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You are the diversity hire. Soon they will make a commercial video and you will get called for sure.


Lololol hahahhaa i am honored 😆 but I do feel like they treated me like an exotic pet tho


I have a friend in a similar situation and he totally leveraged it, shaming foreign counterparts for overlooking him and not giving him a share of voice and as overcompensation, they promoted him to the top within a year, and he’s now pretty much the boss. It’s how you skew the situation to your advantage.


Your friend a climber. Some climb mountains, others climb companies.


How do people do this without feeling embarrassed and cringe on the inside 😱 my gawdd


Those who want to get to the top have to be shameless and lack empathy on the inside (but not too obvious about it).


The system and culture themselves breed ruthlessness, sneakiness, shamelessness and greed amongst those most desperate to climb up there. I wonder what kind of garbage they teach to their children.


I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off myself, but he did it pretty eloquently tbf. It’s all in the wording, and the moment!


If he did it eloquently then he already meet the skillset of most MNCs bosses. Spew buzzwords like six sigma, company synchronisation etc.


Leveraging diversity for optimal synergies.




You know what they say, you can't be in positions of power if you have paper thin skin We all say politicians have muka tebal for a reason


If that friend of yours leveraged it to his advantage for all the right reasons, more power to him.


Damn, such a boss attitude, maybe one day I'll do that too


and this is why Malaysia will never progress. Play race card screw meritocracy. Singapore thank you.


Actually in my mnc the singaporean indonesians are thrle top dog


https://preview.redd.it/bai6cw45my0d1.png?width=428&format=png&auto=webp&s=c74b69a1d6ec4e60de579b08c9a7c267d88b78f3 See that Malay guy, that will be you![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


That's normal in certain industries bro. Am often the only malay in the department in the different pharma MNCs I worked for. Currently the only malay in a korean one haha. There's no bias here though while in my previous companies quite obvious the racist unker chinaman BUD disliked me and I was hired because his boss the Indian CM was very open minded.


Bro no worries man, my first job the honorary Malay became VP south east Asia.


My friend works in a government linked entity. He is the only Chinese bro. It happens.


reverse uno


I just had a very hilarious thought of the Malaysian version of Uno. UMNO. Skip can be a pair of socks (boikott!), Draw Two can be a picture of Mahathir, Draw Four can be Najib (I thought the reverse originally but in the end decided that Najib obviously "drew" more than Mahathir did lol). Reverse can be Anwar (back from political jail to become PM! Reverse!) lol. If anyone can think of any more hilarious parallels, can add to the list!


Sorry kepoh a bit, are you in Klang Valley or somewhere else? In my mind if it's Klang Valley it'll be a lot more diverse than for example in Penang which is mostly Chinese... Tapi tak pasti


Subang and Damansara 😆 i mean i guess location wise make sense tho


Klang Valley is not really diverse. It's usually a few Malays and one Indian. Unfortunate


i work in semiconductor company, pass and present, actually Malay guy quite a lot. in fact, in my first company (not so city area), Malay engineers are majority. mmm, come to think of it, female engineers a lot, no matter what race. current company city area, not sure ratio of race, but i think all races lebih kurang.


my ops manager is an Indian. in fact, this is my 3rd company, my pass 2 dept manager and ops manager were Indian too. personal opinion, better to have a diverse group of team members, so that during perayaan, can take longer leave without feeling guilty.


Short answer. They are in OnG.


That's true. A lot of Malays in OnG


It depends on the neighbourhood area too. If it's like in Bandar Utama where the majority are Chinese then, of course that would make sense. In my time working at KL, this was not the norm. It was a lot more diverse.


>Bandar Utama Omg that is where I work at 😆😆😆😆😆😆 okay make sense then


ehem, nearby my office je xD


Laa hahaha I'm working at first avenue, you?


Centerpoint :3 sooner move to merchant Sq. xD


Ouhhh too far to walk to 😭


Hello hello. Geng lunch @ 1U hadir


Wait, isn't First Avenue behind TV3


Ni budak Grab kat commercial floor la


🤫🤫🤫 Hahahahaha bro pun area situ gak ke


Which one comes first ? The chicken or the hen ? The neighbourhood or the company ? I think diversity of neighbourhood depends too on the company around it. Or i’m wrong ?


The answer is, because the GLCs and civil service already full of Malays dy. So the nons have to work somewhere. They end up in MNCs usually or SMEs. Why GLCs and civil service have more Malays? Because of perceived or real race-based quotas for promotion. This is another example of unintended consequences for race based policies.


