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Why sparr that hard at the first place? Dude tried to knock his partner out


It was hard to watch, really. That was uncalled for.


It looked personal.


100%. Must have been a lot of jawing before the camera turned on.


Yup, headgear won't help much in such cases


Yup, his head snapped and he looked liked he didn't even want to be in there. just shit


It does protect your head nevertheless Its like saying ahhh welll im driving 100mph anyway so i dont need a helmet. Ofc you r gonna wear a helmet cause in the event of a horrible accident it protects you. You might still die but its still a protection


Thing is, headgear only really protects you from cuts, broken nose etc. There's quite a bit of evidence hinting at headgear having a negative impact on brain health and I personally absolutely despite it and the fact that you're forced to wear them in ammy fights.


Probably has a negative impact because of the false sense of security


Yes but I think there is more to it. I mean, headgear is much grippier, makes your head a bigger target, adds inertia without adding any stahility to your shoulder muscles and impedes your sight somewhat. It could only rly help prevent rotational movement if you staid below the threshold where the added mass of the headgear prevents movement alltogether. At which point you're sparring so lightly that you won't need it anyway.


Actually it reverse helps you. The more cushion the more rattle you can tolerate since it's less painful. The jarring is what kills the brain. Not the pain you want the pain to stop you not the concussion.


That was definitely not sparring. Looked like that was personal beef or an idiot saying he can take a shot without the gear


So relieved this was the first comment I saw. WTH is going on in that gym?


Yeah, that would’ve happened headgear or not.


He could have just tapped the backhand but decided to knock the guy the fvck out, class A asshole




I feel like there may have been some ego on the line.




It’s normal to do hard sparring with guys from other gyms to build experience. Typically your coach will set it up with other guys at your weight and experience. They’ll give you similar experience to fights without affecting your record.


Because he’s a dickhole with too big an ego.


100% If this isn't an exhibition match fucking rocky over there is a dick hole.


You clearly don't compete Hard sparring is meant for the real fighters that compete I don't understand why people say hard sparring is bad


In this case it was. On that basis the critics are correct.


There’s hard sparring and there’s trying knock someone’s head off. This kind of power is never necessary even in hard sparring


Please dont Tell me thats supposed to BE Sparring


Headgear only stops/minimizes superficial damage. Your brains still get scrambled in there.


Exactly, they removed headgear from senior amateur boxers in the olympics and the UK at all levels due to a study that showed headgear leads to more knockouts, not less. Cutting off your peripheral vision, greatly effecting head movement, false sense of security etc Juniors and women still wear them I believe but it’s more for optics than anything, and of course the risk of knockout is significantly less.


Headgear is great at preventing accidental head butting but otherwise sucks at everything else. It’s a false sense of security your protecting your brain does little to help and you probably take more shots to the head due to lack of vision.


And it stuns you more by making your head move more so you get hit more


Getting hit without headgear is like a thud. A brick thrown at a wall. Getting hit with headgear is like a thump. A brick thrown on a trampoline. Has a lot more recoil/ricochet.


Good analogy, then it’s knocked a few inches to the right so you have to re-adjust lol so you spend more time worrying about your headgear than defending punches.


Also, a study was shown that showed that wearing head gear can lead to more damage!


Maybe prevents cuts is the only other thing it does


“Accidental” Headbutting features prominently in my upcoming “6 months of Sprawl Training” instructional


headgear is great for beginners because they lack the technique and power to KO each other so there is no risk of cuts remember most of us boxing have outside lives we need to be healthy for


Yeah but you also have to keep in mind damage, especially to the brain, is additive from studies of CTE. However much your body's limit for concussions is getting paid for ESPECIALLY by the small concussions you can walk off. That's not to say that these big knock out concussions are safe but practicing for years and receiving concussions of any sort, say small ones from wearing head gear, is what apparently more than likely leads to CTE development. Protect your brain brothers, CTE is pretty bad.


I got a corporate job and meetings to go to lol can’t have gashes all over my face


Any chance you have the link to the study?


Also seems like headgear makes the head bigger meaning it can be torqued with more force. Like grabbing someone's motorcycle helmet and twisting it fast.


I do mid contact sparring, points, no knockouts and I guess it's fine for that but I would prefer not to wear it. It's not just that I get hit less it's that they stick to the headgear when they would slide off my head.


You can rub vaseline on the headgear before sparring


Thanks I never thought of that.


Lol, some of us need to show up to work next day, not looking like a mouldy potato. That is why I always use headgear. Also, it saved my nose many times.


