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no way you'd get rid of that. go live somewhere else, I'll live here, I don't want to change a thing.


Lemme just change the one thing that makes this apartment unique


Yeah I like the dripping in cum aesthetic too


Just paint it green, and get that Nickelodeon slime aesthetic going. Better than dripping in cum aesthetic, probably.


Dan, is that you?


\*sees white curves\* Yep, that’s dripping cum.


For some people, everything reminds them of cum. I think it's usually a repressed homosexual tendency to only think about cum 24 hours a day.


As a gay man, I completely agree


you see what you want to see!


Neon light saying “Jizzle Drizzle”… done.


I think the decor is unique and cool people would pay a lot to have that


I involuntarily muttered "I'd kill to have those lights" before reading the title. I'm still a little sad this isn't a show off post with good sources for how they got the project done.


lol right !?


I know right.


Lol right? Even the vape matches the room. OP has to be engagement farming.


Getting strong [Korova Milk Bar](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkRNi0SVAAAgIdT.jpg) vibes...


Yessssssss i love that film


The book is great too. Highly recommend. I had to read it for an English class, and reading along with the audiobook made it such a great experience. I watched the movie after finishing the book and I think the adaptation did a good job


Yes. I was going to say invite Alex over for a glass of milk.


add some color to it & sprinkles. That's melting ice-cream!


My advice is to live with it for a month. If you still want it gone, come back then.


Why would you? It's dope.


Yes, it's dope, but I want some simple backgrounds.


Bro would rather be boring than leave one of a kind decor in their apartment 😑


I don’t understand why we’re hating on this guy for having a preference, yeah this is a unique opportunity… if you like it? It’s fine if someone doesn’t like it!


Because he could have picked a simple apartment if he wanted a simple one? Edit: angyyyy!!!


So people have to purchase property they already like as is? No more allowed to edit our stuff to our preference now?


Yes bc that's what I said /s


“Man I really like this apartment. It’s close to my job, has great schools, a nice park down the road, I can walk to the store buuuuut it has a light fixture I don’t like so I’m going to pass” There is more to apartment choice than aesthetics.


Sure, if he moved into this apartment he didn’t like just out of spite to remove this fixture then you have a point… why would that be the case though? I mean, I doubt he made the decision to move in without accepting he’d have to spend time and money make it how he’d like it right? Also, if he can remove the fixture then I’d bet he’s not renting which would mean there probably wasn’t a bunch of options available. Either way, this was probably his best bet with floor plan, flooring, kitchen, location, and price and there’s just a fixture he didn’t quite like — which is perfectly reasonable!


where do you live where you have a lot of choice like that lol


tbh obviously unpopular opinion here but I think it looks like shit, mainly because the right side looks shoddy and uneven. If it was symmetrical I might like it more


Bc his preference is bad




It is clean and simple?


Should have picked one of the thousands of other apartments that were cookie cutter and boring like you


Omg ur boring


Hang a tapestry in front of it.


We finally found them, the one person that actually likes bland landlord special apartments


Idk why people are disliking you for wanting to keep it simple, I'd prefer a plain wall with a painting or something on it.


leave it pussy


I do not like you.


Keep it. Even if you dislike it now, live with it for a bit. I’m sure everyone you have over will want to talk about. You may find you grow to like it.


Noooooooo what? This is so cool!


Get better light bulbs that are such a cool temperature, or better yet, gets some color changing bulbs, or complimentary strip. That would make this so cool.


How does it look from the other angles tho


It’s amazing the heck man


It just looks like a wood frame they've built and boarded with MDF that's painted white. That blobby thing should be hollow, that light switch is likely a fast fix box with two flaps either side that hold it in the wall, easy enough to remove. Literally just swing a hammer into it OP, I guarantee it can't be that solid, you'll likely have to replaster the wall through as I can't imagine it will come off in one clean bit.


The only real reply amidst the sea of moronic “no keep it” replies. OP wants to remove it for a reason ffs


His reason is stupid too


Yeah it looks like shit too. The right side is especially an eyesore with the weird butt curve and skinny segment against the wall. Haphazard planning and construction IMO.


I like the drippy cum wall


From looking at that it’s built in. To change it would require some minor construction. I just don’t know why you would want to. It’s very cool and unique. To change it i would paint.


The curves aren't the problem, it's the color temperature. Don't replace, rewire (everyone in this sub should know how to do basic lamping)


He doesn't need to require anything, he can just replace the bulbs with smart lights.


