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Just keep your account active and never unbind it. Ask Mammotion if they can see it. Watch Ebay / FB marketplace. Notify house insurance. They may pay for a Luba 2. Get the petrol mower out.


**RIP? It didnt quit working it was stolen. Title should of been "Someone Stole my Freaking Luba!!!"** Anyway, sorry to hear. If you dont have an Airtag on it, unless thief brings it back, its gone. Call the police, contact Insurance for home, and check local pawn shops, ebay, and craigslist to see if anyone tries to sell it. Unfortunately there is no Robot Mower with Anti-Theft. It might have "help you recover it" capability. There are three levels of security with Robot Mowers. First stage of security is Anti Theft. There is 0% anti theft in Luba. Meaning there is nothing in it to stop someone from walking up to it and quickly throwing it in truck and driving off. Danger stickers, a big angry dog, or you sitting on the porch with a shotty are the only Anti-theft protection you got. 2nd stage of security is "locating after it is stolen." Luba 2 with a sim has this. For Luba 1 and luba 2, you can add an Apple Airtag for location 2. Easy peasy. Sounds like you dont have this. Since you dont have second stage, you cant do third stage. The third stage of Security is "Retrieval after it is stolen." This is the fun one. Maybe you live in a rural or rural suburban are where the Police when you report it stolen will got to house and get it for you. If you live in an urban suburban or urban area, the police will laugh at you I you ask them to go your mower. Your mower is the LEAST of their problems.


They are over $2k for mid range model. That's a felony amount, not petty theft. They'd care more, but not downtown NYC... That urban you probably don't have much grass and this would be overkill.


That's not expensive, especially since everything has doubled in price thanks to the dems.


Dems aren't reason economy bad. It's global and most world still realing from Covid Pandemic. Also rates were historicaly low before, so rates are average compared to our parents. Market goes in cycles. We are much lower in interest rates compared to other countries. Demand is just high regardless of prices. High rates to cool demand and will eventually come back down. Meanwhile invest in a high yield savings account.


Dems' massive divisive, political overspending made a potentially bad situation much worse.


You are severely misinformed.


A solid reminder to attach a Tile or AirTag to it. These are expensive investments and the additional aftermarket fee for a small device is worth it. That sucks, sorry that someone might have stolen it. As an aside, is there anywhere along the mowing path it could get stuck under something or fall over a hill? If it gets stuck long enough, I believe it just turns off, so it might not be able to connect.


Yeah. I looked around the border of my yard and neighbors yards....


I once found mine down the hill in the brushes at my Neighbors. He got very lost and when it shuts down it just rolls down hill. Hope this might help. 


Yeah. I checked out my neighborhood in the down hill direction....


If you belong to a NextDoor or Facebook group or something for your neighborhood and neighbors, might be helpful to post something about it going missing. Probably not a whole lot of them around in your area, someone might see it.


I just contacted Mammotion aboiut similar questions. I want to add a sim to my LUBA 2 but if someone steals it all they have to do is turn off the machine to kill the tracking. Defeats the whole purpose of the ability to track if the machine is stlen or runs out of Juice and shuts down. They need an Aux battery to independently run GPS and cell in the new LUBA 2... Should have been a core build feature from the ground up IMO.


Even a big capacitor inside will do the trick. Worx Landroid has a module called Find my droid which works even if the battery is removed.


Maybe it went on vacation and will return after it feels refreshed.


I have same concern. My plan is to airtag it, afterwards track the location. Drive to the place. Assess location. Either confront or call police at location. Either way, will end with call to police.


Anti-theft and evice tracki g was one of those features that was well advertised before Luba was released. Then it wasn't until the first owners started poking around in the Luba where we realized anti-theft is non-existent.


Open the app. Service / find my device


It only shows latest know position while connected to wifi


It should show the last approximate position of the bot. Feel bad because it’s dumb that someone would take one as it wouldn’t do them any good.


Can part it out. Thieves suck.


Who even sells spare parts for Luba?? Can even buy them legitimately, let alone a crackhead on the corner!


How would it do that without any way of sending data ? That's why there is a 4g possibility in luba2


“The last approximate location” before going offline.


Going offline means also going off network. Which in this case is your house.


I am sorry to say. . . Even for folks with a Luba 2 + SIM Card, as soon as the thieves throw the Luba in the trunk of their (metal) car, the Luba 2 will stop sending positional data via 4G. The only hope one would have at recovery at that point is if the thieves take the Luba out of the trunk and leave it outside for a few minutes before the batteries die. . . ☠


Yeah. That shows it at my house


Sorry to hear this. Do any of your neighbors have security cameras that may have recorded something?


Where is the last reported location from Find My Device. No Airtag or GPS tracker on it?


So sorry to hear this. Makes me ill just thinking about it. I hope the person who lifted it realized they can’t use it. So so sorry. 😥


Hind sight is 20-20 but use a 4G gps tracker with multi-year battery life or an air tag. Eventually insurance companies will require it if there are too many claims.


Make sense I have a $2,000 deductible in my insurance so insurance won't be helping me out here


We do that too. Costs less in the long run. Effectively you're self-insuring it. Think like the insurance company for the next go around: add labels and tracking.

