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Bro with respect you look young as fuck. Enjoy your childhood and don’t worry about adult people problems. There’s enough time for this question later on.


I'm 17


Hit the library and maybe start planning what you wanna do in your future. Trust me bro, I had all the ladies (and guys) in high school until I was around 20 but then because I was a loser, had no direction, and some other out of control things, my life fell apart and it all went away. Now I’m rolling up on 29 and I’m struggling asf. Work on yourself now and later they will line up to your door bro. In fact, you might meet a few ladies by just doing what I’m telling you now. Driven people are often attracted to other driven people and success is fucking sexy. So just work on yourself bro. Set your sights on a career and dive in since you’re nearing that time. If I had to make a suggestion, I’d say shoot for something in infrastructure and/or utilities since America is and will always be expanding like a MFer and those jobs pay super well and there’s a lot of verticality to them.


This 👍☝️


this is great advice OP!


This absolutely! Being financially secure will bring lots of opportunities to meet women later on when your brain is fully grown and you know who you are. That kind of confidence is so captivating. Work on yourself/ self esteem and your life goals and travel as much as you can while being single! Make a vision board and take action! What does your dream life look like? What qualities does your ideal woman have? What are your core values? Keep your chin up. You've got your whole life ahead of you. It's unlikely a girl you meet today or even in a couple of years from now, will be your "end game".


My uncle told me this other day I’m 23M and he said it’s never to late, read a lot and go out there and get it before it’s too late and tbh it’s never to late to change your life but focusing on girls and stuff will hurt you in the end if success and stuff is what you want in your life


Yup. I learned the hard way that focusing on yourself early pays off in greater sums later.


Yep well said


your comment contradicts itself in the same sentence. “it’s never too late, go out there and get it before it’s too late”




I agree with this. High school is very hard and college was a lot of fun. I never had a girlfriend in high school and worked hard making connections in school which led me to a very successful career and I have now been married to my wife who is an md for 3 years as well.


The most attractive mf in the room is the one that seems the most stable, comfortable with themselves, and driven towards a goal like 9/10. Mature your inner self to get relationships 💜 trust the process 🙏🏻😤


Recommendation: literally, just grow up


Mate at 17 I was at the park with my friends without a worry in the world and not a single girls attention! Things picked up when I was 19/20 and into my 20’s when my body naturally filled out (as yours will), and my beard came in around 24. You don’t need improvement tips at your age, it’ll happen naturally. You’ll be surprised how much your body will change by itself between 17-25, as long as you eat healthy.


Yeah now don’t get fat on us. And say why can’t I find a gf in 5 years.


You care too much. That’s the problem. Needy. Desperate. Thirsty. It’s seeping through your pours. The girls can get a wiff of it and it reeks. 


I used to work with this guy who was REALLLLYYY fat. Like... he kinda waddled as he walked. And he used to drink heavily so even though he was 30, he actually looked more like 50. The dude was ugly. BUT he was confident in who he was, he was dependable, funny, understood how to talk to women/people. And all of it together just gave this guy this weird charisma! He wasn't banging supermodels, but people wanted to be around him which led to consistent relationships for him


Was his name Mike, do we know the same dude? Charisma off the charts, probably 4-450ish lbs. He dated ballerinas, models, et cetera. He had multiple hot girlfriends?


Here to be able to come back and see if you guys are talking about the same person


Not named Mike unfortunately.


At 17 I was at home playing roblox lol


Lol i work in Roblox games


You’re still young asf. Do you know what you want to do for your future? I think that’s much more important right now than chasing tail bro


I bet you’ll have a major glow up by time you’re 22 and won’t even be thinking of your current problem as a problem. You kinda look like my ex when he was a teen. 5 years later, every female would look in his direction, he was that insanely attractive. Unfortunately it got to his head and he turned into a complete douche. Use this time to focus on yourself, mentally and physically, and enjoy your last years before adulthood.


i hate this. imagine if he was in his 20s but just so happened to look young asf. you know how condescending that sounds?


