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You recently started lifting again, after not doing it, and gained around 2 lbs (like 1 kg)? Sounds like water weight. Chill out and give your body time to adjust


The weird bit is i never reached 66 past 2 months.


And you weren’t lifting in the past two months, from what I read in your post. When you begin or increase exercise, your muscles start to hold more water.


Should i stop then? I only wanna lose fat


Why would you stop doing healthy behaviors over a short-term non-consequential water weight gain? You need to get some perspective on this process and stop worrying about the short-term progress. 1. Lifting weights helps burn calories 2. More muscles mean you will burn more calories, even at rest 3. Lifting weights helps preserve muscle mass )along with sufficient protein intake) and encourages your body to lose fat instead of muscle So why would you even care that you maybe gained two pounds of water weight when beginning lifting again? That isn’t fat gain. Your weight will eventually drop if you have CICO done correctly.


I dont know if this is healthy but weight is def my main objective. I dont care about muscles only just to lose chest fat. I figure get the number down asap and then once im not a fat fuck i can do weights


>I dont know if this is healthy but weight is def my main objective. We understand that. We're saying that regardless of your goals, resistance training is excellent for you, and everyone on earth should do it. Stopping resistance training because you took on a little more water for a few weeks is dumb.


Doesnt water weight come off in a day tho? Im up to 66 and i feel my thighs touching


Your 30 minute walk isn’t burning 350 calories at your weight. Are you getting in your steps outside of your workouts?


I do not leave the house apart from the gym. Yup i figure i do alot less than 350. I also hold onto rial lol


Then yes. You burn way less than that. Your issue may be you aren’t getting the amount of NEAT that most TDEE calculators assume you are.


I put sedentary in tdee though