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Who sets the machine up?


*not* a meth head... ...I mean painter...


I was once a meth head and I could have easily set this machine up. Just a meth head with a mechanical aptitude and loves tinkering.


That sh*t probably weighs 200 lbs


As a person whose family has a successful painting company, and worked a lot of summers painting both interior and exteriors; I’d say “painting” is only 10-20% of the work. Moving/covering furniture/plants, removing/covering wall fixtures, scrubbing, taping, and caulking, cleaning up after, are 80-90% of the work. This robot is good for new construction basic paint cover.




The most sensible comment here.


And works in a quarter of the time that a good painter can, whilst not hitting the corners, ceiling, etc...


Place the robot to paint the easy jobs and the real painter handles difficult parts


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that I could probably hire 4-5 painters for a decade for the price of this thing. I'm going to guess the only way this thing makes financial sense is for some massive company that has too much money at the end of the year and wants to try it out.


The projected costs currently come out to something like $30 an hour. In two years it will drop to the equivalent of $10 and two years after that it will cost pennies on the dollar to run or just the electricity and maintenance costs. Which might be nothing depending on how well ai handles our power problem and if it can design zero tolerance, zero wear engines. Yes. That means it would put the power plant workers and the engine manufacturer out of work but it's no different than Amazon and the others reaching record profits off of our suffering then laying off half their workforce. Robot's are a necessary evil in many people's eyes. There will be no terminator takeover. There will be no replacing humans. There will either be coexisting with ai and benefiting one another or there will be no ai.


Yeah, I think the other problem with this machine is it still doesn't replace your worker, you still need to have someone there to bring it in and set it up, probably stay on site to mention it and fix it and keep people from stealing it. Soo cost prohibitive it doesn't make sense as a business decision, but planning and building for the future, it might make sense.


Yet. They're slowly getting their hours in and can improve the software and the hardware. And then at some point in the future they will enter the stage of mass production and you with your human workers will be more expensive.


Not likely, because the setup will still require a human, and a single painter would probably be just as efficient as one of these machines, which will need a person to set up and maintain, so you either pay for the expertise of a painter or the expertise of a robotics mechanic.... Idk what to call them.....


Bingo. Humans will be able to ask more for their skills as well


Why would the setup require a human in the future? A self-driving truck brings the robot there. The robot rolls in there, does its thing, rolls out and onto the truck again and the truck drives off. The only human involved here might be someone checking in remotely. And that human can oversee multiple of those autonomous "crews" driving around and painting people's walls. Different companies are working on different angles to make this a reality. Boston Dynamics for instance is working on robots walking around autonomously. They can even jump and do backflips these days. Many others are working on creating artificial hands that have the same sensory input and the same or better range of motion as we humans do. And then there are many many companies working on AIs that can virtually train and put in thousands of hours to control such a Boston Dynamics robot to come to your house and paint your wall. ---- The thing that will at some point be the big breakthrough? That that robot, once it is finished, can put down the spray gun, pick up a tool belt and voila: totally autonomous electrician with thousands of years of experience. Takes a second to switch over to the AI that is an expert carpenter. Or a brick layer. Or a foundation pourer. In the end this robot shows up to an empty lot, puts up a fence, gets lots of deliveries and after a week or two takes down the fence and voila: finished house.


You are telling me that you want an autonomous car to drive up to a building site and not get stuck or lost, when most likely the location doesn't even have an address yet and isn't mapped out, then you want another robot to be unloaded and work it's way across either unfinished, muddy and difficult to traverse terrain were they haven't been landscaped yet, then you want this robot to be able to navigate through a construction project with tools and random barricades and drop off missing proper railings or properly secured everything. Then you want this AI controlled robot to be able to not only locate the correct room, but to move everything out of the way so they can paint it the proper color and assume they got everything without missing something or painting over some random one of a kind installation that they stored in a room because it showed up 3 months earlier? I can't even imagine getting a Boston dynamics robot to haul enough paint and equipment once much less relying on this many points of automation with only a remote worker for oversight. What happens when they lose signal inside the building? What happens when they fall outside and get stuck in the mud? What happens when they ruin a $20k floor because they were supposed to use the back entrance but used the front?


> You are telling me that you want an autonomous car to drive up to a building site and not get stuck or lost, when most likely the location doesn't even have an address yet and isn't mapped out It's cute that you think that this is going to be a problem for self-driving vehicles in the future. >Then you want this AI controlled robot to be able to not only locate the correct room That alone tells me that you're severely underestimating what AI can do even right now. Current autonomous robot companies don't even need AI to accomplish such simple tasks. >I can't even imagine Yes, that's obvious. But it will still happen. >What happens when they fall outside and get stuck in the mud? What happens if a baby falls down? It slowly learns to get up again. Meanwhile these robots have millions of hours of training to handle situations where they fall down. >What happens when they ruin a $20k floor because they were supposed to use the back entrance but used the front? Don't compare robots with apprentices that have an IQ in the low 80s. That you're even considering this is laughable. If they're told that they should use the back entrance then they're going to use the back entrance and won't forget that. They won't play on their phone. They won't get high. But they will keep adding to those hours of learning. You don't even have to teach each robot. You simply upload the knowledge of all the other robots to its memory. And they will probably sync with each other to always have the best knowledge available.


That robot is $20-$30k, not including the spray system and extra z axis. I’d guess it goes for $60k-$80k. If I guessed right ROI is probably 2 ish years to replace one painter. The problem is now you need to pay someone else more money to have the skills to maintain it. Plus I doubt it does trim work.


