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We all know the suit's not gonna look the exact same when it reappears, right? They're gonna change it so they can sell more merch, like with every other hero.


I have no problem with them changing the suit. The only reason I'm saying so is because this suit looks more of cgi compared to Tony Stark's version which had more depth and realism in its design.


Yea when I saw this i thought it looked full on anime. I don’t like that this character was able to outshine all of Tony’s tech on her first appearance, even with the help of wakanda. If wakanda can make anything in a day, why wouldn’t they have already made a bunch of iron man suits for their military who still use energy blankets and super spears?


Once Marvel decided that nanotech and mobile fabrication labs were a thing it became too easy for them to fast track any scientific breakthroughs that the movie needs for the final act. All the tech is now so advanced that any "smart person" can basically just tell an AI what they want and the AI will make it perfectly in one try. Lets just skip tons of character development and undermine their work and effort with magic technology. Who wouldn't love it?


No more Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!


Joe Schmoe was able to build this in a basement! With ChatGPT!


I'm sorry sir, but...I'm not Joe Schmoe


One of my favourite things about Ironman 1 was watching Tony build the MK1 and 2 armours.


Armour wars should have been made just after ironman 2 or 3 for exactly this reason, is everyone gonna have nanotech suits? Will they all just look the same and do everything the other suits do? I wanted to see crazy knock off suits with weird gimmicks but now I couldn't care less.


I wish they would have showed us her building the suit and coming up with ways to make this suit better than previous Stark suits. It would have really added more depth to her character arc.


My biggest issue(s) was she appeared out of nowhere already dtf. No building up or intros. To a majority of people she’s unknown as a character. She felt forced, and shoe horned as an iron man replacement that hadn’t gotten nano tech figured out. Honestly could have done the movie without her


Marvel got tired of doing origin stories for every new character, and I think audiences got tired of it too. Unfortunately, they didn't exactly come up with a better way of introducing those characters in a way that made audiences invested in them.


Have them in thr wat tye Moon Girl showndoes, still frames and a narration in a minute


>Honestly could have done the movie without her Wish they would have. Just one of the many many things wrong with that movie.


It was a relatively good movie. But I’m of the belief that almost all of phase 4 (obviously the exceptions being spiderman 2/3, gotg3 and one or two more movies) was a wash of a phase. Saw everything in theaters first showing and bought the commemorative cups. The heads at Disney said “let’s crank out a ton of content” and said movies washed the magic out of that phase. What’s to come, I’m not judging till it’s out.


And then she becomes irrelevant after the first half of the movie.


Exactly this. The biggest part of the success of Phase One was the fact that most of the heroes used were already household names people just knew. All the way up to Phase Three even. Once they ran out of characters and had to introduce more obscure ones, they started to go downhill because I'm extremely sure that not even the writers knew who they were.


This take is waaaaaaay off. Most people had no idea who Iron Man was before 2008. The MCU made these characters mainstream, not the other way around. Not to mention stuff like The Guardians of the Galaxy, nobody outside of a fraction of the Marvel comics audience had any idea who they were and yet those movies were a huge success. The decline of the MCU's cultural and monetary success can be attributed to many things, but obscure characters are not the issue.


Waste no time on him. He’s just gonna write diatribes. This user is one of a few that made me basically swear off ever posting in this sub again.


What the actual fuck are you talking about? Compare how many knew Iron Man to how many NON MAINSTREAM FANS knew Guardians of the Galaxy during Phase One. Key word here: DURING PHASE ONE. Of course, once the MCU had an already built foundation, GotG's success was directly attributed to that. GotG had good writing, a good cast and director + the MCU's preestablished foundation from Phase One. Of course it's going to be successful, despite it's obscurity. Marvel already made themselves known, the characters they choose from whence on are irrelevant if done correctly. The problem is that they weren't done correctly. If we're talking about the reason as to why PHASE ONE was so good and your immediate argument against that was "PHASE TWO WAS ALSO GOOD", you make yourself look like a nincompoop.


