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This design is probably nicer for housekeeping, but I’m convinced it’s meant to discourage long showers.


I don’t see how the design is nicer for housekeeping if they have to mop up a lake every day. We had our master bathroom at home remodeled and asked the designer if there was any way to install a fixed single pane of glass like this without dealing with the submarine-taking-on-water effect. He said no.


Probably easier because they don’t have shower curtains to clean/worry about, and can just spray and mass wipe the surfaces pretty easy. The lake floor is probably an issue, but wringing a mop a few extra times can help with that. 😅


It is awful. As someone who has cleaned plenty of rooms and managed housekeeping. It is in no way easier. Honestly I get that they were ugly but pulling a shower curtain to wash vs cleaning that stupid glass and trying to get it spot free. The curtain was easier and quicker.


I always wondered about this! I honestly don’t mind the shower set up it self, but I always think about how much of a pain it is to clean the glass. Is there anything I can do to make it easier on the staff that have to take care of it? And any tips in general to make the housekeeping lives easier? 🙂


Two things make it easy. Rinse the shower down especially if you have long hair or are very hairy person. Group linen and trash together. Put all the trash together. Like grab the can from the bathroom and put it with the room can and try to stack trash together.


Have you ever seen the Fb reels of that guy who really touts WD40? I think I saw one video where he recommends using it for shower glass, wiping dry, then following with RainX. See if you can track it down. Might be the solution!


Can confirm; I currently work as a night auditor and housekeeping. It sucks; especially if you're dealing with people who are on the taller side, and you're on the shorter side... 😭 trying to clean them sucks


We've had our master bath shower done this way for over 10 years. The shower head is a rain forest type so that it comes straight down. No water gets on the floor at all. Best shower I have ever used.


The fucking Great Lakes reenactment. Yes. This. Maybe the dumbest thing I’ve encountered in a hotel.


They know you'll mop it up yourself with a towel because the guest is the one that has to deal with wet feet.


Is there no drain? If there’s a floor drain they can just push it in there and save the trouble


The drain is under the metal slat. As someone who has cleaned those, I hate it too. I understand the function of it, to keep the drains from clogging, but it adds ANOTHER thing to clean in the shower and when you put it back in place, it is so damn loud it hurts my ears.


Don't worry, housekeeping won't be coming to your room anyways


It discourages *me* from a long shower, and I love showers!


Imagine the water damage and mold issues they're gonna face long term... When I get one of these I always just throw the extra towels on the floor day 1 - then tell the front desk to send up extra towels each day because their shower has no door.


Maybe they thought wrongly that it would also dry much faster. It's something I've always wondered; housekeeling can clean a room rapidly, but how do you make sure the shower looks nice and dry if guests took their shower just before check out. I guess they can wipe it with the used towels I used to dry my ass, so the shower dries faster.


It takes me 10 minutes just to figure out which bottle is the shampoo with those font colors.


Yeah I think they just do it for convenience and cleanliness


I stayed in 2 of these last week. Such a pain. The floor gets all wet no matter what you do and it just feels cold in the shower. Plus they have the bottles that are unreadable.


And why? Why does the floor become a lake?? I investigated this last month and I truly could not figure out how the water was getting out there!


I tried all angles of the shower head, all spray patterns and COULD NOT KEEP THE WATER IN. The floor mat/towel was soaked and water everywhere.


Because the guy who put it in didn't know how to do it. The floor has to have a slight lean towards the drain and the height of the rest of the bathroom floor has to be consistent. Hotel tile guys are low bid.


This right here. Need at least a 1 degree slope.


See my comment above. It’s water rolling down the glass, puddling on the shower curb, and rolling out the door. You can stop it with a wash cloth laid over the curb at the edge of the glass.


How many hotel rooms have been designed/built in history? Shouldn’t they have perfected this by now?😂


Worse, how many SHOWERS have been built in history? It’s a problem that could be solved with a tiny little bead of caulk. 1 minute per room, and 25c of material.