He asked for feedback, it’s not incorrect feedback. Especially when the guy is 17.


Oh what a tragedy that if he was in his 20s he’d hear that he’s young looking. What would he do? Reckon he would sleep again?


You are cute- it’s not your looks


Exactly this. OP you're plenty attractive physically. Work on your interests instead. Having interests makes you interesting to others.


And do a little introspection on your personality just in case. It took me a couple years to realize that I was pretty annoying. Once I started working on that, things started getting much better.


What were you doing that was annoying?


It wasn't really anything specific - moreso just my general behavior/demeanor. I was pretty socially stunted when I got to high school because my parents put me in a small, very strict parochial school from K - 6th. (Yaaaay Jesus school! /s) Couple that with ADHD and it's just a cocktail for immature behavior. I didn't really learn how to pick up on social cues or recognize body language because I was interacting with the same 12 kids every single year. I had a hard reality check when one of my friends told me (paraphrasing here) that I needed to stop being so annoying because I'm scaring away all the hoes. It took a lot of effort to learn how to read a situation, read people, and - most of all - just stop talking. All my work paid off because now I'm *really* good at those things but it was a hard mountain to climb.


Do you have any specific advice for improving that? Any strategies you tried/mindset shifts, etc


I had similar issues for similar reasons. Think before you speak. Seriously take a few seconds to decide if what you're going to say is helpful or kind. Don't take jokes too far because most people appreciate mild humor, but get turned off easily beyond that. That's what I would tell my younger self.


100% all of this.


Right, and know your audience. You shouldn't be mean or joke around too personally with anyone you just met, but some careful ribbing that isn't taken seriously is perfectly fine with close friends. It's a lack of understanding peoples' reactions and body language like you said that gets people into hot water.


Did you and the bros get hoes afterwards ?


We did, yes. And now I'm married and just had a kid so clearly something's working now. lmao


Interested people are interesting. Could’ve said it better


Couldn’t have*


And possibly confidence?


Learn the guitar. Learn how to conversate with women and show interest in them as a person.


Work on your social skill gang


How does someone do this


Giving you an answer that’s less condescending than the guy before me: You just need to practice, and get good at feeling uncomfortable. The more time you can spend talking to other people face to face, the more confident you’ll feel doing it In practical terms, this probably means joining clubs or putting yourself in scenarios where you’ll interact with other people! I like to volunteer in my city, I meet a ton of folks that way


Getting good at feeling uncomfortable is massive. Do the whole “what would so-and-so do right now?” and let so-and-so be someone really good at carrying themselves in those moments. Honestly, as we say in the hair industry… “Fake it till you make it.” Pretend to have confidence until it starts to come naturally.


Your looks aren’t the only reason you can get rejected.


This. Could be the people you're going for too. Maybe you're a nice guy, and they aren't into that. Maybe you're not a nice guy, and they prefer nice guys. Maybe you have nothing in common with the people that are rejecting you. I say just focus on yourself and self-improvement for yourself and not for others. Find some things that interest you and that you're passionate about. Being passionate about a hobby can be really attractive (as long as it isn't a hobby that puts others down when you talk about it)


Short hair that exposes the forehead might present a more open and manly pose.


You're 17 chill TF out.


Get rid of the broccoli hair.


[Lamar had a point](https://youtu.be/CXZtVoQ0gqs)


Maybe the problem isn’t your looks, but your personality, or maybe you’re just too young to enter a serious relationship. I don’t know man. Just enjoy life while you’re young. Relationships come later. 




And sometimes it’s not even that. Sometimes you just end up meeting people you’re not compatible with or who don’t return your feelings which is normal. OP should simply focus on being the best version of himself he can be.


