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Dude, if you don't talk, you can't find it. Little fact.


yeah i probably need to start cold approaching more


If “cold approaching” is what you think you’re lacking then you’re lacking a whole lot more but it’s in the personality dept. Women aren’t a score to win or lose they’re just people. Before you go out to meet women somewhere jack off like two or three times so your horny brain isn’t calling the shots. Then, just try to have casual and fun/flirty conversations. Go into these convos with no expectations. You’ll have a handful of phone numbers by the end of the evening.


Also, you’re fucking sexy dude. If women aren’t flocking to you it isn’t because of your looks.


Came here to say this


Women don't "flock" to men. Most women are scared to even talk to a guy they're crushing on. They'll literally avoid making eye contact. Men have to do all the work


That’s fair. It was a euphemism.


Let's fucking go. Pure facts


Don't be an idiot, jacking off is the worst thing he could do. He should just be calm about it and not stress it. He's 18 for heaven sakes. Take your time and learn yourself and you'll be fine with the ladies. Build your confidence and increase your intelligence and you'll be a chick magnet trust me.


Best advice here. Just think of whatever women you’re interested in as a potential friend, another human just like you. Not property or some kind of accomplishment. Start there. Obviously womens needs in a partner are varying, but you need to change your mindset.




Do you cold approach men?


That's part of it, but the most important thing is to be able to have quality conversation when you do approach or talk to women, whether its "cold approaching" or in a dating app situation. If you struggle with being charming, I recommend the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People." It's a corny title, but the substance is actually pretty good. The best advice is to ask a lot of questions and try to be genuinely interested in the person's responses.




Awful advice


Just reading that gave me the ick


What did he say?!?!!? Didn't reach in time lol


Yup, closed mouth don't get fed


You have the looks to get in the door. Now train your personality to failure


to failure is so real, if you don't fail you don't progress in terms of personality


"Train your personality to failure" Holy crap what an excellent term


Your body is good, nice face too. Maybe do something about your hair so it doesn't look like you just fell out of bed. If you cant get a GF, its definitely not the looks preventing you.


well it's not face or body so personality will be it. or just socializing


Want a bf ?


til this sub is full of gays


Today?! Where have you been the other days 😂


Always has been.


I posted two terrible pictures of myself and had 3 dudes DMing me telling me how handsome I was and asking if I was into men.


Imma be honest I don’t love it? It feels super predatory when so many obvious minors post here just looking for advice


If it’s an adult trying to connect with a minor.. yes that is predatory. But a gay male messaging with another adult male? That’s not predatory. You should not be lumping gays into the term predatory like your comment implies. it’s specific to anyone that is a redator, which can be any individual. I get your point, I just think your comment is implying gays are the predatory problem here and that i don’t love


Try gay.


Rule 5 - "Are you smiling? If not, then SMILE." Rule 6 - "If taking photos shirtless and you are not gay or bi, DO NOT POST." There you go mods, eat this up. :)


If you are gay, try going pantsless


As a gay, I endorse this message


Amen brother.... PREACH it for the people in the back?


Yeah girls typically don’t like self admirers


Being proud of your physique is now being a “self admirer”


What other purpose does the 4th pic other than to be self admiring lmao


bro i’m not a self admirer and i just workout because it makes me happy and i have worked my ass off to look the way i am tracking calories, lifting consistently, taking plenty of supplements, it’s all just to make me feel better about myself because im not a self admirer and i actually hate myself to a degree.


Honestly work on yourself, join a club, play soccer or whatever sport you’re into. Just by being content in yourself you’ll meet someone. Pumping iron is great but if that’s all your doing it makes very boring conversation unless you date a fellow gym goer. Even they get bored of constant supplement, weight, calorie counting talk.


That’s your problem. You hate yourself. Women pick up on the negativity. Be happy.




This is fake advice everyone, self glazing paired with other person glazing gets you places.


cut or uncut? asking for a friend


You probably have shit interpersonal skills. Be a good friend and a good person first. The rest will happen in it's own time.


Best answer.


real i wish i could get along better


You don't have to "get along" per sé. I'm a lifelong jerk, but I care about my friends, and they know they can count on me. That being said, being able to talk to strangers and be personable is a damn good skill to acquire. It's not a natural thing. It's learned.


okay important question do you go out a lot or not?


I mean he’s 18 so I’m guessing not? Unless you literally meant “leave the house” in which case idk


do your best, you'll fail but progress


You're 18. The pool you're competing with is much larger than the pool you were competing with at 17.