Come now, , we totally saw her build the suit. Ya know, banging on that chest plate with a hammer and weld cutting out a heart piece from it, all with handtools, while in the most technologically advanced country on MCU earth...


As much as that's true, every character in not only marvel but every other movie gets to show us how they cope with different difficulties and get to show improvisation. For example, Shuri with all the technology she had, she used it to create the suit of black panther that absorbed kinetic energy and also attempted to remove the infinity stone from vision all being shown on screen. On the other hand, Riri just had everything on the onset with no character development whatsoever. As much as you claim technology was already advanced, what makes people love a character is when they show us how they solve issues using the resources they have.


I think when they reintroduce her, they should just be blatant about it and have her trapped somewhere with limited resources and have to build a suit from scratch. Hell, have the villain compare her to Stark and mock her by putting her in a cave with a box of scraps to test her.


And she built it in less than a week.


In a cave! With a box of scraps!


Traditionalism? Bureaucracy?


I don’t think bureaucracy is a problem in Wakanda, but maybe they have just stagnated due to the lack of real threats. They’ve never had to fight a war and upgrade their military. They kinda just get by on their bulletproof vibranium, hacking, and element of surprise (nobody expects spear wielding warriors to fight against their guns). For example if they had given the guard a gun in BP2, she wouldn’t have lost that fight on the bridge and had their princess kidnapped. Too traditional for their own good at times.


>I don’t like that this character was able to outshine all of Tony’s tech on her first appearance That's quite the stretch to say her suit outshined Tony's suits. I feel like people in this sub don't even watch the movies they are talking about.


I don’t think it’s a stretch at all. Have *you* watched the movies in question? If so tell me how her suit *doesn’t* overshadow Tony’s suits, I’ll be waiting. It’s sleeker, has bigger or equivalent guns, is just as capable as any of Tony’s suits, was made in a shorter time than any of Tony’s suits afaik, and it’s made of vibranium which essentially makes the user invincible. (Which is okay plot wise because she can’t keep it) The only thing that has broken vibranium in the mcu is the sword of Thanos… it really outshines iron man suits in every way I can think of. The only exception is that Tony’s last suit used nano machines to reconfigure on the fly, which while very cool and is more advanced, is simply not as protective as the vibranium seeing as it failed to protect tony from being stabbed. The suits main function is armor after all.


Careful, it sounds like you're becoming a Riri fan.


Her suit literally just has sound pulses. It doesn't have a fraction of the shit Tony's does. You're fucking delusional. Only thing you could say is if it's made of vibranium it's more durable than Tony's. And I'm also pretty sure the only reason she could even make the suit in that time was because of shuri who is at least on the same level of intelligence as Tony, if not more advanced due to being wakandan which has been shown to have much more advanced technology than the rest of the planet. It's like you dweebs purposefully ignore everything about a movie to make some asinine point that doesn't even make sense to anyone who as actually watched the movies. I would suggest watching the movies instead of YouTube videos of angry nerds reviewing them.


Are sound pulses an effective weapon? Yes? Okay then it’s equivalent. Don’t act like the suit couldn’t easily be fitted with guns or any sort of missile or weapon. They made it without an arc reactor too, I bet theirs was better. Your comment full of nonsense assumptions makes me smile, cause it shows how little you know and how desperate you are to label me and put me in a box of know-nothings. Well get this, I watched all the movies and watched no YouTube videos. My opinion is my own and original. If you can’t handle that go somewhere else. Of course you would just blame it on wakanda tech, but you’re showing off your lack of knowledge on plot points. Did you forget that Shuri sought *her* out for her brains because even to a genius like Shuri, this girl was incredibly smart. Smart enough to make a vibranium detector AND make a suit that can fly and take down a predator drone in her garage? Yeah don’t pretend like it was all wakanda. She’s clearly made out to be a genius like Tony. And on her first appearance, the first suit she made on screen was just as good if not better than Tony’s. Invincibility is a pretty huge advantage imo. She could quite possibly beat Tony in that suit 1on1. I hope her next suit made on her own is more original, but honestly they had one chance to introduce the character and I’m no longer interested in her. Maybe they can redeem her one day.


