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I was really sick, and my mom (RIP) showed me the first season on DVD. Binged the whole season together in two days. šŸ˜¢


What a beautiful memory. Thanks Mom. RIP




It was on tv. Thatā€™s it


So what hooked you enough to answer a thread about it? ;)


I randomly came across it on TV too, it would have been a few weeks into when the show started airing - fall 2004. I had read Lord of the Flies over the summer for school and remember bringing up this new show that was like it to my English teacher. I think it was a Friday or Saturday night and I was flipping channels and it was part way through the premiere, it must of have been an exciting scene that got me to stop on that channel. Obviously the radio signal being the cliffhanger of the premiere was a good hook, but then it turned out to be a marathon of all the episodes that had been released thus far and the ending of Walkabout was the holy shit moment that really got me obsessed. For whatever reason I didnā€™t watch the show again on actual TV in the first season, I was in high school and must have had a commitment that night of the week, but I remember repeatedly checking and as soon as it was available on Netflix I started ordering the DVDs and which allowed to me watch like 4 episodes at a time (I think my family got 2 or 3 discs at a time but I couldnā€™t use them all at once or the rest of my family would get pissed). I almost caught up for season 2 but didnā€™t quite make it for the premiere, so I had to figure out how to download that episode on Limewire and burn it to a DVD so I could actually watch it on my TV, and from there on out I donā€™t think I ever missed an episode live.


During the initial promos before the series premiere the marketing team was heavily showing Charlie because we were still on the heels of the LOTR trilogy and then they finally showed one with Michael. I've been a huge fan of Harold Perrineau since the 1996 Romeo + Juliet and he was brilliant in OZ. I started watching for him, stayed for the character development.


I think you're one of the few people on the sub that actually watched the finale live? I'm envious of that! Edit also I agree his Mercutio is stunning! His "Walt!" is finely acted and heartbreaking too.


It was an all-evening event, lol. They stretched the finale into almost four hours between commercials and cutting back to Jimmy Kimmel's audience watching it live in Hawai'i and then there was an after-show and it was just SO emotional!! The 1996 R+J is still my favorite adaption of the play (my bunnies are named Romeo and Juliet, lol) and I was sixteen when it came out. All my friends were swooning over DiCaprio and I'm here going WHO IS THIS MAN WITH THE GODLY CHEEKBONES. And I've loved Harold Perrineau ever since, lol.


I was living in Spain and it was a huge TV event there too....one of my students explained the ending to me and I told him I didn't care about spoilers ...he told me they were dead the whole time, Locke was the villain, and he didn't know about the polar bears. šŸ¤£ Maybe he was just fucking with me hahaha. He was only 12 though. 2 years ago (2022) one of my Spanish students informed me that her final project would be about LOST. I'm like, oh ffs be careful.....but she focused on The Moth and the similarities between Locke the character and Locke the philosopher, and earned a 5.0 for her final project (from me, but hey. Anyone who talks about LOST in detail gets my vote)


I was/am a Survivor fan. The commercials/hype made it seem like a fictional drama version of Survivor. So, I tuned in on premiere night, and the rest was history.


I watched the pilot when it first aired. I loved it. Tuned in live every week to watch it and would watch every episode a second time by around season 3 when DVR and torrents became reliably available. I've now watched the series 3 times, Chronologically Lost once, and am currently midway through session 4 again.


Chronologically LOST is a trip! I've just watched it. At first it seems like Richard, Sawyer and Miles are main characters and Jack is just a random who shows up later haha. I love the way we see them all build up to boarding 815, it hits in a certain way. I don't mind admitting I sobbed like a twat throughout Chronologically..., just because certain things hit me differently than the main show


Oh man, I was a mess during that whole run at the end. Just non-stop tears.


I read a Guardian article about a lot of the little easter eggs and hidden secret. How many of the names were philosophers, stuff about the recurring numbers, that sort of thing. Iā€˜d actually watched the first few episodes and got bored so gave up. The article made me go back to it. it was just before the season 6 opener, so I bought the first 5 seasons on DVD and binged them all in time to start s6.


