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What upcoming videogame? I'm not really keeping track of anything


OP could be referring to a lot of games, unfortunately this happens a lot.


Damn, I was excited for a LOTR video game :(


There is a hobbit farming simin the works, but it looks pretty busted.


I would love a nice relaxing game where you just hang out in the Shire and farm and eat food and get up to minor mischief


It's basically Animal Crossing: Hobbiton. Really, it's more like Disney Dreamlight Valley from a monetization perspective but they're similar gameplay styles.


I'd much rather Animal Crossing. Companies would rather make shortterm profits over longterm player base, and the possibility of people buying their DLCs.


That sucks they focused on monetization. If I had the know-how, I'd make a 16-bit game like the original Harvest Moon where you're on the Shire.




Like trying not to get caught by farmer Maggot.


How is return to moria do you know?


Games, TV shows, films, books... Every conversation these days easily devolves into "ug woke ug, ug ug woke bad lol"


I don’t know what OP is referring to. But I know [Tales of the Shire](https://youtu.be/8VA0uGtHqQI?si=v08jSqCc6-XTQRIC) is an upcoming game. It is a cozy game in the shire.


That shit is woke. What kind of non-binary gender-bending pervert would come up with a world where men and women are barefoot and hairy.


This game looks awful! There were no black hobbits in the book! I don't want to fuck any of the hobbit women! They're all ugly! It's ruining my immersion! It's woke trash! Aaaaaaaaaghgh!


Could be the new Dragon Age? Though the woke complaints feel extra strange given how woke all of the prior material is. There have always been queer characters and characters of color in DA


Dragon Age always been like that though "Omg you can be bisexual with interracial people! Its so woke" Literally been there since day 1, fucking Andraste was boning elves and chicks and whatever she wanted hahaha. Their Jesus was bi and interracial af In fact, *everyone* was bi in game 2. Can be anyone and fk anything haha, just a very horny world really


If you played your cards rights, you could end up with a foursome with Isabela, Zev, and Leiliana. Those were the days. "What can I say? I like big boats. I cannot lie" (technically DA2, but...)


It's literally any game at this point. Take a look at the steam forums. It's just fully of people saying vile shit and not getting banned.


New Lara Croft design is called trans and woke for not having big boobs and having a face.


Don't you know? Only trans women have faces.


Fuck, _this_ is how I find out I'm a trans woman apparently?


Wow really I was actually surprised how similar she was to old school fanservice Croft Ok, yeah she doesnt have a 26 inch waist with G cups but still, like she's got it going on. Some people just love to complain I guess


Last I heard Lara Croft’s chest is now too small. Those types of political decisions are destroying gaming!


Nah, Lara Croft is supposed to have big triangle boobies. Have you *seen* them? She could poke somebody’s eye out with them


Exactly how am I supposed to play a game without triangle tiddy


Said Sir Galahad, whose title was "The Pure"


all of them. just any upcoming game, any upcoming media where you dont play as the kkk.


Assassin's creed shadow


Literally, just pick a video game coming out soon. I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there trying to say it's woke. The new Assassin's Creed is being called Woke for including a black man. A black man that existed within Japanese history. Because minute historical accuracy is now the most important thing in a series about descendants looking into their genetic memories of their ancestors fighting an ancient ongoing battle over alien artifacts across time.


Including? Putting Yasuke in as an npc is including. They made a black man the main playable character of a game set in Japan. That's not "including"


It’s funny how you mention any of the games getting called woke and dummies just flood in and *willingly* volunteer to demonstrate for the class exactly what kind of idiots you’re talking about, lol.


It's not woke, it's racist.


Star Wars Outlaws is a big one. All the man-children are foaming at the mouth and shrieking because it's a f*male protagonist.


There are 2 types of people 1. The ones you mentioned. 2. The ones who just don't like the character simply because they were not well written/don't belong correctly in the story, being female was pure coincidence, but they get lumped with the first type anyways, because internet. Bonus type (and the worst): Those who belong to the first type, but as soon as the female protag looks like Eve from Stellar Blade, or 2b from Nier: Automata, they immediately change their mind and all of sudden, "we want more characters like them".


Yeah, if someone has a legitimate issue with the way a character is written or how they fit into the story, that's fine and they're entitled to their opinion, I'm pretty much just talking about the first type.


