• By -


Just so you know: you can cut and paste a file with Command-option-V. No need for a separate app.


To be specific it’s `Command-C` on the file and `Command-Option-V` where you want to move the file to.


Yes, but I simply prefer using Command-X


And you have every right to, obviously. However, it's often suggested that the file paste option doesn't exist in the Finder, which simply isn't true. Also, though I haven't looked into it, it seems that a remap of Command-Opt-V to Command-X shouldn't require a separate app, should it?


There should be a goddamn toggle in the settings app to make Command X behave like you want it to, fuck having to press 3 buttons to cut.


Perhaps. Personally, I have had it in muscle memory for years. Use left thumb to press Cmd+Opt, right index for V.


It would be hilarious if that option was somehow buried in the mess of settings that rolled out with Ventura :,)


https://preview.redd.it/3xsavf5ibz8d1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=895ef0ddfae72fa3c3b47012cfac6b9fe24dd201 like this little fucker, press Fn key and your emoji picker pops up, just found that lately


that is big sur BTW


If you type in multiple languages then using it for Input Source would be more useful, and you can then use Ctr+Cmd+Space to bring up the emoji picker; it's a bit tricky to use though for switching keyboard layouts: you need to quickly press and release Fn once and then quickly press again while the language menu is on until the needed language is highlighted


Jesus, carefull you don’t strain a tiny muscle. This has gotta represent the laziest requirement on Reddit today.


heh, was exagerating. But more options is always better than this DO IT THE APPLE WAY OR THE HIGHWAY


I agree that more software options are better, why not be inclusive. I just decided your idea of one less finger movement would put you in the 1% of those who require extreme efficiency of movement.


Because [how](https://i.imgur.com/LuWyXey.jpg)


Not following that graphic - what the hell are you doing with your finders. Command-Option V to move - for me this is just ring finger, middle finger and pointer finger. But I can see how if you have namby pamby finger muscles this would be a problem.


Well, I don't see an option on Windows to cut and paste files using ctrl + c and ctrl + alt + v. Why the fuck should macOS have every Windows shortcut then?


You're right, absolutely right. I gotta get used to MacOS is the bottom line. You have a wonderful day man.


Exactly. People who install separate apps just for this is too funny 😭


It’s not funny, some of us much prefer using Cmd+X for cut. I use QSpace which has this as the default Cut shortcut


Yes, but isn’t that inconsistent? When you use Cmd+X while editing, the selected text vanishes at once, no matter if you later paste it somewhere or not. But Cmd/Ctrl+X (on windows obviously), the file stays where it is until it is pasted.


No windows used to be fucked in this regard. If you cut a file in older versions, they could be overwritten if you copy something atop it.


I thought we could change our cut and paste commands anyway?


Not natively


While all of these techniques work, they are all a symptom of a broken analogy for moving files. "Cut and paste" doesn't really make sense for files. Particularly because sometimes you want copy and not cut. Which keyboard shortcut does which action again? The copy/paste or cut/paste analogy isn't clear because there's no real indication of what you are doing. All of this is solved by a 2 pane file manager. One folder on the left. Another folder on the right. Click the file to be operated on. Now press an action key to copy the file. Or a different action key to move the file. Or select the action you want from the menu. This is explicit behavior. When you use a 2 pane file manager it's very clear what you are doing. There is no transient state where you file might be copied or might be moved, or nothing at all might be done. In my opinion, the two best File Managers like this for Mac are Forklift and PathFinder. Once you start using a program like this, the need for a whole category of file helpers goes away.


Nimble Commander recently went free and open source. It’s really good!


People don’t need to be told what’s the best or right way to do things. It varies and everyone has preferences and many are creatures of habit and don’t like changing things that work. That’s why options are good and even better when they are configurable.


I don't think I really get your point. You seem to be saying there's no need to ever look for a better way to do things. But you can't mean that. I think what you really mean is that my suggestion doesn't work for you. By all means, do whatever you want.


Agreed. The Classic Mac-style spatial Finder, which assumes that you will have multiple folders/windows open, also made moving a file direct and explicit. It supported a different mental model than a file browser system, though.


mv ~/PlaceTheFileIs/TheFile ~/PlaceTheFileIsGoing/TheFile Boom problem solved


I've been using "mv" longer than I've been using a Mac. I can definitely do this. But it's crazy inconvenient. If a filename is 6 folders deep and has a 50 character file name with 5 spaces in it, it's very tedious to type. Auto Completion works, but spaces are very awkward to work with as they stop the auto complete for each space. A graphical file manager is infinitely superior for tasks like this. I'm extremely adept on the command line. But I recognize the short comings. Each tool has a use where it shines. A GUI file manager is still the best tool for tasks like I'm describing.


