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This is one of the sweetest questions I have ever encountered. It made me smile and laugh a little (Because it is so sweet). When we feel loved and joyful, our bodies release special chemicals that make us feel even better. Laughter is a natural way to express that happiness and share it with others.


My boyfriend loves to make me laugh too. He loves me and he loves to see me happy, especially when he is the cause behind it. He says I have a really pretty smile so he loves to make me laugh so he can see me smile and laugh. I'm sure your boyfriend has very similar reasons, but basically, it comes down to wanting to see you happy.


Flirting, he wants you to be his woman


That's adorable and sweet. It brings him joy to give you joy šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° Also, the sound of your laugh probably makes his whole day. Cause he loves you lots ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




Probably loves to see your smile. All too often too many women do not smile any more. They do not seam to realize how positive an effect their smile is especially for the men that love them. I am never happier then when I see my fiance smile.


This. Knowing I made someone else happy for a brief moment makes me incredibly happy. I feel compelled to take care of the people I love, and making them smile is just one example :)


if you love someone, obviously bringing them joy would make you happy and what bigger joy does a person have then genuinely laughing. when you love someone, it could be any little thing such as enjoying their food that would bring you joy. have you parents never said they love when you are happy or enjoying something? itā€™s the same context.


Lol what do you mean what does it mean? It means exactly what it sounds like. There most probably isn't a secret meaning. Edit: Oh ok I just read the part about your autism. I'll give you some thoughts in straightforward wording. None of us know either of you, but most likely: It makes him happy to see you having fun and being happy. He thinks you look pretty when you laugh or smile. It validates to himself that you like him and you are a good fit for each other due to having a compatible sense of humor. It is an emotional connection to have fun and make each other laugh. It creates positive feelings and associations with each other. So keep laughing and try to make him laugh! When he makes you laugh, you could sometimes give him a hug and kiss as a spontaneous thing. I'd bet you a thousand bucks when you do that it will make his day, week, maybe even month.


This person is about to nab $1,000 ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜ŽšŸ’Æ




ā€œI bet you a thousand bucks when you do that it will make his day, week, maybe even monthā€


He cares about you so he enjoys seeing you happy. You might also have a cute smile etc which adds to it. People express their love differently humour is one way.


You got yourself a man who loves you so much. I was in love a few months ago and all I wanted to do is to make her laugh or even smile a bit. It makes me so happy, makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. Like I have everything even if we were in McD eating fries. So just enjoy the love n affection you are getting.


He wants you to be happy.


Making you happy makes him happy. Seeing someone you care about happy can actually release endorphins in your own body. Also, laughing helps him know that you enjoy his company.


It releases ThE gOoD cHeMiCaLs. That's all. Making you laugh feels good in his brain.


Blunt and true


Humor is a big part of how I show love. Itā€™s because I love seeing people experience joy and happiness, and they deserve to feel it. The world and existence are so heavy. Humor lets you set that heaviness down for awhile, or it at least lightens the load. We love giving our loved ones a moment that feels light and easy. Simply put, we love to make the people we love happy.


Thanks for your explanation of yourself, OP. That clears things up. It brings him joy to bring you joy. When he does something that makes you laugh, he feels fulfilled and happy. He shares that with you so that you know that your laughter also brings him joy. He's just sharing his love and admiration for you.


As someone who is also autistic I will explain it very simply for you. It makes him happy, your happiness is his happiness. He gets a dopamine fix from it. There is nothing evil, sinister or weird about it. Edit: new phone being dumb with trying to autocorrect me.


He enjoys making you laugh. Simple


he likes hearing your laughter, nothing too complicated


The boy likes to make you feel good, as he should.


Sweetheart, firstly forget a few rude people who made rude comments about your autism. I appreciate you sharing that with us. Itā€™s help me to understand that you have a genuine inquisitiveness about why he says that he loves making you laugh. Itā€™s simple really. Laughing is one of the most joyous things we have in our repertoire. Laughing alone or with others, makes me feel alive. I bond with people Iā€™m with and if alone, it simply makes me feel good. If things arenā€™t going well in my life, it makes me feel much better. Just laugh whenever it comes naturally. And let him say what he says. He does it because he cares about you and wants to share happy times with you. I hope that helps?


It could be nothing but most people who like to be funny do it as a coping mechanism to trauma. So him taking so much pleasure out of you laughing shows he must realy love you. I would still talk to him about getting help because its not sustaiable in the long run. Ex. ( robin williams, chris farley and many more. ) i pray iam wrong good luck


For me, laughing usually means happiness. When I can make my boyfriend laugh, I absolutely love it because seeing him happy makes me happy. I want him to be happy because he deserves it and because I think heā€™s wonderful. I want good things for the people I love and laughter is good.


