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I COMPLETELY forgot about Kidd Video until you mentioned it! I wonder if the show was a Canadian production: you mentioned Glass Tiger, and mentioning the show also unlocked a memory of a montage in it using the awesome yet obscure Canadian song "Flippin' to the A Side" by Cats Can Fly [(here)](https://youtu.be/SJGripBLSbY?si=5Zt9n-dyGxEeETwc). Also, I vaguely remember Love's Gonna Find a Way on TV, but don't remember a single. Loved your write-up, and will check this out!


most likely the video did not get the public reaction they were hoping for, so they cancelled the single release. I was 15 in 85, and this is my first time hearing of this. Not that me not hearing it means it failed,


Dan Larson (Secret Galaxy) did a good overview of Kidd Video which mentions the charity thing. Also, the Kidd Video band was actually a rather popular touring group in a few places outside the U.S. in their own right. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCZU2xwDmlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCZU2xwDmlI)


[1985 Article](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-los-angeles-times-kids-for-africa/54820878/)


Sad that someone is negative about raising money for Africans who are starving a dying from famine.Yes, the song is average but they changed the world and saved lives which is more than no talented no successful Ian aces ever did. 


It should be available.