Looks like something Sonic has to fight in a game


It’s because she’s a woman. They don’t need to spend a lot of money on them. Even Shuri’s black panther suit looked very cgi compared to Chatala. I’m not saying Marvel is sexist, because they have a women near feige and in Disney, but they just agree they don’t need to spend money on women’s costume since it doesn’t sell well in toy merchandise.


Dude Tony's infinity war and endgame suits look cg as shit. After iron man 2 (probably 3) Tony's suits lacked any form of realism


That's a joke right? Literally everything after a while was nanotech, and while fantastically done, very obvious CGI lmao not because the tech required CGI but because it specifically looked like SFX


This screenshot looks wayyy faker than anything Tony ever wore though. Like yeah they’re all CGI, but Tony’s suits looked like they belonged in the universe and this looks like an in-game render from a PS4 game


“Depth and realism” 🙄


Yeah this one looks like some lazy transformers render


It was also built in 30 seconds in a garage with a box of scraps. Apparently that's both significant and not significant in the MCU these days.


Plus she had to give it back anyway


Have you ever seen Tony’s first suit?


It won't, 'cause she can't use it outside Wakanda


She literally uses it outside wakanda at the end of the movie


At the end of the movie Shuri says that this suit stays in Wakanda. So Riri can't use it anymore


What movie?


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever






I think they did the best they could given the circumstances. I think it absolutely succeeded as an exploration of grief, but that being said, I haven’t had a desire to revisit it.


I actually think it was better than the first movie, by miles.


BP1 was fucking awful too


Awful no. Predictable yes


How dare you have such a reasonable take. This is reddit!!!!!


Both yes


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford *^(pssst, she's only been in one movie.)*


Love that movie. I'll never forget the part when Dobby sacrifices himself to save the Justice League. Some people will cry "historical inaccuracy," but those people aren't fun at parties.


And that scene where Luke Skywalker holds back that mob of Velociraptor Terminators while Spock and the *other* Dr. McCoy, aka Beast, have to try and shutdown Skynet? Brilliant. The reveal of Dominic Toretto showing up with Gandalf in that white Charger with *Shadowfax* written on the side in the post trailer credits? It really set up the sequel.


Fun fact: that Charger's name? Bumble-motherfuckin-bee.


Perfect. This shit just writes itself. "That was Bumblebee the Yellow. *I* am Bumblebee the White."


Wait, so Bumblebee has Shadowfax written on his side?


My dude, no one is replacing anything!! Tony Stark is Tony Stark


Exactly, and this is iron heart two different characters. One obv took their inspiration from the other and made it her own. And hey every iron man he had a different suit so who's to say ironheart wouldn't change the design.


Iron heart before Doom in the MCU is stupid. Always hated iron heart like batman but black woman. Just shows up and takes over lavertia. Does nothing to deserve the mantel of Iron Man.


You had a point and then you turned it into racism. Fuck you.


Of course no one can replace me.


Replace these nuts... with press-fit rivets.


Self-sealing stem bolts


I have some Cardassian Yamok sauce, if you’re looking to trade.


They want Tony's corpse to show up on an iron man suit again, they can't let him rest


They're thinking that now with all the multiverse stuff a new one could replace him




Tony Stank*


"No one is replacing anything" Tell that to the many and many scenes of her doing quite literally the same iconic Tony Stark scenes. They didn't even try to hide it.


Doesn't that also show how much of a legacy Tony Stark has built over the time he was as Iron Man?? Also, do show me the stuff that they did that is, as you worded, "literally the same scenes"?




Looks like a knock off transformer


More like a Medabot


fucking go-bot.


I like the base suit, the back things overkill. But in the end it doesn’t matter because she had it confiscated by wakanda at the end.


Nah, im getting the feeling that by the end of the ironheart project, wakandans show up to give her a new upgraded suit to sell more toys


>ahh You can say ass on the internet.


I always picture someone doing "^^^bitchhhh" from key and peele


I’ve been seeing this all over TikTok. In my mind it makes everyone sound like Jeff Goldblum.