Change the perm


I have a similar hair type. For me, the only other option is to avoid the leave in conditioner which leaves you with a borderline afro. And the afro look is definitely not in style. The kid is embracing his natural hair, no need to shame him


This. I don't understand that look that a lot of younger guys are going for these days. It looks greasy, or reminiscent of a Jheri curl from back in the day.


Eh. If you're not in his age group then it doesn't matter much if you don't understand the style.


Uhm i cant send images here but what i actually wanted is "iamsama" hair style, search on Instagram If you want to know How to It looks, my hair is also natural curly


You don’t have the right head shape or curl pattern for the style. I’d say try getting rid of the forehead part.


It looks like a poodle


That looks like his natural texture


Perm looks fine


for his age i think it looks fine. I don’t think the perm is the problem.


This may come as a shock to you, but a lot of people’s hair looks like that naturally


Didn’t have a gf till I was 25, relax and stop rushing things. Just talk and eventually it will go naturally.


You'll be plenty popular in college... Dont sweat it


Nothing to fix, brother. You're a stud, she's just not into you.


I'm siding with the others on your hair. Its just not a good look on anyone. Most of the young guys posting here about their looks have it. That tells me two things. It isn't original, and it ain't working. Side note: rejection isn't always about appearance. Sometimes, you aren't projecting the best version of yourself, or you aren't talking to the right girls.


You are beautiful! Give it a few years


Honestly brother just be confident and don't try too hard. Do your own thing. Women like a man who doesn't need a woman to be happy. Do your thing and don't stress. You'll find what you're looking for.


groom for yourself, not to be wanted by others


One thing I learned with my current 30yo of life experience: unless you like your face was set on fire and someone tried to extinguish it by hitting it with a bat, it's never the looks. I'm very much on the low-end of beauty standards and I always had a date to go with or was dating.


Looks feminine


Mate, most girls will view you as a boy until you’re ~23. Hit the gym to help your chances but you’re still very baby faced.


You're 17. Don't worry so much about it, you'll find someone. Take the time to enjoy life before adulthood comes. And even then, don't fret. I myself have remained single for about 3 years now and it's honestly given me a lot of time and headspace to work on myself as a person. So don't worry. :) As a matter of fact, to a lot of the guys on here worried about their looks and girls, no matter your age, don't worry. If someone only cares about looks they're not worth it anyway. Focus on yourselves for the right reasons, don't focus on appeasing other people.


Please teach me how to get rejected


are you bri-ish


You are probably trying to hard. Be chill and it will come


Do something with the hair and be confident with yourself. You will be fine.


I’ve never understood this haircut. Looks bad on almost everyone


looking good. maybe a little shorter hair cut. But work on being a good friend, find your passion in school or music or something. If you master some skills and know how to be polite out in the world then people will notice. Have some drive and direction, the relationships will happen. A good workout routine is good too! get comfortable in your skin. You do look good, nice thick hair and good skin, don’t over think it. Make strong friendships, guys and girls clubs, church wherever. It’s will severe you well sometimes that one girlfriend or boyfriend is a bit intense in HS and is not good for planning a good life in the future


It's not your looks, young sir! My advice: focus on your passions, your interests, and allow yourself to be vulnerable in those passions. Pursue a deeper understanding of yourself, and you'll come across someone who is doing the same and can appreciate you for YOU, not your grooming habits. <3




grow your hair out long & look into streetwear


I'm pretty sure it's not about your looks. Some may not like them, but I think you're well into conventional highly attractive territory. Focus on your behavior.


Bro youre like 12, give it a few


Chase women and you'll run out of money Chase money and you'll never run out of women


Loose the haircut.


it’s not ur looks, she’s j not into u. stop thinking that the reason y u never had a gf is bc of ur looks. the idea of being“unattractive” is idiotic bc no one is unattractive, everyone has their own ideas of attractiveness and u j haven’t found the girl that finds u attractive


Dont waste your time with women right now bro, get your money up, work on maxing out your stats.