Honestly always felt as though headgear just made my dome a bigger target and didn’t do much to mitigate damage. I can see them being useful in pre-fight camps where in you don’t want external damage to occur and re-emerge during a fight but other than that they actually seem counter intuitive, in a game of inches they just feel claustrophobic. I think for two beginners they’re not a bad idea but if you’ve got a partner you trust isn’t going to throw with malicious intent I don’t think they’re necessary in sparring.


How is there less risk of a knockout ? U agreed to the comment above you and then doubled down on the end. Headgear reduces cuts but u still get knocked out if ur brain moves too much no ?


I’m saying Women and juniors have less risk of knockout because they’re women and juniors, nothing to do with head guards. The very best female boxer in the world right now has two knockouts in 14 fights, and they came in her first 4 fights.


Oh so it was my fuck up. I'm sorry I somehow butchered that text. Sry man !


This is really one of the things that made Nunes so rare in MMA. Her punching power was far higher than what you typically see from women.


only prevents cuts really


To the point that there have been debates on whether or not to remove headgear as a requirement from all amateur boxing events. The theory is people get complacent and trust too much on the headgear but still end up doing damage.


What a tosser. Should be shown as an example of "this is how you don't spar".


what a piece of shit


He doesn't need sparring partners, he fights his demons.


People not getting your comment is a joke is insane.


It’s simply not funny


It's pretty fucking funny.


Nah it isn’t.


That's because Gen Z are too sensitive and get worked up about everything. You would probably cry if you even got drunk.


Some people of all generations are too sensitive and theres nothing wrong with that! Still funny though


I think its funny, My demons think its funny, we're going with funny.


What the fuck? You better not be a millennial talking shit like that after all the bullshit we got about that exact same thing. GenZ are friends not food.


Eat the whiny.


Bitching is an American pastime buddy


“It’s simply not funny” 🤓


„“It’s simply not funny“ 🤓“ 🤓


And likely sparks them too. That’s a real one right there.


Nothing to be proud of in this video. Shame on that guy with the headgear.


You always have that one retard that thinks sparring is a real fight. That retard is the guy with the headgear in this video.


And they never join tournaments cuz they know that their ass gonna pumped


Well duh. They’d crumple the second they had any real pressure coming back at them. They excel at beating up sparring partners because they don’t have to be afraid of the shots coming in


The blue person is an asshole I hope he won't find any partners to spar with


By that guys defence it looks like he is new and actually didn’t own any. No respect to the guy with head gear. Throwing that hard in a sparring match against a newbie and then not giving a fuck that he KOd him. Dude should try fighting people levels above him and see what happens.


Similar thing happened to me on my second ever sparring match. Thankfully the blue guy is a better boxer than my sparring partner was, or my concussion would be much worse lol


Sparring? Or trying to blast your sparring partners head off.


This type of person I’m in favour of just tying up and suplexing on their head, even in boxing sparring


More like, don't spar with assholes


That's nothing to do with headgear, he's out if that lands with headgear on as well


hey , light spar bro the light spar:


Why? It wasn't headgear that would have stopped that. Buddy was throwing heavy. Would have dropped him regardless. Headgear does more harm than good, unless you are prone to getting cut. Makes your head a bigger target to hit, doesn't take away really any impact damage, can block your peripheral vision, and can be hit and shifted on your head even if it's very tight and block your vision even more. Most gyms make it mandatory because it's a bare minimum way to avoid insurance issues by saying they make everyone wear "safety" protection. It's a common mentality in boxing gyms to spar hard all the time And it's doing more harm then good in the long term when you only have 2 targets to attach, head and body.


Helps protect my eyes tho. I got eye problems


For individual specific problems like that, yes, it's useful. I was just meaning in general.


Does it? I find it hinders more than helps. Makes it harder to see.


It's not about vision, it's that my eyes are particularly susceptible to injury.  The headgear I use doesn't mess with my visibility too much


If I am correct, even the head guard couldn't save him from knockout.


And good that it didn’t. Head protection could’ve saved him from a knockout and instead exponentially increase the amount of brain trauma bc he’d take more shots


I guarantee you even with head gear that would knocked him out. Even if he had motor cycle helmet that would wobbled him. The reason for that is the angle the punch came in and hit his side of his chin/ jaw area shook his head side ways creating a mini head whiplash and the brain bouding of the skull.


This is why so many people don‘t sparr any more


Ban him from the gym


Bro just hit a white fang in real life


Headgear doesn't help much when your opponent is trying to kill you


That’s no longer sparring


If he's not banned from that gym, then it can burn for all I care.


Average boxing gym light sparring


I’m my gym; you get permanently banned for shit like that. When sparring they have strict level rules. The guys sparring super hard are still sparring light to the head and hard to the body. And when not using gear the max level is far lower with bigger gloves.