How does one do that? The one where selected text from the post shows up on the comment I dont even know how to write the above question in terms of google to understand when searching


Put a "> " before the line of text you want to quote. It's [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/) formatting.


Ngl I think “ahh” makes sense if you want to portray that exact sound lol, I admit I’ve typed it like that a couple times when “ass” didn’t fit with the tone


Have you ever seen the Michelin mascott...? They look nothing alike whatsoever


His name is Bibendum, put some respect on my man


this needs to be at the top tbh


Yeah, that looks nothing like someone who could reliably rate restaurants on a scale of 3 stars


LOL, the Michelin guide is not a star rating. A star is an award granted. A one-star restaurant in the Michelin guide is not a shitty restaurant. It’s an exceptional restaurant.


lol, apologies for lacking specifics, just thought it was funny, don’t arrest me!


It was a funny joke, I just thought you’d like to know!


How is this a meme? Also noone is gonna replace anyone. Stop being so dramatic


OP has officially lost all credibility on this post, as they have unironically used the word "woke".


I'd say OP lost all credibility when they wrote ahh instead of ass.


it’s funny that the word actually used to mean something, now it simply serves as an identifier for people that aren’t worth listening to.


op lost all credibility the second they posted this


Wait, where? I feel like I'm blind.


Probably post history


Yeah I checked. OP doesn't have that many comments.


It's OK to say ass, Steve Rogers isn't on reddit.


Does this sub even post memes anymore? What the fuck has happened


The only memes they post are 5+ years old reposts


I just noticed that those giant shoulder pads make the suit look more like a “heart” for Ironheart


Ok but it's ugly


What the power ranger fuck?


Looks worse than power ranger tbh. They were iconic, at least


And had actual practical suits, even the monsters and giants are suits


Nah that's Tom from Toonami


Who said she was replacing him? She’s not trying to be the next Tony Stark, she gets inspiration from him. Not every new hero is out to replace the old ones, I don’t know where people get that assumption from. Also where’s the meme?


>Who said she was replacing him? She’s not trying to be the next Tony Stark, she gets inspiration from him. Not every new hero is out to replace the old ones, I don’t know where people get that assumption from. She literally is the replacement. Her name is Ironheart. I don’t know if they’re still going to do it now given how poorly the newer movies were doing, and the fact that they’re bringing back Chris Evans. But ironheart was meant to be part of the next generation of younger avengers who are literally replacements for the actors aging out and moving on. Ironheart = iron man Kate Bishop = Hawkeye She Hulk = Hulk Yelena Belova = Black widow. Ant man’s daughter = Ant man Ms Marvel = Captain marvel


… yes, they take the place of their predecessors in the protection of the innocent. Riri was inspired by Iron Man, Yelena is honoring her sister, Kate was inspired by Hawkeye, Jennifer Walter’s doesn’t even wanna be an avenger and isn’t a teen, Ms Marvel was inspired by Captain Marvel, and Scott inspired his daughter to do more for the world. Just because they were inspired by or have similar capabilities to a character, doesn’t mean they’re going to replace them full time. Y’all gotta shut up


You clearly misunderstood or purposely ignored what I actually said. The new characters are literally replacements for the old characters whose actors have moved on. No amount of ranting about characters being inspired will change this fact.


It appears I misunderstood.




>complains the suit looks round >uses a compressed and blurred image that makes the suit lines less crisp/visible Hmmmmm


Let's just hope that her new suit from her live-action series will be better.


honestly i rather liked the design


I can’t revisit that movie, it was such a mess and Iron Heart seemed so forced in there and I really didn’t like the character at all.


It’s giving blue beetle but worse somehow


blue beetle suit from the recent movie is pretty good imo. Imo it kinda resembles vision. https://preview.redd.it/yb2sse82qz6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c47eae4ad4a40984dedeb509070a3a9d52aa4fd2 it's night and day compared to iron heart's suit.


Must have been the helmet that makes them so similar to me. I really hope we never see that suit again.


Yeah, I agree. It looks like something from animated 3d movie or a toy. Overall design is not bad, but quality is laughable.