I heard on a podcast someone really praising this show so I was like I need to see what's all this about and now it's my favorite show


Same as you I was in college when it was airing. However I didnā€™t watch it. I had a friend who kept pushing me to watch but I just had no time and streaming didnā€™t exist then so I would have had to buy the DVDs. Eventually it del off my radar.Ā  When it ended people were sooo upset online i went and read the summary for every single episode. It made no sense and nothing stuck in my brain.Ā  Then earlier this year my ankle stopped working and I had to stay in bed for a few weeks. My wife, who did watch it as it aired, mentioned it for some reason. When I said ā€œyeah Iā€™ve never seen it,ā€ she convinced me we just had to watch. After the first episode I was hooked.Ā  We started in like February and just finished not that long ago. It was a very engaging distraction from my ankle hurting and then later the surgical recovery. We had so much fun discussing theories before falling asleep each night. I kind of regret not watching it back in the day because I want to talk about it with anyone and everyone. This sub has been my salvation. Even with the occasional spoiler.Ā 


I can relate! When the finale aired there was so much hype and I asked a Spanish friend (I'd moved to Spain but hadn't learned the language back then) how it ended and he said, oh they were dead the whole time. When I rewatched, weird things stuck in my brain. I sort of remembered (wrongly) that Charlie died detonating a nuclear bomb, which makes me think maybe I saw bits of S5 and S6 in Spanish but just made no sense of it at the time and forgot Edited to clarify


Despite growing during the show's peak popularity, the divisive ending kept me away from it for a long time. In fact, it wasn't until 2021, when one of my longtime best friends started watching it and getting hooked (with one of our other friends doing the same shortly after), that I finally decided to watch it. Cut to one night in late August when, after finding the first season for cheap at a local thrift store, I gave the pilot episode a spin and immediately became intrigued as to what would happen, thus spending the next several months watching all six seasons before finally finishing it on New Year's Day


Seemed like the perfect escape show to watch during the lockdowns. I was not wrong.


Oh you win! I watched bloody Tiger King instead back then....LOST would've been so much better.


I remember one roommate saying "that bloke is so creepy" about Locke with the orange peel, another roommate saying "he's hot" (about Sawyer) and a man who moved my furniture in a van to London saying what the hell is that shit all about and why are there polar bears I miss the 00s!


A friend of mine wouldnā€™t stop recommending it, said it was right up my alley. I put it off and put it off and put it off. I eventually got around to watching it after a discussion about time travel with the same friend. They had never mentioned there was time travel in the show any of the other times. I love time travel so knowing Lost had it was all it took for me to finally take the plunge.


Haha this was me with Harry Potter. My friend's kid kept telling me to read it and I kept thinking fuck off with your boy wizards. Until one day I was bored and thought, I'll read this thing just to tell the kid I did. And then went round to their house and borrowed the next 5 books.


Before the pilot, I was watching Monday Night Football (or something) and saw an ad for it. Thought it looked really cool.Ā 


That's exactly how I first saw an ad for it and thought "Hey, it's one of the Hobbits!" Since I love the lotr, I had to watch it haha


I was a massive LOTR fan too haha. Also have a DVD from the 90s with Naveen Andrews on the cover in the TV adaptation of The Buddha of Suburbia (which btw is a great book if anyone fancies it...its about a mixed race boy (Naveen's character) growing up in pretentious post-60s London in the punk era/racist era)


Oh that's really interesting! I'll have to check it out! I haven't seen Naveen in anything else, so that would be cool to see. Last month I saw a live play called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and it featured Dom Monaghan and Billy Boyd. It was so cool seeing them perform live!


The Buddha of Suburbia is one of my favorite books! It's about a mixed race, bisexual teenager from a broken home growing up in a suburb of London in the 1970s, who then moves to London proper with a school friend who becomes famous in a punk band. In the 1990s TV adaptation, Naveen Andrews played the lead, prior to LOST. My copy of Buddha of Suburbia has Naveen on the cover lol. You might have to pirate to find it, the book was written by Hanif Kureishi


I found a 2 minute clip of it and it looks really interesting! Weird seeing Sayid in something else other than my favourite tv show haha I'll have to try and find a way to watch it! Thanks for the overview!