If you hit that gym, in one year, you're going to look back on this post and laugh.


No broccoli 🥦 hair maybe?


Bro you’re in high school relax


Honestly, ace whatever you’re doing with your hair. Get a men’s haircut, don’t pout and trade those sweats for some actual pants that fit. Don’t follow shallow trends and develop a style. Style endures, trends are short-lived. Read, work out, and stay off of the socials.


Talk to girls more often. There's nothing wrong with your appearance. You'll get there 💯💯


You’re actually a very attractive young man. Reconsider your hairstyle and work on developing your communication skills. You will definitely find someone!


you look good. Just need muscles!


And good social skills. The body is just a vessel in the end of the day


Get a boyfriend


Choose a fat one


Might be height


Get with a guy it’s easier and less headache


😂god I wish that was true


It is for me


And for him?


If you want to look older shave your head. Otherwise, chill out and be you. Confidence attracts women more than a good haircut will. A good haircut can increase your confidence but trust me confidence will take you far. Source - am bald.


Realize that women aren’t special. They are just people. People you probably don’t really like. Don’t worry about women at all. Seriously. Do whatever you like and dress however you want and never worry about what a girl thinks or wants. Key to happy life as a guy. Take it from a 38 year old man. Women aren’t special. You are! Lift weights 3 times a week and eat healthy every single meal. You’ll grow into a very attractive and strong man.


It must be your personality or mental health because it’s not your looks, lad.


I think your problem is that you are intimidatingly pretty. To the extent that girls would assume your personality is way worse than it actually is and would also feel self conscious. My mom advice is actually to make more friends that are girls. Just friends. Girls do talk, and they talk about which boys are nice, dumb, funny, straight, cute, whatever. If a girl you are just just friends with knows you like one of her friends, she is highly likely to tell her friends that you're a good guy.


Women are not a programming problem or a math problem, they are people. What would it take for you to date an adult man in his 50s? Given that you're sad you got rejected by a girl, unless you're bi and very open, there is no situation where you'd be open for that. Same with the girl you tried to flirt with recently. She might not be interested in men, she might not be interested in men right now, she may feel insecure about the idea of dating, or she may prefer guys who are much shorter and have long noses. You have no way of knowing without getting to know someone whether or not you are someone who meets their (often incredibly narrow) idea of someone who turns their crank. Creepy dudes on the internet will try to make you think that girls are just a numbers game. You just have to be overly aggressive and hit on as many as you can until you find one who responds well to this lousy approach to dating. That's one of the reasons why so many women are saying they'd sooner choose a bear than a man. Just be a person. If you're desperate for sex, get on a hook up app. But if you want real connection then stop trying to force it. Don't fixate on girls who you don't even know yet. If you're bad at talking to girls because they're pretty and you get nervous, take an improv class, you'll learn to talk to anyone about anything. But just get to know people, be free with compliments, without being creepy. Eventually you'll find someone who compliments you back.


Your fine, hs girls are not a good judge of anything


How tall are u?


172, about 5,6


172 is 5’8 bro


These kinds of questions are not allowed in here 😡


You dropped this, 👑


Listen to the wisdom of grown men, as they are telling you on here; Don't worry about having a girlfriend. There's a whole world out there and a whole life to get started on. Date? Yes, date around. But don't worry about getting a girlfriend. Work on yourself first; work on your education or a trade. Establish yourself first (you can't support a relationship if you can barely support yourself), also educating yourself (in general) makes you a better more rounded person. Establish yourself in a career and financially. Push yourself to open your horizons and experience new people and new places. Focus on your body; exercise and pay attention to what you're putting into your body. I'm not saying be a health nut. But what you do with your body now builds the foundation for what you have to work with and deal with the rest of your life. And the big three C's: Be Confident, Calm, and in Control.


