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Thanks BigBeast. I had read of several people successfully mounting in the attic but didn’t realize it could mess up the mapping like this. Looks like I’ve got some work and lots of mapping to do. Sigh.


Mine too, just today has been acting drunk. Even slamming into it's own base station like it wasn't there repeatedly. No clue why the vision did help with that.


BigBeast, how do you know that the RTK being in the attic caused my issue? It sounds like a lot of people are having success with this approach. The Luba 2 had been working fine for 3 weeks over a complex yard and the instantly went crazy.


If you want solar activity then these sites: [https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/homepage#](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/homepage#) [https://kp.gfz-potsdam.de/en/hp30-hp60](https://kp.gfz-potsdam.de/en/hp30-hp60) https://preview.redd.it/fy49l4wz8d5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0369bd05b15d79be882b81ec84026a561e75bc


I have my RTK mounted in the attic. My Story: I live in Northern Indiana. I live in a standard ranch home in a subdivision. I took a small standard Garmin GPS to the attic, and found that I received the same number of Satellite #'s as I received in the back yard with open sky! My rooftop has plywood, tar paper, and asphalt shingles. I mounted the RTK about an inch below the plywood peak IN the attic. The shingle ridge cap is vented, and I have soffit vents around all four sides of the house. On a sunny day, the temperature can reach over 100 degrees, but quickly lowers when the sun is not shining on the roof. Another plus is that I don't have to worry about Rain and high Winds wearing and tearing on on the RTK. I can also see the green light through the pegboard access panel to the attic in my garage. No problems here!! ....also, the RTK also has a strong WIFI signal through the ceiling of my living room! RTK and Luba 2 have no problem seeing the same # of satellites, and communicating with each other! Yes....I see Luba do some strange menuvers.....but over all... 99.9% of the lawn looks great. I also change the lawn pattern each time I mow. Hope this helps!


Thank you!


The map has shifted because you have mounted the rtk in your attic. Rtk works by calculating the interference in GPS signals but the key condition is that both the mower and the rtk suffer the same interference. When the rtk is inside it suffers significant extra interference from the roof material and when the ionosphere is disrupted this exacerbated the error. I'm short, move your rtk outside and let it have a clear 360 degree view of the sky - as per the instructions.


Interesting. A lot of people mount RTK in the attic. Sounds like that's a bad idea. How often do solar flares impact gps? It happens a few weeks ago. I would mountin my attic for aesthetic purposes if the mower worked 350+ days a year...


Mine in New England, has worked perfectly with the rtk in attic. It's right against the sheathing. But works fine.


It is a bad idea, 1 because it can cause issues and 2 it makes diagnosing issues much more difficult. Oftentimes people post on the sub complain of intermittent navigation issues but neglect to mention that they haven't the RTK in clear open sky. The product often gets blamed for not performing - unfairly imo in those cases As for solar activity, storms can happen at any time but they are more frequent at solar maximum which happens every 11 years, which happens to be this year.


Perhaps the Solar Flares are impacting you. See articles how some GPS Tractors are 10ft off their mark during the flares. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MammotionTechnology/comments/1d8ufwg/solar\_storms\_impacting\_gps\_farming\_tractors/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MammotionTechnology/comments/1d8ufwg/solar_storms_impacting_gps_farming_tractors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)