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Nothing says “I have nothing for this guy” like making faces after getting pieced up over and over.


thats when you look down at the floor and just start throwing haymakers


That swim technique will die to an uppercut


I did that to a guy in high school. He just put his head down and started windmilling 😂 one uppercut stopped him


Back yard boxing I died in the first round like why couldn’t I touch him. Sat him on his ass round 2.


Yup! Just gotta pick your open pockets!! 🤗


I just keep them if they start doing haymakers


shorter guy looks like he lost his cool. Taller guy was smiling for awhile then seemed to get pissed. Having everyone yelling is dumb and just escalates the intensity. In the next round the tall guy going against the girl just abused her. Then he just rocked the next guy who put his hands down. Personally that level of sparring isnt really ok to me when people who are much better are destroying people who arent as good. But Im probably just soft.


Yeah, I tought the same about the shouting. You can hear small guy hitting hard and tlal guy doing nothing until he goes against the girl. If you want to do that kind of sparrying just get in the ring and wrap urselfs in protectors. Tall guy almost got knocked out and thats just stupid risking on getting a weak chin in future fights.


I think they're trying to replicate a MT gym atmosphere (like they have in Thailand) , except they missed the part how the better guy/teacher always goes very soft and plays around. Not enough playfulness in their sparring, just seems like dick measuring.


The gym is run by Jompop Kiatphontip who was ranked #1 at raja stadium and he actively encourages them to spar like this…


This is one of the best gyms in the UK. The whole Thais always spar light, no one bullies anyone over there thing is utter shit.




Everyone yelling is a vital part of Muay Thai, makes it fun


When you have two trained even teammates who know how to keep their anger in check. The first guy looked like he didn’t and the woman looked completely out of place in the sparring session


What made her out of place?


She was getting completely bodied. She shouldn't have been against that guy if they were sparring that hard




I've changed gym because I got injured by someone too, took 10 months to heal enough but glad I made the change so I get that. Yeah reading the comments from my question his height was definitely something that looked difficult but she was trying her best and wasn't all over the place like the angry first guy. Always awesome to hear everyone's perspectives on this stuff.


Glad you didn't let that @sshole stop you from going to the gym


Her skill level.


Nah man, you're totally on point. None of this was sparring, this was a padded fight club. This is a bad gym. ​ I remember when I first sparred and didn't really know that you have to tone down the speed and the power. Smacked my partner, partner smacked me back, tussled for 15s and then the trainer came over and had a word.


Yeah someones going to get really hurt one day there if they don't get checked by the coach.


This is jompop kiatphontip’s gym in Leeds it’s a very good gym. You’re making a dumb assessment of a whole gym based on less than 2 minutes of video.


I’ve seen lots of videos from this place of people throwing bombs on each other. Hard sparring isn’t really my thing but, they look like they’re having fun.


Someone else in the thread seems to train there and said that these guys agree to this hard sparring beforehand for social media. To each their own


She would have done the same to him if he did any less. Nobody got out of control, this is good respectful show of punchy kick face


No, if you’re clearly outclassing the person- you’re sparring with. Don’t just batter them. People should use that opportunity to work things that they find more tricky. I’ve had a few times where the person I’m sparring is newer and gets frustrated so just starts throwing bombs because they felt being jabbed in the face was too much. So I ask to tone it down in the power, and for them to warn me if I go too hard. If they don’t ease of the haymaker overhands, I’ll throw hard to the body and repeat the request to go softer or that power will start going to the head instead of the body. Which usually chills them out a bit. But it can be really tricky to balance power in those situations. Because whilst I don’t want to hurt you, if you manage to wobble me in light sparring after I’ve asked to go a bit lighter, I am absolutely going to give you one back. Edit: On the yelling- I think that’s okay as long as it’s supportive. I had some sessions where some cocky bastard will keep shouting stuff like ‘kill him’. Which helps absolutely no one. Like bro, we’re a team.


The second one is from over a year or so ago - I’m in the background. From memory she landed a big body shot and the guy ended up injured so it wasn’t all one way. Not a fan of sparring like that but they are one offs for the Gram and both agree to it


I mean I guess it's good this isn't a regular thing, but why post this on IG when this isn't actually how you spar? That just seems doubly stupid, falsely advertising that your gym spars badly


I’m assuming it was posted for views - like it or not, this kind of thing gets more interaction than normal sparring. In defence of the gym, 90% of the sparring videos are normal sparring but I assume someone has combined 4 hard clips to create some outrage.


