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Listen, you’re cute but there’s something happening with your lips. Are you making a face or something? Besides that just have confidence and rock the look. You’re literally fine. Edit: he posts this multiple times every couple of days. Do not give him attention.


He’s hiding his teeth.


Same thing I thought - does he have a weird mouth or does he just hold it funny for photos?


There are two photos where he doesn't really do it so it should be something he can correct. It would be worth it.


Please don’t give him attention, he posts this every day.


Ewe you’re totally right. How cringe lmao




#whats wrong with loving sour candy


Why do you young guys have such a hard time smiling?


Well most of us are probably broke, don't have a very bright future, and everyone's addicted to social media which causes mental problems


Umm i just have bad teeth therefore dont like to smile


That’s the reason


Learn the smirk. It is the way.


😂😂😂 no that’s not the reason!


Well you look stupid in photos with your little pursed lips and pouty faces.


I agree on the pursed lips thing, but not smiling doesn't make your face "pouty". It's just neutral, expressionless. Yeah these guys can and should take better pictures but if you're smiling just for the camera, I think you're doing something wrong. Take photos when you're actually happy and doing things you enjoy. It'll be way more natural. That's my opinion


I have these problems but I still make sure to smile thru it


I just don't see why people always say "you should smile more". I mean yes it looks better and it'll attract more people because it looks friendly. But you can tell when a smile isn't genuine, and I think that's worse than not smiling at all I say this as a guy who has every right not to smile, but I do still have my moments lol. I think "just smile" isn't good advice. Rather, take pictures when you're actually doing something you enjoy, and it'll look much more natural. You don't have to be smiling all the time


I mean, what people are basically saying is, "take some profile pictures in which you're smiling, however you get there", not "walk around with a smile pasted on at all times". If you're physically incapable of smiling because the world is so bleak, what are you even doing on.the apps?


What apps?


I guess I was assuming OP was looking for input on dating profile pics, but on re-reading, he just said "putting myself out there"


Oh gotcha. Yeah dating apps are 99% looks so you've really gotta have perfect pictures. But I should've elaborated more. Life isn't happy all the time, and pictures portray just that; your life. You look more approachable if you smile yeah, but smiling just for a random picture looks and is superficial. So don't take photos just to fill your profile, of course you won't look happy or approachable. Take pictures that have meaning behind them


I feel like one of the many disconnects on dating apps is that women read bios, and men don't. And women write bios, thinking that men will read tyej, and men don't wrote bios, thinking women won't bother. Then again, I've seen a guy on Reddit swear that he gets the most matches when he writes nothing, so maybe my experience is not representative


Appreciate this convo guys, lol.


I don't know, I think dating apps are a cess pool personally (I'm a man btw). I tried them for a few weeks and I actually had a long, well-thought bio but it seemed like no one read it. I think I had good photos, and I'm definitely a decent looking guy. I even paid for premium services on a couple apps which changed nothing. There's a few possible explanations I came up with; 1) dating apps want you to stay single, so they can profit off it 2) maybe people that use dating apps just aren't good quality, or aren't really looking to meet up IRL Or 3) although I've got a lot going for me, maybe no woman wants to date a broke 19yo college student lol


That's just cap tbh a girls only gonna read your bio if she's interested and the only thing there is on a dating profile to be interested about someone is the pictures they have. A good bio will always be secondary


I agree with what you said, but my smile is still genuine. I’m happy to be alive and my family is alive. I’m young and struggling but this is still living even if the economy is absolute bullshit


Facts forcing a smile looks ridiculous


i cant speak for everyone but as a young guy myself, my face just looks ugly when i smile with my teeth. that’s why i’ve just started smiling without showing any teeth. i’m still ugly but less ugly when i don’t smile fully


Try to outsource this opinion to other people to double check your sanity. I know a couple of my friends who felt the same way about themselves, but nobody agreed with them and thought they looked way better and more approachable with a smile.


well, the only people around me i really talk to is my mom and brother. those two probably wouldn’t tell me if im ugly lol


What is there to smile for? Why fake a smile when you just want a rating anyways.


Tbh when I take a selfie a rarely smile and then when I look at them later I like only those with a smile.


Why smile without a reason?


*Jordan Peterson has entered the chat*


You look like Ben Shapiro for some reason... Not like, meaning that as an insult but it's almost uncanny valley


Nah it’s cool, I get that a lot haha


Bro it could be worse! You're handsome though, and your eyebrows frame your face really well. As others have said, smile too! When I first got my girlfriend I was not an attractive man but a good smile and confidence and kindness got me the woman, and I'm sure you've got the confidence and kindness part down so it's just smiling


Nah shapiro is ugly and awful, this guy looks fine.


