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It’s wild to me that there are dudes aggressive enough to start a fight with a stranger, but inexperienced enough to turn their back on an opponent.


I have been a bouncer I have been in gangs I have been in every situation that involved s lot of heat etc etc. I have NEVER been challenged by someone who knew how to fight . Fucking never , not once , it's always bums that fall down from a jab . I am sure it has to do something with their masculinity trying to prove something


I think it's because when we first learn how to fight, the first lesson any teacher worth their salt will teach is to never start a fight.


People who know how to fight also know how dangerous fighting is. We've all taken a lucky hit from a noob, we've all been thrown on the mats, and we all know that this can only get worse on concrete where we can hit our heads and die instantly. Even if we "win" a street fight, we might accidentally kill someone and end up in jail for 20+ years. It's never worth it.


Exactly, lol, like bro how many times you been tapped? Remember that ratio next time you think about starting shit


Yes. There are a BUNCH of videos around of people suplexing othera and making them go head first on the concrete. No thanks, i prefer to keep all my motor skills and brain functions.


It just happened here in Brazil a few days ago, some guy kicked an old man's chest and he fell, hitting his head on the floor and dying right after. He's in jail for homicide.


Same thing with guns. My grandpa taught me to shoot when I was around 12 or 13, but first, he made sure I was at least as scared as I was excited. He knocked me on the noggin lightly with a toy car to show that the car was hard enough to hurt. Then he shot the car and showed me the aftermath. By the time he let me touch an unloaded gun, I didn't even want to anymore. Then he made me memorize gun safety rules and how to operate the different parts and clean them... Then he finally let me shoot it. I've been around guns for more than 20 years, open and conceal carried for more than 10, and I've never found enough reason to use one on another person. But I've seen them pulled by morons who don't even know how to hold it properly. Part of learning a martial skill generally involves learning to appreciate the danger of it.


And discipline and controlling your emotions


Yup every guy i know is very good at fighting doesnt fight on street at all...


Because if you’ve FAFO’d on the mats you know you never want to FAFO on the streets. There’s always someone out there that’s better than you, and Finding Out is very different depending on where you Fuck Around.


Not just that, you can meet someone not on your level, drop them on the concrete, they don't wake up and suddenly your awaiting trial for aggravated assault/manslaughter. Happens every single day from a basic street fight.


You eva heard of a nigga who paid to get really good at massage therapy handing em out for free on the L


Because every person that fights knows that you never want to fight on the street. It’s literally concrete


i guess its the circumstance that people who learned how to fight, learned how much damage it can cause. 2 seconds can ruin a whole life


Jab , ko , head lands in concrete , dead . Humans are too fragile and ppl don't seem to understand it


The eye opener for me was the time I was doing some "medium intensity" sparring in which I got two ribs broken early in the spar and was able to complete the round relatively effectively, before bowing out after (obviously emphasizing defense to protect the ribs better for the remaining duration). That revealed to me, the extent to which I might have to injure someone in order to actually stop them. I imagined a drunk could withstand more than I could in that moment and still keep coming and realized I REALLY didn't want to be responsible for that damage.


Being drunk might make you want to fight more but you absolutely cannot take as much punishment as when you are sober.


I'm amazed how many people in this thread are echoing this sentiment. Usually people in /r martial arts are like "just punch them in the back of the head, it can't hurt them!" Or "they punch me, lethal force authorized" This one guy made a comment that hammer fist strikes should be to the back of the head and adamantly argued that when I called saying that dumb.


I think it has to do with their emotional intelligence. People who have the discipline to get good at martial arts probably have more control over their emotions than the average aggressor escalating a situation.


I used to train mma for a few years and I saw this over and over again. We got some guys come in talking about how much they want to hurt people. They get dominated in sparring and you never see them again. We get other guys who come in humble and wanting to learn. Those are the guys who keep coming back. The key to getting good at something is being OK with being bad at it first. If you can't handle losing to a 40 year old accountant in a sparring session, you're not going to get better.