Nah bro, just stay with me.


I mean you are hot and have abs for starters. So maybe try improving your personality and just find confidence to talk to girls. Or you could become gay 😏


Start smiling more and get a nice style.


You got the fitness part and looking good part the rest is just learning how to banter and approach.


Women love when men break it down to a science so there’s nothing natural about it. lol op you need to look inside yourself and beat the depression/ anxiety you have. Work on yourself for a while. Otherwise you will just end up with the wrong person. You have to work on yourself first and you are too young to be a fully matured adult in 2024. Sorry it’s the truth. I was single for a long time. I looked like you. It was my personality disorder. I recommend a therapist and a psychiatrist. If my message makes you angry, that just means I’m right.


So how do you actually act towards and treat women?


Looks are important but personality is VITAL. Personality can enhance or totally diminish how you’re perceived.


You are a fairly handsome man. I think you need to switch to guys. Somehow I doubt you would have trouble finding one - or more.


Look for a boyfriend


You posted this for attention or your game is completely ass, possibly both. Or you could be gay, but ll these people glazing u will lead to an inflated ego.


Try guys.


Try finding a boyfriend. We are better.


Maybe you should try men regardless. 


Bro., You are a fucking hottie. The woman will come. Muscles are important but so is neatness, cleanliness, intelligence, humor, good personality. Your young, experience as much as possible. Hang yourself out there to catch a babe. The more dating attempts the more yeses you will get. Sure there will be no's but they become yes's with experience. Did you ever have a gf? Go to prom? Ideas of you future?


Studies show that the most important trait in finding a relationship is kindness. All these guys need to work on their self-esteem to a point where they can be genuine and kind people, then they’ll be fine.


You're right. Someone sold us a big lie that women only want men who treat them like shit, when in fact you're much more likely to attract a good partner by being a kind, compassionate man who shows genuine interest and curiosity about a woman's interests.


Lots of women love guys who treat them like shit. Women like that are all terrible partners.


Right, exactly, and who wants to attract a terrible partner? And even if there are plenty of women like that, I certainly don't think it's the majority.


As one of the many gays in this sub I can tell you that women honestly don’t give a fuck about muscles 95% of the time. I always talk to my girlfriends about what they find attractive in men and it’s so different from what we find attractive.


Bro., Whole heartedly agree !!


Personality. Be nice, understanding, fun. Don't be a cunk maculinist with girls. It helps. :)


Most girls care more about personality than looks. I'm not saying looks aren't important, they are, but you can be smoking hot and if you're a mean asshole then you'll get nowhere. You are already physically attractive bro trust me. Maybe work on being confident, fun and interesting. Get a hobby aside from the gym. Every cunt now is in the gym getting shredded. Set yourself apart from them. Get some experience talking to women. If you have female friends hang out with them. Don't make every woman you talk to feel like you're only trying to get laid. Talk to them like you would any other human being, with respect and politeness, and if you sense that they are into you then flirt a little and take it from there. Also there is a kind of art to flirting and teasing that women love. Anyway my favourite experiences with women were when it just came naturally through good conversations and having fun together, then the rest always happened naturally. Hope some of that advice helps. Good luck


Also you are super young. Don't worry, it will happen for you :)


Bro there are ugly fattasses with gfs has nothing to do with your looks. Imo just focus on your grind and getting money and the rest will come, it’s a waste of time imo


You look perfect, don’t look for a gf let one find you.


You'll do great on Grindr.


Turn gay.


what helped me was just getting used to acting like my true self around strangers. That and getting comfortable going out and doing things on my own. I don't like the cold approach method, but when conversations happen naturally, it's effortless and enjoyable with just a little practice. I went from thinking I would embarrass myself to thinking that i'm going to put myself out there and that mindset helped get things to fall into place.


You're a good-looking kid. So, you need to look at your approach and/or personality.


Bro women tend to date a couple years older. So your future girlfriend is still only like 13 perhaps. Be patient. Keep putting in the work.


Maybe you should try finding a boyfriend


GenZ women don’t want boyfriends, sorry dude


If you’re looking for a gf, the last thing you should be doing is body checking. A nice body is a small part of what you have to offer in the relationship. Girls are looking for a man that will make them laugh and treat them right - make them feel special, but in an authentic way.


You probably care too much about your body and people who tell you to “cold approach” it’s not the real world. Just be yourself and try to find a nice girl. Just chill


So get a couple of boyfriends 😉


Try online dating


Post your nudes in r/collegeboys if you want further advise.