Outlaws doesn't even come out for another month, so anyone complaining about the character now is just making shit up.


Outlaws isn't put yet though. So how do they know she's poorly written?


Speaking broadly, not about Outlaws.


She's the protagonist in a Ubisoft open world game. The chances of her being well written are pretty low. That said, it's interesting how much hatred is directed at "poorly written" female characters when there are just as many if not more "poorly written" male characters.


Never stopped these people before, they were calling out to boycott the mario movie since the first trailer just because they thought peach was going to not be a damsel in distress.


I remember when Kaine was revealed to have a massive cock despite her female appearance. Tpye 1 guys got SO mad about that, they exactly prove the point of Kaine's background.


I saw some guy on steam rating the upcoming cosy shire game as “woke” because you can be a black hobbit if you want Edit: [the game for those interested](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2016460/Tales_of_the_Shire_A_The_Lord_of_The_Rings_Game/)


a shire game? not a gamer, but i need that. it sounds fun


[it’s this one](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2016460/Tales_of_the_Shire_A_The_Lord_of_The_Rings_Game/)


It actually looks really good, although I'll admit the cozy farming sim genre is getting a bit overdone Also still probably more interesting than another "kill 10,000 orcs" action game--not that there's anything wrong with killing 10,000 orcs either.


Killing 10,000 orcs is even better when sexy shelob is there


Seems like a Shire-based cozy-farm game could actually go new places if it leaned hard into an intergenerational/family-tree aspect. Less about the individual hobbit, more about building up the family's standing over many lifetimes. If it's just Stardew/Rune Factory clone #1340, there's no way I'd go back just to grind through the same plant-radishes-and-upgrade-watering-can chore list again.


That looks awesome.


Only nitpick is it looks like someone glued a wolf pelt to their feet


Oh hell yeah


You just reminded me, years ago when my kids were still young, I got them a Wii. I had ulterior motives, honestly... I'd decided on the Wii after I saw the Force Unleashed trailer. But another game we had was Aragorn's Quest. And the fun thing is that it's presented as Sam telling the story, and you have this mini quest as one of Sam's kids. I'm a grown ass adult but I just made that kid run through as much of the Shire as I could. If someone would make a VR Shire game I would buy a VR headset so fast it'll give you whiplash.


The game is fun but I put 70 hours into my farm and property but that all vanished at once when some old guy with his human posse came through and stole basically everything from me. The game doesn't even give you warning or the ability to prepare for a scouring, it just happens.


Too real


That's what woke often means. There's black characters that talk.


Or women who don't have outrageous body proportions for the starin' and objectifyin'.


Well there are only two genders – male and political.


Two genders - Male and "political" Two sexual identities - hetero and "political" Two races/ethnicities - white and "political" Two religions - Christian and "political" It's exhausting


halflings 😊 dwarves 😊 elves 😊 ghosts 😊 goblins 😊 orcs 😊 trolls 😊 dragons 😊 wraiths 😊 gouls 😊 skeltons 😊 giant octopusses 😊 giant birds 😊 fire demons 😊 talking trees 😊 wizards 😊 women and brown people 🤬 and everytime its: "im not sexist or racist im just antiwoke"


> "im not sexist or racist im just antiwoke" something something Venn diagram is just one circle something something


Or a non-heterosexual character or couple.


If Stardew Valley came out today, these basement dwelling trolls would probably have a collective seizure because it checks all the boxes for 'woke'.


They're trying to make farming woke 😡😡






And half of the time they are just conventionally attractive women. It's genuinely concerning how these people think they must jerk off to every piece of media they consume.


I remember the outrage over Aloy Never knew _what_ drugs they were on, Aloy's really good looking, _especially_ if you factor in the fact she's from what's basically a post apocalyptic wasteland But i guess her jaw is somewhat square so she looks manly and ugly (/s)


[Oh no, it was even dumber than that](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/8k3Q3u1uz9)


What. Bruh.


Sadly I have seen this posted in response to the actual women's picture, even before Horizon. Baffling.


