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thats what podcasts, audiobooks or even text to speech are for.


Also there's an app called The Walk. The premise is you're in Inverness when there's a terrorist attack that disables all forms of transportation. You're in possession of some technology that urgently needs to make it to London. You have to walk the length of the UK to deliver it. As you walk you unlock chunks of the story. It's pretty fun and has helped me to walk more.


And by the same creators, there's [Zombies, Run!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombies,_Run) which you can use either for walking or running, whatever you prefer.


Im just started doing zombie run, im liking it so far as it eases you into exercising


Ice never heard of this but I love thus concept! 


There's also an app called Fantasy Hike that puts you on the same path as the hobbits in Lord of the Rings on the way to Mt Doom. I'm currently paddling the river with Gollum in hot pursuit. I've enjoyed it.


Ohh fun! Maybe I'll save Middle Earth once I'm done saving the UK from terrorists.


Podcasts have been a game changer for me when it comes to cleaning. I straight up go on autopilot. I’m entertained and the house is clean. Win/win!


I can also very much recommend having an audiobook etc. That you ONLY listen to while going for a walk/run. I motivate myself into being active like this :)


I personally pace when I’m mindlessly scrolling to get in my steps, tiktok and Reddit. lol pacing rn writing this.


If I could do that, I would. I'd get so many steps in. I am such a klutz and would very likely trip over something


I’m super clumsy too! Try a walking pad, it helps you “pace” but without the tripping hazard. I do it while scrolling Tik-Tok or watching tv. Plus you can control the speed


I recently remembered I can read while walking, so I've been crushing books on my walking pad.


Me too! I can’t seem to master reading paper books while standing and walking but books on my kindle work great!


I pace at work when I'm on the phone. On days with long conference calls or lots of phone conversations, I end up blowing past my step goal


My friend paces and reads a book/watches something in her living room. lol


I have one dog, and my daily step count is at an avg 12k 😅. We just go on longer walks, take extra turns, discover the neighbourhood, I sometimes let him take charge, the places he leads me to are amazing.... even tho I have to keep a phone on me cause we get lost once a week when I forget to pay attention lol.


Yep, when my day starts with a 6k step walk with the dog, it’s pretty easy to get to 10k.


Yep. Right now we live on the side of the highway, but we're moving to a neighborhood in 2 weeks. I'm excited to let my dogs sniff new places. But I know if I don't hit 10k, I didn't walk the dogs enough.


This is a little weird maybe but I just make unnecessary movements if time permits like if I’m doing laundry and hanging up clothes, I’ll fold it as far away as possible from my closet and walk each hanger/folded item to the closet/dresser individually instead of all at once. I do the same thing with unloading the dishwasher / putting away dishes. I also am notorious for leaving a pile of shoes by the door and will take one shoe at a time to put up in the closet. Or if I’ve been on a trip and unpack my bags, I just do it one item at a time. Again, this is time permitting and I don’t do this every single time because life. But it passes the time while I listen to a podcast or audiobook and I’m being productive with chores and getting steps in instead of just getting it done as quick as possible and sitting down. I also walk while I brush my teeth/hair, while I do skincare, while I floss, etc. Every step helps!!


I was cleaning my apartment from 9AM to 7PM, got 9,000 steps without stepping outside. I can walk for an hour, and that gets me 6,000-7,000. You can break that up into smaller walks if you get bored.


Yardwork, shopping, go to an amusement park, go to a museum


Seconding going to a museum. A lot of the time they have very reasonably priced annual memberships. Usually you have made back the annual membership after 2 to 3 visits. With having a membership you can visit a lot and thoroughly explore the whole museum all while getting your steps in. Then the next year you get a membership to a different museum and do it again. See also: botanical gardens.


It funny, I do love walking but I kind of hate walking in museums and galleries, I get tired twice as fast and have to sit down a lot and rest, which I don’t need to do outside. I guess because I am usually on vacation and can walk 20,000 steps a day easily then. I just associate museums with being tired.


The step count when visiting Disneyland is always high. 😂


Volunteer to dog walk at a rescue or shelter or for an elderly person or someone struggling with mobility once or twice a week. I get my steps in walking my dog.


Are you in a walkable area where you can get groceries on foot? I love walking but I love it most when it's either 1. novel, exploring a new area when travelling etc, or 2. walking for some *reason* other than 'to go for a walk'/'to get out the house'. So I've taken to breaking up my shopping and getting only a bit at a time so that there's always something on the list I still 'need' to buy. I've also upped the groceries difficulty level by trying to always go to the 'best' shop for an item rather than an all rounder. E.g. there's one particular grocer that's not the most convenient or generally useful but has the BEST cucumbers and tomatoes. A different shop gets fresh pitas delivered on a tuesday and friday. A yet-different place has the best fruit. The budget supermarket is best for detergents because it's the same stuff but cheaper. Etc. Instead of just buying everything from the closest acceptable option.


I am also someone who does best with a reason for a walk. I like geocaching, disc golf, I've got a couple friends in walking distance. My dog can't get enough walking, so I cover a lot of ground for her 


If you have a grocery store, chain stores or a mall this may sound silly but pop headphones in and make sure to walk all around it. Good steps and ac.