It is giving Blue Beetle what? 


the moment you realize that people you hired that got a lot of degrees got them for checking all the right boxes and it had no relations to actual rl skills


Wakanda Forever really suffered because of the CGI imo. The suits were sooo bad. I did love this movie overall though.


Giving the suit cornrows was diabolical and I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about it


Brave defenders of the innocent


She ain’t replacing shit😭💀


Obviously it won’t be seen again as any new appearance means a new suit because of merchandising


Yes but she also wasn’t allowed to keep the vibranium in America. Not only would it be a risk for her friends and family, but also just the whole area if an enemy got their hands on it.


Looks like something out of an obscure early 2000s show


Op def saw only clips on youtube


Beetleborgs are back, baby! ![gif](giphy|UsKzMkfDHw1Pi)


What the Metroid Prime am I looking at?


Anytime i see the word ahh I can’t help but thinks it’s a 16 year old


I forgot about this whole thing already


https://preview.redd.it/1rtolvocz07d1.png?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcff0822cc5185ca09cbec4a9d95982b7bb0142 Don't worry, as people have said before, the Wakandans are keeping that one. Riri's Mark 3 will look way better, in my opinion anyway.


that really does look miles better. I still wonder why the fuck they gave her wakandan suit cornrows though lol


I do not know how the IronHeart series is going to be successful. Besides being the worst part of BP:WF, the suit looks goofy, her comic run wasn’t great, and Disney doesn’t seem like they have the highest confidence in this show. It was mostly finished almost 2 years ago.


I just hope the series can bring at least half an episode of character developpement she REALLY needs it


It won't be. Her character sucks


Looks like fan art


it looks like it came from a cartoon


The problem is the native that she is IM replacement. It’s a diff character, fulfilling a role of ‘person in super suit’ but with out the market/rank IM carries in the MCU so there should t be a link between them at all. Peoples minds run crazy and can’t let go of the past.


I think it looks dope 🤷🏼‍♂️


Design yes, the CGI itself was pretty bad


honestly I like the armor, but the helmet/mask needs some work it looks weird.


Absolutely 0 character development. Instantly a genius with a powered suit. Then wakandans gave her the.desources to build this thing. No nuance or flaws to her character, Zero interest.


I thought this was a blue beetle villain


Truthfully I have completely lost interest in the MCU. Ihave waited years for a Fantastic Four movie and a bad ass Dr Doom and now I don't give one single fuck.


Her OG suit is the scrap one she built in the warehouse, which is probably what we'll see in the show


Marvel stopped making movies after infinity war.


I don't like that it looks like not her first suit. Look how thin those arms are. She got it that compact the first or second try?


Tell me this image isn't from a "live action" showing🙏


I like that the jetpacks are supposed to give her a heart silhouette. But yeah a bit too rounded.


Michelin man, ah yes, the resemblance is uncanny.


Wait, wtf is this




Looks like a Fortnite skin. 🤦‍♂️


I understand is a whole different style, but why it have to look so CGI?! Even the last suits of Tony didnt looked that terrible on screen.


I kinda liked it? We’re reaching the stage now where we’ve had….what, 15 different “mech suit with guy driving” variants, so I’m totally ok with them making it look super visually distinct. Does it look goofy as hell? Yeh, totally. Does OG iron man being bright red and gold look goofy? Yeh, totally, until RDJ made it looks cool as hell. If the Ironheart movie is good, we’ll all go “oooh wow who new shoulder thrusters was the next cool look?”…..**if it’s good** Again, I liked it as a starting design point though


This looks like one of the NFL Superpro designs 😭


Power rangers in marvel!!1! omgggggg


Looks like a Michael Bay Transformer. The only “Ironheart” should be Morgan Stark. Not this nonsense.


