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**CW:** 131.5 **GW:** 130 **Calories:** over by 100 today. What put me over was a little treat in the form of a brown sugar shaken espresso from Starbucks...not the worst indulgence in the world. 101g protein! **Exercise:** went to dance class! **Books:** will read before bed tonight! **Sleep:** Woke up right at 8:30. I'm gonna try and get to sleep on time tonight.


Not a bad indulgence at all!


**Calorie target:** Ok on it! โ– โ–กโ–กโ–ก pre-logged **I ate** kimchi for breakfast on my cottage cheese. I'll replace it with cucumber and tomato tomorrow. **I cooked** Our fav cheeseburger pasta lol. It's basically homemade hamburger helper. I also made a side salad with this formula and I think I'm bought in. https://www.budgetbytes.com/how-to-make-a-simple-side-salad/ **I walked** 7k steps, which is my reset goal. I'll start tracking a week Monday and raise it 100 steps if I get 7 days.


I love budgetbytes recipes.


Day 20: Yes, the month is just flying! Why? ๐Ÿ˜ญ - Mindful eating โŒ - At least 2 serving of fruits โœ… - At least 2 servings of veggies โœ… - Workout at least 3 times/week โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ… - At least 6,500 steps daily (8,078) โœ… - Empty water bottle at least three times a day โœ… - Sweet drinks (12/10) โŒ


New member here. I reset my original journey on May 25, so pretty close to day 20. Tracking faithfully! Every bite. Cooked 5 lbs chicken breast in Instant Pot, in fridge to meal prep and have low cal protein. Bought big box of salad greens, and some flavored vinegars, fresh limes and olive oils to dress. Half to full Tablespoon of olive oil daily for health in salad dressing.


Day 3 for accountability Cal- 2311 Was really hard tracking today as few meals I haven't log into myfitnesspal, but I did even when there so many resistance, proud for that. did morning yoga and also went for running(was able to run only for 10 mins before coming home, slept only 5 hours previous night) What I observed 1. Junk foods are calorie densed like hell, 1 small packet of biscuits has 250 cals, I had 2 of these they weren't satisfying 2. I had ate today's cal and its feel nice


Metabolism so low I don't lose


Counted my calories today. My brain wanted to set a very low goal and I gently reminded it that it won't help in the long run. Right now we are just trying to be honest about calories no matter what!