We have a mall that is practically empty. That's a great idea. I end up forgetting about it.


Double the fun if they have 2 levels 😎


Honestly, a mall is a pretty great place to mindlessly walk around. It's not about shopping. For me, i like when there's a lot of people; my mind shuts off and i kinda get lost in it. I haven't tried it with headphones on. that sounds like a great idea.


Walking pad while watching TV


I do this while watching hour-long shows during my active rest days.


I do this with office work. I WFH.


Start a garden. Home improvement projects. Hiking.


I have found that I always pace when I’m on the phone, so I have gotten thousands of extra steps within a single day just by calling up an old friend that I can talk to for a long time.


Live less in the digital world aka live like we did in 1998: you went to the grocery store to buy grociees. You went to restaurants to eat. You went and picked up your pizza to avoid delivery charges. You went to the pharmacy to get your meds. You went to the hardware store. You went to Targrt to get clothes. You either walk, ride a bike, take public transport or drive to get there. All this gwnerates steps. See where im going with this? All the above can be replaced with Amazon and doordash and curbside pick up.  Maybe my suggestion nowadays is akin to suggesting use of a horse and buggy


I use a walker for mobility, but one of the great things about having it with me all the time is that I can get several days worth of groceries, or all the dog food from the specialty shop. I can't drive so I do have the heavier groceries delivered once a week, but otherwise I can walk to get what I need, and I am keeping my mobility for as long as possible.


Keep in mind that your arms are moving a lot when folding clothes and that’s all counting as steps too. The question is if it’s “true” steps or not. I just go with it and feel good about hitting my number 😂 During the week I’ll jog in place at my desk to get steps and I also do VR fitness.


Mow the lawn, I got 17,000 last time I did!


Keeping my house clean and doing meal prep also gives me tons of time to listen to audio books. I have trouble focusing on the story unless my hands are busy. So my laundry is always folded and there are always bags of cut veggies in the fridge!


I’ve been following Sean Casey online for a while and he’s given some tips on getting steps in. One is, as you mentioned, cleaning your home. Another is even walking around while being on the phone, or taking longer routes in the grocery store to get items


I get a basic 4000 a day at home looking after the house, cooking, gardening and doing errands. Add on 8000 if I run but that’s just three times a week. It all adds up to 8/900 active minutes a week, which is the recommended amount. Winter is bad though. I need to get a treadmill


Or just good long underwear a day the right layers for a variety of temps. If I can get 15,000 steps a day in Fairbanks, Alaska, I promise you can get there if you want to. (My walker's breaks stop working at -20*F, so that's the limit for days that I walk. It makes about 15 days a year that I have to keep busy indoors. )


Pull weeds in the yard


~~Set your plans for world domination~~Look for ways to donate to a local charity while you walk.


I dance while watching TV, listening to a book or watching YouTube on TV. It is extremely effective.


Increasing my NEAT or non exercise activity thermogenesis has been a major factor in my weight loss.  I never realized how much of my day I used to spend just sitting. 


During my sedentary days, when I don't go for a run *and* work from home, I try to take a few 5-10 min dancing breaks, in which I put on a techno playlist and ~~flail about~~ dance energetically. It gets the heart rate up, helps me keep up the energy through the day, and the steps add up more quickly when dancing than when walking.


Limit driving as much as possible if you live in a place that is at all transit/walking/biking friendly. I tend to walk to my pharmacy, work, appointments etc and really only drive for bigger grocery runs or if my destination is really inconvenient by transit (or if I'm working at night - for safety)


Well when I get bored on a walk I listen to a podcast or an educational video


I do walk at home videos, they have different lengths (i.e.1-3 miles). I know they're kind of hokey, but I enjoy seeing the video and following directions and it does get my heart rate up. It's super hot where I live and it's been great to do these videos inside rather than try to walk outside in the humidity or drive to the gym. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=walk+at+home+leslie+sansone](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=walk+at+home+leslie+sansone)


Get a dog


Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park as far away from the front door as possible when going somewhere, walk to the grocery to go buy fresh produce.


I usually walk my dog a couple miles while listening to podcasts. Easily get 10k+ steps a day.


standing desk or double down on walkies if the dog is up for it.


Wake up early I get in 4,000 before work. Park as far as possible in the parking lot. Take the long way to everything. I’m usually at 10,000 after supper. When everyone is settled and I get some me time before bed I hammer out another 3-6,000. It adds up quick. Office job so I have to. But I’ve found time and made time something like 55 days in a row.


windowshopping at the mall? there's a huge shopping centre near my office that has mid-level to upscale brands, and nice department stores connected to it via airbridge. after work i frequently spend hours and walk thousands of steps there, just trying on stuff, spraying perfumes etc.


I walk each morning with an audio book. Flexible work hours makes it a lot easier for me however. Still, it means I'm actually getting through a substantial part of my book backlog :)


Never got why people are so concerned about this 10,000 steps stuff. That number was created to sell a fitness device, nothing more.


its still a good habit to get those steps, even if the number is random.


Could try going for a walk