Here is your solution. It's simple but will be uncomfortable in the beginning. You have to cold approach women that you find attractive and practice your flirting/small talk. You should start this process with the expectation of being rejected. The key is to learn what rejection looks like, learning not to take it personally, moving past it and keep trying. What you will find is that your conversation skills improve and eventually someone will show you interest. It's a pain in the ass but it's the right approach. Their is no easy approach. It takes work. But that's the solution.


There’s women everywhere that would eat you up lmao


At 18, your primary focus should be on your future and personal growth rather than on a girlfriend. It's important to understand that relationships will come and go as you grow older. I wish someone had told me at your age to prioritize self-improvement and self-discovery. Once you're in a relationship, there's a risk of losing touch with your own identity. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself, and the right relationships will naturally follow. I hope not to offend, but to inspire thought and growth. Good luck out there.


You’re really cute don’t stress it


People always post this with pictures of them flexing. That is your issue. Look deeper buddy. Even if you do find a girlfriend based on looks, if it never matures any deeper then it’s doomed to fail anyway. It’s what is inside, what is missing, and who they are as a person..not what they look like. Of course attraction is included in that equation but that’s just the initial part. Really getting to know them as a friend and if the attraction is there show them why they should be more interested. And they will if you genuinely care about them. Don’t be a dbag and base it all off of muscles. Because at the end of the day there are people a lot stronger than you, including myself(I had to say it I couldn’t help it), so you won’t win that battle. What you can win is their heart by giving a fuck about them as a human being.


Man if I was a girl… 🥵 I’d be down so hard haha


personality issue


Go to the pool shirtless, you'll have 4 girlfriends!!


i’ve been thinking about going recently just not really my interest i really like to go hiking and skiing and lifting and those are my main things, i know how to swim im just not that good at it and i feel like i want a genuine connection with a girl that has the same interest and stuff


You've got great hobbies!! You'll find cute girls on the trails... hiking or skiing...


You're cute AF! Learn how to flirt.


Too many body pics. Very shallow


Date yourself


You’re 18, you’ve got time. But also, ask your friends to check your personality, not saying that’s the reason but also good to know


You’re a handsome fella and you’ve got a great body for being such a young man, my advice is to approach women with natural conversation and show some of your personality!


You're 18. The last thing you need right now is a girlfriend. They'll do nothing but cause problems for you during a time when you should be working on yourself and your future career. Get laid as much as possible, but definitely don't get locked down at this age


focus less on your appearance usually at 18, you don’t really have a definite personality, goals, hobbies etc. yet take some time to date yourself and find out what you like


First off son, you ain’t ever gonna if you don’t squeeze those whirs heads. Take no notice of anyone who says you leave them. You do not. You can’t go out looking with those on your face. Muscles aren’t important. Making someone laugh is and a great personality. You’ve not mentioned nothing but muscles.


I generally think that the ‘just be confident bro!’ Or “just get a better personality!!” Are really shitty platitudes. There are however rare exceptions such as your case. Honestly you could either be a complete asshole or the kindest simp ever and still get something, so just put yourself out there. Get some better pictures, put that shit on your insta, get a male friend group and just start having random ass conversations with women. If you want to seem respectful then make it completely about them with slight banter.


Smile more bro


So handsome


I think your resting face might be the reason


You’re 18!!! With a great body by the way Buuuut you’re handsome and young and have so much time… you’ll find the right one soon


Don't. Don't worry about that right now. Focus on becoming the person you envision and aspire to be. Pursue your education or a trade and eat right and exercise. Sit down and really think about what you want in a partner and where you want to be. She's meant to be your partner and your peace. Don't waste your time the way I did on people who didn't treat me right. Being single isn't a death sentence, and sometimes being alone is better than being with the wrong person.


You would have better luck with men tbh


Well you’re not gonna find one here bro 💀


It must be your attitude. Believe me as a girl I will go more for the guy with personality that the one who is obviously attractive and fit


You look a bit above average, so probably there is something wrong with your personality/social skills


OK… This is gonna come as shock, but as the father of a daughter, girls are looking for more than a “hunk”. That might get them to give you a second look, but girls are just as likely to fall in love with a guy’s eyes as they are his muscles. My wife was attracted to me because of my laugh. It’s good that you’re fit, and you look great, but some guys get so into their own good looks, that it becomes off putting to others. It’s hard to show genuine interest in a girl, unless you’re genuinely interested, but girls can figure out pretty quickly when you’re just looking to score. Be the best person you can be. Good looking good guys are hard to find, and in high demand. There’s plenty of jerks out there. Don’t be one, and you’ll find the right one… or she’ll find you… like my wife found me when I wasn’t even looking for a girlfriend.😊


Is that because you want a boyfriend?