Shapiro is definitely not ugly. You might not agree with his politics, but he's not ugly...


The only thing they have in common are eyebrows. Dont do him dirty


I never said they look the same. I said Shapiro isn't ugly.


In YOUR subjective opinion. Beauty is subjective. In MY opinion he is ugly, very ugly. And has nothing to do with his shit politics and him being trash tbh. Its my subjective opinion.


my first thought


Ben Shapiringworth the Christian


Omg THAT’S why I thought he looked evil


Jesus Christ, learn how to properly socialize.


Yeah, that’s pretty rude. Enjoy the OCD, lmao.


Uncalled for bro, two wrongs do not make a right


Smile in your pics and you'll be fine


Just don't do whatever pic 2 is. Why are you pinching your lips like that


No need for brutal honesty. Your hair has great texture and volume. However, next time you take a selfie, just before clicking, push out your lips as if you ware doing a silly kiss someone across the room, and then let your mouth relax and your lips fall naturally into place. Because you seem to pinch your mouth in pictures, and it feels so not natural.


You’re really cute, you just need to relax your lips


Are you pursing your lips? It looks like you are. Stop doing that and there should be a decent improvement in women. If you literally have no top lip, consider getting filler (not joking) You look like you’re reasonably neurodivergent, I’d suggest joining a group (book club, study group (?), something) this might help with socialization. Join groups for things you like like board game groups on meet-up or something. It’s easy to find like minds there. :) Stop taking pictures above your head, only boomers do that, smile with your teeth and stop squinting your eyes, get rid of the leather coat (only a certain brand of weird neurodivergent types wear those), the hair looks great.


Your lips are fine dude, show em off and don’t hide them, chicks love guys with features with the features they want. Like lips and lashes


may I suggest some skincare? having very clear skin will take your looks up a notch


You're really cute, but you need to relax your mouth. The strange tensing of the lips is awkward.


You will never date anyone because they will discover your reddit profile and see you post your face often making u look stupid


I already booked you for Friday night. Cancel weekend plans.


I’d smash


You look great but things like humor, personality, how you handle difficult conversations, and interpersonal adversity has much more value and can create a lot more joy and enjoyment in relationships. In the end of the day, the reason you want to be with people and the reason you enjoy being with people is because they are fun and they make the quality of your time feel better together than apart. Your looks are good enough to get you in the door. You seem to have good hygiene and a style that works for you. The rest is something that is worth considering and contemplating. Try getting yourself a great therapist if you don’t have one who can help you when you find yourself ending up in a relationship with a great person 😊 Edit: yeah, I suppose that might’ve been too much for someone I don’t know, my friend whom I was talking about thought it was amazing though. 😂😅 the paragraph above remained unchanged from the original post 🫡


Fucking delete this comment wtf is wrong with you Edit: they deleted the really awful remark I initially commented about


What did they post? Lmao




What did they say 😭


What did they say?


Use pics 1 and 4, that weird lip face you're doing in 2 & 3 just don't. Other than that take a pic without the headphones.


Yeah, the headphones and the pictures are all sitting in his room in front of his gaming setup is a supreme turn -off, since he is interested in looking datable.


If your clear lack of self confidence holds you back then you’re cooked. Otherwise the world is yours.


Bro u got this💯all u need is your own opinion everything starts with you. Now get out and go find your wife brother.


People are saying you're doing a thing with your lips, but I think they just got used to people with massive mouths. Glenn Powell, for instance, has a similar mouth, I think, and he's in high demand.


Yeah, I agree. Would you say I look alright though all things considered?


Absolutely! Your looks aren't going to hold you back. As long as you're not a killer, you should get interest!


…I don’t think that’ll be an issue lol.


Since I’m assuming that you’re probably one of the only girls who posted on here, what would you say is conventionally attractive about me?


The paler skin and black hair combo, the direct haze with dark eyes, the tousle to the hair, and that you're not being ridiculous in any of the photos. That should all work well in dating profile stuff if you go that route. You look like you have the confidence to not have to be uncomfortable being photographed, and I think that matters. A lot of guys have few photos of themselves or the photos are either preening or about a fish they caught. You look confident without being arrogant. Because some people thought your lips were closed to hide your teeth, if you do a dating profile, include at least one where you're talking or smiling, maybe? But you don't look hostile when you aren't smiling, and that's a plus, too.


Yeah, I missed up with those photos, but I’ll be extra careful to take better, more appropriate ones later. And yeah trust me, I’m the LAST guy to be even somewhat arrogant. I’m a pretty humble guy.


