• By -


We’ve decided to keep one of these up, and yours had the most clear image of it, so you win the karma lottery today.


My guess: Frontier -> some kind of mana or ramp ability Forge -> some kind of artifact making or tutoring ability


Treasure tokens and... treasure tokens.


Treasure and food?


Food and Food! MEAT AND EGGS, WE EAT!


Meat's back on the menu, boys!


Explores and creates a treasure token


This. Lol


We can guess based on the abilities already present on the other three green swords and the other three red swords. Green: Search for a basic land and put it into play tapped (Hearth and Home), make a 2/2 Wolf (Body and Mind), untap all your lands (Feast and Famine). Red: Destroy target artifact (Sinew and Steel), Deal 2 damage to any target (Fire and Ice), and deal damage to a player equal to cards in hand (War and Peace). If it were any other set, I'd guess the green ability involves +1/+1 counters, but it can't be that here. Two out of three green abilities already involve lands, so I'm guessing this one won't. "Make a Treasure" could fit the red ability.


Read H&H again, that land does not enter tapped.


If Red is treasure tokens, green could be Populate, similar to how Truth & Justice are +1/+1 & Proliferate.


Populate only hits creature tokens


It could be non-keyword "Populate" that works for all tokens.


Doubling all tokens is much stronger than doubling all counters. You can block a million/million creature, but you can't block a million tokens.


Is this in the commander deck or the standard set?


Red could: impulse draw (my guess), rummage (up to 2?), make a treasure token, wheel to 3. Green could: destroy an enchantment, populate, explore, or also make a treasure token.




Sure, that's true of fire/ice and light/shadow, but I don't think that trend actually holds I believe these effects are typically more than 1 mana: * destroy a planeswalker * mill 10 * 2/2 wolf token * proliferate * untapped ramp * [[sudden impact]], [[gaze of adamaro]], [[spiraling embers]]


I would argue proliferate is a 1 mana ability given it's stapled to 2 mana 1/1 fliers and a spell that cantrips and proliferates for 2,[[contentious plan]]. Other than that, u right. I was tired and forgot the new swords and War and Peace.


I'm not aware of a one mana Rampant Growth (unless you're counting Search for Tomorrow, which you really shouldn't).


Explore would fit very well with Frontier


Probably makes a treasure and gives +X/+0 equal to artifacts


The swords all trigger off combat damage so a +X/+0 would only work with double strike.


+1 counters?


They said no 1/1 counters in this set during the stream


Aw sad


I would bet forge/red will be some kind of “exile X cards, you may play them until end of next turn”


red will be damage to target based on number of mountains you have.(forge) green will be an explore effect(frontier)


Maybe the red ability will have something to do with the new permanent type. Tutor for a Battle card or something. But seems artifact tutor most likely.


Battles are probably coming next set, we would’ve seen one leaked by now if not.


Good point


Hey we’ve had [[Eye of Ugin]] which literally did nothing in its own set, but its most likely not going to be Battles.


[Eye of Ugin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/2/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad.jpg?1562267867) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eye%20of%20Ugin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/242/eye-of-ugin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d2d5124b-4d73-4aa9-9331-88e03779ffad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It seems like this set won't get the new type, and the swords are set agnostic.


Loot maybe?


Search for a land maybe, and the red one can snipe something.




I don't mean just ramp. Maybe a riff on [[Land Tax]] or [[Knight of the White Orchid]].


maybe, but land tax and knight are white, besides search for a land isn't very good compares to others


Frontier abilty will surely be > Put a card into your hand from outside the game that was printed in any Standard expansion from Magic Origins onwards


I was able to make out on the card, "Equipped creature gets +4/+4 and has"


My guess is it's going to give toxic. As for the red, I'm not sure. Seems hard to balance it both ways; maybe +1/+0?


I’m guessing the first ability is reveal the top 5 card and put a land reveal this way into your hand and your creature gets +x/+0 until end of turn equal to the number of land revealed. Second ability is reveal the top five cards and put an artifact revealed this way into your hand and your opponents lose life equal to the number of artifact revealed this way.


Make a treasure and find a basic


Maybe like a demolition field effect? Where you blow up a non basic and the player fetches a basic.


From the Magic stream, during the EDH deck section. Goes by to fast to see full text


Glad someone else noticed this extremely intentional tease. I really don't like that art, but I assume we will get another treatment of it.