I remember when Dragon Age Inquisition came out and people were frothing at the mouth over how 'ugly and mannish' the devs made all the female love interests while all the male love interests were all so sexy and fuckable and *"as straight men"* that's unfair to them to make the male li's so hot while the female li's aren't. But like, the female love interests legit mostly still looked like fucking models. And then there was the fact that there were **gasp!** gay only romances (the *horror*)! Or complaining that straight male inquisitors had fewer potential love interests than anyone else (not true btw). And don't even get me *started* on the posts whining about Krem being trans and how that "completely breaks the lore" and is "woke bullshit shoved down your throat". This even though you can completely skip Krem's whole dialogue about it and never even find out. Krem's great btw, all my homies love Krem. The discourse around the game could get exhausting sometimes.


I think the outrage was, peach fuzz on her character that you could hardly even see.


Bruh I didn't even know of that part. I just saw a ton of gamers(tm) call her ugly lmao


Motherfuckers are out there saying that *Lara Croft* is ugly. I guess that's what happens when your only idea of what a woman looks like comes from anime girls with tits the size of beach balls.




"Not now Jarvis, im jorkin my peanuts" "To what sir?" "I have no clue"


My roommate bought stellar blade for the sole reason of “pissing off the woke crowd” and never care about the game. Now that the controversy is over, it’s just collecting dust in his game library.


But isn’t it kind of used the right way here? Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that leftists took the term woke, first used by African Americans, for being awake and conscious of societal issues. So here we have an RPG based on books and movies that make no reference to black hobbits, but the creators are conscious (awake) for black gamers, so in their RPG they offer black gamers the chance to play a black mini version of themselves. It’s just that a loud portion of the American right does not consider this an issue so also calls it woke, using it as a slur. Once again, please correct me if I have misunderstood something.


That's a great example of how language can evolve pretty quickly. You're right, "woke" used to mean "being aware of social injustice". But nowadays noone uses this term with that meaning in mind. Now it's used as a slur, that's something is "leftist" or just "not the way my righ-winged mind wants to see things". So technically you're right, but practically not really


I don’t think having black characters in a game in 2024 needs to be called “woke” or anything else. That’s kind of messed up in its own way. How long until we can have gay, black, female, and other non-white/straight representations without it being a whole thing?


lol I know a game dev who used it exactly this way talking about doing crowd NPCs. Politics are getting very polarized in the US right now


People just unironically want Jim Crow again and don't understand how that makes them a bigot.


Complaining about things being "woke" is code for being racist, misogynist, and homophobic. You can disregard those people


It's super funny when people try to discredit some work because it's woke contrary to what the author intended, and the original author was woke AF. Case in point: the Witcher. People were crying about Witcher series being woke and putting "unnecessary" LGBTQ or PoC topics instead of true Slavic topics. Then, if one is capable of reading, they could read something by Sapkowski, either books themselves, or some interviews, or his works about literature. Guess what would they found out? That Sapkowski hates "Slavic fantasy", pokes holes at nationalism and racism, Ciri had her only voluntary sex with a woman, sorceresses and other characters are explicitly bisexual or homosexual. And the most important topic of the whole story is racism, it's the driving force behind plot, it's what makes Geralt an unusual witcher who abandoned neutrality. And it's not just in books, but even in the games (joke) the books are based on (/joke).


I remember seeing a youtube comment that the creator of the Sandman would be rolling in his grave about the wokeness of the show (in reference to death being a black actress). You know, the writer who is still alive, involved in the creation of the show, and who is most definitely onboard with being "woke."


Ah those criticisms of the show were ridiculous but I'm not mad at the Witcher series for being "woke" I found season 1 to be great even with the casting choices I found it to be bad because the latest seasons and spinoffs didn't even follow the source material properly


Or gay, or woman leads, or trans, or anything not white and heteronormative.


The term "woke" literally originates from the black community, which makes it even more fitting that the chuds use it as a slur.


It's because anti-woke people can't imagine there being any good reason to include non-white people in anything. And if anyone not male is included they need to be a 'hot' woman, or else it's considered woke. Shows how horrifically fucking biggotted they are.




Multiple orientations allowed? That's straight up satanism.


Tetrus is Satanic? Shit, I need to get some bricks for my altar now.


The goal of Tetris is literally block erasure.


Game should be banned. You can put two long blocks next to each other. Ungodly.


From Weta Workshop? Isn’t that the vfx studio that helped with LOTR?


Weta Workshop is the prop and special effects company known for working on Lord of the Rings, but they've also worked on tons of popular movies like Last Samurai, Avatar, Mad Max Fury Road, Dune, and dozens more. Weta FX (Formerly Weta Digital) started as the visual effects division of Weta Workshop but has been spun off into its own company. They've also worked on everything from Lord of the Rings to Avatar to MCU, to everything under the sun. I don't know why the prop company is making video games, but at least they should know what the game should look like.


