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I agree to most that is already said. I would have gotten along well with a Luba 1000 but bought a 3000 because of the bigger battery. Works great for me The Worx I had before constantly got stuck because of my slopes or went out of boundary. Luba not once had an issue mowing. My little tank is doing it's Job.


Did you name it Bradley? Glad to hear that, thank you!


My Kids named it Biene (Bee) 😅


Post a couple of pictures of your lawn. Try and give us context, like high trees, fences, narrow passageways buildings and the like.


There is no trees or narrow passageways, there is the fence but thats really it. There is no obstacles, the shed is next to the deck but the deck is isolated with some concrete at the bottom. You could say its .18-.21 acres of just grass, at a slope. Only thing is the fence door. I will post some pictures once I am home.


I have read *nearly* every post, comment and reply here and at r/MammotionTechnology going on three months now. Since you have already received some pretty good advice, I won't rehash those. My only advice to you would be to consider the Luba 2 3000 or 3000H as the **M**inimum **V**iable **P**roduct (MVP) for purchase. I have read so many complaints from 1000 and 1000H owners about battery related issues, it's ridiculous! Just spend the extra $400 on the 3000 model versus the 1000. I promise you won't regret it. . .


Would you at any point consider Luba 1 over 2 since I have a clear yard. My only concern is the “doggy door” I have on my fence for the Luba to go through.


You *could* do that, I suppose, and there are many Luba 1 owners who seem moderately happy with Luba 1's performance. Just keep in mind that Mammotion seems to focus their development efforts on the newer models, so from a software perspective, know that when your Luba 1 shows up on your doorstep, the way it works after you get your firmware up to date, is quite likely as good as it is ever going to get. Can you take a photo of your "Doggy Door", and post it here?




Are you concerned that the camera module will hit the top of the opening? If you need me to, I can measure the height of the Luba 2 in case that specification is not listed in the owner's manual. . .


No, I can cut it bigger if anything, I just don’t know how I would map it


Is there a "mowable" area on this side of the fence? If so, why not just make two Zones? One Zone inside the fence, and one Zone on the other side of the fence. Then create a Channel through your "Doggy Door". . .


Yes, I was going to do two areas. I guess I am used to the low quality software so I don’t trust the performance


That is a valid concern, to be sure. 😉


From what you describe the Luba 1 or 2 (3000) would handle with ease. It is still new tech for Mammotion (only 2 years), and their tech support can be spotty, but when it works, which has been most of the time, it is brilliant.


So far I might go with the Luba 1, since it seems that 2 is still doing some beta testing, I dont mind having the RTK in a clear position since I have plenty of those.


luba 2 1000 should be fine. as long as there is an open path, the luba 2 can go anywhere. sloped lawns are no problem, and the wire-free feature is amazing. i am loving mine so far. things to beware of: placing charging station near giant wall/home will cause luba 2 to be unable to begin tasks. you will need to move it out manually via bluetooth. Once it starts though, it can come back/charge/continue tasks no problem because of that 100 feet 'blind traveling allowance.' if you don't want to do that, you have to put that station in an open area. the 100 feet 'blind traveling allowance' isn't there if the luba 2 has sat there for a while. there will be bugs which require you to be there in person: sometimes my luba gets stuck/flips over due to my own improper mapping. once in a great while, a channel randomly disappears and i have to re-add it. after 1 week of flawless operation, my luba 2 suddenly decided that the charging station was 'out of task area' and couldn't go to it. so i had to randomly add a zone right on and around the charging station. my blades got stuck in the wrong position and wasn't cutting because it was clogged with grass, but i got a 3dprinted blade guard and now the blades no longer get gummed up with grass. those things don't bug me because i'm always home when i decide to run it. but it will be annoying as hell for those who are away from home.


Thank you, great to know about the blind traveling! I am okay with those kinds of issues since it is mainly just software or moving it aside. It is not okay when I have to be outside in 90° F finding where the cable got cut and digging since it might have broken due to some rocks or whatever underground.