He enjoys the sound of your laugh. It makes him feel good. This is a pretty universal thing. I think itā€™s biologically ingrained.


My wife has the most captivating laugh I honestly have ever heard and I get a huge reward emotionally when she laughs at me or just a silly TV show. Iā€™ve always said that she could capture a room and stand out among most when she laughs and her expression displays her total beauty


It may mean that when you laugh, your face glows up and your smile is beautiful to him and the sound of your laughter is endearing to him. I know thatā€™s what it means to me when I say this to my gf


Men like an audience. Your laugh makes him feel good.


Heā€™s cheating on you


Such a troll šŸ˜‚




Stop with the I'm autistic stuff just enjoy your relationship and look at it like this you rather him make u laugh or cry?


It's probably because it's extremely common to hear that what women want in a man is somebody who can make them laugh. So when he makes you laugh, it probably reassures him that he's checked one of the important boxes.


EVERYONE wants someone that can make them laugh. Itā€™s not just women. Strange comment.


That's not true at all actually. Guys typically don't really care. In fact I'm not sure I've ever once heard a man list "can make me laugh" among the list of traits he seeks in a woman.


Itā€™s called having a sense of humor and as friends weā€™ve discussed this. Almost all our male friends claimed itā€™s top 3. I agreed. Donā€™t generalize like that.


I think it's funny you're you're telling me not to generalize when you're generalizing too. You literally said "EVERYONE", in all caps even. "Having a sense of humor" means different things for men and women. For women, it tends to mean finding a man that can make her laugh. For a man, it tends to mean finding a woman who will laugh at his jokes and appreciate his kind of humor. Here watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rXqpwLwP1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rXqpwLwP1s) Also, here's an article in Time explaining the same distinctions: [https://time.com/2859728/science-of-sexy-5-things-that-can-make-you-irresistible/](https://time.com/2859728/science-of-sexy-5-things-that-can-make-you-irresistible/) Also, just go google "what do women want in a man" and then "what do men want in a woman." You'll notice that "sense of humor" is typically in the top five traits women seek, and is all but nonexistent in the lists of traits men seek. I'm certainly not saying that these references definitively prove anything. I'm more just pointing out the fact that it's a very popular/common belief that men are indifferent to whether a woman can make them laugh. Thinking "*EVERYONE is looking for someone who makes them laugh*" is out of touch with reality.


Yes, it is that simple. He just loves to make you laugh and see you happy. He's placed your happiness, enjoyment and amusement on a pedestal. As something that matters and is important to him very much. He may or may not be able to express just how much he loves you but this is his way to try. To think that someone can love someone so much is pretty awesome and amazing. Enjoy it, embrace it, and just love him back fully and unconditionally. If you feel like you could do more for him too, figure out stuff he enjoys, likes, wants, or needs to do for him in return. A man will remember a simple gesture for a very, very long time, whether that gesture is negative or positive.


I don't know his reasons but i like to be with a partner that has the same sense of humour as me. So, if i make my loved one laugh, it means we are on the same page and it makes me happy


It means he loves to make you happy.


Everyone's autistic...


ā€œThe autism is strong with this one ā€œ- Darth Vader probably


ā€œBitches ainā€™t shit but hoes and tricksā€ -Gandhi, and he said it directly to my face


I love hearing others laugh it truly brings me joy and i end up laughing with them.


It means that he loves the little things about you, i.e: making you laugh. He loves to hear your laugh, as it's makes him feel joy for being the one to make you feel that way. I'm also autistic, so it took me a while to learn that that is how some people like to love their significant other. I like making my partner laugh or smile, especially when they're feeling down. It fills me with pride because it means so much to me to be able to make my partner feel better.


I would take it as a compliment - he loves seeing you happy.


Have you tried making a baby laugh? Does the sound of the babyā€™s laugh make you giggle a bit? Have you seen how a dog totally goes nuts when you play with them? Does that make you smile too? Thatā€™s the closest comparison I can muster on what your boyfriend meant. You may not understand it for now but no worries, he doesnā€™t mind as long as he can make you happy. šŸ«¶


He loves seeing you happy and enjoying yourself.


Iā€™m a woman and I love making my husband and loved ones laugh. It makes me feel good to see them smiling and knowing that I could give them some comedic relief.


It means he is a joke. I kid, I kid


I loved loved LOVED making my ex wife laugh. But why.. that'a really good question. I guess because knowing that someone is feeling good and that you provided that is a warm fuzzy feeling. If we were laughing together and I realized it, I would laugh harder because the idea of her being happy made me happier.


