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Huh, this was a pretty fun first chapter. Is horse sashimi a special dish like one you would reserve for special occasions? Because the expression "so hungry I could eat a horse" is something akin to "not only I'm *very* hungry that I can eat an entire animal, I'm willing to eat horse meat which really isn't as good as beef". Horse meat really isn't popular since it's tougher and it's not kosher too. Seems like a big cultural difference.


It's a regional thing, even in Japan.


Big in Kumamoto, among others. Regional delicacy, along the lines of Torisashi


Was so sad when I saw it on a menu it was sold out the time I was there :( They had I think horse heart sashimi too.


The original title is 馬刺しが食べたい, which simply means "[I] want to eat basashi" (the pronoun is omitted). I quite like the english title, it stands out a bit more and it made me laugh when I realized that the title was essentially a form of wordplay because basashi is horse meat. With this series and Girl Meets Rock (for which the original japanese title is "a normal light music club") I feel like someone at Jump+ has a good naming sense for english titles.


mangaplus in that case, not j+


I went to Japan in 2018 and found an izakaya in Shibuya that sold basashi with relative ease. It was pretty tasty, would eat again.


I agree that it was tasty as well. Would eat again.


I tried some on a trip to Japan in 2017, I also agree that it was tasty and I would eat again.


Yeah, although Kumamoto is famous for it, you can get it almost anywhere. Kind of like how Yamaguchi-ken is famous for Fugu (Pufferfish), and Fukuoka for Mentaiko (spicy cod/pollock roe), you can get them all over Japan.


I saw fugu at a kaitenzushi place in Kyoto Station. I decided not to take that gamble, but a year later a buddy of mine went to that same sushi place and he did. He was, of course, killed immediately. Kidding, he was fine.


I stayed at a ryokan in a place called Hagi in Yamaguchi prefecture. Dinner had a few things, but the centerpiece for a large plate of nothing but fugu. It's, uh.. good? Have to say I prefer a little more variety, though. It's a little interesting how it's placed on a pedestal in the rest of Japan/the world, cause in places like Shimonoseki, it's everywhere and not even that expensive.


I have eaten horse hamburger before, and it was good, but it also was super expensive, totally not worth the price So if Basashi is similar, i totally understand why they will make fun of her, it would mean that her favorite meal is an overpriced food that only senior salary-men can afford, and that at the end of the day it is really just ok compared to regular beef or lamb or pork


>it's not kosher too i never knew jews had such a significant impact on western diet with how small of a minority they've always been. like, i know some foods were invented by jews then made their way into mainstream popularity (like bagels), so they're made of kosher ingredients because that's what the original recipe calls for. but i never heard of it also working the other way, as in foods not becoming popular because they aren't kosher - there are so many more people who don't care about kosher (even a non-negligible portion of jews nowadays), that i can't see it ever being a barrier, except maybe in predominantly jewish communities. and on the topic of horse meat, i figure people never really ate horses because they're much more useful for other purposes. it's kinda like using an axe's handle as firewood - it's gonna be much more useful if you use it to get more firewood instead.


In the US, people don't eat horse for a couple reasons; 1. Historically, horses are considered companion animals and not food animals, on par with dogs. Into the 1970s there were still rural schools where some students would ride horses to school. As far as farm animals go, there's a culture of them being more respected over others. 2. During the US Civil War, horse meat would stress soldiers out. Going back to point 1, a lot of soldiers brought their own horses to war. There are some reports where supplies got low and the horses were "sent home," just in time for a shipment of fresh meat. Even if you lied to them, they could tell because the fat color is different from beef. This was extremely bad for morale, so the Army decided it shouldn't do that anymore. 3. Horse meat is generally considered unclean and unsafe. Since they are work animals, there's lots of drugs and chemicals we use on them that make consuming their meat unsafe. Also performance enhancing drugs for sports. Cattle are carefully monitored for what chemicals we put in them, but not horses. 4. **It's mostly illegal.** If you kill and butcher the horse yourself you can it eat it, but it's illegal for sale and distribution. State and federal animal welfare laws generally treat them the same as dogs, and the previous point about their meat being unsafe.


Had horse meat when I visited Iceland. It's pretty damn good, just takes like steak if you cook it right!


I’ve eaten it. It was a bit tough and gamey but not as much as you would expect.


Don’t you hate when you make an award winning painting and have the entire school finding out that you like horse meat? Jokes aside, that’s one unique and interesting gimmick and it works because the food drawings actually look appetizing, also, I love how expressive Kaede is


Her expressiveness and downright ugly faces when uncomfortable really cracked me up! The artwork in this is pretty fantastic and kinda different, that was a great first chapter.