You'll have to sail the seas with a bottle of rum, if you get my drift, but it's worth it. The book is even better


Haha I do get your drift :P That's probably the only way to get it nowadays. Hm, I'll have to check out the book too!


Appendicitis. 2 weeks on the sofa with weed, snacks and lost was the main boxset being sold to me on my ITV DIGITAL BOX (UK company that had a northern stitched childā€™s monkey as itā€™s main mascot) Caught up live to s5 and had to wait weekly for an episode after that.


Which was more painful, appendicitis or waiting a week between episodes ? Edit: I remember that monkey btw. Who the hell was the comedian that promoted it? Was it johnny Vegas?


Appendicitis. Other than dvds of shows you havenā€™t watched, you didnā€™t know much better other than to sit play video games until 9pm Monday mostly and have a break for said show. Appendicitis felt like Iā€™d been stabbed.


Yes Jonny vegas. Later seen in the office. Monkey not vegas.


I saw the promo for season one after LotR and noticed that Merry Brandybuck aka Dominic Monaghan aka Charlie was in the show.


The pilot was airing and my dad was flipping through the channels looking for anything interesting to watch. Lost was what caught our attention and we stuck with it after the pilot.


My high school English teacher. We were reading ā€œLord of the fliesā€ and she said it had elements of the book and made us watch the pilot the day before episode 2 came on. Needless to say I was hooked and kept watching since. So thanks Ms. Carroll šŸ˜‚


Saw it live when it debuted. I was on holiday in the Lake District, england. Watched the pilot on a small 7ā€ black/white tv. Hooked wasnā€™t the word.


It was the only interesting show at 10 pm . Other channels had novelas, news, or old movies I never liked . I had my own tv and my own room so I was very happy to choose to watch whatever I wanted


my family watched it on TV when I was a kid and I loved watching with them


My friend spoke about it for 10 years so I decided to finally watch it.


I was at a really low point in my life and needed a show to escape to. It just so happened that Lost was the first show I stumbled upon. Itā€™s weird to say this but Lost really did save my life.


That's not weird at all. I have a friend who didn't commit suicide because she wanted to find out how Harry Potter ended. Whatever saves us, saves us. I've taken refuge in LOST many times, for different reasons. It helped me when my dad died, helped again when I emigrated. I'm happy that it helped you through things.


My dad was watching it! He bought them all and it was summer and it was one of the few times that we didnā€™t do anything but close the blinds and drink peach juice and watch TV! My dad and stepmom always had something to do, therefore us kids always had something to help with and it was so annoying lol. This was one summer where we didnā€™t do much at all and we got to stay inside and itā€™s a core memory for me.


I was working nights and had the tv on without sound, saw it and eventually began watching. I was a few seasons late but then got to binge watch the dvds which was amazing!


I used to listen to Howard Stern on my way to work in the next town over and he talked about LOST a lot lol. Nothing specific that he said mustā€™ve stuck bc I didnā€™t get spoiled, but I started watching it after hearing about it so much. I wanted to know what the fuck he was talking about šŸ˜‚


2006, I was in a pub playing pool, drinking, looked at tv, saw whisp of smoke messing with Mr Eko, was like wtf is this, this is wild, mate explained the basis of lost, was hooked from then on. Prior to that, I thought it was literally just people on an island tryingto survive. Now 2024, I'm an expert on MIB and lost mythology... We have to go back!


I love the way I can tell who's British/Irish from these replies! :-)


Love this question! I watched the very first broadcast and was hooked. I was recovering from surgery and was bed confined for several weeks so i had nothing better to do but watch a lot of tv and movies. I made an effort in college to watch season 4 in real time as it aired, read so many great speculation blogs, I was on the edge of my seat. It was like the first season of westworld, season 4, w people trying to figure things out on the internet. Season 6 felt like it was filler, pure and simple stalling. Im at peace with the finale. No one else in my life watched lost in real time, so I had no one to talk about it with šŸ˜­. I was on reddit in 2010 (donā€™t remember my account) so thankfully I was able to read peopleā€™s thoughts on here regarding the finale which helped me make better sense of it. Iā€™m pretty sure inception and avatar were also released the same year, again great time to be on Reddit