Ok la.. All the malay ladies for you only


Haiyaa malay ladies 21 already married maa, all malay women married already hahahaa


More amois for you then




Ara ara? 


Janda menggoda ma...


I won’t say that you’re a diversity hire, but rather someone ambitious and hungry. Chinese just have to be stuck in that loop because it’s hard for them to work in government. Great job!


Lol hard. The gov pays cheap. That’s the real reason.


Why is it hard


IMO From your own post, I can defer 2 things: 1. Cultural inconveniences of having to cater to your needs (nothing negative, just an earnest opinion) so any Muslims might decide to leave, even after joining, due to it. 2. You having to excuse yourself for Friday prayers will also play a part in their hiring process. Imagine an employee who has to leave for a few hours every Friday as compared to one who does not have to.


Maybe la, but so far my experience in MNC they are very catering to muslims. Like my office have halal and non halal microwave, halal and non halal sink, and they were so excited when I'm going to umrah (take leave for 2 weeks) and even for CNY dinner , any dinner all halal places so I'm very grateful with that. >(nothing negative, just an earnest opinion) Nah i get it. >leave for a few hours every Friday as compared to one who does not have to. Haha i truly understand tho, that's why I'm grateful that my company allows me to wfh on friday and Monday


Biggest nightmare for non Muslims, bulan puasa.


Saw some statistics somewhere that there is a significant disparity between Malay women and Malay men who finished tertiary education. Actually, in almost all cultures, there are more women who graduate these days, but the difference is more significant among the Malays. It could be a cultural thing as I've observed that many Malay boys in schools were deemed uncool and not fun for being good in their studies.


>It could be a cultural thing as I've observed that many Malay boys in schools were deemed uncool and not fun for being good in their studies. Yup that's me, all the malay guys hated me cuz I'm good at stuff. I never really get along with them. >Malay women and Malay men who finished tertiary education Interesting, i can see that. Yeah i think malay guys is more leaning towards being engineer and all that


> Yup that's me, all the malay guys hated me cuz I'm good at stuff. I never really get along with them. So you know first hand this is cultural. Now imagine being an MNC trying to hire people based on merit, and trying to hire from a limited pool of cultural outliers and getting called racists at that because they didn’t hire more. It’s honestly so sad.


>Saw some statistics somewhere that there is a significant disparity between Malay women and Malay men who finished tertiary education. There was a joke back in my days that USM will be filled with women in the near future because less and less men are enrolling.


it's just you


Literally, it just me, that's what I'm trying to say


Check your corporate website and see if there are any malays at the top. If there are then you're not technically alone.


nope only white people and chinese


First time i've hearing there's a mnc out there that only has 1 malay guy.


In the past, Msia got quota system. A lot of MNC find themselves dealing with government and see the benefits of hiring bumis. Nowadays a lot of MNC are not restricted to follow quotas hence your current situation.


I'm Malay. I work for the largest MNC in my Industry. Take the opportunity and learn about your friends. You have the best chance to overcome some of the prejudices out there. If they go to non-halal places, just ask "sedap tak?" or "sounds expensive". The conversation will turn to how expensive food is vs the taste or portion. They talk about crap bak kut teh, ada je sup ekor mahal nak mampus tapi rasa hampeh kan? There are many points of reference that are similar. Kita ada masalah AJK masjid, diorang pun pening dengan komiti temple depa. Same problems everyone. At a previous MNC, my team was mostly non-Malays, I balanced out our makan outings with different food places. Some really didnt eat Malay food as they weren't exposed .. i would sit and talk with them as they ate chili pan mee at ss2 and next round i'd introduce them to Lubok Bangku or i'd look for a halal Chinese food outlet and bring em along to ask their opinion - how does it differ from the real thing. Be balanced. Understand and learn. Create connections. Learn about your colleagues as real people and not what is portrayed in social media. Enjoy and revel in your experience. Edit: changed community to committee.


I thought I had logged in to linkedin by accident 


lmao trueeee, dude yapped a whole bunch of nothing


Enjoy and revel. Yeah linkedin material right here.


Bro doesn’t answer the actual question.


It’s the reverse in government service. You barely see Chinese and Indians in most places, only Malays.


Do you know why? Because gov pays peanuts.


Strange.. I work in MNC for past 6+ years and I am the only Chinese fellow around. Am I live in a parallel universe?