I had a Landroid that always rolled down slopes past the perimeter wire and had to be recovered multiple times per mowing. Slopes are a non-issue for my Luba 1.


I have a half acre site. Split into 2 with the house in between. I keep the Luba on the tarmac/patio area outside the back door between the two grass zones. Ive 2 small ramps leading up to each grass area and the Luba 2 1000 just potters away perfectly between the two. There is a small learning curve and a little bit of TLC required to keep things happy, like cleaning up after your dog or picking up any large debris that falls off trees. But overall it's just working perfectly. I did have 2 X Worx landroids which constantly got stuck and stopped and boundary wires etc.  The Luba hasn't once got stuck.   The only issue with the Luba 2 1000 is the battery lasts just over an hour of mowing before it goes back to charge. But to be honest, who cares, it recharges and goes off again, you just don't even know it's there after a while. 


Thank you! This was more or less my experience with my Husqvarna when it worked, it took a while for the grass to be cut, but I did not care if it had to cut grass everyday. I will take that over cutting it myself lol. Glad to know it has some independence. It took me 6 months for the Husqvarna to actually work for a couple months straight. At this point, a little bit of tinkering for more time is not a problem.


It takes about 5 hours to cut my full lot. I've it set to go really slow though and very narrow width between cuts. You can cut that time down if you really want to. It took about a day for the Luba 2 1000 to just work for me. It's actually simple once you know how.


I am very glad to hear this. I guess I will have tk see it perform and go from there. Since you have 0.5 acres I imagine mine should take half of that time which is a lot better than my old Husqvarna, since it had no pattern it could be out all day and wouldn’t cut some spots until the next day. Thank you for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated!


My overall lawn mow size is 750m2 split into 2 sections. Yeah it can do the entire lawn in one day easily if you have nice weather. If you have the weather etc you could set it to mow every X days and know it would just mow the entire lawn each time. Job done. Simples.


I think the Luba one is a complete failure. It might work if you have a wide open yard but not if you have trees or a house near their yard The Luba 2 works without perfect gpa coverage every moment.


"Complete Failure" ? I have 2 of them (Luba 1s) and they mow my 4500 sq meter property twice a week without any problems. I have 5 large maple trees that they mow under during their mowing tasks.


Fair enough. But if you border a forest or have a narrow walk way between two houses or a 5 foot tall cement retaining wall it might not work....


That is absolutely true. But "absolute failure" is a bit strong for the product as a whole. It sounds like the Luba 2 would be a better fit for you .... unfortunately. You may wish to try selling your Luba 1. Touch situation. Good Luck to you


Yeah. The Luba 2 works. My Luba 1 was stolen anyway


Well, good. (Not the stolen bit ... lol) Then, you are all set.


I think you are about to jump from the frying pan .... into the fire. The mammotion Luba 2 is a new product and you will participate in the "debugging" process. Unexplained issues will pop up and the company (mammotion) is not known for timely technical support. The one you had might still be the best one for you ..... especially if you are gone now and then. Of course, you have to take the time to install it properly and repair ground issues when they arise. I would just take a deep breath .... find videos (youtube ?) of how to install the 115H properly and just do it. Do not cut any corners .... do it carefully the way the instructions explain. If you do that, it will work .... Good Luck


I did, I even reinstalled it a couple of times by buying new wires and stakes. At this point is more of a money pit. Thank you for the feedback, so far I am leaning towards the Luba since most reviews are good. However, I will remember your feedback and worst case I will get a zero-turn and be done with robomowers


Well, if you decide on the Luba ... I would strongly suggest the Luba 1 and not the Luba 2. The Luba 1 actually works pretty well. The Luba 2 has kinks to work out and the only advantage I have noticed is the camera that is useful if you have satellites being blocked due to tree coverage. You said you have no trees so it is not useful for you. Well, anyway .... good luck


Thank you, is the Luba 1 good on sloped terrains? My house is on a slope, not a huge one, definitely less than 10°


Absolutely it is. That is what it was built for. It will have no trouble with your 10 degree incline.