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Anyone who regularly drives in central Manchester (or anywhere in Greater Manchester really) has to put up with these prick Uber/taxi drivers pulling stunts like this on the regular. This video brings so much joy to my heart. Karma is a bitch. Shame it doesn’t happen a lot more


This was a good pallette-cleanse from my daily diet 9f Bolton taxi drivers, with Sefton or Wolverhampton taxi tags, pulling random u-turns in the road


It’s always the Wolverhampton Priuses.


They always do this on Great Ancoats, the bit that’s just before the closed road currently. They do a u-turn there while other lane has green light and cars are turning onto Great Ancoats, it’s so annoying. 


Unfortunately people who walk and cycle also have to put up with them


Uber in the wrong. The bmw is indicating left and uber decides to push through clearly not paying attention.


Cheers Jeff


Great insight


it's a two lane road..bmw is indicating left in the outside lane lol


That section of the road is only one lane with on street parking before Deansgates station so the undercover police is right. The Uber undertook incorrectly.


Another reason to not undertake


It’s not a two lane road, the bit they pass has parking. It splits into two lanes just before the lights. 


theres a person on a scooter in the inside lane. what do you want them to do mow them down?


If it were a two lane road (which it isn't) the BMW should have been in the left-hand lane to turn, not sitting in the right-hand lane, so the scooter wouldn't have made any difference.


BMW is police, they win.


Yeah but the question is who's right, not who wins.


Well the BMW is a police vehicle, maybe it took an interest in the e-scooter and then taxi driver did taxi driver things


I’ve had two run ins with Uber drivers around there, thinking that they can jump in at the lights from being in the wrong lane. Hopefully it was one of those two wankers.




Not those with Manchester licenses it's all those getting their license in Wolverhampton, Sefton, Wirral etc who use google maps and you end up having to direct them a quicker route.


Apparently it's only because the licence is cheaper to get from Wolverhampton, rather than easier. That's all the defence I'll give Manchester taxi drivers because they're a bunch of lecherous, reckless, robbing pricks


Yeah, I know why they get them from there, it also means they don't have to learn the knowledge here, which Manchester ones have too, though yes some from Manchester don't help themselves, but they've paid, they know the short cuts and will get you there without needing to think about it.


I always wondered why I was seeing a lot of taxis from Wolverhampton.


I’m amazed that having a license for a city miles away from the one you serve is even allowed. Surely having a license for Wolverhampton etc means you shouldn’t be allowed to pick up passengers within a certain geographical limit outside the city?


No law against it, Manchester wants to ban them, because it needs an act of Parliament to allow them to do it, something Burnham keeps pushing for. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67103201


Funny how according to that article, London is an exception to that rule.


It's always an exception, when they sold off public transport to private companies only London was the exception until Manchester recently.


Before license factories, it was a reasonable term: if a taxi driver takes a customer from A to B, why should we make him eat the cost of getting back to A instead of picking up a customer or two around B and hope they'll eventually take him closer to A? Everything is more efficient that way, and fair to drivers. Unfortunately the practice is now abused for monetary gain - and not just by drivers, but by the councils who refuse to align their prices (so that they can "sell" more licenses than they'd otherwise do). Something will have to give.


Taxi drivers are worst in most cities


Taxi drivers are the worst


Most taxi drivers in most cities are worst at driving taxis in cities . . . mostly.


I knew someone who works as a taxi driver. She thought that because driving was her profession she "owned the road" and everyone else was just "casual drivers" and she was more important than them. Absolutely ridiculous shite


Uber drivers are not taxi drivers. They are private hire drivers.


Private hire cars are also called taxis in england


You're technically correct, but we still call them taxi drivers... Just like most people call a vacuum cleaner a 'hoover', etc.


God this should go in the r/OddlySatisfying sub. Such a shame there aren't more unmarked cars around to see these taxis and road morons get their just deserts


This is Reddit, we can do much better than that.  r/ConvenientCop


Love it, the Uber drivers think they own the road


Ah man I love that. Good comeuppance.


They must have fitted the indicators on the BMW at the same time as the blue lights.


If you see a BMW SUV using indicators, probably time to be on ur best behaviour. Armed police use them alot


Uber drivers love to hit n run too




Clearly the guy trying to undercut a copper.


Taxi Drivers in Manchester (especially the ones with Wolverhampton taxi licences) are the worst drivers I have ever seen. They drive like they are immune from the rules of the road, and in some cases, the law.


Sefton licenses too I've started to spot


Serves the taxi right - could easily have ended worse


It’s always the taxi driver.


positive comment.


Clever reply.


humorous remark.


BMW is in the wrong. Taxi driver was shocked that the bmw was actually using indicators and nearly had a heart attack because of it hence the sudden turn past it. Since that bmw was police, so now becomes the taxi drivers fault. ACAB /s (just in case people thought I was being serious)


using /s in a British sub is a sign of weakness.


Fair point.


Are the escooters legal to drive on roads?


If they're the lime ones, they have insurance and are licensed to go on the roads. There's a special pilot programme in the city with them.