This 40 year old accountant agrees


It's because they are usually bullies that haven't been called on their bluffs yet. Usually they have lifting weight muscles and most people are intimidated by that. Big muscles don't equal fighting skill however. ;)


I have a quick story . I get a phone call from a buddy of mine that a kid , maybe 16 or so . Had grabber his sister by the ass and threw a bottle at her . He called me to pretty much be the intimidating figure ( I am roughly 6'11 and 290lbs and make an image in your head of a cartoon looking bouncer , well you got my face lol ) and he would just talk to him to make him understand that actions have consequences . He talked to him and his 3 more friends on the phone to meet up. We pull up Infront of school they were in like at 1am and my friend gets down and approaches and very kindly asks for them to come out to talk . I step out of the car and this kid , maybe 5'6 and barely 110lbs says "What the fuck did you bring this tall one here , ni-#-_(# I will pull all your teeth out and put them in your ass " I am very calm as a person but this moment I said fuck it . Without saying shit I went Infront of the big metal door and with a leap I jump over it and yell " GET THE FUCK HERE AND TRY " DUDE , when I say that all of them run and made sounds like crying . Not so tough now . We leave and think that everything is ok . I am not joking or exaggerating to the slightest , the very next day this mf pulls at my workplace with 2 more guys . I was a bouncer at the time and I was 9/10 alone outside cause let's be fair , who would try to start shit with anyone close to my size for no reason. One maybe 6'5 and classic fake gangsta . Obese with tattoos and shit and another pretty tall one maybe 6'4 and very athletic looking. And the kid had a fucking pliers , they were yelling doe me to go in the or car's junkyard close by to "kill me" I was not speaking to make them to approach so the camera could see us . The fat one puts him hand in his pocket and I see that he was holding something and I won't lie I got scared , fight or flight kicked in and I instantly through a direct right which flattened him face and I immediately tried to land a hook on the other one . He dodged and tried to take down but he landed nose first in my knee and another hit that half ass landed on the back of his head he falls down face first . The kid is Litterally frozen in place and I grab it by the hand holding the pliers , Litterally almost lift him in the air and I smacked him . Not a punch , I didn't want to hurt him that bad . It was a big ass slap which sent him to sleep , the sound was so orgasmic ? I haven't enjoyed a sound more in my life . It's been Abt a year and still his whole left eye is red af . Be must have broken some vessels . I really hope he learned a lesson cause this new generation think they are gangsta and shit and they will get killed by someone . Scare them enough to make them back up . Why did I say the story ? I have taken Kratom for pain ( an opioid ) and I feel mellow and happy to talk with ppl.


It is Dunning-Kruger effect, less you know more confident you are


Actually yeah it has to play a role . We have 50kg 15 yo kids trying to pick up fights with anyone it's wild nowdays 💀 stupidity has a very distinct smell in the air and the whole world started to REEK like 5 years ago


People that train learn just how volatile a human can be.. I also think its respect learnt from getting your ass beat


A punch by a trained heavyweight lets take me for example can for sure KO anyone with one hit . Ok what does this mean also . He can break his neck , break some bones in his face or he can land head first and die . The more you train the more you learn to respect another human and you understand how truly fragile a human is . A hit that may seem that it did nothing can cause a clot and kill someone , rapture a muscle or break a nerve. It's crazy


Most people who have trained have had their ego shattered enough times to learn not to fuck around with people they dont know. I still remember the first time i got humbled. Took two 30% power leg kicks from my coach who used me as a demonstration. Left leg was sore for 3 days. In 2 kicks he made me realize the difference between a 2 time Glory champ and me


My humbling point was being submitted 7 times and me having only submitted him twice . I was 6'11 240 at the time . He was 5'10 190 or so


Yup, and sometimes it’s two or three and they still don’t do well, lol.


Especially when they are in groups. They think they are dangerous cause they are many , once they are alone they run for their life . All talk no bite


Ego. It’s. All. Ego…


Ego and stupidity . Cause j also have an ego as a heavyweight fighter but I would challenge anyone 💀 not that they can beat me but kill me . What if they have a knife , a screwdriver , a gun , anything


My dad was that guy and taught me young. The guy you don't want to fuck with won't say anything he will just fucking hit you


You have cauliflower ear?  I've asked i'd say 10-11 people to step outside over the years and never been taken up on it. By the same token, cauliflower ear, just that 6th sense whispering to you, I'm likely going to find a different way to resolve the situation.  I wonder if maybe people who know how to fight will challenge people to fights, but also know what someone who knows how to fight looks like and we're a little more reluctant to challenge those specific people.


Why am I suddenly picturing Vin Diesel from Knockaround Guys?


That's some good old-fashioned Dunning-Kruger effect.