Great list, thank you! I especially liked short description of every app and your workflow, this way I at least know should I look into this app more or not. Much much better than just dumping a list of names without any context whatsoever, which I see a lot in this sub.


Happy cake day!!!!!


Try Folder Peak and you gonna love it even more


This seems like a great free alternative to access folders via menu bar


You have no idea how useful can be if you configure it right! If you use for example Colibri music player those two apps are married awesomely together!!!!!


Great app. Thanks to the dev for making it.




Nice list! I have some similar apps or even the same apps with same use cases. * **Raycast**: started out as a spotlight replacement, but recently starting to discover the more powerful features as well (I use it not that long yet, so for me it was the "newer" Alfred, which I never really used). * **Paste**: oh I love using a clipboard manager. It is essential for me in my work. I know this sub really dislike it for its pricing model and price, but I am willing to pay for it. PastePal was just not as snappy in usage as Paste. And although I really adore Maccy, it was not working for me. I use a small notes app (tot) in my menubar, and every time I pop up Maccy, my notes app would disappear. In addition I could not actually paste from Maccy in this notes app. I think this will get resolved in Maccy 2, but for now I sold my soul to Paste. * **Yoink**: I tried and used DropOver for a long time, but the UX of Yoink just works a bit better for me. The shaking was just not working out. But the general idea of both I love and find very usefu. * **Hidden bar**: well I like bartender better, but given the recent stuff, I just moved to hidden bar and are happy enough. * **Bear**: I want to like apple notes, but markdown + syntax highlighting of code blocks is a must for me, so Bear wins. * **Tot**: quick notes from my menubar with killer sync to mobile. Most quick notes or drafts for longer messages start here, and things disappear after a time. * **Things:** not much to add here. * **AirBuddy**: used it for my AirPods, but since I don't have them anymore, I use them mainly for battery status of all my devices. * **Dato**: way better clock and calendar in my menu bar * **Pandan**: I tend to stare too much at my screen, so this kinda helps a bit. * **Hyperkey**: life-saver in productivity! * **HazeOver**: I often don't have my apps in full screen, but having background apps darked is really nice touch for focus. * **Rectangle**: magnet, rectangle, lasso, don't really care which one, as long as I can bind the arrow keys to caps lock (with hyperkey) keyboard shortcuts, I am happy. * **Hello Weather**: although a iPhone app, I use the widgets on my desktop to always have a view on the weather. Love the UI of this one. * **Shottr**: I used cleanShotX, but it use it not enough to justify the price every year. So I moved to Shottr. CleanShotX UX is better, but I manage. * **ColorSlurp:** a good color picker is a must for me, and this one works really well, better than other ones I tried. * **MacMouseFix**: fixes scrolling of my Logitech mouse.


I also love Paste, specially for the iPhone sync and keyboard!


ColorSlurp is awesome. I love that you can paste a hex value into it without clicking on the actual text box; just having the window in focus is enough.


A subscription for color picker? The fuck outta here


The color picker is free, they only charge for some extra features like unlimited pallets. Choosing colors works fine without paying a dime. I hate subscriptions as much as the next guy, but I can completely understand devs who make the core functionality of their app completely free and offer some additional “pro” features for the power users, subscription or not


ooooh! My apologies, thanks for letting me know!


Raycast has: Clipboard manager (paste) Floating Notes (tot) Next up in menu bar (dato) Quick links (hyperkey) Color picker (color slurp) So many other great things in the store too


Yeah I was wondering why so many user have raycast, but also a window manager, a clip board manager, a colour picker etc when raycast have so many of these features


Just because it has a feature, doesn't to mean it you just have to use that: - The UX of Maccy, Paste, ColorSlurp are a lot better for me compared to the Raycast - I not only need the 'next up' in the menu bar, but the options of what to display, the calendar, timezones etc. of Dato - Quicklinks is not the same as Hyperkey - Floating Notes does not have Sync to iOS, the place where 30% of my quicknotes are taken.