I think the confidence and eye contact in the pics is solid.


Given most of the comments here though, I don’t know if I’m attracting who I want to attract though, lol. I mean, I’m still pretty new to this sub but it seems to me that the majority are males and while I do appreciate what everyone said here, I would much rather personally hear what women have to say considering how, you know, I’m straight lol.


Gay men are great for feedback because they know what's attractive and they know how to achieve it. They'll tell a dude he's hot but has a weak chin k, then ask how well his stubble gruwd in before making a suggestion to help. Women, meanwhile, will be giving you suggestions that require actually changing genes, like "grow a big red beard" not knowing they won't happen. Here's the thing: it feels like looks are all that matters, because it's what we *see * everywhere and what shows up big on dating sites. But you want a woman who appreciates your looks but isn't shallow - so looks can't be all she appreciates. That means you need to be ok enough that quality women don't flee, and you're well past that. Then, you reel them in by being interested, funny, etc. The same things you'd want in a woman. You don't need to change how you look to have a chance (some guys on here DO need to make changes) so you can focus instead on making sure there's something interesting beyond your looks and in figuring out how you're going to pick women who are interesting beyond just looks.


Yeah, you have no idea what you’re talking about…do you? If you are physically appealing, you’re essentially living life on easy mode, especially if you’re conventionally attractive. People like you always make it seem like it’s easy for me when the reality is that it isn’t and you skanks probably think that “it’s all about personality” because you’re used to being treated so nicely all the time. All that you people really want is just a blonde, blue eyed 6’3 guy and everything else is just a “slight” bonus. So you can shush with all the nonsense that you’re spewing, lmfao. Typical modern age woman. And as evidence for what I said, all you people keep giving me these retarded excuses about being “busy” while you’re really only busy for a short while and then partying all weekend and always “being on your phone”. Before I said this comment, irl for instance, assuming you’re attractive, you 100% would’ve said no and probably the things I said you guys say to guys like me all the time. Find new material sucker. “Way past that” my ass. And get good at lying. You’re bad at it. Really bad.


I'm old enough to be your mother. I was telling you the same thing I'd tell my son because I believe it. You made a lot of really offensive assumptions that don't apply to me and certainly don't apply to all women. You're alone because you make wild accusations and say things like "retarded." You'll get dates eventually, but probably not many second dates once they see this side of you.


I mean, they’re right, but no person in their right mind would obviously say that in public about themselves for fear of how it might make them look. Either way, thanks for your dishonest input.


You have resting “holding back a yawn” face. You’re a handsome dude. Be confident!


I'll be honest... I always swipe left if there are no smiling pics


I think you are incredibly handsome. I'd go on a date with you in a second


Buddy. Get off Reddit. Your post history is unhinged.


No, other gay men will flock to you.


I mean, I’m not gay but…thanks? lol


Maybe you should be.




No, you won’t have any issues in the basis of looks. I find 1 and 3 most attractive. You rock clean shaven very well, wouldn’t change a thing. You’re very cute.


Yea looks it up


You look good man. You got a nice head of hair, nice and thick. It's probably just all in your head.


Your handsome but you need a skincare routine. Something simple like an acne face wash, a moisturizer and sunscreen. And use it day and night (except the sunscreen, use that just in the day.)


Without the headset is better.


This. Everyone says they want to get out there and meet people, but they have headphones on. Kinda hard for anyone to talk to you, yah?


You're holding your lips/mouth in a somewhat strange pursed lips manner. Stop that for any profile pics and ditch the ear or head phones. Ok your face is good and you have great hair...both cut and color. Girls love confidence in guys so figure out what your passions are and go for it. Be kind and generous and interesting and they will swarm!


Online dating? Unfortunately yes, you will struggle. Every average looking girl has 1000 dudes in their DM’s, you won’t stand a chance. Real life dating? Like at a bar, club? Etc? You’re fine.


You’re really handsome, just try to show more confidence


If you have issues with your teeth, invest as much money as you can into fixing then, it will change your life once you see the results.


You’re cute but you look evil


Evil? How?


You look how Hollywood would portray an incel. A bit to conventionally attractive for ut to make sense.


have you tried insisting that everybody debate you ben?


For the last time guys, I’m not Shapiro!! XD


Might want to take your headphones off if you go on a date


Just don't bring anyone to your place hungry. They gonna starve


Probably will if you’re afraid to put yourself out there. You’re gonna have to make the leap my man.


