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It's also a gross misuse of one of the world's best actors and one of Marvel's best villains.


The God Bomb arc was easily my favourite Thor story.


Not to mention, that it took one of the (arguebly) best Storylines, that Marvel Comics ever gave us - and turned it into a bad and boring joke.


i used to be in this camp but honestly, that character is hard to develop in 1 movie. he would need a thanos level multi movie arc to give him the right depth


That's why you give him more than one movie. I disagree that'd need to be Thanos level, but like, start a Thor trilogy where he's the main antagonist of all three, like Vader in the og Star Wars Trilogy.




Well cos they said villain as well, it's obviously about bale as gorr


The problem is everytime they tip toe in a even slightly more mature fields they immediatly try to overshadow these moments or backpaddle with poorly timed over the top comedy. Every conversation in this movie feels unorganic and forced for me


Who's they? This was all Taika


All Taika and everyone who blindly said yes to Taika’s ideas.


I’ve only seen it once but there’s a scene where Valkyrie and Jane are having a serious conversation and then one of them pulls out a Bluetooth speaker and they both start doing a little head nod dance thing that just took all the air out of everything. That was the point I just wanted it to be over.


What purpose did that scene have?


Executives are terrified of emotion and art. The Rogue One original script was mangled the same way. Fantastic Four originally had a serious, interesting tone including a sequence with Dr Doom walking down a hallway exploding people's heads with telekinesis, and a bunch of other changes that made it a jumbled, incoherent mess when the execs were through with it because the whole tone of the film was shredded and Frankensteined into the end result. Rule: if it makes people feel something, it's time for studio interference.


That's not all it is. Just an uncomfortably large amount


This is the second of these posts you’ve made today. If you’re gonna spam, at least use a different format.


Bots can't understand your point


You’re right, that’s not all it is. But they’re so bad they completely overshadow any good qualities of the movie


Couldn't have said it better. It also left me feeling like a sucker for ever reading the legendary run it's loosely based on which was basically the Spider-Man NWH of Thor stories. My expectations were way too high from the outset.


When the actor who plays the protagonist has to apologize (even though it wasn’t even his fault) for the movie, then the movie has received the hate it deserves.


it is HIS fault too. Chris isn’t a funny actor. he is great at playing something serious. he also wanted thor to be funny,


Only good thing I can say about it Is Christian Bale and his scenes. I also hold no grudge against Natalie Portman and other actors, who tried to make it work, but other than that it's not good at all. Honest question: Why do you like it/think Its fairly decent?


it's insane that there was apparently so much more footage of Gorr they decided to cut I guess Taika just thought those fuckin goats were so damn funny they deserved the screen time more


This. They let Taika off the leash (that he had with "Ragnarok") and we got such a bad movie, that it's honestly surprising it even got through Marvel Studios itself...


Thor's suits were good


Slightly over the top, but yes


Overhated? The movie was so bad that the main actor apologized for its tone and hopes the sequel can be better and more grounded. This post is pure bait and I don’t like you for it.


I’ve rewatched Ragnarok over and over. I’ve never rewatched L&T.


That's what makes a good movie good rewatching it multiple times, also I know Thor Ragnarok by memory


I hate this format so much.


Yeah it’s so lazy. How is this a meme? Its just a statement with angry Lisa underneath


I think you've misplaced your "bad". It goes in front of "jokes".


It feels like a really long SNL skit hosted by Chris Hemsworth outside of the scenes with Christian Bale and even some of those are dicey.


That’s why I like the movie


You know, that whole paragraph isn't really a complement. The fact the whole movie feels that way, is exactly why people hate it so much...


That doesn’t make it a good movie


It is though, and it is bad, which is a shame


I would like to start conversation: having so much jokes, bad sgi AND power of friendship as ultimate finisher in movie that is trying to be depressive is extremly stupid. Cancer, villian that is killing gods becaose gods ignored believers and main protagonist without any family member searching for meaning of his life is depresive movie.


This is what confuses me about the hate this film gets. I always thought that the point is that life is depressing. Life is also funny. It's beautiful and horrible and every thing in between. I liked that the Gorr scenes are black and white (metaphor to how Gorr sees the world) and very neon technicolor where Thor is. I don't think that it was executed particularly well, but I never found it jarring. To each their own though. We can still agree that Dark World is worse though, right?