Came here to also mention Raycast features: - Window management - Join next meeting (when there's a meeting in your calendar with a link in the next 10 mins, it's the default action so you just hit CMD+space, enter to join) - custom scripts: it's pretty easy to write your own extensions and shell scripts and invoke them from Raycast - command aliases: I aliased 'dark' to toggle dark mode. For some reason I find that easier than any other way to toggle it. 


Can you explain hyperkey? It just turns caps locks into another modifier key right? What keybinds do you use it for?


Basically what it does is map the combination CRTL + OPT + CMD + L-SHIFT to the caps lock key. So every time you hit caps lock your Mac will think it is CRTL + OPT + CMD + L-SHIFT. This combination works really well as a global keyboard shortcut as it will not intervene with in-app keyboard shortcuts, like ever.


alternatively you can run applescripts or better yet invest in QMK keyboards so you can even do not only hyperkey, you can do any combination of modifiers like the meh key. i have so many key mods macros and layers i practically can do anything with just my keyboard at this point.


Yes, this! I do recommend Hyperkey but that's because recommending people a free app is better than asking them to go out to buy a QMK keyboard. It's been so useful in setting up my keymap and setting up custom shortcuts in the likes of Alfred and Keyboard Maestro. Not enough users in general (or people that buy new aftermarket keyboards) care about QMK in general and that's a shame; I can't use a keyboard without it now.


oh definitely! i’m practically married to my QMK keymap that i’d get annoyed whenever i have to use a non QMK keyboard. I do feel that QMK firmware has been getting a lot more exposure these days you don’t even need to be an MKB-head to end up getting a compatible keyboard. that and VIA being readily available and incredibly simple to use, for the not so CLI-versed peeps.


Yeah, the short answer is that it allows for creation of new keybinds. Because it is very very rare to see anybody bind anything to ⌘+⌥+⌃+⇧+ key. You could use it to rebind some existing keybinds, but the better way to take advantage is when you make new keybinds. That way, it also avoids conflicting with existing keybinds. For example, when you download certain apps, let's say Dato since that is on the above list, it'll ask you for a keybind to assign to 'Toggle the Dato window' and Hyperkey is useful for this. Yes you don't need to use Hyperkey and could use the '⌘+⌥+⌃+⇧+...' but contorting your hand/fingers isn't great fun and it's easier to hold down the Caps Lock.


What did you hate about scrolling your logitech mouse?


Clipy for pasting (there is an up-to-date actively maintained fork with builds for apple silicon); for notes vscode+git which syncs to android (Markor + termux for git) and ios (WorkingCopy or official github app if you store the private repo there)


$5/mo for an Excel plugin? No thank you. Office 365 cost me $100/yr. If Microsoft tried to upsell me to a different version for $160 per year, that better version would have to include a hell of a lot more than one plugin that improves the ribbon bar in Excel only.


When you doing a lot of financial modeling like me and come from windows where you were heavily on reliant using your keyboard shortcuts. It is very helpful. 5/month for a work tool that increases your productivity isn’t really bad. It’s def not for everyone either way, especially if you aren’t a heavy modeler.


My personal contributions: - **BetterTouchTool**: I use this for a lot of Trackpad gesture controls; switching tabs in the browser, refreshing the page, closing windows/tabs, and more - **DisplayBuddy**: I have 2 Dell external monitors, and being able to control their brightness via F1/2 has been a godsend. - **Eat The Shorts**: a Safari extension that removes shorts from YouTube - **Gitify**: a menu bar app that notifies me of pull requests, comments, build failures, and more for all my GitHub repos (including work) - **GrandPerspective**: visual representation of your computer's storage - **Ice**: exactly what I needed to replace Bartender - **IINA**: a great tool for watching videos, including YouTube and Twitch streams - **Karabiner Elements**: like Hyperkey but on steroids. I use mechanical keyboards at my desk, but being able to replicate 99% of the functionality via layers or combos on my laptop's keyboard has been amazing. Takes a bit of set up, but once you get it, you're golden - **Keyboard Maestro**: This has helped me out in so many ways. Controlling Spotify or Music via keyboard shortcuts is a godsend. I also have some macros that run every day when I lock/unlock my computer. - **krita**: a FOSS Photoshop replacement (I use Affinity's apps now, but still have this installed) - **MacMediaKeyForwarder**: various apps like to take control over the system play/pause buttons; if you want those to ALWAYS go to Music or Spotify, this is for you. - **Moom**: gives me the ability to save layouts that can trigger when certain conditions are met (2 external monitors vs. just my laptop, for example) - **Rectangle Pro**: how I move screens around on a daily basis via key commands


Nice list! I’m trying out Keyboard Maestro to see if I like it. Do you use it for anything else other than what you mentioned?