When I make my FiancƩ laugh, I love to see the happiness on her face! I adore the way her eyes smile. Sometimes I'll just tickle her a little (knowing she will tickle me back) just to hear her laughter. It makes me so happy to bring her joy. I can't imagine a world where her laughter isn't heard. Maybe thats how he feels.


So everyone is saying the obvious ya know, he loves you and loves the sound of it but i feel like they arent really getting what you're asking. If you're the jokester or have a jokester of your friend group, you know when that person says something funny and everyone gets a good laugh going out of it so the jokester just keeps building on the joke, making peoole laugh harder? Well they keep it going cause they love the positive reaction they're getting from it and enjoy the happiness they're giving those around them and in return, it makes them happy too. When our partners try to make us laugh its for those same reasons but also, he loves the sound of your voice, the way you look when you laugh/smile, the fact that HE was the reason he was able to put a smile on your face. He loves that the one person he loves most in this world, is simply happy. Cause to be any other emotion is just not good. To you you're just laughing at a joke. To him? You're beautiful and smiling and in a great mood and he was able to help with that or be the reason for it. Its an immediate reminder to him why he loves you so much and always just wants to make you happy, even if he can't see it for himself. >when i text him that something made me laugh outloud he tells me he loves to make me laugh.


He likes the sound of your laughter


Sounds like he loves you quite a bit. Hope that helps. šŸ˜Š


He just feels happy when you laugh, it makes him feel good inside. My boyfriend has this little goofy smile he pulls out from time to time. I don't even know if he's aware he does it, and it's never caused by a specific thing. It's my absolute favourite thing that he does and it always makes me feel happy when I see it and it makes me smile when I think about it when we're not together.


It's cause he loves you. IMO having a person you can laugh with is just about the best part of being in love.


I am autistic as well and so is my partner. He is the same way. He says my giggles make him happy. We feel peaceful, safe and loved together. Especially when weā€™re laughing.


He sounds sweet. Keep him around


When you smile, it makes him smile. Joking around and making each other laugh is a good thing.


He cares for your happiness You are lucky OP


Your laugh makes him feel validated


For me, as a 41 yo M, if I know I've made my GF smile/laugh once a day, that just makes my heart happy. We can't see each other as often right now as we'd like, but even just making her laugh in text reminds me of the times sitting, laughing, seeing her eyes "smile". It fills me up with so much happiness that this amazing lady who thinks she is lucky to be with me, when in reality I am way more lucky than her to be with her, is joyful and happy with me. She is the first person I am 100% authentically myself, so no joke or comment is forced, I'm just me and she loves that, and I love that.


My husband's laugh is literally my favorite sound in the world. It brings me so much joy. I like making him laugh because I know for that moment he's joyful, he's enjoying life and he's enjoying me. That's all I ever want is for him to have joy in his life.


I am so happy you have a partner that is brought so much pleasure by your happiness! No deeper meaning, your joy is just very meaningful to him. Sounds like you are one cherished partner!


He thinks heā€™s adding joy to your life ā¤ļø


You look happy when you laugh. Happy is beautiful.


Lol yeh seems like nowadays doing that might actually be necessary.. people don't understand how to communicate anymore? I'll ask a similar question. My boyfriend says he loves ice cream, what does that mean? It means you think to much unnecessarily


Best response. Generally, men, we aren't that complicated.


My girlfriend's laughter is my favorite sound in the world. It makes my face smile, and my heart. It makes me feel like I've done not just a good thing, but a great thing. It's a sound so pleasant to my ears that it heals.


Seeing your loved one laugh is like being cured from depressive thoughts. It's liberating. I don't know if there is a better feeling than the feeling of joy you get when you see someone you love happy.


Seek no deeper meaningā€¦


It could be as simple as he thinks your laugh is cute so he wants to hear it as much as possible.


I feel the same way about my girlfriend. I just love seeing her happy and smiling. Especially when she does a big laugh and moves her whole body it just brings a smile to my face. I think your boyfriend is the same way.


The guy who makes the girl laugh is the guy who gets the girl.


Any person that can make their love interest laugh, gets the loverā€¦


Seems like his love language is laughter. That's a good thing. I love seeing my loved ones happy and joyful and if I can be part of what made them joyful then I feel really good. I enjoy making people laugh too (I got class clown 2 years in a row in high school.)


He's having second thoughts about the future of your relationship


Just FYI: adding /s at the end of a sarcastic post makes it clear that it wasn't serious and thus prevents people from downvoting you. I did, in fact, snort at your comment.


It makes him feel good to see you happy and enjoying himself, knowing he put you in that state of mind.