Yeah, don't forget about cancer balancing out the jokes and a god killer that doesn't kill very many gods on screen.


only 1


Honestly, my only issue with it was Cringe Thor. But that was a *big* issue.


The only accurate Thor is the one who appears in the avengers movies. Sure, Ragnarok was fun, but turning Thor into a dumb jock who makes dick jokes and gets knocked out constantly was a terrible direction. He’s meant to be as serious a character as Cap, if not more so because of the scale of the things he has to face. Imagine they make a John wick movie with screaming goats and a few crude jokes. No-one would take it seriously just because of them even if they rest of the movie was completely serious.


Yeah i didnt feel anything at the end when asgardians died and asgard got destroyed. Cause the tone that was set early on Mlmade that impossible


The only time we really see him grieve any of it is in the avengers movies, which is silly


Yeah there is such a big difference between solo thor and avengers thor


Yesss! I don't understand the love for Thor in Ragnarok, because even in Ragnarok I felt that the humour for Thor was over the top. Thor was best in AoU and Infinity War; the right kind of humour for him (not the snarky, Stark or Peter Parker kind of humour that seems to be applied to every single MCU character lately), and buffed somewhat correctly.


Yeah. Ragnarok was ruined for me with the opening scene turning thor and sutur into laughing stocks. I felt nothing when asgardians got slaughtered cause the tone the movie set from the start made it Impossible for me to care. Ragnarok is such a epic concept. The excecution wasnt.


Ragnarok was (for me) the perfect blend of action and comedy. It also helped that they managed to get the imigrant song


It wasn't just the jokes and the bad CGI. The story and the villain themselves made no sense especially after Thanos. Plus, how tf do kids learn to fight monsters without any actual training?


I'd argue that the Story and the Villain did make sense as a concept - but what fell flat, was the way the Story was written.


I liked it, but Jane Foster's run as Thor is really quite important to me since I read it while in the hospital recovering from a suicide attempt. The movie doesn't quite hit like the comics did, but I did really love seeing it brought to the screen so I'm more than happy to overlook it's problems.


That's understandable for me. Wishing you the best


What's there other than that, underutilizing a villain like Godbutcher OR making a clown of one of the strongest MCU characters? Or making a bigger clown of Zeus?


The continued diminishment of male characters in anything that Disney touches…


But that's worse. You do see how that's worse, right? If it kept the same jokey tone throughout, that would be fine. It was the constant switching between screaming goats and the female lead literally dying of cancer which is what made the film the mess that it is.


That is all it is.


It’s full of tonal whiplash.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there are people who defend this movie...


I’d argue it’s not hated enough. Even Chris Hemsworth publicly admitted it wasn’t good.


No one is literally talking about how good or bad the cgi is in the movie. The cgi is not the point. Are ***YOU*** sure you're ready for this conversation?


I mean the floating head FaceTime thing was horrible, but apart from that


I don’t know how you’d even be able to make that look good…which is probably why they should’ve done a different approach with that scene. Like maybe make it look like Axl’s standing in the room with him just like how Thor looked like he was in the same room as all those kids?


This. They already made Axl's power work the same way Heimdall's did - by simply visualizing Thor's "hologram" in front of the kids. There is basically no reason to make it work different, when Axl himself is showing up somewhere else. Hell, they didn't even need to make it a CGI hologram to begin with - they could have just showed us Thor and Axl in different places, with both having glowing eyes, and everyone would understand what's going on...


Yeah, that probably would have looked better, or make a “portal” style effect that they can only talk through. The rest of it may not have fit the story, but the CGI wasn’t THAT bad


It’s me, the person who keeps saying that Waititi tried to do something a little unique, that subverted the conventions of humor and absurdism. I just don’t think he was entirely *successful* in the attempt.


Not super into it but definitely didn't think it was worse than a lot of other movies people celebrate. I must not be as cultured as the rest of the world though I guess




regardless of your opinion of the final film you have to admit that how they introduced a pantheon of gods into the MCU was pretty cool. And showing that Valhalla exists in the MCU is pretty rad and implies that Loki prime is there too.


You know, I actually liked it better than Ragnorok.