I was 14 and in 9th grade. I learned about the show when it was on the cover of the Houston Chronicle's version of the TV Guide that was included in the Sunday paper. My mom wanted to watch because she recognized Dominic Monaghan from the *Lord of the Rings* movies and I wanted to watch because the year prior I read [The Island Trilogy](https://gordonkorman.com/the-books/series/the-island-trilogy) by Gordon Korman and was interested in another marooned-on-an-island story.


I only had antenna television back then, and ABC was one of the four channels I could pick up. My mom and stepdad constantly had the television on so I saw some of the promos and thought it looked interesting. I was 12 at the time the pilot aired and it instantly had me hooked. I watched every episode as it aired until the series ended and to this day it is my favorite series.


I don't really remember? It was the new big show during summer, in French. This channel always aired these big shows dubbed in French (ex.: desperate housewives, grey's anatomy...). I guess I started watching it then. After I watched s2, I decided to try to watch s3 live in English, on ctv (the canadian abc). It was the first tv show I watched in English, and I remember looking for some words in the dictionary, like freckles or stubborn lol.


It was that incredible trailer where they were all dancing in slo-mo in the middle of the plane wreckage that got me


I like your style


Thatā€™s my answer too Its one ad that got me interested and itā€™s still an incredible trailer https://youtu.be/4hBI7ijfXE8?si=RNmbzq2YwNox4KfR


My wife (borat voice)


I heard of Lost for many years but never watched it. Planned on watching it in 2016 when I graduated college. I did just that and it was an incredible experience and journey. Perfect for a time I was entering a new chapter in life.


My friends were all watching it and it was a cultural phenomenon so I tuned in.


I got Netflix in February of 2013. I wanted to watch some TV shows and I saw Lost and watched it.


I thought the show was another *Survivor* rip-off, so I never bothered to give *LOST* a watch during the first-season. However, a friend and I were talking and he mentioned this show that has "a french woman playing a rescue broadcast for fifteen years, and there's a polar bear on the island -- and that's just the first episode." I asked him what show it was and he said it's *LOST*. I immediately bought the DVD first season and binge watched the whole thing in a few days, in time for the season 2 premiere. I eventually got my entire family addicted to the show following this.


My sister had started watching it first, as it aired on UK TV, Channel 4. I was actually only 8, so probably a bit too young to be watching. But then she was only 10. I can't remember the exact scene, but it hooked me in like nothing else. The two earliest scenes I remember from Lost are when they are walking to find the dynamite at the Black Rock and that big bird flies above them. And the start of S2 where Jin runs toward Michael and Sawyer yelling "Others" - or Udders!, and we see that scary silhouette of Eko. But I definitely started right at the start. Then the show got moved from free Channel 4 to a cable Sky channel which we didn't have. So I lost access to Lost from S3 onwards, which crushed my little soul. Then in 2008, I was visiting the US and I flicked over to a channel which showed the scene of Ben turning the wheel in the ice cave and disappearing into the light. And it made me yearn for the show again. But still, no access for me in the UK. Skip to 2011 and I begged my mum to buy me the box-sets. And it was a viewing experience like no other. And probably a better time to appreciate the show, as I was 15 and could understand the context of everything better. But it's safe to say, Lost has been a deep part of my life and my biggest introduction to complex storytelling and characters, ever since I was super young. I'm now 28 and Lost is the reason I took a Film Production course at uni, and when I had to choose a new surname, I chose Jack's.


Hello fellow Brit šŸ˜Š


My mom saw a preview on TV and recognized Matthew Fox. She just said weā€™re watching that when it comes on. We only had 1 TV at the time so it was her announcing dibs. I was 13 at the time and currently am in the middle of a re-watch.


Super Bowl Sunday 2013, my family had JUST subscribed to Netflix and wanted a show to binge that none of us had ever seen. For the next two months there was pretty much nothing else my sister, my dad, and I were even remotely able to hold a conversation about. Little over ten years later and we're halfway through our first full rewatch. We meant to do it many, many times in between but life just got in the way.