The one that starts and ends my day is somewhat complex For unlock/startup: - Turn on my office lights if I'm docked - Turn on my work focus mode - If it's between 0800-1600, do a quick check to see if the rest of this macro has run already today. If it has, stop - If it's a work day, open work-related apps - Launch my personal apps - Tell Moom to adjust window placement depending on whether I'm docked at my desk or not - Display an alert that reminds me to do 2-4 things (change my glasses, open my blinds, [every other Monday] swap out my keyboard, and [every Monday] remind me to triage my Reading List and Reminders lists - Log that I ran those steps so it doesn't repeat For lock, it's way simpler: - Turn off my office lights if I'm docked - Check the time of day, and drop me in to the appropriate focus mode


Great selection.


Thank you!


Same spammy selection each week.


I love Mac apps as much as anyone else but a bunch of these are just junk ware and/or people not actually understanding how Macs work. And Dato and Busycal literally have overlapping functionality (including in your face meetings).


I had Dato before and then migrated to BusyCal after I gave up on the native calendar due to various syncing issues.


I had the notification center activated instead of the alarm window in BusyCal. You are right, you definitely don't need both BusyCal and Dato for the alarm window, but since I had Dato previously, I will stick with using both since I just prefer the way Dato takes yp my whole screen.


GREAT list! There's a few on there I'm definitely thinking of adding to my kit. There are four I use constantly myself, to the point where they're amongst the first I install on a new Mac: Knock-Kock from Objective-See ( [https://objective-see.org/products/knockknock.html](https://objective-see.org/products/knockknock.html) ) Unclack ( [https://unclack.app/](https://unclack.app/) ) SoundSource ( [https://rogueamoeba.com/soundsource/](https://rogueamoeba.com/soundsource/) ) and MicDrop (Mac App Store) Knock-knock alerts you when something attempts to get itself auto-loaded on boot/login so you can decide if you actually want that. Say goodbye to Steam and Zoom deciding they want to start themselves! Unclack automatically mutes the microphone momentarily as you are typing - really useful for when I'm on con calls and using a mechanical keyboard that EVERYONE can hear. SoundSource allows you to individually manage audio levels and devices per application. Very useful when you want, say, FaceTime to always use an external microphone and headset even when you're using a speaker for everything else. MicDrop lets you set a hokey to toggle all microphones on and off - brilliant for con calls and gaming as it gives you a "cough button" so you're not broadcasting a sneeze (or worse) unexpectedly. One more that isn't for everyone, but power users will want: Onyx ( [https://www.titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html](https://www.titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html) ) It allows you to run automated maintenance, tweak settings that are otherwise difficult to work with, etc. Been using it since Snow Leopard.


Thanks! I haven’t seen Onyx before, I will def take a look


Most folks won't really need it, but I like having it clean out a bunch of temp crap and running all the maintenance scripts once a week.


> Meeter: Meetings launcher on my menu bar. Very handy. Still not sure if BusyCal can replace this. You already use Dato, which can replace this.


Someone else may have mentioned it but if not: Hue in the Menu! It’s a super minimal but completely free app to manage Hue lights.




This is a pretty good list here!


Great list. I used to have most of them. But i’d say after diving into QMK firmware on my keyboard a lot of these apps became redundant to me. i also am in the midst of tinkering with sketchybar and yabai.


Try https://zenmode.app


I thought you could choose which apps use the F keys as F keys natively?


*I thought you could choose* *Which apps use the F keys as* *F keys natively?* \- call-me-mmc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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I thought this was not possible. I tried BTT for this but it just wasn’t as stable for this function for some reason as Flour is. Flour works every single time seamlessly for me.


Immersed in vr


Rectangle: Snappiest.Window Mgmt. Ever.


You could use dock door instead of wins, probably would be faster and it’s open source for what I recall


I haven’t really heard of it, I’ll take a look


Please can you detail how you got diablo 4 working on crossover? Or point me to a guide? I'm paying for Geforce Now which is really good but I'd rather not pay a monthly sub if I can...!


