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It's always about the number of satellites being co-viewed, regardless of what you are trying to do. As for best time of day - that depends on your location. You'll have to experiment to find that out.


Thanks. I'm in Atlanta if that spreads any insight


I'll add another comment to support the most important understandings needed. First, the robot alone needs to be able to get a reasonable number of satellites along the path. (I've heard 10-15) If it can't get enough, then it likely will never work to map the channel until you have less tree cover. You can manually drive it, stopping every few feet and monitor the status page Second, and likely the issue, is that it's all about how many of the same satellites both your RTK and robot can view at the same time. If your channel is on the opposite side of the house, and it's view of the sky is blocked by the house, then the robot will see different satellites than the RTK. This will make it unhappy, and not want to create a new channel. If the robot can see enough satellites, then your solution is to reposition your RTK to give a better view of the sky so that it can share more satellites with the robot when in the channel. This seems to be the hardest part of getting reliable operation.


Thanks for that . Too bad my Luba got stolen since I posted the message


Ugh. So sorry. I'd be devastated. I work really hard for the money I spent on mine and the thought of it getting stolen has been top of mind continually.


Yeah. Best advice is an airtag That and a good video surveillance system which I'm also adding..


I've already got a SIM in there, and I've got two different brands of Android compatible tags coming since we don't have Apple devices. I'll hide them in different spots.