No mom, actually. When the show was on, I was aware of the show and the premise. But in seeing the previews, with Kate in the water in her underwear, I was under the impression it was just an excuse to get ratings with half-naked people and very little plot. My mom was the one who told me it had a very good plot line. We were able to borrow a DVD set of the first season in time to pick it up by season two.


The Drunk Tank podcast talked about it every episode.


My girlfriend and I wanted to watch a highly rated/regarded tv show.


Was it worth it ?


One of my co-workers was always talking about Lost when it first aired. I was not interested. Then one day we were walking to the cafe, and he said something like "they found a hatch" and that sprung something in my head. I was like I have to watch this. I bought the first season on DVD and binged it. Started watching it live on TV starting with season 2.


My dad was the one to originally show me LOST. I didn't think I was gonna be that into it, but pretty soon I was obsessed and my dad was the one who got sick of it. It was a fun experience to watch it with him though. I'm still majorly obsessed with it and it is, by far, my favorite TV show ever.


My parents got me into it, during the pandemic! With nothing much else to do, they pulled seasons one and two out on DVD, even since the Pilot, I was hooked. And then flash forward (pun intended) to a couple months ago, I was scrolling on Reddit and found this subreddit, and after four years, it rekindled my love. I would say finding it was a coincidence, but donā€™t mistake it for fate!


I just finished Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous and I was sad when I finished it, so to fill the hole in my heart I started Lost because I knew it was also about people trying to survive on an island just like JWCC. :)


Just finished watching it for the first time ever....binged from Feb to yesterday. Just never got around to it, and I wa a little hesitant since it was a network show. But was intrigued by the mystery and puzzleness of it all. Was not disappointed.


i got laid off from work lol


I watched it in 2012, I was obsessed with another show, The vampire diaries, and had a huge crush on one of the main characters, Damon played by the actor who played boone. I got excited when I found out he was in it. I ended up binge watching the entire show in 2 weeks. Was disappointed Boone died so early but actually didnā€™t like his character so much. Iā€™ve been a huge lost fan ever since


I purchased a magazine before a flight from Melbourne to Sydney. In the magazine there was an article on the upcoming season 3 of a show called lost and had a picture of the plane splitting in two. When me and my girlfriend arrived in Sydney the weather was really bad and we walked to a local video store and hired season 1, at the time you would have to hire it per disc so we actually hired the first couple of discs of season 1 thinking we might not watch much of it. We binged it and were back at the shop the next day.. when they didnt have the other discs available we jumped on a bus and went to the nearest shopping center and purchased season 1 and 2, we binged it over a day or 2 and then watched the rest week to week!


The article about it in Entertainment Weekly's Fall TV Preview issue back in 2004.


Not me, but my wife: I picked up season one on DVD from Blockbuster (yes, me old), and I was watching alone, as my wife wasnā€™t interested. So Iā€™m watching and she walks in the room just when Sayid gets bonked in the head and she asks ā€œwhoā€™s that? Why did he get hit in the head?ā€ Suffice it to say I had to start over.


My brain stopped at "Sayid gets bonked" and I was wondering what I missed in S1


Was getting my hair cut in a barber shop and it was on the tv. Forgot the rest of the episode but it's the one where during the ending Hurley's walkman dies. Never really cared much for tv but that ending made me go "huh. i liked that a lot" and then asked a girl i knew had the series to borrow her dvd set and then binged it with her. We did the reproductive dance twice because of it. Thank you, LOST.


At the barber shop!! This answer wins


The initial commercials that ran on ABC, but I never got around to it until my coworkers at Best Buy couldn't shut up about it. I bought the first two seasons on DVD and borrowed the third on Blu Ray. S4 was the first season I watched as it broadcast.


Interesting premise plus it had Merry from Lord of the Rings.Ā That was all I needed to hook me in. Myself and a group of friends/family watched live religiously from episode one to the finale. My wife and I went on vacation to Oahu in between Season 5 and Season 6 and saw the beach location. I made a little change to Ekoā€™s church and it made it into production for Season 6. Then we went over to the nearby airport and I jumped the fence where they stored all of the props. Saw the fuselage and some other stuff. Havenā€™t re-watched it since but have been feeling a desire to lately!