I'm more confused how the Weta Workshop, known for making the world-famous props for movies including the Lord of the Rings, are now making games.


I guess "woke" means "not for racists" to a lot of people. 


Not going to lie, woke or not that game looks shit. We haven't had a good lotr game since Shadow of war


Maybe it's just not your preferred genre, a bit harsh to call it shit


I just want the Minas Tirith, Helm’s deep, and Amon Hen battles with modern tech- IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?


Don’t worry, they’ll soon change the narrative to get more people on the anger train.


I saw a trailer for a Viking game that looked cool and the comments were all just praising it for “no black samurai.” Not even for the amazing graphics wtf?


You talking about Assasin creed?


The Viking game was called Norse I think, but yeah people decided it was better to hate on assassins creed then talk about Norse. Those people need to grow the hell up.


They need to do a free dlc skin of a black samurai, just to fuck with these people.


Totally not racist Gamers are so upset about a black lead role they will complain in unrelated comment sections about it. Do they also boycott Christianity as Jesus being white is a historical innacuracy?


I really dislike Ubisoft games in general but I can't even imagine what it must be like living in the head of someone who sees [this](https://i0.wp.com/insider-gaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/assassins-creed-red-yasuke.jpg?fit=1920%2C1080&ssl=1) key art and doesn't think it's *awesome*.


>no black samurai Yasuke, an African Jesuit Samurai, be looking down from heaven like "Am I a joke to you??"


Bro idk why people care so much. With that logic Skyrim is woke because it has homosexual marriage AND black characters that talk, not to mention gender equality.


It came out before the culture war was in full force. No one told these people to be angry about it, then.


My conservative family used to happily watch Glee back in the day. It wasn't seen as "pushing an agenda," it was just characters in a story. If that show came out today it would be received way differently.


Such a good point. The same example can be given to a lot of media. One that comes to mind is Dog Day Afternoon. Won an Oscar for best screenplay, Pacino was nominated for an Oscar for it. Overall great movie. Not a chance it doesn’t get eviscerated as “woke” if it came out today.


Alien franchise would probably be called woke garbage with "muscular, taught, competent" woman if it came out today. Especially Alien 3 where you have Ripley with shaved head.


Back then they where just incoherently upset at the idea of women working in video games.


I also like how Anita Sarkeesian making half assed game criticism through feminist lense caused way more havoc and vitriol than actual cases of work place sexual harassment in gaming industry.


My absolute favourite passtime is retrospectively applying the woke filter to everything prior, and pissing off conservatives even more. The new Assassins Creed is perfect, because all the previous titles would also be cancelled under their smoothbrain rot logic. Media has been woke since its invention. Media's primary purpose is pushing agenda. Reality has a liberal bias. Conservatives dont have shit, but what their cognitive dissonance allows, until the hivemind then cancels it. (The Boys, for instance).


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.


I'm on the modding project Beyond Skyrim (r/BeyondSkyrim for anyone interested, always looking for new team members), we always have these people crawling out of the woodwork asking why we're putting gay or trans characters in our mods. As if these things don't already exist in ES lore. It's pathetic.


Nah, I’mma crawl out of the woodwork right here. You putting Dagoth Ur and Dagothwave in your mods?


This is the hard-hitting journalism I've been looking for. As a long-time elder scrolls fan, I need that content.


We here at Daily Dagoth cut right to **Heart** of the matter. Subscribe today to stay up to date with all the Tamrielic goings-on *(fast-paced voice) subscription to Daily Dagoth will alert The Sharmat to your existence and within one week a tentacle *will* grow out of your hollowed out facial cavity. The Sixth House and its’ affiliates assume no responsibility for any hentai-related incidents which may occur as a result of this transcendence. Terms and conditions apply, see dream journal for further details*


I'm so fucking tired of these "culture war" knobheads. If a woman so much as exists in proximity to a piece of a media, that's it, it's woke trash trying rewrite history for its own agenda and blah blah blah. I'm so past being angry about them. I'm just tired and want them to go away.


