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dude dont do dumb shit to prove yourself to ppl, in the end itll never be worth it


Yes to the first part. You don’t have to sneak out to prove to your friends that you’re cool. Hell you don’t even need drugs to do that


If the trust you built up with your parents means anything at all to you it’s probably not worth it. There is basically nothing to gain here and a lot to lose. And look, I think partying is great, socialization is great, but there’s a time and place for these things. You’re 16 and a year or less out of rehab with parents who care and are trying to help. Now is not the time. You need to get your shit back on track, *then* you can prove to yourself and everyone else that you can have a functional relationship with drugs as an adult - sneaking out and breaking all you’ve built for it only proves that you can’t.


If you can afford to move out and accept the consequences do whatever you want. Parties can be important moments in your life, but also consider talking to your parents and becoming more independent so that you don't get those consequences.


Nah, I don’t think so. I’m usually someone who would encourage you, but in this case I think you have too much to lose, with little to gain. If you want to “prove” something to yourself, do it in baby steps.


Absolutely not. It's reckless, selfish, and disrespectful to yourself and your parents. You're risking your progress and their trust for a fleeting moment of fun. Grow up and make responsible choices.


I agree here.


At some point you do have to be your own person and not being allowed to hang out with your friends on a Friday night is pretty extreme imo. My parents were too strict and it strained our relationship. I was rebellious as a teenager as a result because I just wanted to do normal things like my friends. If my parents hadn't been so strict, I probably would have learned to self police better. When I was 18, I moved out, before I was responsible enough to be on my own, just so I could live my life. I made a lot of bad decisions and fell in with a bad crowd because I felt I could do whatever I wanted now that I didn't have my parents yelling at me all the time. My 20s were very rough. I often feel that if I had been allowed to make mistakes when I wad a teenager and had the opportunity to learn from them, I would have gone down a different path. I am in my 30s now and I don't hang out with too many people anymore, none of the bad crowd. When I have kids of my own, I plan not to be overbearing and give them space to make mistakes and learn from them.


This kid is 16 and just got out of rehab. This isn’t the place to lament your strict upbringing.


Going to rehab for weed screams overbearing parents. Rehab is for addiction. Weed isn't addictive. He says all the other kids hated him, probably because they had actual issues that needed treatment. You shouldn't be drinking or getting high at that age, I agree. But in Europe, 14 year olds drink beer and wine all the time and that's culturally acceptable and nobody would send them to rehab unless they were trying to get drunk every day.


“Nothing more powerful than weed,” is the quote, who knows what that means to them, alcohol is also mentioned and this kid is clearly not a reliable narrator - you don’t get kicked out of rehab because the other kids hate you; I literally work in a rehab and the only way you get “kicked out” is by being a danger to others. I’m just saying you’re making a lot of assumptions based on almost no information and those assumptions are clearly colored by your own experience more than anything else. It’s maybe not the best advice.


As are you making assumptions based on your experience


I'm gonna lie, I feel for the kid. His experiences are similar to my own and I wouldn't want him to suffer in the same ways. He probably needs therapy, not rehab. He's not an addict based on the information available, I think he's more likely unhappy and trying to find a way to make himself feel better. Also, not all rehab facilities are the same. I knew a guy who's dad sent him to rehab under similar circumstances. His mother died and he took it bad and stated smoking weed and drinking. He had an awful time at rehab, there were heroin addicts and bikers who just made fun of him the whole time for being a soft suburban kid. Even the workers thought it was stupid for him to be there and weren't shy about letting him know. He eventually got a weekend pass and ran away. It didn't help him at all, he eventually became a crackhead and I don't talk to him now. You're being a real hard ass man, this kid clearly needs some empathy, not strict rules and rehab.


Look man, I feel for him too. I struggled extensively with alcoholism for years. What kept me addicted was people constantly telling me what I was doing was fine and not a big deal and I was just going through a tough time, etc. It’s not crazy strict to try to stop a 16 year old from drinking and doing drugs.




No. Why would you mess up what you have to go do the same things that got you in rehab in the first place? This is a sad thing to do to yourself. Also, what if something happens to you? Your parents would have no idea where you are.


No you should not sneak out because it sounds like your parents will fuck it up for you if they find out. Also you might not be able to get fucked up and sneak back in as quietly as you will need to be. Your parents are dumb for the weed rehab but still not worth it. A better choice would be to just talk to them and say hey can I go out friday night so in so is having a few people over and it would be fun to be part of the group. Then find someones house you can spend the night at and not have to come home again letting your parents you are sleeping over. They get a night to hump you get a night to party. Be responsible and you will get more responsibilities given to you.


no, you shouldn't


I think you should go BUT your reasoning is flawed. Don’t sneak out to prove to some people that you are fun. They don’t care, trust me on that. Be honest with your parents and tell them that you’re clean and would like to go this party and not get high and just be able to socialize. Weed will be around you for the rest of your life and you might as well enjoy life as you can’t avoid people and weed forever. If you sneak out it looks suspicious like you would want to smoke weed. And if you are going to smoke weed then there really is no stopping you anyway. Make the right choice. Honesty is the foundation of any relationship, including your parents.


You won't be friends with these people in 10 or even 5 years. Don't do something dumb to break your parents trust.


i hope you listen to the comments OP :) theres way better parties in the future anyway - you're not missing out on much tbh IF you do end up going - don't you dare get into a car if you're not 1000% sure the driver is sober <3


No you shouldn't sneak out. For any reason.


Don't go and take your sobriety more serious ,


If you live to be 45... they are great stories to tell your children, no matter how uninterested they are with your youthful stories.