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Day 2 Current stats: 34F, 5’6”, SW 167 lbs, CW: 164.8 lbs, GW: 125 lbs. I’m also thinking of getting some bloodwork done as I suspect I have mild/borderline diabetes - it runs in my family and lately I’ve been feeling some unusual symptoms.  July goals:  ✅ log all meals into app   ✅ stay within calorie budget ✅ intermittent fasting 5-6x / wk (2/7 this week) ✅ exercise 2-3x / wk  (2/7 this week) ✅ sleep 7-8 hrs a day  ➖schedule PCP appointment asap   ***Notes:*** I'm actually feeling kind of hungry. Think I may have over-exercised and not eaten enough today since my **net** calories for the day are just under 1000 - but that would need me to now break the intermittent fast (\~7 pm to 9 am, 14-10). Ugh, just going to try and hang in there. On that note, exercise: 1 hr - Brazilian Jiu-jitsu 20 mins - stationary bike


Go vegan it’ll take care of the diabetes


Amazing - actually appreciate the note. I’m already transitioning from vegetarianism to veganism. Hard but getting there. 


Really I thought it was extremely easy to make the switch from vegetarian to vegan. I did it overnight.


Day two: Protein goal 127 ✅ 2/31 Fiber goal 22 ✅ 2/31 No coffee ❌1/31 I feel like I'm getting a handle on the protein. I don't want to cook tomorrow so hopefully i can still make it work with leftovers. I feel like ive got fiber on lock down. Eat a veg with every meal or maybe a fruit. Get a couple of servings of beans. And it's done. Coffee sucks. I made a cup of instant this morning because i felt like trash. I was in a hurry so i think i only managed to drin 2/3s of it. Will probably do that again tomorrow as a way to gradually cut back without feeling awful. Overall, I've been feeling satiated. Hopefully I continue to feel good.


The RDA for fiber is 25g


Awesome. I just went with what the app sent for me. I should totally be cross referencing this stuff with other sources. Actually. I looked it up and the us fda recommends 28 for everyone 4 years or older. Thanks so much for the info on this one.


Day 2 Month SW: 196.2 lbs ⇹ CW 196.2 lbs * Stay within calorie goals✅✅☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Stay under months starting weight☑️ * At least 20 min of cardio daily✅❌☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Strength training at least 3x a week☑️☑️☑️ * Morning/afternoon stretching daily✅✅☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ * Try to keep up with the daily check ins I can already see how this month is going to go and its not in the right direction. I cant seem to function without handholding and If I cant put the energy in I cant expect help from others. I know all the things I need to do and stop overthinking and just do it but dang, I cant seem to get the ball rolling for more than a few days.


First, not gaining weight is a win on its own, always. Second, the month is not written yet! You determine its course every day! Third, in my opinion, if someone says something like "I know what I need to do, but I just need to do it," then they actually don't know the ideal thing to do. Maybe they know what to do in a perfect world, but that's not the one any of us live in.  Right now, your planned method requires lots of energy from you (or someone who helps you). What would a method that works with less input look like? There is always another way. You may need to be creative to find it. I recommend the podcast We Only Look Thin if you haven't heard it!


You're right. A win is a win no matter how small. I'm still over thinking everything because I don't want to spend months spinning my tires. Which I'm doing anyways lol. I did get a workout in first thing in the morning before I could talk myself out of it. I have not heard of it. I'll give it a listen. Thank you!


Hey hey, everyone! Day 2: I was active. I went to CrossFit. Food & calories: I did alright. Not horrible but not my best. Did great until dinner. I had some taro root going bad so I felt forced to use it and make Sinigang (Filipino dish). Sinigang isn’t too bad for ya (has ton of veggies), but what kills me is the amount of pork belly I put in it & how much I can eat in one sitting 😩😩 BUT HEY NO CANDY OR ICE CREAM AND THATS A WIN!!! How was everyone else’s day two???


Day 2! Current stats: 46F, 5'8", SW/CW 215.5lbs, GW 145lbs July Goals: - Stay within calorie budget ✅️ - Log all meals into MFP ✅️ - No processed foods (trigger for bingeing) ❌️ - Exercise 4x/week ✅️✅️🔲🔲 Did have some processed food (veggie chips) but stayed within my calorie budget, may have to adjust this goal for this first challenge as it might be too strict. But limiting processed food is still a good goal so I'm keeping it for now.


Nice job! You could instead count the instances of eating processed foods in the month/week. The number will probably be lower than when you weren't paying attention to it anyway, and then you'll have a number to reference if you want to go lower next time!


