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Scientist is better off there.. you need to understand malaysia is in the midst of industrialisation, research are not paid well here. US, UK, all passed that.


Yes, same goes with Marketing. Malaysian are quite impatient by nature. They can't stand money going out so fast. for them MKT and Research are useless as it does not generate profit, in other word short term mindset.


One of the contributing factors towards reluctance to invest in R&D is that malaysian business people have rent-seeking mentality, which is due in part to (1) nons treated like 2nd class and discriminated, (2) they have abused loopholes / bribes to get quick profits and would like to get rich and park it outside the country ASAP, (3) pessimistic about the long term prospects of the country. Not trying to incite anything, just explaining things from a broader POV.


Sadly the government doesn’t seem to be targeting the root causes behind the brain drain


Most companies managed by boomers simply refuse to pay better wages, resulting in a vast underpaid industry.


Expats, white skinned immigrant working in Malaysia are still given white skinned privileges especially in MNCs. More often than not, they do well here. Skills are rarely the reasons why. IYKYK What are the real reasons Malaysians/ ex Malaysians leave this country? The reasons are a mixture of opportunities (example, scientists are paid better and is in more demand overseas), preferences based on the ethnicity you're born into, and the treatment of the ethnicity you're born into. Just go ahead and ask those who has left then you'll know.


even worst now they hire foreign worker for a cheap labour


Best thing is that these foreign workers work with absolute zero safety. If they fall off the 7th floor no one has to answer for them. And no one will care. PS: ey Tepung long time no see how cat


We will blame the victims instead.


Just last night I saw an interview of an American man that now live in Malaysia for so many years. Even he said Malaysia is better than the US and encourage Americans that want to reside outside the US to choose Malaysia. I guess grass are more greener on the other side.


Thats because they’re expats most likely getting paid in USD. That and the fact that if they decide to settle in Malaysia, their savings more than quadruple overnight. Malaysia is a beautiful country to live and grow provided you’re getting paid well enough for it which if say 60-70% of Malaysians are severely underpaid. Especially so if you are self made and didn’t inherit much from your parents.


Exactly. Before moving to the US I can't even make enough to live. Now I'm living well and already half way saved up for a house in the US. If I chose to stay in malaysia I would've never own a property in my lifetime. At least now I have more options. I can buy a house in the US and if I miss malaysia then I can buy another property in Malaysia. Everyone can cry about how shitty the US is but I bet most will do what I'm doing. And I'm probably one of the minorities that think the US is way better than malaysia. Other than the food.


This without doubt Malaysia way better than America honestly, anyone can tell when they been to America before. Their Taxation is Silent Killer, and mandatory Tips when eating, some shop even put mandatory tips and the lowest you can choose is 15% lol


Their healthcare is a scam too. Ridiculously expensive and If you don't have health insurance, just assume that you're already dead.


Everything in America is scam lol, all for profit.


Capitalism at the purest.


And now with the Supreme Court kerflufle, America is going to be a theocratic monarchy in less than 10 years if Trump wins.


Because typical. Even from other countries too. After they sucked the country's resources dry, they will leave for another country and continue being a parasite they are, while spewing bs about the previous country.


What Malaysians is good for: 1. Great people 2. Great food 3. Great environment. What Malaysia isn't good for. 1. (Insert answer here) . I would like to answer but I'm gomen so I'm on the watch. I know some negatives about Malaysia and it mostly to do with target development and support. When you live here long enough, the black and white still stand.


I can guarantee any Malaysian leaving to go international will always come back. Especially in the US where it’s so far away from family, there’s little to no culture, minorities barely mix with each other, and most States are insanely boring where most of your life will simply going to work and coming back home. I just left the States and would not consider returning ever. Good luck to any Malaysians thinking of leaving, you don’t realize what you have till you leave it.


-America -little to no culture My man, American culture literally dominates the entire world


The only Malaysians leaving this country are greedy people. Goodbye, you guys can leave and never come back again. Fucking traitor.