Handsome guy! What’s with the lip thing? 😃


You're a little bit intense-looking. Try for a slight smile and a QUIET self-confidence. But facial feature-wise, you're fine. Definitely above average.


Would recommend a vitamin c serum for help with some skin redness, and working on smiling a bit for photos - otherwise you have nice hair and good features!


No shade, are you neurodivergent? You’re like actually pretty hot, you just keep making this face


I think you look great! Try to smile more tho




That first pic is killer and by far your best one. Make it your main profile pic. The rest are kinda awkward and need to go. As far as looks, you're above average. Nothing to stress about bro.


You look like an INTJ


Dude, just put yourself out there. You can’t win if you don’t play.


Idk if you’re like me but when I was younger I was self conscious of my lips and used to purse them when I would take pictures. No reason to hide anything about yourself


The chances of Romanian Ben Shapiro destroying you (a libtard) are low, but never 0...


Looking good just remember big emphasis on confidence


Aw no yer cute.


grow a gotee trust, it’ll for sure help you a lot


a goatee, part hair but style it correctly but keep it at the length you have it at in those photos, and don’t do what you’re doing with your mouth


Very cute


This sub is so funny


Smile dude


Ok my guy, I was you once upon a time. I hated my lips. Thought they were too big. Honestly, someone insulted me once and said I had “lesbian lips”. It stuck with me. And for years following, I would purse my lips until it became an unconscious habit, as normal to me as breathing. Relax. You’re an attractive dude. Do the normal things like take care of your skin, workout, shower daily, and have a good life. Then, yeah, dating will be.. easy isn’t the word but, you’ll be able to go out with people. But it all starts with your lips. Your mouth in general, smile. If you don’t know how to smile, make yourself laugh and then hold the smile that forms.




> my persistence *paid* off eventually, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Shouldn’t have much trouble, and try a skin care routine.


Not really. But! Manage your expectations. Also, you need some skincare, maybe a bit shorter haircut. How's your facial hair game?


Mate you look fine, I doubt you will have any trouble just too many to choose from.


You're cute. Just don't make the smile that makes your mouth smaller on pic 2. Also please because confident, I checked your profile it's all posts asking if you're good looking. You're good looking, period.


So handsome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I think u look cute! The hair in pic 1 is very majestic. I think if possible you should try experimenting with stubble, a shorter beard or longer sideburns as you have a lot of weight (dark hair/ eyebrows) and a more narrow jaw? That is in no way a dig, you have a good strong/sharp jawline but it might bring more balance to your face


Your lips are a huuuuge deficit. Everything else about you is quite handsome. You should consider any solutions to make them appear thicker. If nothing helps get surgery. Right now due to your lips you will get 0 matches.


Arent you the cracker going around dropping the n word everywhere you go


You look great but maybe try to relax your face ! Facial hair would look great on you as well.


Absolutely not just be yourself, the right one will come along


Grow your hair and embrace the waves. You look a lot like Timothee Chalamet!


You are majestic bro, just be confident, hit the gym, go to college, fpcus on your life, right woman will find you


Smile more 😊 you are very cute !!!


The lips is giving minge sniffing realness


You need a photo with a genuine smile. If you’re using photos like these for dating I can see why you’re having trouble getting matches. Grooming wise I think you’re fine. 


Mate! You’re as handsome as hell. But you need to stop eating “Toast Crunch” or whatever that shit is? Or at least have more food on display! I worry about your diet.. Like what is that? Cereal, some crackers and sauce? Bro!


Like who’s coming around for ‘Netflix and chill’ if I’m getting microwaved ‘Toast Crunch’ with hot sauce? Apart from that, I’d totally blow your back out!


Are you looking for a guy or a girl?


With that lack of confidence, yes.


Nah you’re very cute man


You gotta smile better. Your lips are the crux of these photos


Shoot king, you probably ain’t even gotta be funny to pick up a good looking person. Some of have to rely on being funny 😂


Not at all! Very dateable. 😋


Very attractive. So should be easier to meet people. But after that … do you try to learn about another person when you meet, or do you do all the talking? Are you empathetic and kind? Those are two nice starts


Drop the pictures with headphones on stop making the lip pinching thing. If youre gonna go on dating apps, you need pictures that arent selfies in your gaming den.


No, not really. You're moderately-to-quite attractive, depending on the person (e.g., you're not my type but don't believe you're ugly or anything, and I can definitely see a friend of mine being totally smitten by the looks of you). Just work on being a nice man. You don't have to have an absolutely stunning personality, just don't be a douche and you'll be perfectly fine.