AHH you're the reason, we got switched to each other's universe. Come switch back with me


There are people who will actually leave a company due to this. Hopefully you are not bothered by this but I can understand if you feel singled out. My current company is 90% Chinese (me included) and my team only has one Malay girl. Malay guys are even harder to spot. I think I only remember seeing one or maybe two here while I counted 7 Malay girls. There are definitely way more Malay girls compared to guys here. I am working in a tech MNC as QA so maybe that could play a factor?


OP is the main character in a harem manga


touch grass bro. But to be real, he might be in one. Sometimes when the girl is in an environment where it is dominated by A race, a minority guy from B race will be perceived as exotic, thus looking more attractive. This is especially when the guy is proved to be highly intelligent. Dude can easily stand out


We... busy working goyang kaki kat GLC. 😅😅😅


A Malay guy told me last time (and this is a generalization and a stereotype for sure) is that Malay men do not like the corporate structure. They don't like being told how to spend their time. He said if you give them the choice a lot of them would rather be runners or delivery riders etc where they are their own boss and don't have to answer to anyone but themselves. Edit: Another reason is probably because MNCs operate in English. And if Malays aren't comfortable then they would naturally shy away. This is also applicable to Chinese (though to a lesser extent). Other reasons include having your own racial bias (or being comfortable with other races). A Malay may not want to apply to a company if they feel the company is dominated by other races. They may feel they will get sidelined. This is not always true but we have to admit it does happen in reality. It also happens from the employers side. If there is racial bias by the employer, they might only choose to hire from a race that fits their own cultural values.


Hmm kinda make sense cuz honestly, I can't imagine my friends working in these structure


Which part makes sense? And why not, is the pay not more attractive in MNC, that would overcome their reservations?


Sometimes it's not about the pay, but more on what you enjoy doing while at the same time, bring in enough money not to become homeless.


unscientific personal anecdote: I find when it comes to sacrificing work-life balance as a corporate slave, non-Malays are less hesistant to make that sacrifice (I DON'T THINK THIS IS A GOOD THING). for better or for worse. neither is the right choice, just personal priorities. so a particular company's culture may push/retain certain demographies regardless of pay (assuming pay is the only factor at play). disclaimer: I know, not all people bla bla bla


This post makes me jealous


Whyy bro? Is it because of the aweks? Hahaha


Everything my friend. Embrace your existence there


Yeahh so far i really loving it and I don't think I can ever go back to small companies. Jom la try, i mean apply to MNC in general


Any openings there, bro? Looking for any entry level position at the moment, if ada, lemme know :D (bole ah ada geng friday prayers)


Bro take that as opportunity to grow as human. I prefer working in environment where you’re the minority, you’ll learn how to compromise and break that multiracial socializing barrier. One day you’ll be at ease, dont feel like wearing a mask everytime you’re with other people from different races. Then your english will flow like river even though you growing up speaking Kelantanese 3/4 of your life.


Im working in a MNC sales dept and I can tell you that we have like 4 malay males out of 30 ppl working here. But we do have alot of malay females, suspect it might be that malay guys do not like working in the office?


Since it's Malaysia being Malaysia, even MNCs have bumi quotas they have to fill, so technically there should always be more Malays in any MNC. However, I understand where you are coming from... (I'm a non btw) While the overall MNC office should technically have more Malays, from an engineering and manufacturing MNC perspective, I usually notice there's tend to have more Chinese in the office/desk R&D jobs, while Malays are usually in the manufacturing/factory side of things. At least that's my own experience so far.


Ahh make sense, i appreciate your POV and. >while Malays are usually in the manufacturing/factory side of things. This is so true I was in manufacturing and have to work on weekends while my chinese coworker didn't need to so i decided fuck this and i move to MNC instead and climb the corporate ladder 😆


Why work in an MNC when you have to be productive when you can work in a local company that has lower expectations and thus can have lighter workload? Honestly though, capitalism is all about money and profits. Some people understood it long ago, while others get told by the government "we will protect you"/"you matter".. and thus don't feel like they need to excel or prove something so they chose work that don't constantly push them to excel. As much as there are Malays who excel, let's not kid ourselves that there are some who happily chose mediocrity. It's the same reason why even some fellow malays have a dim view of their b40 brethren. It's all stereotypes, and stereotypes have a slight problem of always being true for some of the populace, or some of the races.


Depends. I work in an MNC because the verticality makes me almost invisible and i have full autonomy.