It's funny the last couple of times I was in one of these silly configurations I had to wear my reading glasses before turning on the shower. Why can't they just make it obvious which one is the body wash and which is the shampoo? This week I was at a SpringHill suites that only have one sliding door, so you had to actually go in the shower to turn the water on. It was just so stupid.


I know. There’s sometimes no way to avoid a freezing cold blast of water when turning on the shower.


The word “shampoo” is written in 7 pt font in green on a grey background and is barely legible without a magnifying glass. Why do they do this?


I was waiting for someone to notice!


Try shaving your legs when there’s always goose bumps because of the old breeze from not having a shower door. Definitely designed by a man.


Yessss! You see all this stuff about “oooo it’s a walk in shower, fancy” Total BS. A draft comes in and makes shaving suck. Absolutely awful design.


And a man without children since these designs do not work for families either


What? There’s not a 2nd shower door that makes it a completely enclosed area??




This is so irritating. Let's use a lime green font with grey background so you can't read it without a spotlight and magnifying glass.


Yes!!! What is wrong with a big ole giant S for shampoo, C for conditioner, and a B for body wash??


Yes I get so cold! I keep my room on the cold side so I dread taking a shower because of how cold I get in these


Yep we almost went with this design for our bathroom remodel and decided to keep the shower curtain partway open during showers to see what it feels like. It’s cold af!


Those bottles are always empty. I check them right when I check in so I’m not out in the morning.


Yes the unreadable bottles. Hate that.


I hate that TownePlace suites have started to have these… horrible. No matter what it’s a flood


These euro showers can absolutely suck it.


I don’t understand why it’s called a euro shower. Literally NONE of my friends living in Europe have this design in their bathroom.


Every euro hotel , not just Marriott uses the half glass


I live in Germany and I’ve see this a lot in homes.


In my mind it’s a euro shower…I feel like many if not most hotels in France I’ve stayed at have had some sort of janky ass shower like this where 50+% of the entry to the shower is just…open. I don’t want to get water everywhere! Why do this?!


My experience as well. One of the only things I really hate about traveling to Europe. Every hotel I’ve stayed in has this (or an even worse) shower design where water goes everywhere. I figured the US would never do it because the proof of the awful design was self evident in Europe. Alas.


At least 50% of the hotels in Europe that I have stayed at have this feature. Also, my brother’s house in a Germany has it as well. Water all over the floor


They're called "italian shower" here in Quebec. They're usually better designed so that the water still adequately goes down the drain. Warmer european climates will often have those larger tiled showers that don't have doors? I guess. So usually not just an acrylic shower pan with half the glass. Many parts of the world have a drain on their bathroom floor so water escaping is also less of a problem. I think it also means the bathroom floor is waterproofed. I honestly don't understand why we don't have this in NA, other than cost-cutting of course, but water-proofing membrane is cheap and it would save people from water damage when something breaks or overflows.


Can confirm, have this in modern Belgian homes.


Staying at a hotel in the UK right now with one of these. Unfortunately, when the shower head turned on, the pressure caused it jolt up and spray me directly in the face. While I was trying to stop the water boarding with my eyes closed, I bashed my head into the half glass wall. EURO SHOWERS ARE DEAD TO ME.


I'm American and i live in Europe. We have one of these but with a tub. What's funny is that i just stayed in a marriot with my mom in the us and i took a shower with no problem. She was like how?!? I honestly don't know. Ancient European secret....


I have this exact design in a recently renovated house in Spain and I hate it


It's pretty nice if it uses overhead shower head with a separate hand-held shower head. But it's absolutely atrocious with this American style shower head.


European hotel bathrooms are small already and these are the least practical and enjoyable showers. Probably designed to discourage you from taking a long shower.


I chose one hotel over another for my honeymoon pretty much solely because one had these things in the rooms lol


Porn shower all the way! Good for you as this is exactly what's on my mind!


I took it that this choice was rejected not selected.


Plot twist!


You were correct lol


There’s also no way to turn the water on without getting wet! Either with freezing water, or you’re fully dressed starting shower for a kid and then soaked. Ugh, this post unlocked some forgotten rage LOL


The handle is by the opening, not under the showerhead so it's not in the path of the water.