Sword of Nerf or Nothing BROUGHT TO YOU BY HASBRO


I actually want that, I want nerf winter in legacy


[[Nerf War]]


[Nerf War](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2eb08fc5-29a4-4911-ac94-dc5ff2fc2ace.jpg?1561756860) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nerf%20War) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/h17/2/nerf-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2eb08fc5-29a4-4911-ac94-dc5ff2fc2ace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah exactly. Its colors nerf uses lol


Reminds me of He-Man's sword.


Nerf is made by Hasbro. It *might* be one.


Lmao, limited time release when ONE comes out, a Nerf version of Sword of Forge and Frontier Sounds cool, but just wait till you see the price


All of the weapons that the resistance use look like goofy nerf weapons lol


I get World of Warcraft sword from it. One you only have to use for 15 minutes before the next quest gives you a better looking thing.


For those of you who have played Breath of the Wild, the colors of the two blades really remind me of the Elemental Swords that Link can find, namely the fire and electric ones. So I get feeling jarred by the art, but I personally really like how the colors vibrantly stand out against the gray, pale, colorless background.


From some of the other swords we've seen, it looks a lot like [[Blade of Shared Souls]] (also here if the fetcher isn't updated: https://i.redd.it/vdso1ge40nca1.png) Not saying that makes it better, but the weaponry Mirrans use in this set has a very specific design.


Seems like a gruul sword ought to be some kind of rock-hewn or obsidian thing tied together with flax and pitch or something.


Well, it isn't a gruul sword, it is a red/green sword. Gruul flavor is not always how red/green flavor is represented.


It's so visually inconsistent with every other sword in the cycle. Just gotta shoehorn everything into this stupid goddamn storyline I guess.


All of the base swords (L&S/F&I from MM1 forward) are done by Chris Rahn and are derivative of each other. There will be at least an Oil Slick version of the Sword.


Really weak and clunky sword name. The rest of the cycle has words that really fit together in a literary sense, this is just alliteration, unless it’s referencing something I’m not familiar with. Compare to: Sword of Body and Mind. Sword of Feast and Famine. Sword of Fire and Ice. Sword of Hearth and Home. Sword of Light and Shadow. Sword of Sinew and Steel. Sword of Truth and Justice. Sword of War and Peace. Sword of Forge and Frontier does not have the same ring.


Yeah absolutely tragic this is what they picked. All they had to do was scour the hundred or so reddit threads over the years of people speculating on its name and steal the best one.


Sword of Harmony and Chaos Sword of Heart and Soul Sword of Blood and Vines


Ding!Ding!Ding! on Sword of Heart and Soul! That's the one right there! 👏


I was hoping for Sword of Fuck Around and Find Out.


Sword of Smash and Bash was the obvious choice


Sword of Sneed and Feed (previously Chuck's)


Forge represents civilization and frontier would be wilderness, so it acts as an antonym pair like war and peace to feast and famine. Which is weird because I would expect allied colors to form things that compliment each other.


Ok maybe, but is it an antonym pair you’ve come across in the wild before?


The frontier is a border, a horizon, a challenge; the unknown and undiscovered wilds. To forge is to progress; to make something new with what you have and to move forward however slowly. To me these both represent the challenges faced by Green and Red, respectively. Green is uncomfortable with the idea of leaving home and exploring the unknown. Red is excited by the idea of “New” things, but can’t commit to slow and steady progress over a longer period of time. However we also see these concepts as cards all the time. Green always searches for land through the flavor of exploring and scouting. Red always discards and recycles artifacts and chips away at life totals gradually. This is because a color’s identity is not only the ideals and things it favors, but also the challenges it faces to reach completion. You can never grow or find a place to call home if you never brave the frontier and explore what it has to offer. You can never reach true emotional freedom if you never forge through life’s persistent troubles and create good out of the bad. The Forge and the Frontier are where Red and Green are challenged but also where they find themselves made whole. Red finds freedom in the forge. Green finds growth on the frontier. They are together on a sword because confronting their respective challenges involves the intermingling between the two colors’ ideals. Red finds freedom in the forge through acceptance of what it has to work with. Green finds growth on the frontier through challenging action. This sword is about Green and Red using each other’s means to confront their own challenges. I don’t think this is what they were necessarily thinking of when naming the swords. This is all just copium because there’s no changing the name now lol.


It's a stretch, but maybe it's something like forging a path on the new frontier?


Maybe too long, but Sword of Rebellion and Reclamation would have been better flavor wise. Even better if the "green" effect destroys enchantments.


