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So apparently there was an edited down version released in 2007, but after searching the usual places I haven't been able to find it for sale or a rip of it. Theres a write up of it on [DVD talk here](https://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/review/32273) sounds like its a bit of a stinker and a poor quality dvd release. Of course, now I want to see it just because I can't find it.


literally same


So I see that Mark Borchardt and Mike Schank were in it. Unfortunately Mike passed away but Mark is still around. Try contacting him. He might be a big help.


kk thank you i will try that!


Please let us know if you get any info!


This film? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_Singer_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1


That's the one - wonder if there's a copy out there somewhere. Seems interesting just to see how those cameos they wrangled in work.




...and yet that Google search (which I'm sure the OP tried) shows that it's not available to stream anywhere (including Plex, where Google tells you it is available).


This was definitely for tax purposes for sure


all i could find was this youtube channel with clips and a trailer from the movie, it also has a link to what was supposed to be the movies website? But it wasn’t and i have no idea what it said because the said wasn’t in english and had nothing to do with the movie [abby singer movie](https://youtube.com/@abbysingermovie?si=YoaSUpkHs_94NZEc)


Went to the site, seems like the domain was sold to an indonesian media site...? Yeah, I'm not so sure, but perhaps someone archhived the original site on Wayback Machine. Edit: The [blog](http://abbysingermovie.blogspot.com/) for the movie is still up.


i really was excited for someone to find this-- until i watched the trailer


The funniest part for me was finding out the "cameos" were actually obtained when the producers of the movie went to a film festival disguised as staff and filmed celebrities talking to them.  I mean, that sticks out in some way. 


All, this is the structure of the film; They made an independent film and they included red carpet film footage where they interviewed celebrities. The reason this was not for sale is that they probably cannot legally sell it without removing clips of the celebrities. They probably don’t have signed releases from these actors. They could get away with making it and showing it in film festivals, but they’d get sued if they produced DVDs. What you’ve found is a failed viral marketing ploy to get interest for the movie by linking it to A-List celebrities. That’s all.


no doubt, still wanna find it and watch it regardless


[Some Pakistani DVD shop](https://www.dvdplanetstore.pk/shop/drama/abby-singer-2003/) claims to be selling the DVD. Also, why choose a title that starts with "lost film found ..."? lmao


because i found a film on letterbox thats lost media, its not listed on any lost media sites


I just wanted to point out that the word "found" usually means something different, at least in lost media communities.


didnt expect this post to get picked apart piece by piece by everyone lmfao was just bringing attention to a piece of lost media no one talks about


I provided you with a potential source but apparently your post being "picked apart piece by piece" is more worthy of talking about. I'm not spending any more time on this.


there are several unreliable websites i found online that claim to sell the movie but im not gonna input any card information and pay $15 to find out and potentially get scammed several different way and yeah who cares if i said “found” in in the title when if u read the whole sentence and a convenient [fully lost] right at the end it was unnecessary


> there are several unreliable websites i found online that claim to sell the movie And you thought you'd refrain from mentioning this until somebody had wasted their time and pointed it out to you. The words you were looking for are not "fully lost" but rather "I can't find, therefore it doesn't exist". Object permanence should be a requirement for posting on this sub.


yeah i didnt think id have to put everything from a quick google search would tell you. if there are so many rules of this subreddit maybe become a mod and change the rules and add definitions to these terms because in any normal person minds they get exactly what i meant


It already says "We are not here to help you find something". The mods could add "Something isn't fully lost just because you didn't immediately find a convenient source" but you probably would have ignored that one too.


didnt ask anyone to find the film…………………….. just asked if anyone had heard of it and “convenient source” u refer too is a bootleg dvd website so helpful👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


‘Starring Jake Gylenhall and Brad Pitt’ seems to be pushing it! Couple of minutes of screen time each at the most? 


https://preview.redd.it/5t5dkkpvtltc1.png?width=215&format=png&auto=webp&s=005b3a1f49be5d4485bba3e115011c8581a45f4e yeah they're just cameos it seems like, but still this is quite a list to just be lost like this


im sorry but starting means that they are in the film…. and they are, and nobody has a clue how long they are in it because it doesnt exist anywhere


Here's some additional links promoting the film: * [Archived official site](https://web.archive.org/web/20071020195418/http://www.abbysingermovie.com/index2.html) * [BlogSpot site](https://abbysingermovie.blogspot.com/)


I’ve contacted mill creek entertainment, as well as a few of the film festivals it was it was shown at.


cool!!! let us know if u hear anything :)


On the wiki it says that a documentary was made called “the misbehavers” that followed the the process of promoting “Abby singer” I contacted Brian Young who was apart of that documentary and asked if he was apart of “Abby Singer” and if he had the footage. He responded saying he doesn’t have a copy but Clint J. Palmer who was one of the main actors in it had bought the rights for the movie and as far as anyone had heard never did anything with it. I can’t find contact info for Clint Palmer though, which is the next lead.