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I’ll admit it: I laughed. I think it was funny. I am entertained. Sue me.


I laughed too. I had just said to my husband "he should throw it in the lake!", so I loved it.




I loved that he did that! She was super rude to him this whole conversation, really much of the whole show.


Good for him to finally stand up for his dignity, she was a cold bitch to him all along, laughing behind his back, playing with his heart. Could've cut it off long before, it was clear she wasn't into him from the get go. I hope this won't traumatize him for the other women. Rooting for Christoffer🤗💖


I couldn't agree more. I see a lot of posts saying that his "nice guy" behavior was an act, but my perception of him is that he's very genuine. He seems to be a sensitive, kind, thoughtful soul - it's obvious in the way he intereacts with everyone and he deserves so much more than cold Catja. She's awful. She didn't have to take him on an emotional roller coaster, but she did. She was happy to be a "taker" (as she said she was in the pods) and she seemed to enjoy the nighttime physical part of being with Christofer, but she wasn't attracted to him and should have said so instead of taking him for a ride. I was so glad that he chucked that engagement ring. I hope he knows how deserving of love he is...


Yes, the whole damn show. She was angry at him for being so good in his skin. She’s a mean person.


He did the same thing with his phone when they got all the phones back. 🤣💀 Edit: if she was rude to him, why did he treat his phone the same exact way?


I hope there was some weird editing in this scene. It went from Catja telling him what he said about using her body was saddening (rightly so) and then a pause then he tosses the ring. If that really happened in that order it was super rude.


I think the phrase “using \[her/your\] body” about a woman in the context of anything to do with sex is (understandably) very triggering for a lot of people, because it sounds like a cue for slut shaming. But he pretty clearly meant it along the line of “love languages“— he wants words of affirmation, not *just* physical touch, whereas she seems to *only* be comfortable expressing affection through physicality. He’s sad that despite their physical intimacy, she won’t tell him something she likes about him a couple times a day. He arguably wasn’t being at all slut shaming towards her. I think her getting offended left him feeling totally defeated in terms of ever being able to successfully communicate with her, so rather than try and explain further, he gave up. I also think silently tossing the ring was kinda theatrical— but it was actually also a lot more gracious than pointing out that she wasn’t listening well enough to comprehend him. 😆


Yeah, he did it in such a weird manner


It was pretty performative. He enjoyed doing that.


Yessss I love it!😆


This and him asking the lady seated next to him about wine and talking about how thirsty he was at the first wedding just cracked me up


This guy is cringe AF and I knew from start would never last lol


He is emotionally a baby




He gave incel vibes in this episode with his 'you use your body' and 'what do women want'


Honestly Catja needs to grow tf up, it makes sense why she’s on this show lol. The way she was portrayed was very nasty and I hope she’s able to reflect on her red flags.