Good for you actually. There are benefits that you can leverage no matter the career choice. Some just chose being lazier as a benefit and there's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't affect others.


Interesting how your company has many Malay female employees but you are the one of the few rare Malay male employees I got a bit of experience to share that might be relevant. When I was working part-time at a mid-size bookstore, I would sometimes get Malay girls coming in asking for part time role by themselves or with their female friends. On the one rare occasion that a Malay boy came in to ask for a job, his dad had to ask for him while the boy was not even making eye contact or interacting with me. That was years ago but that memory really stuck with me and made me really appreciate the determination of Malay women.


Tbf, I get your story tho, because ig girls have more gut when it come to these ig, they are competent, well spoken, and get things done. While malay guys are bunch of mama's boys who can't even speak for their life.


The boy is probably high-functioning autistic.


As an Iban, I'm a minority every where I go. Unless, I work for Sarawakian company.


I feel ya bro. Haha


From what i heard from others working in MNC, malay males have kind of a bad reputation of being lazy, unproductive, arriving at office late and much more "freestyle" in their working attitude, you know, the typical Malay stereotype shits, so HR tend to prefer not hiring them. Malay girls on the other hand, is highly favored by local corp and MNC alike, since they rarely go for job hopping, much more obedient with orders from higher ups, which seems like the perfect "corporate slave". Don't quote me on that, its just what i heard from others tho.


what industry of MNC is this? My company is also MNC with a lot of Malay guys and it's pretty diverse here. Of course, female % is higher across all races anyway


Why do you think there are no Malay guys in MNC? Where are your other Malay friends and other peers working at? Maybe get them to apply to your company lol


>Why do you think there are no Malay guys in MNC? I've...write it all up in the post... because I'm literally the only 1 (in previous company) and the only in my current department


That's not an answer to "why" lol.


Just you man


Mileage may vary, but MNCs seem to favour Chinese because of their perceived flexibility. As you mentioned, you need halal food and to go for prayer breaks. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but it's just that there is less of this kind of considerations when employing Chinese. Many of the roles available at MNCs here also tend to be in sales, marketing, or business development, which can involve wining and dining customers as well as other external stakeholders.


That’s your experience. Many malay broskis there, depends on department. Try finding them in BPO or IT. Not a lot in upper management for some reason.


Welcome to the minority. Joking aside, I don't think I can offer any help here, I prefer to be alone anyways. But is it the whole building or the next building also same? 


>Welcome to the minority Tbh, it does make me feel for the minority, like for once I'm the minority. But I'm still lucky because even I'm the minority, everyone is very understanding and accommodating when it come to halal, going to prayer/mosque and all that. >. But is it the whole building or the next building also same Well when I go out for lunch nearby there are some malay guys lunch at mamak and I kinda want to join them but that would be weird hahahah


In my field I have worked with engineering consultants, engineers, safety officers from MNC firms, many of whom were Malay guys and girls. From my experience, perhaps its the type of graduates that are coming out of Malaysian universities? Also do consider that certain fields prioritise good command of english skills. Of course there are Malay guys with good english, but I'm willing to bet they are much harder to find outside of urban areas.


Maybe expand your circle?


I am laa but takkan la i nak ajak kawan cina pergi masjid pulakk hahaha. I expand my circle as best as I could, but I can't join when they go to non halal lunch places and they can't join me to go to the mosque


Don’t mind if I ask what industry are you in


Marketing and branding!


Not sure which field you are in but in mine there are a decent amount. Especially any roles that involves public sector, 99% of the time confirm is Malay colleague.


My previous companies are big 4 and an MNC from SG and I'm usually the diversity hire. That's just how it is. A few Malays and 1 Indian fella. I suspect it's more that Chinese are more comfortable with working more than 9-to-6 so that the companies get more working hours for the amount they're paying. It's more due to stereotype.


hey man thats mean you can stand out, easy promotion if you do it right![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Because kerja kerajaan > swasta. Well that's what most of them think. I have friends left a 5k salary for a position as a pegawai in FRIM


See that you asked the same at r/malaysiaPF


Which mnc is this? Audit company? There are alot malay in IT mnc company tho


I gonna ask a stupid question Whats MNC?


I guess im in one of the rare MNC where malays make up at least 50% of the work force here. From customer service, claims, HR and IT engineers there are more malays than other races


I see make sense I guess malay usually in IT/ engineers


It’s not a race issue. It’s a capability and attitude issue.