Fair enough. I guess it's wishful thinking but I just don't like seeing this ego-fueled stuff. To me, sparring is about losing the ego. It's about getting better, not being better than your opponent. I totally know what you mean though, this stuff gets views


Yeah I’m not a fan either and it definitely doesn’t represent the gym. I’m not a fighter and in 5 years sparring there Ive never had an issue. I’ve seen Jompop often tell people (non fighters) off when they’ve gone too hard as well.


He's doing a service to the lesser skilled. Fighting someone out of your league in a controlled environment is essential. I remember the first time I grappled a purple belt BJJ. His body was rock solid and could bend like paper.


Ive never done any striking except boxing. Those leg kicks to my uneducated eye looked like they would be causing problems for tall guy but they didn’t - what gives?


They are wearing pads but it still can hurt. The kicks are all leg so they probably hurt some but not like if you turn your hips over


He puts his hands down when the trainer yelling easy easy, they’re crowding other people training, so the dude seems to lay his arms down like let’s reset, but the guy that sparred the girl didn’t get the message.




Huh? I'm not saying they are Jonathan haggerty but they definitely look like they compete - which should make them easily Top 1% of this sub, let's be honest


Ironically enough, this gym is Kiatphontip in the UK, and here's Haggerty losing a fight to Ja Kiatphontip. [haggerty vs kiatphontip](https://www.facebook.com/yokkao/videos/yokkao-28-jonathan-haggerty-england-vs-ja-kiatphontip-thai/1724283087591152/)


Possibly the best gym in the UK. Coach here helped Joe Ryan in his Rajadamnern stadium title win. You don't have a clue


2nd this!


Nope! Jompop’s gym is one of the best in the UK!


Do you compete? Or you just saying whatever bullshit sitting on a couch? You probably would get KO'd in 15 secs, brother.


Don’t want to sound soft but sparring at this intensity is just useless. Also flying kicks to the head against beginners (??) is crazy. At this point it’s also the coach’s fault for allowing this intensity, even in hard sparring.


You're not soft. You're 100% right. What they're doing in the video isn't smart.


These are the guys that show up to class, like, "Man, I feel like I always have injuries."


Na yall are buggin this is hard sparring most likely to prepare for a fight the are clearly going hard enough to emulate a fight but not hard enough to try and kill each other like in a fight


Trauma is cumulative, no one is concerned about dying.


No shit Sherlock I question if you've ever actually been in a gym now though


Spar to get better, not to see who's better.


Hard sparring has its place. Especially if you ever wanna compete. It should be incredibly infrequent but you don’t want your first time full pace to be in the ring with someone who actually wants to hurt you.


Its dumb but its adrenaline and fun mixed into maximum


I do not think I entirely agree. This does not look like sparring to work on polished technique. This looks like sparring to get used to staying composed and managing your cardio when going at full intensity. I expect this kind of intensity is more appropriate to someone who is expecting to take a full contact competitive fight though. Also, what makes you think this is a beginners class? END COMMUNICATION




I agree with what you're saying but I don't think you would see crowd standing within 1m of the fighters if this was the intention.


Totally agree & they are having fun.


i agree with you but it kinda looks like they're just having a little for fun competition as opposed to an actual sparing drill. i mean i personally have never done muay thai but i have done wrestling for 6 years. when we do this kinda thing where everyone watches, it can get a little intense as opposed to just a normal drill. it doesnt look abnormal to me, this is just how i thought these kinda things go when people are having fun, it breaks out the ego a little.


The concussion risk is lower in wrestling. You need to be more mindful of your intensity with striking


Obviously but you have to take into account that A. It's still a high risk. People don't get cauliflower ear magically. It's from slamming ur head off the ground. And B. It was in highschool so there's a bigger risk factor for an injured student. I mean I do somewhat agree that this video is reckless but it's combat sports. It's going to be reckless at times. Ur dealing with amateurs who have no idea how badly they can hurt someone and know their objective is to hit hard. This is a minute long video of 3 people total who could use some self control. I wouldn't call the coach and bad coach same as I wouldn't call my coach a bad one. 


It is good to know how you’ll react/how to react when you get the wind knocked out of you, hit in the liver, or temple before you fight. And nothing prepares you like the real thing. Having said that I don’t think everyone needs to spar like that all the time. You wanna be a world champion or something like that, sure. Also that girl is tough af.