Frankly I think hearth and home is equally weak if not weaker, if you think about what people mean when they use the term hearth it’s essentially named “sword of home and home” and while most swords make it very clear which word is which ability intrinsically I truly couldn’t tell you which word is basic tutor and which word is creature blink. At least frontier and forge evokes distinct meaning, when it searches for a basic and an equipment like it probably will we’ll know exactly what the name means. Edit: I’m glad the r/magictcg community could come together in agreeing that this opinion is so slanderous and wrong headed that it should be hidden and users should need to opt in to reading my blasphemous ravings. Why is this sub like this? Don’t have a dialogue just slam that disagree button right?


"hearth and home" is a common uhhh not exactly 'phrase' but the words are commonly paired.


Did something about my comment indicate I didn’t know that? I’m aware of the mannerism it doesn’t effect anything I said.


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the "home and home" comment indicated as much. I've never really taken "hearth" to be synonymous with "home," and knowing the phrase "hearth and home" informs that they're separate things.


Typically in writing hearth is synonymous with home. You can verify this by researching dictionary definitions of hearth most of which include a secondary definition often listed simply as “home” and citing the mannerism hearth and home. Even the mannerism itself is not indicating distinct concepts and roughly translates to a flowery way of saying home. Hearth and home is aesthetically similar to mannerisms like warm and cozy or battered and bruised, in that they are not evoking distinct concepts but instead expressing an idea with like terms.


Hearth is colloquially used to mean home, yes, but it's also the base of a Fireplace. "Hearth and Home" to me represents warmth (hearth) and security (home).


Sure, but the issue I’m driving at is the lack of distinction or definition for effects on the card. Fire is 2 damage and ice is draw a card. Feast is untap your lands famine is discard a card. Is security blinking a creature? Is warmth finding a basic? Is it the opposite? We can extrapolate the actual intention from the ordering but the words themselves are so detached from the mechanical effects and so interchangeable while every other sword is extremely clear except maybe truth and justice but truth providing 1 counter and justice pumping the whole squad doesn’t feel as low effort and arbitrary as hearth exiling a creature and bringing it back for some inexplicable reason and home searching your deck for a new basic land and putting it into play. If anything the green white sword could be called forge and frontier and it would make more sense to me than it does now, or maybe field and frontier. To me hearth and home sounds more like gain some life and take control of each creature you own or something like that.


Not gonna lie, not the biggest fan of the art on this one, the sword looks really bulky.


I was just going to comment something similar. I think the artwork on this sword makes it look goofy as hell. And absolutely does not belong with the other elegant swords we already have. I mean even for that matter, there's a few of the swords that just look aggressive and mean, and I love those too. This looks more like a children's Nerf sword


It's the middle section that makes it look like an anime protagonist sword. If both edges just touched each other it would have been fine.


The bevel and shading on the edges make the blade look cartoonishly thick and blunt. Doesn't help it looks like it has reflective orange and green neon sticker or fabric material like you'd put on a bike or high-visibility vest.


Definetly. The hexagon pattern is a recursive theme on mirran card from the set as we've seen in the different spoilers and leaks. It's really how they just slapped some red and green glow to clearly indicate which color the sword belongs to, which indeed could have been achieved in a more elegant way.


Normally I try not to say anything if I don't like an art, it's just in this case afaik this will be our only option and it'll stick out like a sore thumb with all the other swords cards in the binder, they all have really cool and iconic art. This mega blocks to lego


I think the design on both blades does it too. The other swords feel more distinct to me. Maybe that's not actually the case and I need to look at them more closely again, this one just looks like copy paste change the color, and the little blue lit up section near the hilt makes it look too cyberish.


I mean, if you remove the middle section and make the edges touch the guard instead of having the weird gold spacer then it would have been thin enough to be ok. Edit: Here's an image of what I meant made with my awesome paint skills. https://preview.redd.it/n1mgtbafaqca1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=430891eafa6e17b043faccfef17ba92101618975


I agree that solves the issue of it's bulk. I don't care for the design on the blades personally. The other swords feel like a sword, made of metal, illuminated with the magic it's named for. This just seems like some other material, aka tech, that also makes it appear out of place amongst the existing swords.


The art direction for the Mirrans in this set seems to have them be very bulky and obnoxiously gold and teal; so far I really don't like it. I get it's made to contrast the phyrexian *sleekness* but it just comes off as bulky and awkward. Mirrodin already had plenty of great aesthetics, why go and change them now?


Yea it doesn’t match the other swords. Fine art, but not for this historic cycle of equipments.


Don’t worry - They saved the good art for collector packs


I mean, if any sword were to be a solid hunk of bludgeoning metal it would be gruul.