Girl MC doing that [awkward seal pose](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vmCkmP-Q2AE/hqdefault.jpg) lol


well her drawings does make food look really delicious


Do you also only eat rice and pickle


but for real, that man is built like a fucking tank just off of eating rice and pickles. Imagine him with a steak.


A "through the stomach" romcom with eccectric character: Checked. One of the leads is misunderstood as being dangerous while actually a softie: Checked. Bonus when they has some eccentricity that only the other can satisfy. The other lead gets scared by the misunderstood's facial expression, gets dragged along them to fulfill their request, and then comes to understand and like them: Checked. But my god how everything starts L-fucking-MAO :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I like that the food drawings are in color and actually looks quite delicious, overall, pretty fun start


A lot of colour going around recently on manga+.There's this, there's the rice cooker manga and the SKK Girls manga. There may be more, but I only follow these ones.


Polar Opposites does this as well with splashes of color sometimes.


I love her derpy neck and faces, we need more manga where girls can be drawn derpy


I'm usually a sucker for food-themed manga, and this series is no exception. The art angle is a pretty neat twist too, that I don't think I've seen before. Overall a really good first chapter. I particularly loved the FMC's expressions; they definitely got me laughing.


What will happen when she tries a self-portrait?


He'll be eatin good in the neighborhood


An open all night all you can eat buffet.


So hungry he could literally eat a horse. How clever. Well don't be too surprised that you won the grand prize with that painting of Banashi. I mean [Andy Warhol took the art world by storm with his Cambell's Soup painting.](https://youtu.be/c_Npw9_h5Zs?si=NQ7tIRjVmAqfyps5&t=37) Still, even though the damage was already done, I woulda just taken the painting down myself if I didn't want it on display like that.


Just like that I have a new craving I’ll likely never satisfy.


Yeah, why not. Stupider premises have worked


A good opening chapter with an interesting hook. I particularly like how expressive Kaede is and how her art is presented.


This was great. It had me laughing out loud at multiple parts. The gimmick of her liking horse meat was easily the funniest part, so I am little worried that this manga might fall of quickly. It might be a... 1 trick pony. But honestly that was the best comedy series intro chapter I have read in a long time. I will definitely be tuning in for next chapter.


I've heard of pictures causing hunger, but seeing artwork and suddenly being able to eat is a different thing altogether. It seems Kaede was fated to meet Satomi. Because of Kaede's amazing art skills, Satomi can get motivated to eat food again! And I'm sure he'll need Kaede's pictures for a long time. At least now, Kaede doesn't feel annoyance over her amazing artwork! And I'm sure people will start to talk about her and Satomi, rather than the artwork! That Basashi does look delicious, but I don't know what it tastes like. I can only imagine. Hey maybe looking up good food when eating tough ones can work for me too!


I mean, the only option for him to survive is to marry her, right? "I wanna eat your miso soup every morning" proposal incoming


This was fantastic! It reminded me of that one-shot by Tatsuki Fujimoto with a similar hook. Man, I loved it. The facial expressions were phenomenal! Definitely a great addition to my reading list on Mondays.


Minus the whole incest thing Fujimoto was going for of course.


I love how when she's distressed, she kinda squeezes her head into herself and gives herself several chins. Can't say I've seen someone do that in a manga before. Really promising start and I always adore dynamics like these.


She's a turtle


That’s certainly a unique personality trait, having to see drawings of food in order to get hungry.


This was a funny and wholesome first chapter. Now I'm hungry.


Wonder what would happen if she drew him a picture of surströmming


Manga magic can only do so much.


Certainly a unique premise, I'll give it that


That painting really good and makes basashi look very appetizing. But here's the thing. Have you ever been kicked by a horse? Those fuckers deserve it. Chow down basashi girl.


Fun chapter but I question the staying power.


How hungry...


That last line had me dying!! lmaoo


I ship it


This could be a fun series. Poor girl got made fun of because of her painting. It does seem she has good friends despite the teasing. The poor dude is terribly misunderstood and is actually a softie. But he is rather a picky eater. I always wondered if trauma with eating could cause someone to be a picky eater. Though I am wonder how the dude is so big for being a picky eater. Dude really was disappointed that she was planning to draw people next. Well I liked the first chapter and will tune in for the next one.


That premise is wild as fuck. I really wonder where this story will go. I have no idea how you keep this gag going without simply repeating it over and over.


Lol a pretty good first chapter i wonder how they Will go from here


Bruh I looked up Basashi and it's Horsemeat? That's wild lol pretty fun first chapter


This is straight fire 🔥🔥🔥


RAW HORSE MEAT... Is that even safe?


Openings like this is why I read manga lol.


Hilarious. Art is also hilarious.


Wow this art is really nice to look at