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Day 9 Meditate✅️ Exercise or sauna✅️ Read✅️ Stay in calorie range✅️ Eat a green vegetable and fruit✅️ Today I'm grateful for; Baking✅️ Weekly(2nd-9th) Illustrate✅️ Make a song✅️ Write a poem✅️ Practice kitchen skill/recipe for the week:✅️ Today I made 5 different types of cookies dough as a test. At first I was like when will this be over but once it was over now I just want to bake more haha Go out once a week to hangout/hobby/concert/etc✅️ I did hangout with a friend we went to the gym together but I'm not sure if this counts as hanging out. I'm gonna say it is for this week being around friends seems good


I had a trip that went super well! I had a performance with my alumni group and the current members. I didn't track food or even estimate for the first time in over a year. I also didn't weigh! And walked about 20k steps a day. I was pleasantly surprised that my weight today was still about 128. ■□□□□□ **Calorie deficit**• ✔️I'm gonna say just barely. ■□□□□□□ **Pre-Logged**• ✔️ **I ate** a tuna sandwich for lunch. **I cooked** rice to go with the Trader Joes orange chicken and frozen stir fry veggies we had for dinner. □□□□□□ **I walked** 3k/8k steps - it's my day off! :)


Day 9: Just came back for a trip. I was pretty surprised to see that I didn’t gain any pounds. I didn’t lose any either, but I am super happy that I can eat at maintenance without counting calories. Back to regular schedule. - Mindful eating ❌ - A serving of fruits after each meal ❌ - A serving of veggies with each meal ❌ - Working out at least 3 times/week - At least 7,000 steps ✅ (9,812) - Empty water bottle at least three times a day ❌ - Sweet drinks (5/12)


Ate at maintenence today because I was feeling too lazy to track. Successful fasting. My trainer had to cancel our session because they were sick. I was really tempted to skip the gym. But I ended up going and had a decent workout. Resetting tomorrow with my deficit.


Lose 10 pounds: 3.2/10 (Start of month is CW in flair) Lift weights 8 times: 1/8 Track and stick to calories: 9/9 (1500-2000) Ride stationary bike: 1/8 Made 5 more meal preps this morning, ate 2 already though lol. Didn't sleep very much last night so I'm going to bed early. Always get bad snack cravings when I'm tired and like sticking to a good sleep schedule. So I'm eating an apple and then straight to bed :)


I weighed in on Sunday and was up .6 lbs. I kind of expected it since I had gone significantly over my food budget on Saturday night. But today I am 30 cal *under* TDEE calorie goal and I did my HIIT class yesterday and am signed up to go again tomorrow 💪🏼


Day 9 Workout:  - 2/ 5 this week  (✅✅✔️✔️✔️)  - Track all food ✅    - Walk 10k+ everyday✅ (walked 12k) - Lose 5 lbs (below 145) (149 today — hoping for 148 by end of week!)   


Well done on laughing. Yay prairie dogs bunnies and robins. 🥰 📆 Day 9 🎯 Goal Jul 2024: create a moderate overall deficit for the month + practice weight neutrality 🧃 July balance: 1603 kcal deficit. It’s growing! 👑 🥬 Weight: neutral. 🏓 I enjoyed assembling a “copycat” frozen dinner. But even though I calorie matched, somehow my version is tiny compared to theirs. 😂 No fair lol 💭 my waist went down to 71cm! That’s 12cm lost! I was smaller in 2022. I refuse to gain weight again 😂 dieting is a pain. 🏋️‍♀️I created a brutal glutes routine and shockingly I enjoyed it… bc it was tailored perfectly to me! (Weight gain gave me the push to start lifting, so I appreciate it.)


Day eight: Protein goal 127 ✅ 8/31 Fiber goal 28 ❌5/31 No coffee ✅7/31 Beans are magical. Without them I do not hit my fiber goal. I didn’t hardly sleep at night and almost skipped the gym to “conserve strength” for my long day. I went and it was fine. Made me feel strong and I made it till the end. Not a minute over. But I made it. I thought the coffee headaches were gone. But I had another, mild one all day. Read up on caffeine withdrawal and sounds like it can take a month AND both drowsiness and insomnia are symptoms.


Day 9! Goals: - hit 220 ❌ (not yet! currently at 230.8) - weigh myself every day ✅ - go down a pant size ❌ - drink at least 70 oz water every day ❌(hit 50) - eat more fruits and veggies ✅ - walk at least 10 K steps a day ❌


I signed up for this thread last month but I haven’t been on plan a single day. I am struggling with chronic illness and depression right now and I know the only way I’ll get out of this cycle is to eat healthy and be more active. But every day I try I end up binging and repeating the cycle. It happened yesterday, I allowed myself an unplanned snack and I went off the rails. I could have resisted the cravings but I didn’t even try. I just gave in immediately which is not like my usual self. Today I am going to stick to my plan and will report back. My last streak was 3 days and I felt good enough to go on a bike ride. I know I can do this but something is blocking me right now. I’m not seeking advice because I have complicated medical issues on top of this, I just needed to write this out for accountability reasons.


Day 9!!! Daily - weigh-in ✔️ probs TMI but didn’t realize that weight could be a way to tell if you’re bloated/constipated (I haven’t been drinking enough water the past couple days 😭) - logging food/drink ✔️ - 1000-1300 calories 😅 went 57 calories over today ahhhh - drink 3x water bottle 🎉🎉🎉 been trying to drink one after exercise, during work, and after work, and I’m having tea! Weekly: - IF 12-8 pm ☹️ this may not be working out for me in the evenings lmao - strength train 3x week 🎉 my god I almost cried today morning working out but I did it - walk 5-6x a week 🙂‍↕️ as soon as I put this into writing I stopped ahhh - don’t spend outside weekly budget 🫠 nope


*Average 6000 steps per day: 3/7 *Cook dinner at least 1 day per week (this usually gets me several days of leftovers): 0/1 (but still eating leftovers from last week) *10 minutes+ of morning yoga twice per week: 0/2 *Evening exercise at least 3 times per week: 1/3 *Favorite sandwich no more than once per week (specific big sandwich at a takeout place near my work that I eat too often): 0/1 *145.0 by the end of the month: 147.8, not sure where that came from! No exercise sessions today. And not only did I have some ice cream, I also bought another container of ice cream at the grocery story. On the plus side, I've been really good about fruits and vegetables lately.


13k+ Daily Steps: ✅ 28+ Daily Flights of Stairs: ✅ 5+ Weekly Workouts: ✅✅ Cardio Nutrition: ✅ Under Maintenance Take Multivitamin: ❌ Haven't fully unpacked yet so still looking for my bottle of those... Read a Book: ✅ ⭐ Finished a bonus book this month. Lose 4 lbs: In Progress