Wind knocked out of you, liver shots, yes. But shit like flying head kicks is just fucking stupid. High risk of injury while you're prepping for a fight, call me soft but that's just dumb


🙏 *bows with respect


She is a very good fighter too, but had a break from fight for a couple of years at least


This gym (kiatphontip) has produced multiple champions and has one of the best coaches in the UK. All the people in these clips are fighters.


I'm old and haven't done anything in a couple years but watching this made my neck hurt XD


> Don’t want to sound soft but sparring at this intensity is just useless. Its very useful. Whats useless is the slow-motion underwater "sparring" that we see too often. Called "light sparring", more like goofing around and not taking anything seriously You should pay for your mistakes with pain. It will teach you to be honest and focused while sparring. It will force you to adapt and overcome and get better. Goofing around and walking through shots will teach you bad habits. You see it most often when a taller guy is sparring a smaller guy. If the taller guy doesnt throw with enough power, the smaller guy can get it into his head that he is fine eating flush 1-2's and just walking through them like nothing's wrong. In a fight that gets you BTFO'd


This is how you lose paying students to injury, mixing skill levels and not resetting intensity levels.


Came to say this exactly. Nothing says amateur like sparring this hard without reason.


This gym is too crowded for the amount of egos in there.


Guy in the turquoise shorts isn’t as good as he thinks he is. Getting hit left and right and lost his cool in that first round.


Not to mention the other guy wasn’t even fully committing with those shots.


He's just kicking and kicking, while the other guy is practicing combos


Kicking and a reckless overhand


Honestly, people are bagging on the female and I thought she did a pretty damned good job considering the size and weight disparity. Her skill was pretty good. She checked and caught his kicks, kept on moving, returned kicks with kicks….that’s all good stuff right there. The female fighters at my gym (the ones that get in the ring) sometimes aren’t even as skilled as her.


agreed, she knew what she was doing.


She did fine. I don’t think the guy she’s up against is being as much of a dick as people are saying here. He maybe shouldn’t have taken her down. At their weight disparity, neither fighter really gets much out of practicing dumps.


she was working with a serious reach disadvantage too


Orange shirt is a one trick poney and both need to learn about a little something called “checking kicks.”


Orange shirt got taken down by his own single leg takedown.


Orange got downloaded hard


The guy in the orange isn’t sparring. He’s trying to take the other guy out.


First dude acting like he's not getting pieced apart every time, lol Tall guy has some clean timing


the composure to slow his kicks to not damage while little dude is throwing i all into those leg kicks


this doesn’t look like sparring


So, the point of this was…go get in the ring if you’re going to spar like that. Save flit for the show, not your partner.


Go for it now! They’ll be well versed for their army training when they get conscripted.


Loving the combos


That guy who keeps shaking his head is so aggravating. And then he deliberately drops his hands and takes like five unanswered shots, shakes his head again and gets teeped into oblivion 😂.


Ah! Good times. Most will say it’s way too crowded, but this is to teach you to stay close to your opponent or distance training. Muay Thai is about power shots not kickboxing. And I’m not putting down kickboxing just stating the difference in the style.


Muay Thai is about whatever you want it to be about. There’s kick-boxers with a power heavy style and there’s point fighters in Muay Thai. It’s whatever works for you. The best guy at my Muay Thai gym is also a karate black belt and combines a bunch of techniques. Hits hard but is also evasive.


This doesn’t look like Muay Thai sparring, looks more like Dutch kickboxing sparring to me


Old mate in the green shorts has his shin guards on the wrong feet.


Can someone please teach this guy how to check a leg kick?


Why we going full speed for?


You know the guy is losing when he keeps shaking his head and showboating. No answers.


Orange guy thinks he's Liam Harrison.


He wants to be Liam Harrison and he wants it today, not tomorrow lol


For fuck's sake use a godamm mouthpiece


Sparring - the taller lad serially backs off and lets the other smaller guy have a few shots. Sparring != fighting. The girl actually does better IMO, well placed shots.


Nice that girl would have wooped my ass 💪


The younger guy is good,and more in control than the older , I think he could easily destroy him in a real fight.


Honestly that girl was fucking awesome, and kudos to the dude for actually going full tilt to her, its gonna make her so much better. Shes gona be a fucking killer when she fights other women. She is tough as nails.