It's to replace their total lack of personality


With a bit of tribalist comformism mixed in. None of them can admit to holding a dissenting view without risking ostracism. Case in point: the "no homo" meme, or anything whatsoever involving femboys.


Calling them out for being gullible enough to fall for the culture war distraction to begin with has seemed like the best option to me.


I’ve learned to just completely discount the opinion of anyone who uses “woke” as a pejorative. Their opinion has no value and they can jog on.


It’s especially annoying because, legitimately, certain things *are* annoying as a minority. The pandering for a month, then silence. The tokenism. The super special social points that are scored when you retroactively change a character to “represent” a demographic but that change is entirely artificial and you didn’t actually use that change or revelation to deepen the character/plot or explore new elements. But the “iT’s WoKe TrAsH” crowd has made it way harder to voice those issues. Which, I guess in a way, is exactly what they want, ironically. Minorities silenced.


Woke is like a calling card for reactionary losers.


Wake up sheeple, the anti vaxx trump supporters were the woke snowflakes the entire time.


Same, I also assume they take their opinions from the local radio stations.


This is the correct course of action.


Just put them in a room with parrots repeating ‘woke’, and leave them there. They’re happier and everyone else in their lives will be too


The best thing about someone complaining about something being woke is that you know you don't have to listen to that person anymore


This is an underrated comment. When I’m watching YouTube and giving gaming related channels that I haven’t watched a chance and I hear them do it I don’t have to worry about deliberating on the type of person they are and if they will be the millionth right winger abusing the video game space because they just give the answer up right away and I no longer have to waste a second on them.


This is very effective for me to find my favorite Star Wars channels


[everything I don't like is woke](https://preview.redd.it/everything-i-dont-like-is-woke-v0-z2bb9wblrioa1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=66bcfe73e0d64f4eba260f109f940076eb3b3997)


r/everythingidontlikeiswoke edit: TIL r/howlongcanasubredditn


I made it. everythingidontlikeiswoke was too long. r/everythingihateiswoke


How do some people function in day to day society? They walk around and see people of different colors, genders, and different walks of life. How do they cope? They can’t even handle seeing anyone who doesn’t look like them in a video game.


> How do they cope? Badly.


Wait what did I miss ?


Let me guess: there’s a gay or non-white or woman character


The worst I’ve been downvoted is saying on an assassins creed sub that I preferred playing as Kassandra in Odyssey 😆


Which is funny because most seem to agree that kassandra VA was much better. I didnt feel like replaying the game so didnt try personally


I played it 4-5 times Only once as Alexios and I didn't finish that playthrough.


I think she was the intended canon character. Playing as her vs the dude, things mesh better, story wise and context wise. Gear and armour look better on her than the dude. And her motion capture animations just looked better. And her voice work is miles ahead of the other. If i had to guess i would say the dude character was an after thought they put in later to give players a choice.


Most likely. Ubisoft has forced devs to add in a male character several times now with Assassin's Creed.


Same with AC Valhalla. Eivor's last name is Varinsdottir, which means "Varin's daughter"


Isn't Kassandra the canon main character?


*sighs malaka*


I mean, when are straight white men going to finally be represented in games...and TV shows...and movies? We've been oppressed now for almost 8 years! This is outrage! /s


These people literally can't enjoy anything


Doesn't matter woke or not. It can't be worse than Gollum simulator.


The Dead City, very nasty place, full of ... enemies.


I’m not excited for the game because stardew valley already exists and it makes me uncomfortable watching the Tolkien IP get milked so blatantly


The shire game? It looks cute but definitely doesn't need to be LOTR honestly.


People are calling the new Fable woke because of the woman in the trailers. The last Fable game, I was gay, a demon landlord, and had a partner with an adopted child. These people just want to look at strong men being strong men so they can tell themselves they are also strong men, too.


I made a fart noise to woo another man, then whoopied up a kid I sacrificed to a demon for magic carrots It was pushing an agenda I think but fk knows what it was


“If a game includes a black person, a woman not built like a Pixar mom or god forbid even one gay person, the game is unplayable and and is forcing an agenda. Sometimes I wonder if these people have been”outside in the past 20 years


Nah man, this is 2024. Pixar moms are woke, it's the child like young women who have no personality apart from being subservient that are okay.


They probably don’t understand what that word means.




It does seem like that good sir.