The avg human fights 400% less spectacularly as they think . Yeah cause the avg human is extremely unathletic and If they close their eyes they don't even know where their limbs are


Honestly checks out. The only people who start problems are the ones who don’t know how to solve them.


Hit it on the head. Had a pretty easy upbringing but spent a long time in various martial arts. The only fight I have ever started was to keep a friend from getting in a fight that was about to go on deployment (he was gonna lay the dude out if I didn’t type deal). Once you have confidence in your ability to fight it’s just no longer a part of the equation when someone is trying to call you out. Nothing to prove so not worth my time.


Most people who start fights can't fight. If they could fight, they wouldn't start fights.


Most people who act this way are never met with follow-through by their victims.


This is the real answer. Dude legitimately thought he could just walk away and save face


I’ve definitely met a few people who’ve never had their ass handed to them and it shows. The few times where I’ve exhausted talking through something and they still just choose to be aggressive. Maybe we should bring back duels. Cause it was very clear that one punch to the face would shake their whole world and that’d be the end of it.


to be fair it did look like that first 1-2 combo turned his brain off. bro was looking everywhere but at the dude hitting him




I think the dude was partly out after those 1-2. He just scrambled


Uhmm. You thought that people who start fights are *smart*?


He was just looking for a trip back to the shadow realm


I think he got punch while the dude still have something in his right hand. I'm surprised it didn't knock him out with a concoction.


Typical bully type behavior. All confidence no skill/training


I’m not much of a fighter , but everytime I see a street fight video where a heated confrontation is accruing and a person is guarding their genitals in a silly taunt, then you know that that person is probably a hot head who doesn’t know how to fight. Good rule of thumb if you find yourself in a bind with someone.


Rarely do you see a spinning heel kick to the face work so perfectly. Beautiful. Guys like that take 2 punches to the face and are already instinctively done and walking away. You laid hands on somebody first? What did you expect lol. I'd say he got off fairly easy here.


I think it lines up perfectly because the “opponent” wasn’t aggressive when being shown back. They rarely work as a combo without pushing off the opponent to line up the time to spin. Works best in movies and with non aggressors walking away lol.


Distance is always needed.


And someone tentative enough to not quickly close that distance. Step into that heel kick and it quickly becomes a soft thigh push and someone off balance.


He was already stunned after two hits to his face so that cap guy got solid punching power but that kick definitely ended shit real fast and yea like you said he got off easy this time as if he pissed wrong person off he’ll be spending time in hospital ward or worse.


He does it so fast I was having trouble identifying it to be honestly, especially with the frame rate and clothes.


... You're blind if you couldn't identify that


Actually yes, retinitis pigmentosa.


My macular degeneration also made it difficult to see what was going on until the slow-mo replay. Blind-ish guys, UNITE! lol


Okay. I untied my shoes, what are we doing next?


I dunno. I can't see shit.


Bro you can't just call a blind person blind


He needs the B word pass


Huh? I saw it once and said DAMN that spinning hook kick was sick....


I think he was backing up because his best shot just got eaten for breakfast.


Dude was like 'yo, wtf. Lemme put my phone away'


Banished that boy to the shadow realm


If you lay hands on someone don't try to leave as soon as they fight back


Someone did that to me once sucker punch close; and I just tripped them as they ran away and they fell flat on their face on the concrete. Took him a minute to wake up and I could done a lot worse during than minute he was out of it. Not even martial arts. Just kicked the dudes leg into his other leg as he ran away.


Damn that kick was wild.


Usually I hate things like this. But you could just see that "oh I've been waiting for this" moment as he put the thing back in his pocket. Plus the other guy is a cheap shotting ass so i don't feel too bad for him.


That jab combo had buddy tucking tail, the spin kick was unnecessary but beautiful. You could see him pause for a second to think about it. 'Should I? Should I? Yea fuck it, I'll never get a better chance.'


It was super necessary.


And super effective. Remember, fighting type beats normal.


If you think about it he's actually *saving* his life. Imagine that head kick actually gives him associative trauma and he thinks twice next time before being an asshole. Such a nice gesture


After such magnificent concussive cognitive-behavioral-facial realignment I would be surprised if he could think even once. XD


Jorge smiling right now.