Love giving women brain damage as a man. It’s my favorite activity


Do people not throw back kicks in MT?


People shaking their head thinks it shows people it doesn't hurt, it actually shows everyone else, " that hurt and I can't let them know! So dumb and annoying. Just fight... be cool. You look like a douche when you do this


Sometimes I shake my head if I get hit, and it's something I should have seen coming/I got lazy or complacent. That's more at myself though and I haven't been able to stop myself unfortunately. Other than that, no psyops no mindgames. Whether they hit you so hard your soul almost leaves your body, or tapped so gently that it barely registers in your pain receptors, you want the same outwards reaction.


It’s a very Thai thing, like the smiling to act like you don’t get hurt and it’s all a game for you, acting for the judges and gamblers


Hello CTE this is the concussion calling We are here for your brain cells


Just a bit of fun. Don’t know why everyone in this thread has their panties in a twist.


I bet that gym wins a lot of fights and probably has its fair share of injuries. All of the people involved clearly were not beginners. This sort of sparring is what makes the difference between those who do it for fitness and those that want more than that. For all you know, every one of the participants had a fight coming up and was being given a small taste of what a bare shin to the body at full power by someone who can kick feels like.




Notice, not one opponent was bigger than him


Kiatphontip gym in Leeds, good gym guarantee these aren't Jompop's beginners that are sparring like this. I loved my time there.


Guy needs to pick his hands up. Obviously a lot of miles on him already thinking that haircut is acceptable.


Average technical spar at chute boxe


That's just light sparring with bro


This isn't sparing really. They're more or less going all out. So these should be considered back to back matches.


New here is men vs women common in muy thai?


Women at my dojo spar with men a lot. Granted, these women are looking to get in the ring, but there are lots of tough women in Muay Thai.


Haha. That guy thought he was slick with his leg kick spam but ended up getting folded once he used up his one trick


Young kid was piecing up the older guy which made him throw haymakers with malicious intent. If your ego can’t handle sparring, don’t spar.


this is pretty controlled and fluid


And on that day the grinch’s tau protein grew three sizes


kid is a dick. if someone knocks him out in sparring one day he had it coming


The guy in the orange was god awful




looks hard but controlled. I'm in the camp you should mostly light spar but you still need to know what the power feels like and how much energy it's going to take you to throw hard like that.


I love grappling.




Sparring? I think the word you are looking for is fighting.


Oooweee! I can't wait for open mat tomorrow! Tell the taller guy in the pink shorts at the end if he just adds in some side steps to cut angles while he's firing off those slick combos, he'll be a killer. He'll have to play around with when he likes to step and how, but I'm sure he'll figure it out fast. His instincts and skills so far look great.


This is hard sparring. They should be wearing head gear. Although it's necessary at competitive levels, this is not something beginner's need to experience until they're ready. And just to point out that it is controlled. All Fighters involved could be going full tilt but they're not. Yeah there's an obvious difference in the Fighters and I might be rethinking the girl v guy hard sparring. Some shots were tough. But apart from a few hard shots that was good experience for the Fighters. Not to be done without headgear though, headgear is important.


Orange shirt has tells for every strike he threw. Subtlety, sir. It's your friend.




Can't he kick the back leg off to the moon? We can see that leg coming from across the lake


I can’t wait for my knee to not be broken.


Jesus, that was warm up? Fuck. *Proceeds to look for alternative career options*


Jesus chrrrriiisst


Nah chill , girl has the biggest pp


No elbows?


This is a top gym in England with Thai trainers


Is this you? If so I want to how long before im this good.


Why so serious?!


Orange guy was larping as Liam Harrison… but without the reflexes, defence or counters. Clearly getting pieced up but trying to play it off as letting younger bloke getting his work in.


Guy ate those leg kicks, jeez


Guy in orange is not technical at all… just a ego sparring bihh


brutal sparring


Man the first guy was pretty ass 💀


Orange shirt really sitting on those kicks


That’s bc orange dude was getting tagged and instead of working on his technique and combos he just started throwing harder 😂😂


Tf is that hair cut


Orange T's got that Napoleon complex.


wtf is this haircut


Intense for the orange guy anyway lmao. Other dude was going half speed


Why don’t people who spar in Muay Thai wear head gear?