It was fairly straightforward, I don’t think I used any guides. The official site has a forum dedicated to each game (https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/diablo-iv), you can probably find discussions there if needed. Use the trial version and see if it works good for you. There might be some configurations in the bottle it installs that could make it run smoother depending on your mac, but should work out of the box.


Remindme! 2 days


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For me it's RunCat :))


I love Runcat. I alway get asked about it in meetings


Does crossover work with M1/M2 macs?


Yes, I have it in my M2 macbook pro


Is CleanShotX really worth the money over Shottr?


For me yes, because I need to record videos


Good point, I’ll look into it. Thanks.


Raycast and CleanShot Raycast already covers pretty much everything!


Bootcamp LOL


this is a solid list mine is a bit smaller, but I use: **Paste:** Even though it is paid I love it, having the peace of mind that stuff I am copying and pasting is saved if I need it is so nice. **Rectangle:** Window snapping (just does it cleaner and easier) **AltTab:** So, I can switch between open spaces when I don't want to use the gestures. **HiddenME:** I hate seeing desktop folders when I do not need them, but I still like having them there for quick access and organization with my iCloud.


I forgot to mention AltTab, but I use it as well. I think it is very handy!


I might try Apple baked in one when the new MacOS is here, but sometimes I just wanna go to app


I’ve made IT Install hiddenme on everyone’s machines at work.  You’re telling me the employees won’t unintentionally give info away AND they look like they’re more organized during remote meetings. And all they have to do is run that app? It was an instant install


HiddenMe was the first app I got and I will always have it if everything else fails lol I hate seeing my folders just there, and its only 2


> HiddenMe was the first app I got This makes me realize just how old I am when my first computer didn’t have a desktop, let alone an app that would hide files lol 


I was born in the 95 so I kinda can understand that lol


I'll add my recent favourite discovery - BetterDisplay. The ability to ramp up the display brightness 60 percent more is a God given when working outside. Can't live without it anymore.


You’re gonna love raycast then. It’s Alfred on crack and free. It also replaces some of the other apps you mentioned.


I’ve never tried Raycast honestly. I’ve been using Alfred for a very long time and it works for me. I might give it a go in the future.


I think I’m coming to the conclusion that for local first people, Alfred is the right choice, and for web first folks, raycast. I really tried raycast and just found it sluggish compared to Alfred which is the greatest sin productivity software can commit im(local first)o :) I can feel my beard greying as I type.


Good bless that's a lot of crap


An app to invert your mouse lol.


Mac links the trackpad and mouse scrolling direction in the system settings, so an app (Mos) helps me to have each working the direction I'm used to.


That's crazy! I'd keep messing it up if it changed between them, but that makes more sense, thanks!


That's a very long list of apps just to make the OS usable.. 


It’s perfectly fine without them, but with them my workflows are improved (as would it be with any OS).


I mean, wow. These are a lot of apps, some of them are there to fix things that don’t need to be fixed, Logitech scroll not working? What? You should forget that windows even exist. Learn the Apple way. This is the way.


MOS has better smooth scrolling in my opinion. And learning to use inverted scroll wheel because Apple don’t separate trackpad and mouse scrolling direction is just annoying


hahaha yes it is a lot of apps. Some things don’t need to be fixed, but if I can change something to work how I feel is better for me, I’ll do it guilt free 😂


As long as it works best for you. I feel like it would overwhelm me. For example hide the desktop icons is cmd+shif+. do it again and they are back. Why an app for that? Right? But again that’s me.


Bunch of unnecessary junk…




This is chatgpt






Feel free to write it up yourself and post it At least I thought of posting a wanting for readers


If you aren’t going to put the effort, then don’t comment. It’s simple. Nobody wants an internet filled with AI nonsense. That’s how communities die.


People have learned the default cadence and become immediately skeptical which negates what you’re trying to do.  I made a shortcut that asks - what I want to write about - if there are any clues I could give it to do a better job - what writing style I want (from a menu) then before it asks gpt to generate the text it also includes a writing sample of my style (chooses one of a few examples based on my previous answer) - a brief explanation that all I want is the output. No chit chat about the response.  Then it display’s the response and asks if you I want to copy it or have it try again.  So basically you do what you did before, and then answer 2 more quick questions but the response you get is worlds better and you can quickly get an another attempt with a single mouse click.