No, problem is getting the machine up or down the stairs into the room to begin with You can see in the beginning it's a mock up wall inside a warehouse. Looks great now but this is going to be an absolute nightmare in reality


The only place this makes sense is new construction, where they likely don't have anything set up yet, not even the full stairs in some cases.


No, that's not how construction works. Painting is the second to last thing you do before floors and trim. Usually. This doesn't make sense at all. The majority of the time it takes to paint is taping and masking. Once it's masked one person can spray a house in a day. Maybe a large warehouse but even then.


Yeah, new construction goes like this, foundation dug. Foundation poured, plumbers and electricians run lines, sometimes the concrete guys will do the lines and then the floors or basement floors are poured. Then comes the framing, once that's done the electricians and plumbers come back and get everything set up. Drywall and ceilings go up, usually somewhere in here the roof gets put on as well as siding. Once the drywall is in the painters come out and paint everything that isn't covered including if the contractor fucked up and sent in the cabinet guys early. After the painters are done, it's flooring and cabinets and then appliances with the electricians and plumbers hanging around cussing out the painters and whoever preceded them to the site and did it all wrong. Usually after the painters and drywall guys are when they finish the floors, including taking the scrap wood off the stairs risers and putting actual load bearing wood down.


Sshht! We need to sell this machine to idiots!


That's why it's only for specific jobs ofcourse. There will be smaller more easily transportable versions in the future. The cost is an issue now but eventually it will be nothing. Same thing with phones, cars and everything else we humans find convenient


You and everyone else keeps thinking the future will always be better. Products like this don't actually turn out. You never hear about the failures. We all forget about them. You can dream all you want but this product is a joke and a failure from the start. A skilled human will always do this better.


A skilled human.... Okay so do people want to work or not? I'm beyond exhausted with the moving of goal posts. Either we want the future or we want to wallow in our own successes however little they are... We need to decide on a narrative because everyone contradicts one another and it seems like everyone just wants someone to complain about Yeah. It'll be better. The future will be better and everyone who wants to keep us in the current work cycle has something to gain or they crave human interaction and refuse to accept that a robot can do a better job. Sure. This one might not be success but there will be robots that are. There will be robots that replace painters and every other profession. It's inevitable. Same with how people claimed mass production wasn't possible and how automobiles would never catch on and be only for the wealthy or those in the "in crowd". We will see a technological revolution in this lifetime. I promise that much.


You're exhausted because you're confused. You're confused by reality vs your dream. Companies sell you products based on your dream. You and all the other suckers out there lose money because you bought a dream and are stuck with reality. Technology plateaus at some point. It does not continue forever. You're exhausted because you think the trend continues on for infinity. Also just because the technology exists doesn't mean it's financially viable. Don't you see this? In the 50s they said we would have flying cars and live on the moon but reality set in and we realized how much it would cost and theres no real reason to do it. The cost outweighs the benefits. If you pay attention it's right in front of you. Here's a great example [Stanley Black and Deckers $90million dollar automated failure ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12326785/Craftsmans-90M-plan-bring-manufacturing-Texas-flopped-faulty-robots.html) They threw away $90 million on a fully automated facility that produced a fraction of what their human created facility produced. You need to get out of the science fiction and into reality.


You think you are not a sucker? I guaruntee you fall hook line and sinker for the same stuff. Your here on reddit with me right now. Because you are a sucker. This entire interaction is basically marionettes and our conversation has played out time and time again here online because they want us discussing this instead of taking our lives back I'm well aware that companies fail. Hahaha could it be that black and decker is a cheap brand that cut corners and offered a product people didn't need on that scale? No. No way. If you think ai. Robot's. Or the singularity in general is going away you are unfortunately gravely mistaken. There are people far more successful than me and you who are funneling money into it constantly. People are using it. Your friends and family likely use ai but don't tell you because of well.. this visceral reaction to humans being replaced when in reality it needs to happen. Humans are flesh and blood. We live and die. Robot's can be a legacy of the human race. If you don't want that then good for you. Nobody is stopping this from happening in my eyes because of the sheer usefulness of it. But sure. You can keep doing things the way we do them now barely progressing as a species outside of spiritualism which clearly isn't going to work because people won't stop killing one another.


Looking at your comment history and this nonsensical paragraph you just wrote it's clear you do a lot of drugs. Can't have a conversation with someone who can't put together a logical sentence. You need to get help.


Awww. You consider mild marijuana use and kratom use drugs? I didn't adhere to your lifestyle. Lmao but do go off. I don't think you understand what actual drug use is. You might need help yourself buddy. Everyone's addicted to something. You just don't like the dramaticness of what I wrote and you don't like the idea that someone like me is right. Oh. Sorry I can afford to do what I want because I didn't have kids. My bad G. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right about this and the fact that even someone who smokes weed may just be a bit more productive than yourself. Yeah. I ramble but it's because I just do not give a heck. Not because I smoke weed and take kratom.


Got nothing to say?


Will work well in an industrialized setting.


At least it won’t be drunk by noon and not come back from “lunch”.


So they think a robot can paint over outlets and switches better than me? Nobody paints over outlets and switches better than me…


These UR robots are a cunt to prg I watched the sales rep struggle with basic movements. So my point is this isn't the full picture, the time I took the prg the robot the painter could have painted it 5 times over


Looks like an industrial situation where the robot does the easier jobs and the actual painters do the hard parts




Probably a lot today. But it the technology exists, it's only going to get cheaper.


And hopefully smaller if you want it to be practical


It is powered by paint thinner too!


Landlords are going to love this


It will take more people to setup and maintain and operate that machine than it would take to paint


Robot Repair Technician jobs are on the rise though


That robot looks like it belongs in Wall-E


Does a shitty job at cutting in corners though.