Honestly u look good but I'd say try a beard if u can grow or try a buzz cut once


Don’t worry about it too much. There could be 100 reasons you got rejected and none of which you can change. Focus on making yourself happy and being good to your friends. You are young and have plenty of time for relationships later.


Bro just do push ups and live life you good then hoes gone come run yo money up don’t even let them be apart of it they will come in due time and this is coming from a big black ugly dude but i got hoes as i growed 😂 (yes ik growed is not a word)


Life isn’t about having a gf or bf. It’s about having the best experience you can. Enjoy your youth. Adulthood will bring new challenges. Don’t obsess over your appearance. Women care less about looks and more about personality, but we men are so focused on visuals we think they feel the same. You look fine. Be good to yourself.


I understand wanting a girlfriend but you are kind of young for all of that.  Regarding hair, I would make the front more narrow and angular so it doesn't hang over and hide your face.  You have nice features.


17 definitely isn't young for a girlfriend, you'll be an adult in a year




Buzzcut skin fade


Walk up to her and say sharty wat YuR NaMe Izzzz


Most guys who get rejected from gals go to grinder. But you'll have to be 18 to use any dating app, right.


Taper fade nd get in the gym


You’re an ok looking lad. Have you considered improving your personality?


Your looks are fine. Suggest focus on personality, career and accomplishments, being a good conversationalist.




You're focusing on the wrong things. Work on yourself, keep working on yourself, work on yourself some more...those you you're supposed to be with will find you bro.


Smile more


Get jacked




Girls are attracted to success over looks. So just do well for yourself. Not saying you aren’t good looking, it’s just that’s not gonna get you as many girls as having your shit together


You're 17, chances are your "dating pool" is very small. When in high school, dating is more like.. competing with the people around you rather than actually dating someone you like.. it's rough right now but focus on you. Do things you like to do, hang with friends, build hobbies and go to work. Just living will bring the right person to you. I know it feels like the most important thing right now, but in 5 years, you'll look back and think "THANK GOD it didn't work out with that person, they actually sucked". For the record, you don't need to change anything, you have great hair, and it looks like you take care of yourself. You just need more options and time. Also, a side note. I've been "obsessed" with who I was dating/talking to since 7th grade. That's 15 years of being focused on if someone liked me or not. 15 years of "what's wrong with me" and "if only I was skinnier". After all that time of being focused on it, guess what, I'm still single at 27. Worrying about it doesn't change anything. Building healthy relationships with friends and family, focusing on bettering yourself, diving into hobbies, and enjoying life is so much more important. It feels like the most important thing right now.. but I promise. There's nothing wrong with you. Dating as a teen just sucks ass... tbh dating as an adult sucks ass too. Try to just be you, friend.


Get a normal haircut.


Your face will grow more mature and masculine as you age. I would try a shorter hair cut and maybe less perfect eyebrows


It’s your clothes man. Zero effort in that outfit, wear things you like yes but always dress to impress in public settings no matter the style. The proportions of your outfit are both baggy and fitted but also express no charm. Secondly, as a man who had decent luck with women I can’t explain how important the three c’s are, clothes, confidence and cash. You could be the ugliest man in the world but if you have Your own style that you wear confidently and work enough to continue leveling up you’ll NEVER have a problem with women because of the stacking attraction you get from not just women but men as well. You’ll be brought up in conversation when you’re not there because everyone’s talking about you. If you don’t have a job, start a business. I am 25 and have two kids and a stay at home wife, it’s tough but as a rarity ( a young man with the ability to provide the traditional lifestyle) my confidence attracts women of all kinds. I’m not Micheal B Jordan, I am a regular guy with regular face with the few things that make a man attractive for the right reasons in this world. I am confident, my clothes are nice ( not expensive just nice) and I have cash in my wallet to do things that I enjoy as well as take people along for the ride with me. If I were to leave you with one more piece of advice, start studying would be it. Not your schools curriculum but something that matters like online real estate courses. A young dude like yourself could make millions by the time your my age and naturally develop confidence, clothes and cash with the skills that it takes to be a realtor


You are a cutie and you look young so i wouldn’t worry about it. Just work on yourself. Find hobbies and interests that will take up your time and help develops you as a person. Women will find that naturally attractive and you may even find someone with similar interests as you.