Tell me you dont know how headgear works without telling me


Headgear wouldn’t have saved him


Would've happend with headgear. There's nothing protecting yr chin.


And now his “friend” is brain dead. Who needs enemies with buddies like this!


Headgear is for avoiding cuts and bruises not for avoiding concussions.


I would be fucking livid if I was "sparring" this idiot


This would’ve happened with or without headgear. Your chin isn’t protected. Blue gloves is just an asshole sparring partner.


WTF, I hope this was a competition or something. Totally uncalled for if sparring. The guy that got knocked out had his hands completely down.


He should’ve kept them up


Absolute dickhead move.


Bruh 🤦🏻‍♀️ isn’t this sparring lol


Only bitches wear head gear that’s why they aren’t pros


Finally someone says it. Guy has no chin how tf you gonna die from a simple one two by a dude wearing pillow gloves


Headgear or not, that man was going down with that kind of monster right


If you think headgear stops you from getting knocked out you’re a complete idiot. The head gear is for cuts only doesn’t stop any impact fucking think about it for 2 seconds


My goodness


Where is this gym?


It’s in Brisbane Australia


Thank you, didn't fancy going there with next to no striking skills


A few pros have come through there, but it’s a grindhouse


What gym is it bro? I’m from bris


Bro just hit him with Volgs White Fang


What a dick


Your headgear doesn't protect against brain trauma anyway.


Headgear wouldn't have kept him awake. It only would've stopped the floor from scraping his face


Helmet wouldn’t really stop this, it’s on his sparing partner for going way too hard.


headgear is for cuts




Head gear would have done Jack shit there. That guy is a dick.


Maybe gloves were a bad idea




That punch was brutal


Always try to brutally ko your sparring partner.


Then, headgear denies the re spar for the rest of his life


Headgear wouldn’t have stopped that 😂


What an absolute dick


he doesn’t need headgear, he needs to throw his jab more so the other guy can’t setup shots like that. The fact that he was against the ropes probably means he was already feeling overwhelmed.


Both morons


Problem isn't the headgear. Problem is the stupid guy Who's sparring that hard....


How about be careful not to KO your sparring partner


Great sparring match lol


Headgear wouldn’t have done anything


"NICE SONIC BOOM" ![gif](giphy|l3nW103mtGJjlsG08)


Taking off the headgear had nothing to do with him getting knocked out. Headgear helps mitigate soft tissue damage, but it doesn’t protect your brain at all. Getting hit in the head is getting hit in the head.


I've had more concussions in headgear than without. They just make your head a bigger target and can sometimes mess with your peripheral vision. I hate headgear. But on another note, not a good team member if you are sparring with head shots like that.


lol what’s the point of this. You wanted to play the game guy. Hope the scrambled brain and being knocked out cold is worth the part time hobby. I’m sure the guy that knocked him out will get his eventually or he will just stick to going 100% during sparring but never risk a real fight with people his skill or better.


Headgear wouldn’t have saved him. Headgear is for cuts, bruises and facial damage. It doesn’t nothing against percussive force to the brain.


Why was the headgear off in the first place? Also why go at it like an actual fight, the point of sparring is to test, learn, and condition, not win, and not hurt your partner. Frankly anyone who says otherwise doesn't get the point or is on something, you don't have to hurt your partner to train, save that crap for the actual fights when shit goes south


He died


Dude, what a dick to punch that hard


100% that was definitely personal


That was a classic lesson on how to block with your face. Well done.


why rip on a shot? what point are you proving? youre just making people move gyms and get CTE


Proving you are superior


prove youre superior to someone of your level on a pro or amatuer stage. youre not proving anything by knocking out training partners and weekend couch warriors. that's how you have less training partners and put more people out of the gym to injuries.


What a fkn prick.. hopefully he'll get in a car crash or get seriously injured some other way


Headgear would not have really helped. Bro who got dropped should not have been sparring with whoever the other guy is. Bad sparring partner with a chip on his shoulder


Headgear or not, that was a hard hit meant to put him down.


Amk o yumruktan kask mı koruyaca


I could see myself being either guy. I could be the guy without headgear saying 'it's cool. Hit me as hard as you want' then immediately getting Dr Stranged on camera. I could see myself being the guy with headgear, who obliged the shit talking noob.


That right was deadly


Headgear or not, he was going down.


That sounded like he hit an empty coconut shell OUCH


Fuck head gear.


When someone won't wear headgear, it means they want to hit you really hard, while they expect you not to hit them hard.


"Nice Dylan..oooooo" lmao


Op is a shit posting bot


Headgear doesn't work.