Just approach a girl you like, and say, "There's a guy here that really likes you" when they say where, you say me!


Definitely don’t do this OP


If this guy isn’t able to find a girlfriend, then we all are fucked.


You r hot


You have the face and the body, but more often than not, men are still expected to make moves first. Go out and put yourself in situations where you’re around women a lot wherever that may be. Be charming and charismatic. Get off TikTok and grow up.


How’s the personality though, are you charismatic, charming, confident and kind? Looks aren’t everything


Probably a personality thing


well you look great


I don’t believe you! Did you just put your pics up for compliments? Well you’re complimented now go get yourself a girlfriend! Unless you have red flags then I’d say work on yourself, make sure you don’t have any toxic traits, that is all! 🙂


How 🤤🥵🥵


Talking game weak


You're so hot so it's not your looks.


Stop looking for them at rest stops that’s why!


Shoot for 7’s instead of 9’s to save your nickels, and even your dimes


You’re selling your fuckability well, not so much datability


Why not? You're fire bro! 🥵 I'd like to lick your pits and your ...


your looks alone aint getting you nowhere serious


how are u dressing ?


You have the looks, and you're tall, which women might find more attractive. It's more of a personality thing than grooming. You have to put yourself in situations where you are able to approach women, which means you have to make the first move because that's what they expect from a guy.


I think you could use eyeliner


You can't get a gf if you're in love w yourself bud


I can help 


I would say focus on you. 🙂 Think about all the qualities you want in a partner and make sure you have them yourself. (Do you want your g/f to be athletic? Then join some mixed sports groups. Do you want your g/f to be a good cook? Then learn how to cook. Do you want your g/f to be caring and considerate? Then take time out to do things for others. Do you want your g/f to have confidence? Then build your own confidence without the need for competition, and build people up around you. What are your own standards - do you know? Because you might not have things in common with your partner but you need similar morals and standards to work. Learn to be warm but not needy, Learn to listen and to hold a conversation, Learn to be comfortable with being alone, enjoy your own space and time - figure out who you are. Focus on your education and hobbies. Be polite but not a walk over - know your own boundaries and learn to speak up. Get out there and speak to people, making friends with anyone opens doors to new potential gfs so don't discount male friends. Have fun ☺️ you are young


Talk but don't work the muscle shots too much. No need. Not manly to do :so - but it will receive attention still, just not the right attention?


Girls don’t really like narcissistic people, try being more humble.


If your social media is filled with pics like this then that’ll the be the issue. Women don’t like men that are too into themselves like that. Theres a difference between self esteem and self admiration


If you’re on here and look this good, just move! Something is in the water 😂


if this guy is still single then we’re so cooked😭


Look like you have way to much attitude.


personality probably sucks


You’re only 18 so no need to stress


Ill be your girlfriend (I'm a straight man)


Do guys your age not own a brush or a comb? You're really cute, handsome even, but you look like you just climbed out of a garbage bin.


you're 18, don't worry bout getting a gf and just focus on yourself rn. and maybe smile more, makes you feel more approachable


The problem is personality then.


Bro, you have the same Problem as everyone else on this sub with your request. You dont understand being a man. Even if a Woman thinks you would be the perfect Future husband - she would NEVER approach you. They favor losing the opportunity over taking the chance and approach you. Its the duty of the men to do so. If you dont approach, dou dont get a girlfriend. Thats it.


What even is this sub now? What does body pics like this and not having a gf have to do with grooming? I thought this was like a hair sub when i joined


You're a stunning looking guy, mate. Be a little more confident and you'll be good. Don't worry. Enjoy yourself too and have fun being single cos it won't last long 😊👍.


It usually helps to be less into yourself and more into the other person.


The fact you seem to think this should have been enough is the problem. You can't get any because you probably radiate douchy and low emotional intelligence energy. Work on that


its the personality vro


It’s the baby face. Also it’s easier when you’re 21 to find people cuz you can go more places even if you don’t drink. Though I’d like to say. Manners. Always manners. Respectful, but not too giving 50/50 split. Be open. Have open body language. Don’t cross your arms. Widen out your shoulders relax your jaw. Smile when people make eye contact. Learn to wink. I’m learning how to flirt at 30 cuz I’ve been a shy introvert all my life.