I don't think it has anything to do with your looks. You're super cute.


Let the eyebrows go


Bro  just trying to help you put but u look like a girl. Hit the barber, shorten your hair. Do some sports or rough training to look a bit more mascular. Let some beard stub in there. And at your age, focus on your studies. If you get money, you get girls. And the most importantly, you beed to go through lots and lots of rejections until you discover who you are and what works/ what doesnt work for you. Some girls are looking for assholes, some girls are looking for money, some girls are looking for power, some girls will be looking for you. With the time, you will learn how to find them. But there will be a lot of trial and error until then. Many here grew up on a society before tinder, where tou actually had to muster the courage to walk up to a girl, talk about some bullshit, get brutally rejected and still muster the coursge to do it again. Over and over. But onxe you figure it out, you are good for life.


Definitely stop dressing like that


It's not your looks dude


Charge the hairstyle add more volume to the top and less on the edges


you look like a lesbien bro


Well it's not how you look cuz you are very good looking, but EVERYONE gets rejected. just keep making friends and living life, your time will come.


Brother you look more fruity than me and that’s a statement and a half


You’re extremely young, dude. What you need to focus on is learning about rejecting. It is going to be part of your life, and learning how to deal with it is important. Girls will come eventually.


I don't know how you act or how you talk or anything about you really. But I think you're a good looking guy.


Nothing to change little bro, you're handsome. Just relax and wait for the right one


I don’t know what it is with every guy looking like they wanna have a damn perm on their head straighten your hair out and get that greasy goopy looking hair off your head. Dude you want to attract women be original do not look like every other guy out there nowadays. What the hell is up with men looking like each other all the time now that is so freaking feminine. When I was your age, I had women climbing all over me like I was a damn tree. I know you can do it too just change that look.


probably personality my guy


You are good looking boy but I would tame the curls bro


It's not about looks because you look good. Maybe you are just trying too hard?




Lower your eyebrows


You look great mate, so no issues there. If they don't want you, it's their loss. Unless you're behaving like an idiot, which I'm sure you're not, then you deserve better!


Give it time...you will. Like the previous person stated, I was having all kinds play with men and women, from just lbelow my age to a very busty teacher of mine and one of my best friends' dad. Don't jump into a relationship because you think it's the right thing to do. She will trap you, leaving you miserable


You have a nice face. But this post tells us nothing about what happened. Here's the thing, it doesn't matter how you look or act, people can turn you down for 10p different reasons that are nothing to do with You. And that's fine, because you don't want to force someone to date you because you think it's an appropriate milestone to meet.  It could be you are going for certain unavailable types as well. Well never know because all you've shown us is your face and said someone rejected you.  If all you're after is reassurance that you're not wierd or ugly looking you can have that; you appear attractive.


Wear a baggy shirt, learn how to dress urban. U dresses like u just got out the gym. Personality is 70% of the game, have confidence in everything you do.


Get rid of the broccoli haircut, it makes you look like an Edgar.




Patience helps a ton, you are still young and have plenty of time to grow . Take it easy and let things happen


Your looks and style are fine. There's nothing to be done or can be done besides maybe some accessories. The only real asthetic difference you can make is in how you carry yourself and the vibes you give off. Only way to improve that is to become a person you'd wanna hang out with.




Shave the hair, wear light colored clothing, white looks great on people, makes you look more clean and put together, get a clean pair of shoes, some jeans, or joggers but lighters colored


I’m agreeing with everyone else on the young card… age a bit older and let the natural growth resolve the rest. You aren’t ugly but maybe girls of your age right now are just being picky or may have other reasons, I have a feeling though you’ll have that heavy glow up into your 20s and be everything the girls wanted


Probably don’t edge eyebrows and work on growing a beard if you can.