You're a handsome guy. Love and accept yourself first. I mean, if you can't, why should someone else? Focus on personality. Sure, if it matches your look, the right person will be lucky to have you. Unless, of course, if you're just looking to get laid, that's all about timing and rarely much do with your fave pics...


Brutally honest, stop mogging when you take selfies Otherwise, you're pretty cute and approachable looking imo - the freckles are fucking awesome


No, you're handsome. Just be respectful.


Spider man?


You look like my first crush. Your haircut is way better though, just keep it styled and cut regularly. You’re definitely handsome enough to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, just need a bit of confidence.


Smile bro. It's not beta I promise, you're good looking otherwise


Ditch those headphones.


Yes but mostly bc the headset (gamer?) And it seems you live off of mostly Sriracha and cereal


Why won’t you grow your facial hair it’ll hide whatever it is you’re doing with your lips. Also you need to chill dude, posting constantly isn’t going to help you it’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy when you’re second guessing every single thing about yourself and constantly worried about how you look or whether you can pull a girl. Focus on your mental health, and your beard. Come to BJJ class you will learn to be strong inside and outside.


Dude, you are gonna be fine. Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with you.


You look like Ben Shapiro and the way you hold your lips is weird. Is there something going on with your teeth? If you're gay you shouldn't have any issues, if you're looking for women folk there are some red flags.


Yeah that’s kind of the problem I’ve seen. I’m straight but most people on here are gay but I have talked to the very few girls on here about this


Typical narcissistic attention seeker. If you’d quit being weird seeking attention on Reddit then maybe you’d stand a chance. You have multiple post just like this one. And for fucks sake your looks DO NOT MATTER!! There are plenty of people who are ugly af but have great attitudes/personalities and have no problem getting with people. (Look at Pete Davidson for example, great personality and is literally known for dating women WAY out of his league looks wise)


I mean, they do kind of matter quite a bit in our very judgy society, lol. It’s literally been proven that those who look better essentially live life in easy mode.


try growing a beard... and there is someone for everyone, so just put yourself out there and see what happens. Thats it!


Classic “there’s someone for anyone”. Basically since I’m fluent in woman’s, that essentially means you’re calling me ugly but being nice about it. Well, looking at your pic, you’re not really conventionally attractive either! So!


Thats what you got out of what i said? LOL, you're completely wrong, Im telling you to put yourself out there and youll definitely meet someone. But now I can see why youre struggling with women, its because of your attitude. And you dont have to think im attractive, doesn't bother me. i'm not the one posting my face everyday asking for help.


Great! It all works out!


Get your brows done


You’re honestly very handsome especially in the first and last pic 🌸❤️ keep your head up the right woman will come 🙏🏼 also do you have instagram id love to follow you :)


No just relax


You need a short haircut


Whatever face you’re making in that last pic, don’t make that face anymore


You’re genuinely handsome (and this isn’t me just being nice for the sake of it like most people in this sub) but you need to learn how to smile, take better pics and work on your skin care, maybe get a tan as well and obviously can never go wrong going to the gym, again you’re handsome already but you have the potential to be muuuuuuuch better


I can’t speak for women, but you’d have no trouble if you’re dating guys. You give cute twink vibes.


Thanks, lol. But nah, I’m not gay; straight as an arrow. Not sure if that means that less women will be into me based on what you called me tbh XD,


IMO, No. Good luck. 👍


You are ugly for the standard of nowdays


Yeah bro don’t let these people fool you. You’re capable of getting a girlfriend but you’re going to have to be okay with her not being as sexy as you wish she was. Even still she will treat you bad unless you focus on yourself for at least 10 years first. Attain a handsome amount of wealth in an honest manner, exercise until you’re toned up, and try a sales position so you can learn to fix your facial expressions. Sales will also help you express yourself with more conviction even if you use no words. After you tackle these small goals you can be the next Henry Cavill and bag all the hunnies with no effort and they will be good to you. Just be good to them too.


You're adorably cute, so no.


Only thing I can recommend is experiment with different colours. You’ve got a lot of monochromatic stuff which is fine but if you want my honest opinion you have very sharp features and bold eyebrows (which is a good thing) but to me you look a bit intimidating by doubling down on it with all that black. I reckon just squeezing a bit of colour into your wardrobe might help with the initial part because you’re otherwise a super good looking dude.


Dude, it's not about looks.It's about personality and attitude and charisma and gravitas.


Whatttt?! You are hot AF


Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the positivity, really made my day! I just have one single question and I don’t mean to come off as being rude since, again, I appreciate ya’ll compliments but…are there any ladies in the chat? XD


im lady. i suggest taking a picture outside somewhere scenic


Id date u. No homo beo