Damn right


It’s amazing what a Jab can do to un untrained person. Dude was far enough to think he was not going to get hit. That forward step and jab happens really fast and covers more distance than ppl seem To think. Like I used to think you had to be close to someone to punch them. Definitely not it the footwork and step is done quickly and in one motion with the jab


Was not expecting the kick at the end, but it was entertaining and a perfect kick




So satisfying to watch


Oh. That kick was rough. Dude was already stumbling from the jabs and then...WHAM.


More combos than a McDonald's menu


Yeah that might have been the worst dude to slap that day in the world. He laid out that 3 piece so smooth. Highlight roundhouse. Almost would be perfect if he was wearing sunglasses


>Highlight ~~roundhouse~~ *reverse hook or spinning wheel kick* But yes, sunglasses would have been great!




Beautifully done, perfect response.


He looked thirsty so he gave him some WAH-TAHHHH


The initial attacker can’t fight at all and for whatever reason is displacing his frustration and disgust with his life towards what looks like some sort of security guard? The martial artist had lots of time to set up his spinning wheel or spinning hook kick.


He could’ve just round kicked of even kneed him in the face like twice has hard. Dude was already leaning his head down from the 1 2 combo and that knee would’ve been easy to get to the hight of his dropped head. Dude got off easy but style points for security guard.


“His head snaps back like a human PEZ dispenser” HAHAHAHAHA


I just love that he tried to put his radio back up first. That’s when the dude should’ve apologized.


That JCVD Spin kick!


That commentary may have upstaged Pepper Brooks at the Dodgeball tournament. Hilarious!




U just love to see it.


That's beautiful!


“Hit him with the trick or treat smell my feet” ![gif](giphy|2skY1cveT5grHRFLke|downsized)


I'm one those guys who said TKD isn't effective. I guess I owe you guys an apology now.


It's all about when and how to use something. When my brother in law was first getting into BJJ he got a know a guy who messed with other fighters pretty bad in amateur mma matches. He had been in BJJ for years but before that trained TKD. He'd start off mma fights with flashy TKD kicks. Suckers would go for a takedown and then get surprised with high level bjj tapping them out.


That dude used his foot like a whip. That's kinda like mom throwing her shoe at you with her leg and not removing her shoe. Highly effective.


if you play it frame by frame there’s like two frames where it looks like his head popped off lol [here](https://imgur.com/a/PMMpFFf)


It’s always the untrained starting shit


Because anyone trained realizes there is always someone badder than you and looks don’t have much to do with it. They also know what getting your ass outclassed and being helpless feels like moreso than a guy with a few street fights. After joining a gym and seeing little guys, like really short, but that are beasts….it made me really revaluate judging ppl by their looks. See fat dudes hit head kicks easily. Stuff like that. Never judge a book by its cover. Just don’t get into shit no matter what the cover of the books look likes In cities like this where the police don’t care unless someone is killed these street fighters get used to fighting and not having legal consequences. They don’t give a shit about minor legal consequences because they have records already. I feel like the legal consequences for starting even just a fist fight should be much worse than they actually are. Like let non violent drug users out and lock up anyone with violence involved for way longer than we are doing . I mean we aren’t even doing it hardly. It’s easy to kill someome if a punch lands correctly or the person falls. It’s not just a harmless fat lip.


That kick. It's.... it's...beautiful.




Jesus…. Lol


Two thumbs up


Fun fact: if the dude falls on the back of his head he may die from that kick.


Yep. He picked the wrong guy to start a fight with 🤣


And nothing would have been lost in those case. If you punch security guards that aren’t violating you except for your fragile ego the world probably doesn’t need you.




What a kick , Not even on street fighter 12. 🥲


Very satisfying finish. He had already won the fight before the kick landed. The instigator was dazed and walking in the direction his face was pointed from the right hook. It’s never a good idea to pick fights with doormen, security or people employed next to metal detectors.


WOW if I was the guy that got KOd I’d be impressed tbh


He’s impressed with how much hospital bills are when you have non insurance.




He fucked around and he found out


Where's the Joe Rogan meme when you need it.


Shit son


That kick tho!


I just love this clip


I mean take your backpack off at least lol.


Oh yeah, thats a future MRI scan


lmao why did he eat two punches then start walking away? Did he think the guy would just stop?




Is that heel kick dude a Chechen?


> Comes in with the trick-or-treat-smell-my-feet at the end! Damn I wish there was more of this kind of shit in sports commentary. Haha


A couple perfect punches followed by an excellent kick.