And I’ve seen it conveniently placed directly across from the toilet so you can watch yourself poop in the nice shiny chrome


I hate it too. It’s like they want you to shower quickly without saying it lol


I was in an AC Marriott with something like this last week. My issue is the surface of the shower was slippery and that could be a problem. Honestly, my biggest issue overall was the motion sensor in the damn room that shuts off all electricity if someone doesn’t move. That includes the heat/AC at night which is utter bullshit! Whomever came up with that idea should be cursed with uncomfortable sleepless nights for the rest of their lives.


THAT is the worst. I'd accept showers like the one in the photo for the rest of my dwindling life if it meant no more of those "energy saving" midnight insta-steambaths. Yeah, I know, there are alleged google hacks. I've tried them, they often don't work. Those motion sensor fuckeries are the spawn of Satan.


Nate Bargatze mentioned this during his SNL monologue (@1:04): [https://youtu.be/ED5RX-fou34?si=IJTXNUPHIPmrSr7L&t=64](https://youtu.be/ED5RX-fou34?si=IJTXNUPHIPmrSr7L&t=64)


Came here for this "it's so future"


Not great but still take it over some of the old, dirty show curtains I’ve seen 🤢


I hate the sliding doors on the bathrooms at so many of them.


I'd rather have a sliding door that at stops the floor from getting sopping wet and keeps my back side a little warmer


I just stayed at a recently renovated hotel with a sliding door that wouldn't stay closed. It was too heavy and would roll back open on its own. It was the worst of both worlds.


It gets cold asf in there when getting out of the shower. Lol


At least that one has the little ledge. I hate the ones without it.


Ones without are likely handicap rooms


The only downside is that floor after a few years is a haven for bacteria and mold, as someone who works front desk let me just say. I have went in and inspected neglected showers with years of build up and some of the pics and stories i have would make ur stomach turn


Go on…


I stayed at a Residence inn in Texas for more than 2 months. The hotel was pretty recent, but that shower was so messy, I would get sick every time I washed my hair. I'm almost 100% sure the whole bathroom was moldy.


Agreed. Whomever came up with this design trend should spend their eternity mopping up floors and wishing for a steamy shower.


Hate them. Who wants to freeze while showering.


Yes they have a real “genius” designer and a super “genius “ director that approved the design.


The worst. Almost as bad as the 200 light switches hidden around the room. My first order of business when I check into a Marriott is to figure out how to turn on and off the lights.


I need to second the light switches. The black on black tiny switch when you are exhausted is much worse than a little water in the bathroom. I have had to yank power cords out in anger because of it.


Yeah on the floor lamp pole lol.


At least you can turn it on without getting blasted by cold water. I’ve had multiple with this design that have it right under the shower head


Pro tip: put a washcloth over the shower curb at the edge of the glass. It’s not water spraying out that makes “Lake Marriott”. It’s water hitting the glass, rolling down, and then running along the curb and out on the floor. Blocking that water from puddling and rolling out will keep your floor mat dry :)


Was real glad I figured this out on my last stay. I think they had a sourcing change or something on the shower base because there are some properties with a little lip where the glass wall ends which does the same thing. Was getting confused why I had the lake some places but not others. Have also started seeing where the local maintenance installs a little dam in that spot.


The unreadable bottles are possibly the worst design ever approved by Marriott and the quality so lacking


I hate the half shower door. Ruins my stay.


Hotels struggle so bad with bathrooms, it’s actually crazy.


I don’t understand why they want to flood the bathrooms and want mold all up in there 🤦‍♂️


I was at a Residence inn in Albany for 8 months on a work trip and let me tell you ... buy a small thing of bleach to spray in the shower cause the housekeeping does not sanitize it . I ended up getting althetes foot when I first got there cause of it . I hated that shower


Yeah I am staying a couple of months at a time in residence inn, I wear my shower sandals, housekeeping is not doing anything.. The only way is to change rooms after a couple of weeks otherwise there won't be any cleaning.