"It doesn't have to be sharp if you hit hard enough" is 100% gruul


Yeah, hopefully it has a good alt art


Frontier being the green world makes it sound like it’s going to ramp. That’s not too exciting, unless it can search up nonbasic lands. I wonder what the red half will do.


I doubt it, the green/white one already ramped and they seem reluctant to repeat effects. I wish they saved ramp for this one. Make it ramp a land and destroy a land for maximum salt.


>I wish they saved ramp for this one. Make it ramp a land and destroy a land for maximum salt. So you wanted naya ponza in modern, using stoneforge to fetch smth like this? I am in


"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."


gosh this would work so well


impulse draw for red?


Pull a fast one on us, destroy target land on attack and create a power stone


Huh, Frontier getting support


Still bummed there aren't matching masterpieces for all of them


Just wait for the secret lair.


Three secret lairs for $30 each.


$90 for fancy versions of ten swords is not too bad honestly.


You only get 9.


Return to Kaladesh would be dope


To be honest, I'm glad about that, because that way , I'm not spending hundreds of euros for cardboard (until then release the inevitable secret lair) ugh


I would hope it would be way cheaper as a secret lair though!


Hmmm Forge makes me think making an artifact of some sort, I think frontier will be an effect like Once Upon a Time.


yea that would be my guess as well


Dimir fans in shambles


Why? Now we can get protection from the drooler Gruulers. This is an absolute win


you're right, I got things the other way around


How big are the potatoes on New Phyrexia to need this peeler?


Man what a miss on the name. So many better options imo: Sound and fury Life and limb Shock and awe Flora and fauna Power and glory Flesh and blood


Ugh, life and limb is such a good one too!


Flesh and blood wouldve been such a meme


"Can't wait for a sword of pokemon or sword of yu-gi-oh!"


F&B should be for the future Rakdos one


[[Sword of Sinew and Steel]] is already the Rakdos one


Man, they missed the mark on that


My guess it will be something like +2+2 protection from red and green (like every Sword) Some red „carddraw“ like „when equipped creature deals combat damage exile top x cards (maybe 2 or 3) you may play one of those cards this turn“ Some green ramp like „you may play an extra Land this turn“


Someone found the sword irl, and you sir/madam/preferred title, are a seer: >>!Sword of Forge and Frontier {3}!< >!Artifact - Equipment!< >!Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and protection from green.!< >!Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, exile top two cards of your library. You may play those cards this turn. You may play an additional Land this turn. !< > >>!Equip {2}!<


That's probably pretty close to what it is. Alternatively the green side is a [[Disenchant]] to go with [[Sword of Sinew and Steal]]'s [[Smelt]].


You managed to guess perfectly. Impulse and exploration effect.


The proportions of it looks kind of weird, like it's super thick compared to the hand, yet at the same time it appears almost short and stubby.


My guess is make a construct(X/X) and break a enchantment.


I pray that this destroys an enchantment. I need a partner to [[Sword of Sinew and Steel]]


[Sword of Sinew and Steel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/0/c081e5cf-81e2-4afb-a912-8267de29e88d.jpg?1562202493) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sword%20of%20Sinew%20and%20Steel) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/228/sword-of-sinew-and-steel?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c081e5cf-81e2-4afb-a912-8267de29e88d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Okay mods, this is a very obvious teaser that people on this sub will want to see and discuss. So it's not a full card spoiler, I really would rather this post be kept up.


Yeah I posted it a while ago and it got removed lol


Damn you ugly


Make treasure(s) and fight was the guess that I came up with yesterday when theorizing about which sword would be in this set.


Red will be exile the top card of your library, you may play it this turn, green will be you can play an extra land this turn.


I tried to unblur the image on Photoshop, the only thing I could see is creature gets +4/+4 Image here: https://i.imgur.com/aXGmWHG.png


No way it doesn't give +2/+2 like the rest of the cycle


I still think it is because of the blurry, but it look so much like +4/+4, but still it is strange, every sword is +2/+2.


I think it looks like +4 but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be +2.


Nah it's +2/+2. The smearing is making the lower half of the 2 look like the upper half of 4.


I'm looking at it and I just can't see it as a 2... looks too much like a 4


It looks like the 2nd line deviates from the other swords in format. Line 2 word 3 looks like a 2-letter word, too short to be red, I think.