Are fair, missed that


They are restricted to certain parts of Salford I think


They’re meant to, seen them in use elsewhere though so don’t know if the geofencing isn’t very good


Legally that is how you are supposed to use them


Well no, because they’re illegal on the road and off the road. The exception is the licensed ones


I laughed too hahaha


“Do you know who I am?” “No” “Ronnie Pickering” “Who?” “Ronnie Pickering!” “Who?” “RONNIE PICKERING!!!”


Terrible road position from the BM either way.


Yeah not sure why he's in the right hand lane turning left. I get it's a big car but you don't need the turning circle of a bus or a lorry.


Not really. They're over there because of the parked cars and the cyclist.


Alternative take: the car filming this is in the wrong for passing the scene so quickly instead of filming what happened next for us. Oh and also for posting the landscape video in portrait. r/killthecameraman


Uber, undercutting


GTA-ass driving


Taxi driver in the wrong. Police car giving cyclist space then waiting for cyclist to pass the junction before turning into junction.


I was on a blue light run last night, traveling from Salford on Regents Road / the Mancy Way, coming off at the junction to go on to Princess Parkway, now bare in mind I have my blues and twos on and am already in lane which is clear ahead so I’m traveling at nearly 50, an Uber driver decided that was the right moment to cut right in front of me and slam his brakes on - I’ve already got my foot hovering on the brake and managed to just come to a stop probably less than a foot from him, sent the lads in the back forward 😵‍💫. Out of everyone I encounter on the roads whether I’m on blue lights or not I reckon Uber / taxi drivers are by far the worst drivers I encounter. On that note, if you got an ESV on blues behind you at traffic lights and those lights turn green…just drive forward as you normally would and we will deal will overtaking you later 👍


Taxi drivers are generally bullies and are a shower of cunts. There has been countless times where a taxi feels entitled to force their way in.


BMW was undercover only waiting for the taxi all the time. The indicator was an accidental BMW knock when turning on blue lights. GMP driving unit is in fits of laughter at the indicator.


Serves you right for Muscat that does


Fucking love it 😂


Why is the BMW in the right hand lane turning left? Agree taxi shouldn't have dive bombed the gap, but better road positioning from the cop car would solve this problem to


Beautiful. My day is off to a good start.


That is beautiful! I learned to drive around Mcr city centre and Old Trafford and the taxi drivers made the experience hell.


I love this, warms the heart!!


Defo the Uber driver


Cop drives like an American, but the driver did cut the person off. Then again the cop wasn’t following the road guidelines for making a proper turn in the UK. If this was America I’d say both the biker and driver, but I really think all three need citations for reckless driving/biking.




The fckin taxi driver ffs


The taxi was in the wrong, but so was the police car, the police X5 must have overtaken the scooter before it wanted to turned left, probably just before or as it was passing the parked cars. The X5 has done what a lot of dickheads do, left hooking the scooter / cyclist. The x5 should have stayed behind the scooter so it could position itself correctly for the left turn.


Depends surely? When did the indicator come on? We don't KNOW when it came on from this angle. It could have been between blinks, or only just coming on.


The police giving a taxi driver enough space to do something stupid is entrapment and I would argue that in front of a judge




If a car is waiting to turn right you can go round on the left


That's not true. If you're in congested traffic you can safely overtake.


I think the BMW started indicating its intention just as the taxi got to it. He seemed to start turning before it was clear i think. The taxi blocks the view, so hard to make out at that exact moment. BMW shouldn't be turning from there and the taxi shouldn't have driven past. My thoughts.


Manchester Uber drivers are the worst drivers of any vehicle in the country.


it's a 2 lane road so why is the copper in the outside lane indicating left..dont see what the taxi did wrong tbh..copper being a tw@t


It's a single lane road with on street parking, so the police car is in the correct lane.


Shouldnt the police car have been more to the left though if they were turning left as the road is about to split in to two lanes? As police car only signalled left after the taxi was about to go around, or should the taxi of waited behind even without seeing the left signal? (I don't drive)


no, you are supposed to give cyclists 1.5m space. Same rule would go for scooters too.


ahh i see, thanks


Everyone is. The scooter for going across the path of turning for a vehicle that was in front of it and clearly indicating. The Prius for doing the same. The Police car for just sitting there with their indicator on and not turning. (Yes, he may have been giving way to the scooter, but that is not proper procedure, there is no bike lane or scooter lane priority markings, they should have gone.


I hope you are not a driver in the UK, although looking at your posting history you seem to be in the US. No the scooter should not stop to give way to a driver turning left. No the Police car should not ram in to the scooter. The Taxi is the one in the wrong in UK traffic law.


I spend equal time in both. I rarely drive in the UK now as it's madness/congested in any built-up area.


Blimey, it's north worth pulling him over for though, as the scooter did same thing


Terrible from both of them.


How is the bmw in the wrong? It's a singular lane and bmw is turning left. Not only that the uber shouldn't have overtake and even if it could, it should've been from the right side.


The lane positioning is fucking awful


Still doesn't change the fact that: 1. It's a single lane and 2. They should've overtake from right


The scooter was clearly approaching after the BWM had cleared the parked cars which would have preventing it from moving over (without flattening the scooter rider). I am not sure how you think they could be positioned better in this case? As others have said it was a single lane road and they were indicating to turn (waiting for the scooter to clear) it was clearly the taxis fault for passing on the left


For once not Uber!


You can’t tell from the outside if it’s an Uber or not; even black cabs can be on Uber