Meanwhile I'm the only Malay male in class (stpm)


How long have that company been operating in Malaysia? What industry is it in and what sort of services or products does it produce? If you can provide those details then maybe we can guess the answer to your question.


Which industry? I am in oil and gas. Dealt with many different MNC. Quite diverse.


Why so many orang putih in high positions in GLC?


I can partially relate. I'm terrible at Mandarin despite being Chinese myself, and can't communicate well with my Chinese peers when I was in the engineering sector. Surprisingly enough one person I bonded well over was with a Malay HR woman and an Indian colleague. Sometimes when you don't fit in with others you find others who don't fit in as well. That being said, this isn't always a "solution". Not like outsiders can just band together, especially if each one has their own needs that may contradict each other (Imagine having to pick an eatery that does not serve pork OR beef, and one of your colleagues is a Buddhist vegetarian). My older bro has a friend who is a doctor and he always laments working together with his chinese colleagues (who make up the majority) and he always feels he needs to ask his Chinese colleagues who are fluent in Chinese and English to translate for him during meetings. Sure people say that "everyone should just speak english" but try enforcing that. It's double worse for him because he's like the only Christian in a Hindu majority community. Honestly, the issue of "should the majority be catered to, or the minority" even bleeds into politics, and in my experience there is no easy answer to this issue. Malaysia likes to pride itself on diversity but doesn't like to acknowledge the challenges that come with it because 3R. So bro, I can't provide any good answer, but you ain't alone feeling this way.


May I ask what MNC you were in, all the 4 MNCs I joined have sizable Malay colleagues.


I've worked only in MNC's and its probably depending on the industry and culture. In Finance MNC, it tends to be more balanced and I've worked with all races before. Probably because finance applies to many ppl and they are more open as long as you have the right skills/mindset. In specialty MNC (i.e. focused on one industry), probably more slanted to a single race because its easier for comms and general culture. Sadly I do think Malay ppl are tend to not "fit the mould" for those type of company hence it pervades even to the hiring hence u see why its quite homogenous in make up. In the end, as long as work is done, you are happy and you get proper salary, bonus and benefits, just treat the job as a job and not a community. You can always find community in other places, treat the job as your job and not your life.


I joined a company of about 100 ppl, and I was the 2nd of my race. 96% Malay. You have some Malay girls atleast. I eat alone alot too. It is what it is, IDC and just focus on doing my job well. I think im due for a increment soon 😁.


They're shy. You need draw them out gently with food before they are willing to interact with you.


Government jobs or GLC jobs pay higher, offer better benefits + job security, and provide insitutional favouritism for promotion. It kinda makes no sense for capable, career minded malay men to subject themselves to the ruthless private sector corporate environment


They all do grab 😆/s


Definitely just you. Plenty of malay guys in 2 MNCs i have worked with.


Which state are u in? In northern part got many malays in MNCs, at least in all the companies I've been. Although normally they are not majority in these companies, if that is what u are expecting.


You're the elite, bro.


you're in the wrong MNC.. there's plenty at my office in PJ. Also see many other malays in other companies here also (Plaza 33). companies like to hire Malays esp if they are performing type.. helps to fulfill gov's quota of Bumi employees so that they enjoy some benefits. It matters for most MNCs.


Op is the mandatory Malay Director.


I used to is already. But I'm in SG, even SME also same.


It depends on the company culture and hiring preferences. I work in public accounting and have seen many MNC/GLC clients. It's less likely to be representing Malaysia/geographical area (state) demographics and more likely to be majority Malay or majority Chinese within the same company. It's a fairer representation if you were to take a population of companies instead of the population within one company. There are good distributions of races within some companies but it is less common. One reason is that many companies only have a few preferred universities to hire from, so the demographics will likely follow the universities'.


Depends on the MNC ah. I used to work for Accenture and it was pretty diverse. My current company is also pretty diverse as it’s also an mnc but a lot of old people. I’m the youngest in my company by a significant margin, closest to my age is still 12 years older than me :)


Which MNC with >100 staff only has one Malay guy? I've worked with quite a number of MNCs headed by Chinaman, but there are always more than a handful Malay guys around.


malay guys all in GLC. none in mnc because not same race with HR


Ure either a diversified hire or ure one of the very few that has impressive interviews with hiring manager and responsible. Most malay guys are either in Sdn Bhd or GLC


Cause all join GLC and Gomen


Which industry? I’ve worked in MNC engineering consultancy before and got malay bros with me for lunch and jumaat prayers.