Nice job! You could instead count the instances of eating processed foods in the month/week. The number will probably be lower than when you weren't paying attention to it anyway, and then you'll have a number to reference if you want to go lower next time!


Day 1&2 Meditate✅️ Exercise or sauna✅️ Read❌️ Didn't read today first time in a while which is okay Stay in calorie range✅️ Eat a green vegetable and fruit✅️ Today I'm grateful for; Trying new things. I'm going to see how being vegetarian feels for this month✅️ Weekly(2nd-9th) Illustrate✅️ Make a song☑️ Write a poem☑️ Practice kitchen skill/recipe for the week:✅️Made cookie dough, and am coloring some of the dough to print flower shapes on it just experimenting Go out once a week to hangout/hobby/concert/etc☑️


Even if just for a month, as a vegetarian, I love that you’re trying to be vegetarian. Hope it helps and you feel good. :) 


Thank you me too!


Lose 10 pounds: 0/10 (only weighing 1/week for my mental health) Lift weights 8 times: 1/8 (same) Track and stick to calories: 2/31 (1500-2000) ✅️ Ride stationary bike: 0/8 (same) Can barely walk after working out yesterday for the first time in a while. Hopefully gone by work tomorrow lol. My first home brewed batch of kombucha is going to be carbonated in the next day or 2, excited to save some money on that. Cracked a bottle today and it's not fizzy enough but I got 3 more that should be almost done, and another 5 bottles that should be carbonated in a week. I always thought fermenting stuff was cool but it's a healthy thing this time instead of the apple cider hooch I made when I was 20 lol. Good day today, hope you guys hit your goals too!


Ooh I used to brew kombucha in college! I never got a good carbonation though. And omg I hated cleaning fruit out of those flip top bottles. I'll have to start up again soon!


I tracked everything today! I weighed my pasta before I boiled it. I weighed my fries. I weighed my mayo! Under my deficit today. IF success. Solid lower body workout that I will feel tomorrow. I did not give into an "I deserve a treat" urge.


July 2 is my day one of a very realistic goal by my birthday - the end of the month! I started tracking again Cooking more at home (Including buying healthy groceries and eating them even if my boyfriend doesn't particularly want to indulge that way with me) Strength training 10k+ steps Alsooooo. OP you're an invisalign person too! How has your experience been?? I was looking forward to the 'invisalign diet'. I had such great eating habits before (mini meals throughout the day - I'm a grazer) but I have actually found that having the aligners in has encouraged me to Gain weight!!! Because my approach to food has changed. Say whaaaaaat haha. Oof. Let do this!


Well done on your day! LOVE a long bath 💕 📆 Day 2 🎯 Goal July 2024: eat at a moderate deficit, track weight neutrally 🧃 July deficit: 379 kcal 🥬 Weight: neutral. 🏓 I was mysteriously tired sad and ill. Lying down for an hour after lunch fixed it as did making plans with friends so.. low blood pressure with anxiety/depression? Funny how bouncy I was after resting lol. 💭 I love overnight oats so much I keep eating them right away instead of overnight 😭🤣


Day 2: Stayed on track with food and logging. Day's deficit 494, got 4 grams over protein goal, 23 too many carbs. And alcohol today: zero. Not bad. Took an early day walk, also got in a 60 minute pool workout.


■■□□□□□ **Calorie deficit**• ✔️And on target, too. ■■□□□□□ **Pre-Logged**• ✔️ **I ate** a salami sandwich for lunch. Don't be fooled into thinking cured meats like that are primarily protein, they're mostly fat! **I cooked** unstuffed peppers from Budget Bytes and saved some for lunch and some for the freezer. ■■□□□□□ **I walked** 11k/8k steps! **Treats:** I budgeted in a mug cookie with a scoop of ice cream for being a brave girl at my uncomfortable doctor's exam.


Day 2: Track all food ✅ Walk 10k+ everyday✅ Lose 5 lbs (below 145) — 149.5 currently


Day 2: I've walked 8km of my 30 km goal and I left the house twice.


Day 2... * 750 Garmin Intensity Minutes/week (+116, total 517/750) ✅ * Some form of outside exercise, preferably with others (daily) ✅ * Check weight (daily) ✅ * 1 hour personal study/reading/project work (5d/week) ✅ (1/5) * No sweets/desserts (6d/week) (partner bought donuts and I had one ☹) ❌ (0/6) * Strength Training (2x/week) ✅ (1/2)