Seeing you happy makes him happy and your may have a cute laugh.Ā 


He wants to see you very happy at all times. He might enjoy it a lot because he wants to be the reason your happy, or inspire your happiness.Ā 


Don't overthink it. It just means you doing what comes naturally makes him happy. Seeing you happy makes him happy.


You accept his humor or personality with a smile?


Does he get angry easily ?


He loves you and seeing you happy is fulfilling. There is no doublespeak here, this is one of those things you can genuinely take literally. He loves to make you laugh. It makes him happy.


As a man, making my wife happy...truly happy is everything. For a guy it's like winning every war, every game, every thing all at once.


With other people, it's because I'm good at being funny, and I like feeling like I've accomplished something. It's functional. With my fiancƩ, it's because when she laughs loudly, it makes butterflies burst out of my soul and because she deserves to be laughing until the day she dies.


I love making people smile and laugh. When I was in a relationship it was also my goal to make my girlfriend happy by laughing. Even now as I'm dating around it will still be my go-to strategy to make the person feel they're interesting to me. I just think that a good laugh lifts our spirits up and happiness unlocks the best of ourselves.


You being happy / him making you happy, in turn, makes him happy.


What was the last thing you did for him that he liked? How did that make you feel?


He likes seeing you smile, looking at ur lit up face when you are happy


Donā€™t let it get in your head! It is amazing to have a guy feel this way, sit back and laugh with him! Life is way too shortā€¦ have fun. YOLO!


I think the simplest way to say it is that he wants you to be happy and feel safe around him, and one of the biggest ways that people show their guard is down and they feel safe is by laughing (that's just my interpretation tho take what resonates)


According to my partner, he loves making me laugh to see my face light up, see my genuine smile, he likes the sound of my laughs/giggles/chuckles (šŸ¤¢), he likes knowing that I'm happy and that HE was the reason. My partner says my laughing re-enforces his "dumb jokes" so he just gets sillier and sillier to elicit reactions from me. It's so fucking genuine. He knows what buttons to push šŸ¤£


It means he's cheating




This killed me hahaha Edit: me not Mr haha


Either he loves seeing you happy and smiling or he thinks your laugh is cute. Or both


The question makes sense to me and I donā€™t find it silly. Thereā€™s nothing wrong in asking to find clarification. I think he likes knowing he can make you laugh and smile. Itā€™s probably part of his love languages, and his way of pouring love into you.


It makes him happy to see you happy. It also makes him feel valued and admired.


I like making people laugh because it makes them happy, and when they're happy I'm happy.


He wants you to be happy


He loves making you happy and seeing you smile, he might like the way your face lights up itā€™s a beautiful thing


Maybe you touch his heart- and you have a beautiful smile, laugh or look gorgeous. It is a sweet compliment.


Idk why when I see my partner laugh thereā€™s something so pure and beautiful about it. Like when I see them smiling and laughing something relaxes in me.


Boyfriend says he likes to make you laugh, what does that mean? Seriously?


Sheā€™s just a sweet girl who doesnā€™t think about things please let me believe


It sounds like he just loves seeing you happy and knowing heā€™s the one who brought that smile to your face.


We like the smile and we like the giggle and we like knowing we did dat


thatā€™s very sweet !!!


I think he loves to make you laugh.


iā€™m autistic sorry, so this question probably seemed silly. i guess i kind of more so meant why? guys always say they like to be funny for girls and such butā€¦ why is it such a thing thatā€™s on the forefront of their mind?


Ah, a genuine question to add variables into the master equation for human behaviour (I am also autistic). Some points to consider (in no particular order): - Laughter produces endorphins which are a feel good hormone, and have many other health benefits (reference: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044456) - Laughter is a bonding experience, similar to sex or intimacy, but is less confronting (ie, lower energy, lower commitment, can be done in social contexts, etc) - Laughter is an accomplishment for someone with their loved ones - Many people like to differentiate themselves in social situations, and gain a competitive edge in the relationship market (and this does and should apply when in a committed relationship as well, i.e., continue dating your spouse); some people use looks, some go for fitness, some are intelligent, some are competent, some are funny, etc That should help as a starting point.


These are great but I wish you didnā€™t use genders that way you did. Everyone likes to make their partners laughā€¦male or female, opposite or same genders.


I was explaining for OPs specific situation, but this is good feedback, so I've made it more generic.


Thatā€™s alright. Think of it as a compliment and an accomplishment in one. ā€œMy favorite person thinks Iā€™m funny, *I* made them laugh.ā€ And itā€™s also just nice to see your partner having a good time.


aww! okay, thank you :)