I don't know if there's strip lighting recessed behind the curved panel—I've only seen one picture from one angle


If it's strips them he'll need to replace them, they only come with select LEDs unless you get smart strips


Yeah, that's why I said he should rewire them, lol. When I said “don't replace” I was referring to him wanting to replace the entire panel with different decor I do lighting professionally lmao


You don't do grammar professionally tho. Your comment was structured to imply replacing the recessed lights. I was a contractor, we priced and installed built ins like this all the time


No I do not lol, English isn't even my first language Idk why you're looking for a fight but I'm gonna leave you to that, have a good day!!


Change the lights to color changing leds, get strip lights behind there, hang posters with milk men up. You can’t get rid of it.


i think its all Goods :) simple but elegant


OP, I’m with you, I hate it. It is trying tooooo hard to be cool. I would probably cover it with curtains (they don’t have to go all the way to the floor, just to cover the decor) so you can still get a the light effect maybe


A lot of people here that don't understand the concept of personal taste


I think people post looking for input on other’s taste. And they get all surprised when the majority says something is beautiful.


"could you recommend any food for dinner other than pizza?" "What? Pizza is tasty, eat pizza"


I personally like it 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s unique and different


Honestly, this is hideous. Remove the lights and mount a TV on that wall then turn the couch around. Problem solved.


OP sorry for everybody In the comment section demanding you keep this. I guess none of these people have heard that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." If they want their house to have "one unique thing" they're more than welcome to do whatever they want but they don't seem to understand nobody cares about their opinions and you just want an answer to your question. Anyway I'd recommend some sort of painting, depending on your style you could go to estate sales and pick some up there. If you're into more modernist stuff then you might be better off going to IKEA or a place like that.


oh these are rad!


I can’t tell if you all are joking or not, I hate this and it would annoy me forever, I can’t imagine getting used to it. It looks like it’s giving me the finger or maybe foot vibes.


Why does my brain not seem to be able to make sense of what I’m looking at. This looks an AI rendering.


Im not going to hound you about keeping it like everyone else, however I often see this piece of advice about kitchens for people who have freshly moved into a new home. Live with it for a little while before making drastic changes so you can really see what exactly you want/need to change. A lot of times people will immediately change and renovate a space then regret it because they didn’t know what the space actually needed yet. This isn’t as huge as a kitchen but maybe give it a month or so? You’ll learn what you’d rather see on the wall or maybe even grow fond of what’s already there. I personally think it’s neat, but I’m not saying you have bad taste for wanting something more simple.


I don't get the amount of hate your getting for a personal preference. I'm also not a huge fan because i don't think I'd like to sit under that. So, my two cents, i image it's just an fake wall, mdf and drywall so you could just pull it off. Alternatively, it may look better if you remove the wall scones and lined the curves with led strip lighting. Or potentially painting the back so it's a two colour affect.


Yeah I think the overall consensus is you need to find a new place. That’s crazy awesome.


Why would you buy this beautiful place if only to want to destroy one of its key unique features? You shouldn't have bought it, keep it as is


This dude posts on r/vaping and r/mountaindew of course he has no taste 😭


Please dont change this, its SO incredible.


Bro why would you move in here if you wanted to get rid of this? It's a huge focal point and really cool feature of the room. If anything, put in some Hue lights so you can change the warmth & color and leave it as is. It would look awesome at night in a soft purple light or dim orange.


I don't blame you for wanting to get rid of it. Before you do though, it may be a good idea to ask the former owner if there was any other reason to build it besides deco. Sometimes these "interesting" structures are meant to hide some uglier structure that protrudes out of the wall. Sometimes not. But you may want to know what you're dealing with before deciding to put in the effort/expense.


Putting an LED strip hidden along the lines of the curves would look cool, preferably one with multiple color options.


I'm not the biggest fan. It looks like a big load of splooge is about to fall on you 


I can't believe all the love this look is getting. It's awful. I bet the pic doesn't actually do it's awfulness justice. I would take it down OP and I would change the lighting too. But... it's not my house, you do you.


If you dislike it, you could always paint either the back wall, or the front curve for a bit of contrast


I’d put a black leather couch in and start filming some amateur scenes.


Maybe remove whatever flooring is there and also place in some grey vinyl plank! Also thinking only white and grey tones, whaddya say?


Apparently a lot of people find it interesting. I’m on your side, not for me. Seems like the right option would be to take it down and make some money on it, seems like there’s a market for this type of decor.


I get your reasoning. But before trying to completely get rid of it. Try changing the lights to a warmer tone and/or painting it a different color. Might change your opinion, might not. But worth a try


You just bought/rented a bakery.