I let them clean and do their thing but I cleaned the countertops , the desk , and bathroom after they did. For the shower , I sprayed the bleach all on the bottom and let the water run over it for about 5 min . The housekeepers started calling me "the ocd guest " but I didn't care . One athlete foot was enough for me


I love showers like this. Guess I’m in the minority, but it’s so much better than the gross yellowed bathtubs.


Had it this morning…water all over the floor.


My guests HATE IT


IMHO, anything is better than a bathtub/shower curtain.


Ive done some design work for Marriott brands. I believe it’s because operable shower doors are a maintenance nightmare. They aren’t really robust enough for hotel use. Nd if you go back to a curtain, it’s a cleaning hassle. It’s not a terrible compromise. Unless you’re intentionally trying to spray the water outside the shower, it stays pretty well contained. The exception is the ADA rooms, which have a handheld in addition to the fixed head. But we typically design an extra floor drain outside the shower in those rooms and the roll in showers.


In the delta hotel in nyc it’s just a floor and an opening no door at all


I feel like the Boston Marriott at Long Wharf has showers like this. It’s the worst design


I was at a Proper Hotel last month with this "feature." Hated it. It used to be only the Europeans had to put up with this, now for some reason this design has made its way across the Atlantic.


Absolutely hate them, I like a nice steam shower. They need to add a door & a second shower head at the opposite end of shower.


This happened to me in Vienna years ago but I haven’t had a problem since then - not sure why. My question is, why can’t they grade the floor and put a drain in there?


Their problem. I flood the place out. Sometimes the carpet in the room gets wet. It’s rediculous


Hey at least you have a shelf… didn’t take a pic (found one online) https://preview.redd.it/mlunuca7a1vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9a184bedb7ef302d8619143ce2f8add457a10d but last week at an Element legit just 2 botttles mounted for body wash/shampoo and no soap dish or anything to put our own stuff. Also floor was redicilously slippery and controls under the shower head….Wife was thrilled 😂🤬🤦‍♂️


Ours leaked all over the floor every day no matter what we did.


https://preview.redd.it/hcatt56ob1vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066e7fc38d4a6a906d6b07f834e6d40f6a8bc4f3 My least liked Courtyard by Marriott feature. No comp coffee in lobby, only coffee maker in room.


That’s why I kind of like Fairfields better. Can almost always get a cup of coffee.


I’m in a Courtyard as I type this and the room coffee is a joke and the Starbucks in the lobby (for a fee) is equally disgusting.


Does this have the dinner bell drain that dings as the shower head water drips on the metal panel, notifying the entire room that you're done with your shower?


Hate them. Feel sorry for housekeeping ! I like the idea of in shower toiletries , etc but it is deployed it a very non-Marriott way. Marriott is the king of process and consistency. Remember those little reminders to put in your shower in the curtain ! I can never read the toiletry bottles, and don’t understand why each Marriott brand has their own version. It isn’t like I’m going to run out and get the Residence Inn brand of shampoo. Marriott people have to troll these threads. Make it simple… large font, black and white … shampoo, body wash, conditioner!!!


I feel they could have solved this issue by just making the glass panel a little longer. Or put it on the other end, where the water hits the shower floor


Oh geez, what I cant stand is the unbelievably loud gurgling of that drain, which is odd because those types of drains are often silent. It seems to be missing a part that silences it. I actually throw a towel over the drain, which makes the lake effect worse, but gives me some peace for a few minutes. But hey, the foot soak is good for an after shower pedicure! 😂


Also if the shower head drips it makes a clanging noise on the drain and you have to put a washcloth over the drain to stop it.


Please put toilet seat down.


Toilet seat up? :/


Long-term, I think the hotels will regret this. The big puddle that inevitably forms outside the shower will eventually find its way into the floor and below. Whatever benefits might be thought to exist will be mooted pretty effectively by mold mitigation, structural rot, ceiling damage, etc. It used to be that companies listened to customers. If that ever happens in this case, the message should be clear enough.