This suit looks like it's hosting the NFL on Fox


Ultra man


I like the look of it.


to be fair, this is what Tony’s suits looked like in Infinity War and Endgame. also this wasn’t Riri’s original suit, and isn’t coming back like they said in the movie


While I agree to the notion, that her Vibranium Suit here was not a good introduction for her character being “makeshift” just to take it away again at the end - it looking “anime” is a nice nod to her comic origins, where she basically flys a gundam suit made with ressources she got from MIT in the beginning. Once she is on her own-ish again (she gets sponsored by stark industries and uses tonys conciousnes as her suits AI, so shes not on her own per se) she designs a couple of suits way more in Line with Tonys designs.


Nono the fact is that friggity froggity fraggity freaking fucking sucks.


I love this suit, but she's not allowed to keep it remember. She's gonna have a new suit anyway cause Wakanda being stingy


Wait. That's the actual suit? I actually thought it was a bootleg toy when I saw it in stores.


Did they do that with the shoulders to make a heart? Cripes…..


The suits took a nosedive after Ultron, they look like Warframe suits not iron man


Looks like a Transformer.


Me before the movie "Why's everyone hating on Iron Heart? Riri seems pretty cool, and it's a comic book, who gives af if it's a young kid making a suit." Me during the movie "Oh throw that fucking thing into the sun."


The suit didn’t look great, I’ll admit. The shoulder pads were a strange touch. But other than that I actually quite liked the design.




We need to get back to real props. 2008 effects look way better than modern and it’s embarrassing


God damn that suit looks so awful. I’d say it’s the shoulder blades but really it’s everything. The color scheme is nonsense. The mask is lazy. It doesn’t look like a suit, it looks like a robot. They need to bulk up the arms. Cut the face mask so it has some sense of personality. Flatten out the shoulder pads way more. It needs a complete overhaul.


But it looks like a heart!




Is it wrong that I see this and just assume OP is sexist, racist or both? Like, maybe he's not, maybe he's just really into CGI wardrobe choices or he thinks this looks like The Michelin Man (.... what?) for real even though, like, no.... But that seems way less probably than he has a problem with women or black people or both and wants to bitch about it without outing himself. I can't be the only one, right? Maybe I'm conditioned by the waves of idiot vitriol anytime anyone does anything "woke", because they come out of the woodwork but so far seem to realize the need to keep the quiet part, well, kind of quiet anyways. They're still pretty openly racist / sexist / homophobic / whatever. So when I see something like this, I can't help but think buddy doesn't actually give a shit about the suit, couldn't care less, he's just big mad it's a black and/or female character.


I completely get it. I’m the same way, it takes me a few minutes to come to a conclusion. Right or wrong, it takes me a bit.


People say that she's not going to replace Tony... Did we watch the same movie? They tried to make her like him by simply copying and pasting his iconic scenes, without trying to make her own... Dramatically hitting the armor with a hammer cave scene; The armor's blaster shooting in testing, making them fly back; Falling off the sky with the armor not working, then getting it to work last second, making them scream in excitement and more... But i guess we ignore those scene, and when someone tries to point it out we go "hahaha those are just normal scenes THEY'RE NOTHING A LIKE you're reaching hahaha".


No, ok. They are alike, but If you’ve made a suit that can do those things and haven’t tested it off screen, then you test it on screen and it’s just normal. Cause how would you react if you fell out of the sky in a failing suit, and then managed to get it back up and running? How do you imagine you’d react if you put too much power into a blast on your first test? And she’s making this just before a battle, so obviously she would have to hammer out the metal so it is the right way. Honestly, people who complain about this are the worst. Yes they are similar, but that’s cause the armors they use are similar.


Give her a break, she's a teenager. Not everyone can come up with the Spidey suit on their first try.


The look of the shit doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is this shitty character.


Just say what you actually mean "women are in movies and I don't like it. I want to see sweaty men take their shirts off! I don't like women, I like men!"


is that projection from you or OP? he never commented on the fact that riri is a woman, he was commenting on the suit exclusively. Why are people outing themselves in the comments lol


Wrong post man


There’s shitposts and then there’s 💩 posts.


The CGI has gone so far downhill:(


Chill out you just mad cause she is a girl and that she black the looks good


She's one of the reasons this comic book nerd from 1983 doesn't give a shit anymore about the M-SHE-U.