Skin care, clear hair, genuine smile, some life in those eyes, pleasant convo and you'll get a gf with no problems. You're white young fit attractive


I'll be your girlfriend


Have you tried Tinder or other dating apps?


Because you’re literally still a kid. Don’t worry about a relationship until you’re around 30. Enjoy life, explore, and have fun.


How about a boyfriend?


Having muscles in the wrong places don't tend to inspire confidence beyond the mirror. JS, It used to be where the shorter guys who can't grow vertically decide to do so horizontally or the little dick men get all the muscles they can. But Porn is so prevalent and readily available, and all these young kids start working out their "muscle" at a young age ie. wanking and pretty much everyone be packing these days Now and guys go gym to get muscles and be " hot/ attractive" unfortunately they use the mirror too much and become douches full of themselves. I mean I see them in the mirrors flexing and taking pics trust half the time the bit a muscle they see flexing disappears once they relax, and may never come back if they skip a day. 🙄 🙄 🙄 It's all about personality. See the other guys not in the gym with girlfriends multiple even....


You look like a deer in headlights. Relax. Unclench your jaw. Laugh. Have fun. People will be head over heels for you, just be chill.


Curb your hormones, posting shirtless photos shows that you are not ready for a relationship


Maybe build a personality


This has what to do with grooming?


Give it time dude


Smile more. You come off as a bit unapproachable


Did you try smiling instead of the resting bitchface?


6 1 have muscles....doesn't mean shit


Put some age beside confidence. You'll be on tip of rankings. Although I insist it doest matter if you haven't a girl...


Hey man


Do you still need help ?


Brush your hair, sheesh you just look greasy.


Have you thought about a boyfriend?


Ur so cute!!!!!!!  I'm 16 fyi 


The fact that you think your height and muscles are the only factor makes you more superficial than a makeup whore


It has nothing to do with your looks but don’t give up you’re young and you’re learning how this all works


Judging you only based off what was given (the pics), I’d say it’s most likely a personality issue.


That's shocking you have a perfect body but maybe it's not that it could be your personality


How is your clothing style? Looking put together is more important. Also social skills are very important! Good luck you look good, girls will come.


Girl here- flex less for the camera and just take normal pics lol


but how do you approach and speak to girls?


You’re not bad looking bro (though in my opinion you could use a different hair cut). If you’re having trouble it’s not the looks department (though posing with your shirt off is not advised. Look, 18 give or take 8 years is always a bit of an awkward time with dating. But it’s the time to try everything (aside from rape and roofies, of course). See what works for you and what works for those you’re interested in. Go out on limbs. Walk up to a group of girls and talk to the one you’re not interested in at first. Talk to all kinds of women. Especially ones you’re not attracted to and see how you interact when you’re not nervous and have nothing to lose. Go out on dates through apps. Try new things like exercise classes or yoga, or a book club or whatever… see about meeting someone the old fashioned way through your shared interests. Above, craft a relationship with them over time. It’s not necessarily about winning them over in a single meeting. Get to know them, and then ask them out for coffee or whatever.


Maybe it’s your approach? Because you look so hot so it’s definitely not how you look.


Bro you look great man . You said you work out so let’s start there go at different times I’m sure there are some young ladies that would appeal to you. Take some classes and check that out. You just need to be more outgoing. Do u have any cool friends that can be your wingman? Bro your 18 do you know how many ladies you will go through to get to the right one, a lot. So don’t put so much effort in this and let it consume you. Just try what I told you. Good luck not that you need it.


Someone in the comment said ‘Jack of a few times before approaching’ Madness abstinence means a lot of me, Sometimes I won’t or at least didn’t when with a women. Having reserved me energy over past 2 years now has changed my life and I continue to improve myself and really bottom line I am comfortable with myself. Mate definitely try like small interactions e.g do you know where this is directions etc can you do me a favour lol I asked this couple if they could take a pic of me over a nice view with my new digital camera “. I am confident but was a refreshing interaction’s especially when you don’t really interact with people a lot. Anyway seems to me like your making that a goal , In certain suituation E.g a holiday where you meet a girl a your hotel , it can be great to be persistent and shoot your shot yfm. Keep on doing the good things your doing and I’m sure when there’s a woman you like and meet by chance then put your self to her and talk. Also it’s important to see if you actually like this person or not mate 👍


Maybe you can find a boyfriend then? Idk


Love yourself first. You being happy you is what matters most. The rest will come in time, you’re 18.


Please smile