Can you read the labels on those shampoo / conditioner / soap bottles?


There’s labels on them?


One person slips and dies and we get a proper cover again.


Is that a sprinkler or showerhead?


Channeling Samuel Taylor Coleridge… “Water water everywhere ne any drop to drink…”


Style over function. I see these regularly too and they are awful


I can just hear the dong-dong, dong-dong-dong-donggitty-dong of the water hitting that stupid steel tray by the drain. Agree. Worst design ever.


Are all the rooms like this? This looks like it could be for people with mobility issues/wheelchair users.


The new-ish soap dispensers over the last few years freak me out. Is anyone wiping down the squirt handle top? I picture someone scrubbing their balls then pressing the dispenser, scrubbing their ass then pressing the dispenser, etc and it just gives me horrible thoughts when I shower. And yes, of course it the shower design invites a lake on the floor even when wasting towels as a water collection device.


Yep, not really sure about all these bathrooms being remodeled penitentiary chic. At this rate, you're gonna have to worry about dropping the soap in the shower.....


Ours leaked all over the floor every day no matter what we did.


The floor is always soaked !


Besides the water everywhere who wants to be cold during their shower? No thanks


What are you guys doing to cause the lake effect, laying a towel over the drain? I've honestly never had this problem.


$200/night and it still had this BS. I complained and got a free night cause of all the water on the floor I damn near slipped 😬


I’m good with it. I hate nasty hotel shower curtains.


I detest these kinds of showers. I want to warm up in the water!


Not great but still much better than a tub with a nasty curtain


Junior suite in the DC W hotel has the floor sloped out of the shower so the bathroom floor becomes a small pond. Several of these I've stayed the doors are installed out of level so when you close it, let go, it reopens by itself




Totally agree, this design annoys me as well


Don’t try the showers in Germany then


That cold breeze as soon as you step out of the water hits you like a freight train. I’ve been complaining about this ever since.


We started carrying a squeegee for this type of floor! Lay down a towel, and squeeze the water towards it.


I noticed this trend come into vogue a few years ago but now I’m not seeing it on new upgrades. Springhill? I seem to remember it at Springhill. So many rooms. They all blend after awhile.


This plus the barn door that doesn’t close right with gap showing to front door so if your partner goes out someone walking by sees all your bits, or you wiping your ass from the hallway. Can we just use normal doors? I never once said I wouldn’t rent a room because it had plain old normal closing doors on the bathroom and shower.


When the water clangs on the metal plate


Lots of hotels in Europe have this feature


I rage against this every single time i encounter this. Just the absolute stupidest design decision ever.


No one has mentioned the drip hitting that metal drain cover and how annoying that is…..pang….pang….pangpangpang….PANG…PANG….pang pang….i hate those showers for all reasons mentioned and more.


Nope....while this is a close second....those darn barn doors can't be beat!


Ideally, the glass would extend further to reduce splashing. We have this in one of our bathrooms, but includes a smaller pivoting glass mini-door that reduces the opening. The opening here is large, possibly due to accessibility regulations or concerns.


My dog doesn’t like baths either


The absolute WORST!! I'm freezing the whole time I'm in the shower despite the water being hot. They look good, but they're not functional at all


I just saw Nate Bargatze live and he did a bit about these showers and how it's like living in the future.


Bargatze is that you ???


Same. W in Philly has showers like this and the frosted glass between the bathroom and bedroom.


I had this in my flat in London and it really didn't get on the floor much. That's where I would put tmfkoor towel anyway for getting out. Way better than dealing with cleaning grime off shower curtains.


Yea wtf


Amen to that. Sumbitches always get the floor wet no matter how careful.


Also the lack of fan in all of their new hotel. I hate that my wife and I now have to hear each other poop loudly because Marriot got so cheap


I care not if their floor gets wet - they created that problem- I care that it’s cold.


Last time I stayed at a hotel with this shower style (not a Marriott) they had added a tension rod and cheap shower curtain. Still flooded the floor! The lip on the shower pan was just too low.






