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Day 4 🎆 🎇 Month SW: 196.2 lbs ⇹ CW 196.2 lbs Weekly weigh ins (Sundays) * Stay within calorie goals✅✅✅✅☑️☑️☑️ * Stay under months starting weight☑️ * At least 20 min of cardio daily✅❌✅❌☑️☑️☑️ * Strength training at least 3x a week✅☑️☑️ * Morning/afternoon stretching daily✅✅✅❌☑️☑️☑️ * Try to keep up with the daily check ins My issue seems to be not finding workouts I enjoy and stick too. Also the environment I'm in. I was recommended a podcast and one thing they talked about was to set things out ahead of time so it takes the guess work out and it's right in view. Worth a shot.


Today was my first day of a con. I went to the gym in morning and packed all my food so I could calorie count. Kept it around 1500 today and followed IF. Made very healthy food choices.


I hope you have fun at the con!


Thank you. I had a great first day. Going to attempt 7 to 8 hours of sleep so I can be ready for the gym in morning. I know people will keep going all night but I want my body to feel good and I want to keep to my goals. I'm also choosing to only drink water and not do any boozing.


Lose 10 pounds: 1/10 (Start of month is CW in flair) Lift weights 8 times: 1/8 (same) Track and stick to calories: 4/4 (1500-2000) Ride stationary bike: 0/8 (same) Made the meal preps I was planning out yesterday. Didn't eat one yet but I had a BBQ with my grandparents. Unweighed homemade food kinda scares me for tracking but I tracked it as best I can. Now just have to make sure my dog makes it through the night without getting too scared and keep trucking as usual. Hope everyone is having a good 4th of July!


Aw I hope your dog had a good night 🥹


Well done for enjoying the day off. Dogs and bunnies 🥰 📆 Day 4 🎯 Goal July 2024: create a moderate overall deficit for the month + practice weight neutrality 🧃 July balance: 893 kcal deficit 🥬 Weight: neutral. I did brag about my weight loss earlier but gotta be careful. The loss isn’t real until there’s averages so don’t get too invested in the number 😂 🏓 I had a nice day off after yesterday’s ill health. Basically chilled napped and washed my hair. 💭 I’m a broken record but I’m SHOCKED at the difference carbs make. Eating protein+veg+fat in high volume to lose weight left me night time snacking. Eating frozen dinners that contain… potatoes… I don’t snack. I don’t even THINK about snacks. I don’t even NOTICE I have a deficit. This is counterintuitive to me so bears repeating. 😂


Hi all!! After a few months break, I am back starting tomorrow (which will be day 6). I'll try to post some weekly goals in the day 5 thread. I was moving which really threw off my routine but now I'm all moved in, workout stuff is unpacked, and ready to jump on a new routine.


Day 4: Daily - weigh-in ✔️ - logging food/drink ✔️ - staying within 1000-1300 calories ✔️ - treat myself within reason ✔️ - drink 3x water bottle 😔 Weekly - IF eating window of 12-8 🫠 - strength 3x a week ✔️ - walk 5-6x a week 😭 - don’t spend outside a weekly budget 😩


Day four: Protein goal 127 ✅ 4/31 Fiber goal 28 ✅ 3/31 No coffee ❌2/31 Surprised myself and no coffee today. I felt awful this morning lol. Protein and fiber happened. I tried a premium app and it’s nice but $$$$ so I’m migrating to loseit. Looks like my goals are premium, so I’m trialing that now.


Day 4! • ⁠Keep within my calorie budget as much as possible: ✅ 3/31 • ⁠Exercise (weights, yoga, Pilates, dance, whatever) 2-3/week: ✅ 3/31 • ⁠Weigh in daily: ✅ 2/31 • ⁠Keep up with cleaning: ✅ 4/31 • ⁠Declutter: ✅ 4/31 Not perfect with the calorie budget and weighing daily, but still trying. Today, I recycled some printed sewing patterns I no longer want to use, upcycled two hoodies into cropped hoodies since that’s my preferred style, washed dishes, and completed two long-standing sewing WIPs to add to my closet. Also, I woke up to a boil water advisory and set about boiling two giant pots of water only to have the advisory end before the water even cooled down. Feels a little bit like a waste but I’m thankful that it’s over.


Hey everyone 👋 Day 4: Eating: badddd. Active: nope I looked at myself in the mirror & did not like what I saw 🤷 shit happens. gotta do better


Day 4: 114 calories over my goal which again considering it’s a holiday I am not gonna complain about too much. Tomorrow I am going on a hike with my bf and two of his friends. He’s very active, he picked a flat-ish trail for me. I can hike but I do tend to go slower and get winded, another reason why I want to keep losing. We’ll see how I do!!!


Day 4 Meditate✅️ Exercise or sauna✅️ Read✅️ Stay in calorie range✅️ Eat a green vegetable and fruit✅️ Today I'm grateful for; Illustrating✅️ Weekly(2nd-9th) Illustrate✅️ Make a song☑️ Write a poem✅️ Practice kitchen skill/recipe for the week:✅️ Go out once a week to hangout/hobby/concert/etc☑️


Post here every day: I am back to log my progress for a second day. Calories: Currently, I've eaten about 1,450 calories. Had some fruit and store bought prepared tofu. Also had half a take out burrito for lunch. The exact calorie count for store bought food is unknown, so I could've over or underestimated. Oh well. I'm going to have a snack later, so I'll definitely be over my limit today, but I'll be ok with that. Steps: I have close to 12,000 steps. Run every other day: I am planning to go for a run after I post. The goal is 3 miles but I'll keep going if my legs and lungs are up to it. It's still quite warm out.


CW: 103kg GW: 63kg Jumping on this train 4 days late but oh well! I've eaten a strawberry protein smoothie for breakfast and a bit of salmon poke bowl and miso soup for lunch, will have had 1100 calories so far today when I eat the rest of that later. I will exercise and take a shower later too. Then I need to watch my project video. And snacks will be an apple and 1tbsp peanut butter later, and dinner will be 100-200 cals blue cheese and some cucumber and tomato salad with lemon juice and olive oil.


Welcome! Your foods sound delicious


Day 4 - Workout: 2 out of 5 this week - Track all food ✅  - Walk 10k+ everyday✅ (walked 14k) - Lose 5 lbs (below 145) (150 today)