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Day 23: - Mindful eating ❌ - At least 2 serving of fruits ✅✅ - At least 2 servings of veggies ✅ ✅ - Workout at least 3 times/week ✅✅✅✅✅ - At least 6,500 steps daily (8,116) ✅ - Empty water bottle at least three times a day ✅ - Sweet drinks (12/10) ❌


Great job on the fruits and veggies! What happened with the sweet drinks?


You are back!!! 🎉 Ugh I don’t know. I have such a hard time with sweet drinks.


Hey everyone! Calories: Did not log Weight: Finally weighed myself, and I’ve gained roughly 18 pounds since April. That’s what happens when you overeat (& I mean overeat. There were days where I ate a tub of ice cream + more). But hey, I weigh 207 now, and within a year of my weightloss journey, I’ve lost 60 pounds. That is a win to me. Just gotta get back to logging my calories. Exercise: yep! Chest and triceps + I ran!!! Jogged consistently for 8ish minutes, and it felt great! Did some sprints / walks, too. Good workout today. That’s it for me. Hope to start tracking cals and focusing on my nutrition since going to the gym/being active isn’t an issue (don’t get me wrong, there are days where I don’t want to go).


Gooooo tracking! You can do it!


**CW:** forgot to weigh this morning **GW:** 130 **Calories:** on track today. I had a very indulgent day yesterday because my friends are in town so I was taking them around to see the sights and eat all the good food. But got a good amount of walking in, too. Today was a lot better--got bagels in the morning but cooked dinner (shrimp tacos, which were DELICIOUS and light on calories) **Exercise:** rest day today. **Books:** read today! Almost done with my novella. **Sleep:** actually still pretty much on target with this despite the disruption to my schedule.


What a nice day to spend time with pals. Always good.


Got my hair and makeup trial done today! Woohoo Goals: 1) 1500 calorie average: I haven't tracked yet today but I accidentally didn't eat until 7 pm soooo I think I'm good. 2) exercise 2x per week: did exercise yoga today 1/2 3) track weight: 197 today


Hello cute snail! What's up with not eating until 7, just curious! <3


Honestly I work 2nd shift so typically I wake up at noon, eat around 6-7 pm and then again around midnight so my body is used to it. But I had the day off yesterday and typically I eat at "normal" meal times when Im not working. Except yesterday I was busy getting ready for my hair/makeup trial and forgot to grab a snack and then the trial took waaaaay longer than I expected so yeah I was starving by 7 pm lol! 


Logged calories truthfully. I have a bit of a cold so I got pho soup and had some ice cream. Hard to battle the voice in my head that says it's too painful to be honest, but the alternative is true. It's painful to lie to myself


Be kind to yourself! That voice is not your friend, it's like an unwanted visitor. Hugs.


Thank you, friend


Hooray for good friends Sundays and skincare. :-) I think good clothes are always a worthy investment 👌 Good job! 📆 Day 23 🎯 Goal: Eat at maintenance (0 kcal deficit) average over the month of June 2024. No deficit aim due to summer plans. 🏆 I am no longer aiming to achieve this goal within June 2024. It would require serious crash dieting, whereas doing it sustainably will only take a week longer. That’s fine with me. Long term goals not short term! 🗓️ month’s average: 207 kcal surplus 🗓️ day’s balance: 596 kcal deficit 🍎 I learned that night time sweet snacking comes from the brain being tired and wanting quick energy! I planned to sleep earlier to avoid this and planned ahead a night time snack. Both of these worked like a charm! 👌


Sleep > sweets. Always true.


**Calorie target:** I had a good day, then a day that didn't align with my weight loss goal (but still a good day otherwise!) □□□□□□□ pre-logged • nope, post logged actually, and just estimated a high number. **I ate** way more chips than I intended at a party! I also sat at the hors d'oeuvre station which I knew was a bad idea. Make a plate, folks. **I cooked** ✨️ nothing ✨️  **I walked** 7k steps, which is my goal again.