like we are.


Maca root powder is a supplement you can take that supposedly helps with healthy weight gain for women. Like good muscle and good fat, in the places people want it.


Belly apron (more from having a few kids) and deflated boobs from both the kids and weight loss. Worst part is when my husband wants to bend me over, ifyaknowwhatimean. Flappy slaps.


Do you reckon the skin might tighten a bit after some time?


use a tire pump


Could you show a pic of them. Could just be in your head