Whaaaat? I stayed at a Marriott last week and it had a normal door on the shower. I had no idea this was a thing.


Hey looks like you’re staying in the same hotel I did last week. Absolutely hated the shower


I hate hotels that have that. I have seen that in non marriotts. It sucks and the floor does get wet. It’s a cheap crummy design that I think most guests hate? That’s my thought.


Ah yes the shelf that bags your elbow EVERY TIME


‘It’s the future.” - Nate Bargatze https://youtu.be/ED5RX-fou34?si=q1gqDlF0Qe_0DMan (bit on these showers at 1:05)


It's European




I dont mind the wet floor. I just go hard on extra towels. Not my problem.


I don’t mind it. The floor gets a little wet, so what?


My biggest problem with this style is the fact that the steam and hot air rush out and the cold wafts in. Had one of these in Seattle and the shower experience sucked each morning.


Hilton does this on newwr properties. #HOTELMAREN in Lauderdale.


Forget the water everywhere: I want a bath! I get that a lot of people want a shower, but some of us want a bath to relax in. I can travel up to 100 days a year and I have crossed off hotels that force me into a shower-only.


If you dont like this, never move to anywhere in Asia. From most my experiences bathrooms are completely open concept. A A room with a shower, shitter and sink. Nothing separating them. It was weird at first, but once you get used to it, I kind of like it


Stupid f king design


Bro, that’s a sex shower. It’s featured on the hub


Also I have to put a towel down for grip otherwise it’s a slip and slide!


Indoor plumbing?


No full shower enclosure feels drafty and weird at first. Until you get the whole bathroom steamed up then its awesome


The floor in the shower is a slippery as walking on ice. Extremely unsafe.


I’m a flight attendant & travel to UK/Europe every week. Almost every hotel shower is designed this way, and it’s awful. I can’t imagine that the shorter length of a shower outweighs the long-term effects of having a soaked floor daily.


I dislike this shower layout also.


So annoying. The Marriott I stayed in had a sliding door. It would slide open on a couple minutes into the shower. Allowing water to go out and getting the floor wet. Work paid for the hotel at least, so I really just dealt with it. But I like a bathtub/shower combo. I don’t usually take a bath but if a bath is in order to relax then the option is there.


I have a fixed glass shower too... and it works just fine. Of course, my shower head is an over head rain shower.. so the angle is much different.


Marriott’s do have nice bathrooms, I sometimes stay at the Park Lane on CPS to be near the museums, and I’m always surprised that my go-to Mariott in Times Square has better bathrooms.


An idiot came up with the idea, and another idiot approved it. Firstly, you have to step in a cold shower to turn the water on.........enough said. Crazy, just crazy.


The worst thing about these showers (to me) is the metal drain. I can't stand hearing that constant water drip on metal during and after my showers. It drives me bonkers. 🤯


My idiot landlord had this installed in our rental right before we moved in. He warned me to be careful because water gets everywhere when you shower. I told him no shit and asked why he would do such a thing. He told me his wife was an "aspiring interior design" and it's popular right now.


I know this isn't technically a Marriott property, but Bellagio in Las Vegas remodeled their rooms three years ago to have these doorless showers. The difference there is that the shower is extra long: it's an extra long shower, and two thirds of the length of the shower has glass, leaving the open third mostly dry. That's the right way to do a doorless shower.


and then they ask us why we’re using so many towels! I’m cleaning up all the water on the floor!


I don’t mind the open low threshold shower. I *do* mind the communal shampoo/conditioner/wash AND the super-short tiny round toilet without soft-close. Sheesh. Chair height and elongated bowl with soft-close is the least that all hotels should do.


I’ve always thought the glass should be on the other side. Isnt the far end of the shower the splash zone?


What are you people doing that's resulting in water outside the shower? Direct the water down toward The floor not toward the back of the shower. Honestly I love this set up. I was expecting to see the shower knob inside where it can't be turned on without getting soaked. That's the dumbest shit I've seen.


No safety bar?