Choose your sparring partners carefully my friends


This is more of a be careful when choosing your training partner. The only time coach let us take headgear off in sparring is if one person is for prepping for a fight and even then, we're not supposed to go hard because if we take out a fighter, we're gonna get our ass whoop for weeks.


Yeah sure buddy


Headgear would've made no difference


Head gear is known to be worst for brain injuries .. all it does is prevent cuts.


Headgear doesn’t stop people being stupid


Guys like this get a lot of brain damage through their career since their always sparring hard making the other person spar just as hard.


Headgear not saving that brain from a knock out though ![gif](giphy|5nENF2BHX07mMiTbB1)


Shitty “sparring” partner


If it ain’t for money and people at swinging at yah, wear the fucking gear.


Dirty ass sparring partner.


#that was some intent wtf


Those are Mickey Mouse gloves buddy will be fine, mfs acting like the dude w the gear on committed a crime


He doing that while wearing headgear? Who is this guy anyone know? What a Loser


Headgear is to make it harder for you to get cut. Doesn’t do much to protect your brain from getting hit in the chin perfectly.


Head gear doesn’t prevent ko’s


This is why I discontinued sparring (was forced by my trainer to spar a professional boxer, and I'm just there for fitness). Some people just tryin to hurt you instead of just learning things. I ended up having bloods on my nose and mouth, and a week of headache maybe of concussion. I cancelled my membership after.


Something personal is going on in his head.


Ahahahaha there was this one weirdo who used to spar at my gym until he left to a different one. But the dumb ass was like mid 20's and was a judo black belt and had horrible striking, like ugly punches and didn't know how to throw a decent kick so he just wouldn't throw any. But he took sparring way too seriously and would bum rush with a girly looking flurry of punches, flicking his wrists like how a cat swats at toys type of punches. And I would just stick a jab down the center and let him run into it, basically knocking himself out. Happened twice funny as hell watching him snap his own head back and fall flat, face up. This idiot would spar the new guys, 13 year old kids, and girls like he was in a championship title fight. One day he throws a hook and swells up this girls eye our coach who's been with this judo autistic guy since he was in his teens finally gets fed up and tells this big Samoan guy (who's also a little off mentally but a sweet guy that takes it easy on the kids and girls) to go full speed on him to teach him a lesson on not hurting your training partners. This big Samoan guy has had his last 2 fights canceled on him so he just let's out all his frustration on this autistic judo guy and beats the brakes off of him. It only last maybe 40 sec, but it's just Samoan kid chasing this dude trying to back peddle and block but each time Samoan punches, it's just going right through autistic kids guard and snapping his head in all different directions. It looks like a heavy metal fan head banging but sped up so fast there's motion blur. Autistic kid back peddles into the wall and can't ride the punches back anymore. Judo kids head is stuck between punches and bounce off the wall behind him, then he falls stiff but not fully unconscious. Coach yells that's enough and tells Samoan to cool off, then checks on autistic judo guy. Judo guy sits the rest of sparring out, Samoan is still amped but he's a good guy so he's holding back and not hurting anyone. Coach talked with judo guy privately as we cleaned up and got ready to leave. Everyone gives Samoan respect and thanks, we all had enough of judo kids outburst in sparring.


Nice sound effects


Yeah throwing the overhand right like that in sparring is like throwing elbows in muaythai/ mma sparring. Super frowned upon.


Okay kinda unrelated but this reminds me so much of sparring with my bro and we put on head gear then we both agree it's dumb cause we agreed only body shots then almost instantly after taking it off he rocked me in the head, he's my older brother and it was genuinely an accident but just made this a bit relatable


For fucks sake it’s not about concussions with headgear it’s about cuts..


You could see that shot from a mile away, skill issue


Kind of an asshole move wouldn’t you say? I thought sparring wasn’t death match territory.




If you’re not getting paid lots of money you shouldn’t take a KO like that wtf


It's kind of hilarious that you think this would just not happen with a 2 inch foam pad in between.


The guy who got ko’d looked like an older guy judging from the gray hair. Don’t know the backstory but if there wasn’t some provocation the guy who ko’d him is a real douche.


Uh…be careful catching a right hook to the jaw. You’d need car airbags to stop that kind of power and execution.


Ouch 😯


Yeah, no. Headgear or not, that douchebag was hitting with way too much force.


Headgear mitigates cuts. Headbutts. It does absolutely nothing to prevent a knockout. 🕵🏻‍♂️


That's not sparring or sanctioned fighting. That's just a shitty guy.


I like how in these videos the dudes run off or walk away. Practically criminal behavior in the ring. Never in any of the recent modern videos do dudes hang around to see how their training partner is doing.