Awesome! I went to Oahu a few weeks ago, coming in to land there was a trip! Omg I'm landing on the island! I didn't do the tour or anything, that's not really my style, but it was fun just exploring and coming across locations. I went to the beach, and the waterfall, and randomly found the church:-)


Is the Others village still there? I remember that was just kind of right off the road


I don't know, I didn't do the tour. It wasn't visible from the road (I think it was filmed on Kualoa ranch, but I might be wrong). I went to the beach! It was so difficult to walk in the sand because it was so soft, how did they manage it in jeans and boots?! I saw the church, and the cathedral they used as the church in The Moth and also as Oxford Uni in Desmond's episodes, that was fun. The airport was the convention center in Honolulu and I saw that. Loads of stuff filmed at Honolulu marina! Oahu was fun because I kept coming across stuff even though I didn't do the tour.


my parents watched it from the beginning, and i remember it being on, but it wasnā€™t till i was around 13 that i actually saw a full episode. it was across the sea, which is a pretty wild way to be introduced to lost. i was so into it from that moment on, and watched the last few episodes of the show with my parents as they aired. then i binged the rest of it (my dad had seasons 1-5 on dvd & the rest of season 6 on itunes because heā€™d been deployed for most of the final season). shortly after i finished it, we got the special edition blu-ray release with the little puzzles & backgammon set and all that, which is really cool. for the entirety of 8th grade, i would come home from school, grab some popcorn and a couple sodas, and rewatch two or three random lost episodes on those discs. iā€™d turn all the lights off and just chill. it was my favorite part of the day. middle school sucks, but that was for sure a highlight. anyways iā€™ve rewatched it all from start to finish so many times since then - im actually rewatching right now! iā€™m on season 4. itā€™s my favorite show of all time and iā€™m so glad it exists.


Watched it from day 1


I loved Alias and was excited to see another show with the same director/producer/composer. The Pilot was incredible, I loved every cliff hanger every week, what's gonna happen next, who do we learn more about.


It was April 2009 and I (not joking) had swine flu (H1N1). I was holed up in my apartment in Brooklyn looking for something to watch on TV. A show started, a plane was breaking apart over the sky. I was intrigued and watched and was like, wow, this must be the first episode of lost!! So I hop on iChat and tell my friend who has been begging me to watch the show that Iā€™m finally seeing the first episode. We talk about what happens and he is like STOP. NO. THATS NOT EP 1!!! (It was The Other 48 Days in s2.) So I reluctantly was like ugh ok, fine. And I went onto Megavideo (RIP) and streamed the first episode and subsequently first season. And then I was hooked!! So I started getting the DVDs thru Netflix, and would send them back almost immediately just to get the next one!! Iā€™m old!!! Edited to add: I then got to watch season 6 as it aired, and actually met some of the cast at a bar in Brooklyn for the penultimate epsidode. And went to a huge viewing party at a venue for the finale. It was amazing. In between finishing seasons 1-5 by August 2009, and season 6 starting in Feb 2010, I managed to watch 1-5 AGAIN.


I didnā€™t really have a great relationship with my brother, and he talked about the show a lot. So I gave it a shot and loved it myself, and we had something to talk about.Ā 


Th promotion leading up to the pilot.


My brother gifted me Season 1 dvd set for Christmas. It was enough to make me obsessed. The rest is history.


The pilot.


I was a big LotR fan(still am) and somehow found out about this show, despite the fact that my family did not have cableTV. So a friend who was also a fan taped it for us, and we watched it that way! Now that I think of it, I probably found out about it from that same friend. I now own three seasons on DVD despite not owning a DVD player, and am currently rewatching on Disney+, so it's been a whole adventure.