Bro wym u look good, maby ur grade is like more personality set then looks set


You may have to beef up big time then slowly shred to compensate for a somewhat effeminate face and being 5'6. Get into MMA too for extra confidence.....dunno, its a bit random, but I see you getting along well with some Brazilians at a BJJ gym 😂


You’re gorgeous and I don’t think you should change a single thing. I’m not hitting on you you’re way too young for me & it would be illegal but I’m just telling you a sincere, honest compliment IMO there is NOTHING wrong with your looks. I hope the next girl you asks says yes. Do keep asking, I think someone will.


Numbers game bro. Keep trying. But be careful. Once you get the girl then what??? Most of the time it’s not even worth all the trouble you went through and you’ll see that once you finally get lucky


just be yourself man.


I think fix your eyebrows. Something about them makes you look feminine


Being real, you ok, man. I didn’t have a BF until 19 yo (I was never desesperate, but in the lasts years that started eating my brain… And I luckily found someone to start building something beautiful 💞 after i learned the lessons I need it to match someone with that soul ♥️ and love to offers.). Focus on healthy hobbies, job and education; you eventually find someone and you’ll be a fulfilled person with their own passions, aspirations and love to give and receive. TIP: When you get into a relationship it’s not a switch to change you life and transform yourself to be a better person; it’s a start of a journey to grow and care to enjoy life with someone, as a good partner, with honesty, love, responsibility, empathy, and passion. When you’re with someone you love, you start knowing parts of yourself you didn’t know before started experimenting… And it’s like a mirror, you notice new feelings and new thoughts to handle and learn to hear… Be patience with yourself, and don’t wait to know all the answers or solutions to come immediately or being resolved alone (you share something with someone now. Communication is really important to not let small things become to big things and enjoy the way you guys enjoy more). Accept you feelings and accept you have the control to communicate them and express them with empathy and peace. And accept you are with another human, they live their own life, as you.


You have been blessed with good looks. Relax, it will all work out.


idk man but it's definitely not the looks u look good


You’re only 17, normal to “never” have had a gf. Anyway, you look fine. Getting a gf isn’t about maxing looks, it’s about being a cool guy they want to spend time with. Do you have many female friends?


You're a fine looking fella, you're only 17 so give it some time. I'm 22 and I've always been single, it's not the end of the world. The one will come eventually, just be patient brother


Start worrying about building your own life and the women will come.


Like everyone is saying bro you're young af at 17 I was partying and not paying attention in school and now my future self is paying for my past mistakes. Focus on your education and what you want as a career and I guarantee the ladies will flock. Women want a man who has their life together not struggling. You look healthy af so keep that up but let me tell you there are plenty of people I know who worried about looks at that age and now don't have anything else going for them other than their looks.


Your hair is cool and your cute..a good looking guy. Much as it's weird for me to say as I'm decades older. Probably ably just a confidence thing


There's absolutely nothing to improve on physically, you are quite good looking and conventionally attractive. Rejections happen for all sort of reasons, it doesn't mean you are not good looking enough.


I don’t mean to be mean, but your height probably has something to do with it, your pictures make you look like you’re between 5’4-5’6, find a girl that likes short guys, a lot of girls seem to like tall guys, and most of the short guys I know get cheated on, I feel like a lot of women won’t admit they judge and respect men more depending on their height


There will be plenty of time for chasing gals bro just enjoy your younger years and don’t settle for something you don’t want because gals only give you temporary satisfaction.


Just know that you look awesome. You’re still a teenager. And I assume that chick was also a teenager and they can sometimes reject you because of no reason really. Enjoy yourself. My tips tho: workout if you don’t already. That’s it.


My advice don't worrie about it theses plenary time for heart brake trust me