Probably because it has none


It’s used in the exact same way that “politically correct” was 20 years ago


What level are we talking about? Black hobbits or making Gandalf a pansexual drag queen? 😄


Me excited for the rohirrim film 


Solution, you buy the game and whoever thinks it is woke (whatever that means) they don’t have to buy the game. Everyone is happy 😄


Me when the new Castlevania series came out. I loved it, and just wanted to gush about it with people. But the chuds had to ruin it because there's some black characters.


Thought I was in r/gamingcirclejerk for a minute there. Lol. This is too real though... some people just can't let others enjoy something without sticking their asshole of an opinion into the convo.


Anyone who uses the word woke unironically should be sent to the moon


To clarify, do you mean those who identify as "woke" in the sense of being aware of, and interested in overcoming societal issues? Or do you mean people who use the word as an insult?


Sorry yeah haha I mean people that use woke as an insult


The word is obsolete. No one wants to use it in a positive way now (not saying that the archaic version was positive) , so its only a label now for things that certain groups don't like.


There's a lot of bots in here


How about we keep lotrmemes the nice cozy place with lotrmemes.that it is, Instead of dragging some unrelated drama into it. There are plenty of subs to discuss that topic, this sub isn't one of them.


After the sometimes politically driven backlash to RoP, I'd say we are too late on that front.


Yes please, I don't want to see people complaining about other people complaining about other people complaining that certain game is woke or is not woke, just no at least not here seen all the opinions here and most them are just biased, just want to enjoy LOTR usual themes


Anyone who unironicly says woke, is not worth listening to.


The ones saying it just hate anything new lol. "Anything and everything made by this generation is woke and pandering". God, they're gonna die with so much hate in their lives, it's sad.


Anyone calling anything woke isn’t capable of discussing anything on a level you’d find satisfying.


This is me with Space Marine II. Warhammer fans that are online all seem to be very “anti-woke” and it frankly just makes the entire community as a whole seem like something I want to stay away from.


Yup, this and when I go into the reviews/comment section of most media.


Woke just means it has something that offended them.


Eh, people who call games (or anything) woke aren’t exactly fun company to be around.


SBI and forced DEI ruin games


I wouldn’t take it too personally everything is woke to those people. Heck even they even consider leaves changing a different color in the fall as woke.


It’s so annoying. Things have been “woke” forever and they’re not now complaining because the internet


People who call things woke and act like they've actually said something are fuckwits... their opinion is not worth listening to


Anyone who uses the term "woke" is probably significantly stupid


If you can’t criticize an upcoming videogame without people using bigotry to denigrate you and your positions


“Woke” and “snowflake” need to leave the cultural zeitgeist


Can definitely tell every single one of you have zero clue as to why people call certain things woke. One of you used Skyrim as an example...but Skyrim is in fact, not woke. Never was. Thing is, you idiots think something is labeled woke if it has equality, gay marriage, or black characters by default. Completely missing the point. Skyrim has established, or at least not established the opposite of those things. Elder Scrolls has established races that have more melanin than others, established mixing of races, established marriage of anyone depending on the culture and had established that there are plenty of Warrior Women along with men. It's never been labeled as woke by the majority...Because it's not something shoehorned in for browny points.


I am unsure what game OP is specifically refering to, but scrolling a bit through the comments and considering my own experience, the people siding with OP and the people not siding with OP would most likely have the same opinion in that they don't want politics to be dragged in their casual enjoyment of videogames and certain media. If you see yourself in this statement: I am with you


For most people, it might not be the inclusion of modern politics that's the problem, but the execution. If a piece of media is not well made without being political, making it political will not improve it, which is what I think a lot of the entertainment higher-ups don't seem to get. And when it's done well, people don't notice it, and that's not a bad thing, it means it fits the media seamlessly.


Thank you. I was kind of worried about my feelings towards this kind of thing, but your comment made me realise that the thing I hate is insincerity. I hate it when a political statement or a “look, X people are so great!” feels forced and out of place. Almost as if it wasn’t there - nothing would change. On the other hand, If the same message feels as a natural part of the story - I accept and process it accordingly. Thanks again, I felt kinda bad about myself


It all depends on what qualifies as "politics" to a person. I don't consider the existence of certain people to be political at all. That their existence is forced to be political is a travesty of justice to me.


My favourtire oueces of art and literature throughout history have been political. From the divine comedy to the Iliad to to kill a mockingbird. Great works are always political.