Hmmm...it doesn't feel and looks gruulish. Too 'clean' and much straight lines. No wavy edge or something like that. As some have pointed out the colours are too punchy and saturated. Looks like a toy. The design sucks unfortunately. :/ I hope the effect is decent.


rg is not always gruul but yes this sword looks bad


Yeah kinda true. But still disappointing. I expected a [[Mage Slayer]] kind of look. Still intrested what frontier and forge could be. Frontier - perhaps an "you may play an additional land this turn". Forge - has of course artifact vibes. Perhaps recursion or create a copy token of an artifact you control. Well we'll see


I'm kinda guessing some kind of mana doubler for the green effect. We already have the basic search on hearth and home, and rituals are also a red thing. Forge is harder but maybe it makes rebel tokens?


Did chris rahn not paint this one? what the hell?


What's the chance the complete the cycle in this set?


Small. Those things push sales and we still get to have dimir and another one I forgot so that's two other sets they could use the hype for (not that ONE needed it though).


Just the Dimir one after this one. Modern Horizons 1 had rakdos and azorious. Modern Horizons 2 had selesynas.


I still think we're getting protection from multicolour and colourless at some point (with built in text to ensure it doesn't detach itself lol)


"Return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand and make two tapped treasures" feels very reasonable and plays very well in the overlap between these two colors.


I figure Red side will make a treasure or it will do an impulse draw, green will kill an enchantment. Those are the things those colors do and haven’t shown up on a sword yet. Unless they want to get REALLY nutty and have the red side blow up a non-basic.


Lame art


Sword of Nerf or Nothing


Neat. We knew this was coming. I do not care for this art at all, though. Unless they literally make its abilities that make me think of NERF toys. This seems weird that they said, "Okay, they'll do". Talented artist; don't care for this piece of art. Hope the card is cool, though!


Watch it be something like "When equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, it explores and exile the top card of your library. You may play that card as long as it remains exiled."


Sort of a miss on the name. Does not have the punch of the other swords. Sort of a dull thud of a name.


Forge? Something to do with artifacts Frontier? Def a ramp ability.


Did not expect the gruul sword to look high tech and differ from the aesthetic of all the others in the cycle


this looks like a NERF sword I panick buy for 20$ for the birthday party I didn't know I was going to


I wonder if it will have "For Mirrodin!"


Really dislike the dimensions of the blades :/ looks really wonky


So they ran out of word combinations I see.


Ok guys. Its definately destroy enchantment or explore and create a treasure.


That is one janky looking toy sword.


Sword of Nerf or Nothing


Looking at that bit of the set symbol this looks like it'll be in the main set as opposed to commander only, which is good news.


i bet $10 that it has impulse draw


Forge creates an artifact Rebel(or construct) token, Frontier looks at the top.. five? Cards, and grabs a land from them into play untapped. The other options I see for forge are treasures (boring!) or making equipment tokens, either like that one goblin that makes rocks or copies of an equipment you control.


Exile the top card of your library, you may play it until the end of your turn. Destroy up to one target nonbasic land.


”Whenever equipped c. d. c. d. to a player, create a 0/0 construct creature token with ”+1/+1 for each artifact you cntrl” and destroy up to one target enchantment.”


Sword of [[Steel and Oil]] opportunity completely wasted




Create a powerstone token and search for a basic land. Deal damage to any target equal to the amount of artifacts that you contrl.


Calling it: Retro border to come in a future expansion


Thats an awesome name


Why can't this be also made irl as a NERF sword like it's perfect for it


I know the cards have a certain format but I would have like to see something like: When it enters the battlefield it creates a red goblin with haste or green soldier with trample and attaches itself to it. Equipped creature gains an amount of +1/+1 counters for each counter on yourself and on each other creature you control. Protection from black and white. But nah we're going to get something like: Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from red and from green. Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may untap equipped creature and there is an additional combat phase. This effect only occurs once each turn. Equip 2


Destroy target artifact Destroy target enchantment Easy


Return artifact from graveyard to hand and ramp?


Wild guess, destroy target non basic land, create a treasure.


Two syllables on the second word is killing the rhythm of this card name. Sword of forge and field would feel leagues better.


Now we just need Dimir and we can have al 10


Treasure token and land to hand seems most likely given name and their recent obsession with treasures. Presumably they're using the new 'with a basic type'.


Deals 2 damage anywhere and grabs a forest land card is my guess. Perfect for the frontier to kill things and aquire land.


Those two abilities are already on swords


My guess is: Green: A fight abilility or destroy enchantment or artifact. Red: Impulse drawing or cast an instant or sorcery from graveyard


Add GG or Creature with Flying Fights (ala Frontier Siege)


This is probably gonna have For Mirrodin!, and it is going to annoy the hell out of me since no other sword in the cycle has it.


Maybe equipment tutor and destroy enchantment