Phillips hue White and color Smart lights could add so much to this. I think you said wait a while and get used to it. It's pretty freaking cool


In my opinion because I'm crazy, I would do strip lighting all up-and-down the curvature of the drips. And then I would also add in like color changing light bulbs in those potlights. I might even make it like a gold platinum. Drip where you add gold leafing or like fake silver paint to make it look chromatic. Again I'm crazy as fuck and probably should never be allowed to decorate a house.


Brown Chicken Brown Cow


Do you live on the USS Enterprise


Get a tissue and wipe that goop off the walls


Paint the curves slime green, add an orange couch, and baby you've got a Nickelodeon living room.


Dang... I'd be tempted to paint it pink, throw some sprinkles on there and call it a day.


Change those bulbs to an RGB LED strip running Yoder all the curved for like $15 and keep that shit


change the couch


Get some color changing lights to put there instead of plain white, i think that would make a huge difference. At least try living with it for a month or two before taking it down.


Honestly? I would put some funky wallpaper on the bottom half and paint the drips a pop of color from the wallpaper


Paint the slime purple


capable frame salt languid racial snobbish pen door cooing voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It looks badly done, edges aren't actually round and it sticks out a lot. The users in this sub have the worst taste in design.


This has to be a troll


Why is everyone giving OP shit I wouldn’t be caught dead with that shit on my wall especially since it looks cheaply made. It’s just some cheap diy project anyone can do it if you want. This sub consistently gives out bad opinions for making your space an actual inviting place and not a Nickelodeon set designed by a toddler. Could you imagine buying a home and putting that eyesore of a design in it. The idea itself could be executed way better, I bet they messed up measurements which resulted in that awkward cut to the right. If you can’t tear that travesty down I recommend curtains


It’s tripping me out. Im not sure I would want to live with it in my main room. I don’t like exposed bulb lighting unless it’s in the bathroom.


It’s so awful that pic is hard to look at


It’s dope plus curves are very in right now as well. From curved couches to round door frames etc.. I would def keep it. I would place some warmer light bulbs in there though and preferably dimmable.


Looks like someone was building a podcast studio lol. Looks rad. OP maybe change the color of the lights to see if it grows on you


Looks like Godzilla jizzed on your wall


Looks like a redecor challenge


Stick some huge googly eyes there, duh


Make them rgb


A white couch? You’re one daring individual


As everyone else said this is sick as fuck, but if you don't like it see if you can change to colored bulbs in the lights and maybe you'll like it better


Own or rent? Own = take that whole thing down and repaint. Rent = hang floor to ceiling blackout curtains up, on a track from the ceiling. You can get them pretty cheap on Amazon.


It’s poorly executed, trendy, and not exactly homely. It looks like a generic installation in a modern European hostel. OP is 100% within their right to want to make their space their own. Sorry but I have no advice on how to remove this, just thought the comments needed a bit of balance lol


Everyone hating on OP for trying to get rid of something that’s “unique”  Unique =/= looks good  This shit looks like something I’d find at hobby lobby next to the “live laugh love” and “EAT” signs or see at a trendy instagrammable ice cream parlor like some place that calls itself milk bar “MLKBR.” or something 🤮


I think it looks kind of silly too. I'd have to see it from another angle to help you take it down though


You must not be cool.


I think it's kinda cool, but personally I too would change some things about it. 1. Integrate the lights into the decor so you don't see them from the front and just have some indirect lights, maybe LED strips if you can get them to look tidy. Usually I'm not a big fan of RGB lighting but with this decor it could really work well, but only as a secondary light source that can be dimmed. Also the current lights lead to weird yellow outlines around the corners, might just look that way in the photo tho. 2. The switch placement kinda ruins the front, if you can, move it to the side or get rid of it altogether. 3. This decor is the perfect piece for trying out adding some color to your room, just painting the front with some uniform (maybe pastelle) color might make you like it after all. Btw, I'm interested. Is there anything behind this piece, some storage for books, etc.? It seems to have some depth.


I'd just leave that and change bulbs to those fancy wi-fi color changing ones or if you want get rid of that you would need to rip it off the wall and then at least some paint job needs to be done and filling all the holes that gonna appear




You better not!!!


Embrace them. They’re pretty cool. Give it some time.


I would change that sofa first. No bueno.


Add some green pipes, a racoon in a plumber suit and you got yourself Nintendo World at home.


Make them RGB if they aren’t. Only upgrade required.


Send me that curvy decor please


Batman Logo?


It's not to my taste, but I also wouldn't move in... because it's not to my taste.


Cartoon jiz, it looks gross and has to go.


I can send someone to take that off and dispose of it for u 😉


Keep it