If you are a trained fighter and also an official, you should control your emotions. Of course you should defend yourself, hit back, but if you can kick like that, you should also know that a spinning kick like that, with a boots in the enemy’s face, can be lethal…With more knowledge comes more responsibility.


Took me like 5 views to see it was actually a kick to the face. I kept thinking I was seeing some kind of leg sweep that defied my comprehension. Clearly, I would have been devastated by this blow.


Sweet Chin Music


There's an ironic saying that seems to be fitting here, just can't think of, it's on the tip of my tongue......


Wow where is the full video?


Trick or treat smell my feet had me dying lol


Dang! That’s a good back kick!


I thought the dude was about to get pepper sprayed but nope got his head knocked off 🤣


I read “commentary Steve Irwin” at first. I was very excited. “CRIKEY! Look at that kick, isn’t it BUUITIFAL!”


They try to play the odds. Get the first lick in (almost always a sucker punch) and see what happens If dude goes down, jump on him kick him start taunting whatever If they dont go down start backing up or begging off like "just playing" Now when the other dude starts throwing hands and they realize they fucked up its usually too late They got 3 options. Try to get away or say anything to stop from getting their ass beat. Or depending on if they have friends or a GF there they might try to show out knowing they gonna lose but their friends will jump in Or just get knocked the F out But the general mindset is they think theyre going to steal on someone and they wont do anything.


it's already he got beaten bad and in style... now he's internet famous for getting beaten bad and in style.


He was plus on the 1,2 punish and the guy tried to mash into a f4. Classic scrub behavior.


“He comes in with a trick-or-treat, smell my feet..”




Fucker's beanie went, "Sayonara! You started it, Imma leave it to ya!", off his head as soon as the dude he slapped sent the reverse kick at his head.


Love it


That spinning heel said, class dismissed."


Fuck around and find out


Prob wont be doing much of that anymore


why the fuck's with the voiceover guy talking about malt liquor? I hate that in 2024 people are more openly racist than they were in 1994.


Bro was sent to mars


Anyone know if there’s a longer version of the clip? I wanna see this dipshit try to walk that off lol.


Announcer just said trick or treat smell my feet lol


I like that he got stunned with a 1 2, then got finished with a kick like in Mortal Kombat lol


https://preview.redd.it/lza78znhsr7d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066bdffbd39c13f591a29f155e39da2c2470063b Bro was as shocked as we were when the security guard just casually slid the foot into his face


The reason kicks don't work in the street is because everyone's legs decided that nothing should top this kick.


That kick was a work of art


Was that a lead left hook to a hook/straight right? It looks like it steps forward off the center line and throws a long left hook, not a jab


That heel kick was like a real life critical hit


That seemed just a little excessive since the guy was walking away which hopefully means an end to the fight but I’m hoping he learns not to hit strangers again.


Nope. If you are going to go from defense to offense you don't give them another chance. That was the martial arts equivalent of a "dead check".




People that know how to fight rarely start fights it's usually idiots with big egos and small brains


Walking away from a man you just attacked is such an interesting choice.


What a beautiful kick the accuracy


gave him that 2pc with a side of spinning back kick.




Rogan would jizz after seeing this, perfectly executed.


Bro had to feel so badass after landing that kick.


Walked right into it


Perfect spin kick


He zigged when he shoulda zagged


Kick landed perfect


Damn ROCKED his shit with the 3 piece


Trick or treat smell my feet had my gutted


This was great to witness. I was there that day. I was the sock the guy was wearing on his planted foot.


He put his phone back in his pocket first. That was ice cold.


Chat shit : get banged.


Trick or treat smell my feet is crazy😂🤣




Powerslap guy tries to fight Edson Barboza


Perfect execution dang


That round-house (chef's kiss)


Never seen someone actually get hit with a BnB combo in real life.


Fucking sick combo🔥


The lawyers will have a field day with the hook kick. The guy was retreating so it was unnecessary force.






What fighting style is this? Muy Thai?


I'll never understand why people don't expect to get hit back. Do they think the guy died after he got hit?


This is the best. The commentary 😂 fkn Kyle


I 💙 Karma


Spinning heel kick clean as hell


That was so hot 😮‍💨


Do you really think that? Killing someone that might have had a bad day?


Bro delayed his combo