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Uh so I think the idea is he found the original recordings of the Tracey Ullman show in high quality... but just sorta has them and isn't ripping them or uploading them anywhere. This is 98% a video talking about the Tracy Ullman shorts and the Simpsons show staff's relationship with her. It's only a quick mention of the actual found footage. He says at one point "The only way to see them would be to come over to my house and watch them." So uhh... better resolution versions of the shorts is still lost until they work out the rights I guess. Which they've been "working out" for 33 years. Beyond the misleading title it's a good documentary video though.


Same situation as that show The State and other MTV stuff. I think they put up all Beavis and Butthead maybe but they edited stuff that the licensing changed on


Why don't these people just rip them.


As others have said it might just be he found a torrent on a private tracker or something like that. If that's the case I'm sure they'll start showing up elsewhere soon.


Hope so. Hate the idea of just hoarding/being unwilling to share media that could become lost.


unless I'm missing something, this video doesn't seem to have anything to do with finding anything


I have all the episodes. They’re the non-syndicated versions too, so they’re uncut with the original commercials. This includes The Simpsons short that only aired once due to controversy - Maggie sticking a fork in an electric socket.


We would love for you to share them, if possible.


Would love these!!!


Where is it, lol?


Probably just found it on an invite only torrent site


I wouldn't be surprised. He's probably just another hoarder.


My strongest memory of this show might be a youthful hallucination. I swear on one episode during Tracey's goodnight speech, she was wearing a white robe and at the end of her remarks, she flashed the audience. She had tape on her nipples so it was tv safe but there's no way this happened. Right? I 100% remember this but i've ever found evidence of it happening


You can find it on Youtube. She was wearing a prosthetic from a skit earlier in the show, probably made out of foam to make her look busty. That's all you're seeing when she opens the robe. And she does have black tape over where the nipples would be. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2zMzFBLyMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2zMzFBLyMI)


wow! sure enough! leave it to a 9 year old to not take any context into account other than boobies. thanks!!


lol of course that didn’t happen


Great video!


Yoooo that's the simp show