I'd heard some rumblings about it when season 1 was airing, but I didn't pay much attention. While season 2 was airing, I worked at a hotel that had the USA Today paper free for guests. On my coffee break with nothing else to do, I would look through the paper. Each week they had a tiny section that talked about the clues, hints, and Easter eggs of the show. I love puzzles and mysteries, so it was enough to get me interested. My bf and I rented the first season dvds and binged it over a few days, and then we started watching season 2, which had already been airing for several weeks. What Kate Did (episode 9 of season 2) was the first episode I watched live, and I never missed an episode after that. I read detailed recaps to catch up on the story of the first 8 episodes, so sadly I didn't get to blindly experience the hatch reveal in the season 2 opener, and didn't get to watch the first part of the season until I bought the dvds.


I donā€™t remember much about the first advertisement of the show but I do remember seeing Dominic Monaghan, I know him from the Lord of the Rings movies. The premise was interesting and also knowing a few of the actors made me want to watch it Actors on the pilot episode I know before it aired Matthew Fox (Party of Five) Evangeline Lilly (LiveLinks commercials) Terry Oā€™Quinn (JAG, among other shows) Emilie de Ravin (Roswell) Daniel Dae Kim (at the time I recognized him from Star Trek Enterprise but he was on a lot of shows Iā€™ve seen before) Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings) Harold Perrineau (The Edge, Oz, The Matrix: Reloaded)


My brother told me about the show. But it was already after the show ended. We watched all the episodes together shortly after we had both moved out from parents. One of the many tv shows and movies I thoroughly enjoyed watching with him. Others were Breaking Bad which he showed me halfway through and Dexter when they were on season 9.


I'm one of the descendants of B.F. Skinner and the whole show is wrapped around someone's continued testing, but on humans.


Mikes Mic Recap of season 1 had me HOOKED. Iā€™m halfway through season 6 now and so excited to watch the rest and then finally get lost in this subreddit


I lurked this sub throughout my first full rewatch and then finally posted after the finale, and now I'm like them.


I saw those bizarre promos on Channel 4 (with them all dancing on the beach in fancy outfits) and was like "I don't know what the fuck that is but I need to see it".


Are you UK? Because I never saw those promos on C4, wtf even was that?!


Yeah I am. It looks like there were two versions (one with music and one with the characters doing voiceovers), I remember seeing the latter.


Apparently we got it in 2005, but I'm sure I watched it in 2004. I definitely watched S2 in 2005


i started watching it last year and it was because i kept seeing YouTube videos about forgotten shows ( i thought itā€™d be campy which is like my bread and butter) ive always appreciated niche television but it feels like the complete opposite now having seen it


The fact that it was the same writers who did Once Upon A Time (I know, it's a poorly written for most of the seasons, but I just love it, I can't help it), and I had heard there was several actors from OUAT in Lost


The pilot


A news report about the show said there were going to be dinosaurs in it. Boy was I disappointed.


It's not Jurassic Park, Paulo, it's the south Pacific...


I was in middle school (fall 2010, just a few months after lost finished airing) watching The Office. Dwight walked down to the warehouse and said to the camera ā€œRemember on Lost when they met the Others?ā€ and that intrigued me so much. The next day I went to my cousinā€™s house and borrowed his season 1 DVD box set. Iā€™ve been hooked ever since!


I missed the first season completely when I was a senior in HS, but my roommates freshman year of college were huge fans and parked me down to watch the Recap before the S2 premiere. I went out and bought the S1 dvds the next day and watched live for the rest of the series


The trailer at pro7, I remember it has been advertised alot through TV Total.


The really shitty promos before it came out. I wanted to see wtf it was about


Destiny. I didn't decide. It was on my TV when I turned it on almost 20 years ago.


My mom, sister and I were convinced by the promos to start on day one of the pilot airing.


I started watching it because of From. I wanted to see if there were any similarities plus Harold Perrineau is in both shows. I'm on season 4 but I hate Ben so much. I can't stand to watch any episode with him. Pretty much how I feel about Leland in Evil. Same actor. He just makes me so mad!!


You want me to be honest? Lol. It was on TV, and the pilot was interesting but.... it was Josh Holloway that made me keen to watch through the first dozen episodes before I got hooked.


That's completely acceptable to me