It happens. I have met Malay bosses with 70%-80% or more non-bumi in his company and he has no idea why. He chalks it up to timing and the skills he needed at that time.


Malays prefer to work in government agencies. And in reverse, others like to work in MNC,


My experience so far back then the malays were around almost 50%. And then a lot of the staff move to another MNC, which while not as many, still has a lot of malays. But I am in IT, so it might be different in other industry.


Surprised? Really? Need to say more?


I'm a Chinese working in an MNC and there's a simple reason really - English proficiency. The keyword is in the name: multi-national company - you'll be dealing with a lot of foreigners and English will be the common language used. It's not even a nice-to-have, it's a non-negotiable. When I get CVs and resumes from Malays, it's.... there's a lot of room for improvement. I cannot justify hiring someone with a command of English that's equivalent to a 10 year old. It would make us look like complete idiots in front of our clients and foreign colleagues. The rate Malay men we do hire, those guys are 50/50 - some are absolutely killing things at their job, the others are forgettable at best. Malay women though? Almost every other hire we have has been amazing. It feels like they work harder and have more to prove. Perhaps it's just how they were brought up.


are you joking no malay guys, my company has more malay guys than anything else


I have quite diverse teams but I see Malay guys often lacking stamina, jumping ship whenever there’s some pressure. For engineer jobs on the other hand with a high level of accuracy, I love Malay girls, they are the best as long as the environment is supportive to them.


I'm the you in my MNC 🤣


Where is your MNC at? Cyberjaya got alot of MNC, alot of diversity of malay + other Asian + European + Middle Eastern..


I work in MNC in PJ. There are Malay guys and girls. Actually we are really diverse. My MD is a Malay guy.


I work in MNC in PJ. There are Malay guys and girls. Actually we are really diverse. My MD is a Malay guy.


The same situation here. I am one of two Malay guys in the IT department. All the other 15 colleagues are Chinese, and there are 2 mat saleh. As far as I know, at least in the company I am working for, the company hires staff based on connections, or what people call “cable”. So, that’s that.


If you 'tahan', ocay la


Okay jee , I'm like a rare pokemon, they all interested in my knowledge in malay culture and ask me cute questions 😆 like after I got back from Umrah they asked me if I have leveled up to a higher level islam, lololol


I am currently working in a chinese-owned local company. Yet, we are all Malay, and there is only one Chinese. That Chinese feels what you feel. He once talked to the boss about resigning because he feels lonely. The irony.


Last time malay lady colleague in mnc quit job become full time housewife, some malays also quit to join government, Iron rice bowl


Me too. The only Malay executive at my company. Got promoted two years ago. Since then, the meetings have to be in English rather than Mandarin lol. I don't get along with other execs, not because of the races but I'm the youngest one there. My closest friends here are all Banglas and Nepalis lol.


There are a lot of Malay guys in MNC. You're just unlucky getting a job without Malay guys around. I worked for MNC back in 2018 where 5 out of 13 directors are Malays and this 1 director fella is pretty cool can lepak at mamak with us typical exec/officers discussing stupid shit like how can we dress and look so poor that nobody going to entertain us while shopping.


What is mnc?


Because they failed the interview. U are special one.


Iban here, originally from Sarawak and working in an MNC. Let me tell you, there’s isn’t a single other Iban in any of our global offices. We don’t have an office in Msia though. I get mistaken for being Chinese until I tell my colleagues about my heritage, which is fascinating for them to hear. Never really bothered me that im the only Iban. I don’t feel the urge to seek out my kin. It would be nice to chance across one I suppose but there are none, it’s already a win if they’re from Malaysia (which in itself is rare).


Any indian person ah


Even if there are malay guys at where you work (because my MNC definitely have a lot of them), that doesn't guarantee that they eat halal or pray, so it won't change much for you. Where I work, Malays are free to be atheists or gay or whatever they identify with and any discrimination won't be tolerated.


uhhh just 2? there's tons of MNC in Malaysia, if they don't have any local tongue their doom. I've worked with 3 MNCs. There isn't that lot of malay in HQ. I'd say probably split evenly with Indian and Chinese but operation (depends on the nature of the establishment/company) consist of mostly Malays.


I'm the only non in the marketing department for one of the subsidiary companies of boustead holdings...u don't see I create a post and complain here on reddit.. as long as it pays my bill..I'm okay with it..