Lol at the guard down and then teep kick at the end


Orange shirt guy is like me when I play mortal combat and spam the same move all the time because I don't know ow what I'm doing


Why is this video so sped up? It looks like they are already sparring hard enough without trying to hype it with ediiting trickery.


I hope that girl is preparing for a competitive fight and not just trading punches with guys as a hobby


Check a kick for Christ sake


wtf? Knees with no pads?!?


Muay Thai Training Muay Thai, also known as "The Art of Eight Limbs," is a traditional martial art from Thailand that emphasizes the use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins. Training in Muay Thai is a comprehensive workout that builds strength, agility, and endurance. Here’s a guide to help you understand the key components of Muay Thai training: [https://muaythaibyton.blogspot.com/2024/05/muay-thai-training.html](https://muaythaibyton.blogspot.com/2024/05/muay-thai-training.html)


This looks fun asf. I’d probably wear headgear, but damn lol.


Headgear just makes your head a bigger target and doesn’t really reduce concussions


If you fight a lot. Don’t spare hard. If you don’t. You obviously need occasional hard sparring.


Ego sparring by all of them. Except maybe the woman but the kid was going to hard so she had to step up.


Dumb spar. The shorter guy would have eaten a hook against a serious opponent keeping his hands down like that.


dumb fucker


I’m thinking about joining a martial arts gym and this shit *does not make me want to join at all*


You don’t have to do this. These people have clearly been training for a while and likely are training for an actual fight.


Are they taught to drop their guard when kicking or something? First dude in the orange shirt left so many windows open for example. Curious.


The way I was taught here was to swing your arm down on the kicking side for extra momentum. Some of the more experienced are more relaxed with their guard as they are quicker to react and have better movement.


That makes sense.


Ive seen champions born and die in the gym. They never made it to the stage. I've been looking for the specific quote for a while, I know it goes a little differently but that's the best I can remember. Also dude sparing the girl might be able to kick my ass but he's still a pussy. Your the best fighter in the gym but how does that help you or the other people if you give yourself and everyone else brain damage before you even reach competition? If this session is just a once off - or once a month thing - I can get behind it but it feels like the coach ends the sessions like this. Which I can't personally get behind.


Good hard sparring, I think you for sure get better doing this sometimes. These two need to be in the ring tho, fkn annoying they think they’re the only ones in there!


When fighting becomes about ego…


Good intensity👊


That’s not sparring, that’s CTE for free! That’s paying a monthly fee to get your ass beat in a fight.


I think they’re going too hard for sparring.


[Here's some info on why this is a dumb idea](https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Sports-related-Head-Injury). "Over time, professional and amateur boxers can suffer permanent brain damage. The [force of a professional boxer's fist](http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/articles/39469/straight-dope-the-physics-of-punching-someone-in-the-face) is equivalent to being hit with a 13-pound bowling ball traveling 20 miles per hour, or about 52 times the force of gravity." "Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease typically found in individuals who have **sustained repeated head injuries** in the past, including concussions during contact sports. The symptoms of CTE usually develop over several years to decades after repeated injuries and consist of cognitive deficits such as learning disabilities, disinhibition, memory disturbances, and mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. As the disease progresses, some patients may experience progressive dementia and motor symptoms such as balance instability and extrapyramidal disorders." If you're sparring, wear headgear and pull your punches when you go for the head. If someone is ego sparring with you just decline to continue, don't match their ego. Live to see your grandchildren.


Blasting head kicks? With no head gear? Against a girl no less? Dafuq


Ya the dude is kind of a bitch for that one lol


I agree. This sub is weird. Muay thai culture in general is weird. Don’t dare critique them for letting women fight men. Such a respectable sport 💪


If you spar like this all the time then you're an idiot..it should be an occasional thing. And having people beat up on girls is just pathetic..


WTF - she held her own easily, nobody was beating her up. Do you have a special rule because they do not have a cock?


She didn’t land one punch or kick wtf u talking about? Every single thing she threw missed or was blocked, and the dude was piecing her up lol she got punched hard directly in the face like 4 times


She should take an all woman's class or go to a yoga class of she doesn't want the same training as everyone else in the gym.


She needs to keep them hands up or move your head, easy target for him every time


They were definitely settling some beef if everyone is around watching


Sometimes I think knees shouldn’t be thrown during sparring because there are no pads, but I also know how difficult it is to land a knee cleanly, and how rare it is to injure opponents with knees vs kicks.


Pillow fists.