You’re right, 80% of the movie isn’t all of the movie


It's not ALL jokes and bad CGI. It's just too much of it for its own good.


The problem is, the plot is a joke, and every serious moment got undermined by jokes. Seriously, go watch the deleted scenes. If they swapped them out with their replacements (they clearly were replacements) the movie would've been 10x better.


There was good stuff in there, but also a lot of wasted potential. That's what makes it frustrating.


You know, if your plate is only half filled with shit, it isn't that much better than a plate filled entirely with shit.


It's not solely jokes and humour but the amount of it, and the low quality of it, overshadow and drown out the more emotional moments in many ways. And Christian Bale was criminally underused. I'd have happily seen him as the new overall villain over Kang, doubly so with the shadow hanging over Kang in general cos of Majors.


it’s not all bad jokes and cgi, but that stuff is very distracting when you’re watching it


Yes, it is all jokes.


For gods sake stop defending bad shit already. What does it help or improve in film quality or future projects? Fucking nothing, be critical, open your mind stop being a sheep


I couldn’t take the movie seriously with how much of a joke it was.


I don't like what they did to Odin tbh


I enjoyed it overall, but the second half was alot better than the first half. I feel the first half relied alot on humour and it did kind of overshadow alot more serious stuff, but it had toned down alot by the second half.


I pre-ordered the movie. Then I saw it on Disney+ and cancelled my pre-order. Which was the first time I had ever done that. At that point Thor 4 was the only Marvel movie that I didn't own on Blu-ray and then decided that my collection of MCU movies was big enough.


They show "The God Butcher" only killing 1 god... It could've been so epic showing him taking down a pantheon or 2. Heimdall's son out of no where. like HERE catch a succesor to Heimdall for your Young Avengers team. The whole movie leaned a bit too much into the kids, making it feel like a Spy Kids movie at times. Too much Clown Thor, need more Kickass Infinity War Thor Korg over stayed his welcome, Things i liked. Portman as Thor was done well, she trained her ass off and it showed. She has great chemistry with Tessa Loved Zeus! Greek accent and all. Same goes for Hercules. GotG cameo was fun.


Let me know when the movie actually takes it's own serious scenes seriously without cutting away to a shitty joke or an immediate contradiction. So no, the movie is NOT overrated. It deserves all of it


Yes it really is! I mean I don't really like it, or any of the thor movies, or Thor as a character... in anything... but it's definitely overheated!


I enjoyed Love and Thunder. It’s hard to live up to Ragnarok. Maybe it’s the sappy old man in me, but I had fight back tears a few times with this one


It is neither overhated nor underhated.


It is very hated, which is just the right amount of hate.


I put it in a similar category as The Flash. I think the actual storyline is solid enough but the overemphasis on humor really hurts it. That and the CGI and green screen issues.


It literally is though


It’s an okay movie but a terrible adaptation of one of marvels best storylines, even my uncle who stopped reading comics a long time ago (he’s been a marvel fan since the seventies) didn’t like it


It was so bad the main lead actor acknowledged how goofy and senseless it was.


No it’s not. It’s sufficiently hated. One of the worst MCU films. Especially compared to the source material and potential it had.


Personally me and my dad liked it and it harder considering he lost his mom to cancer and I lost my grandma (mom’s mom I never met his mom) to cancer.


Not overhated. It is just badly written but this entire sub is weird and doesn't understand the discussion between "liking it" and "quality" People like the room. No one in the right mind would say "The room is a high quality movie."


I wanted less jealous Stormbreaker and more Jane with cancer. The compelling part of Jane being Thor was in her decision to keep being Thor even after realizing that it purged the chemotherapy drugs. Rather than being scared of dealing with the cancer, I would rather have watched Jane be scared to use the hammer. Her scientific mind knows that being Thor is killing her, but she can't get out of the "with great power" mindset. That would have been a great movie on it's own, though it could be serviced decently as a B-plot.


i'd say it was certainly...good


Ragnarök was the perfect blend of comedy and story. Love and Thunder tried way to hard for comedy when most of it fell flat making it cringeworthy. I like Gorr and Christian Bale but they could have done so much better with the character


I like it :shrug


Everyone I've watched it with including myself enjoyed it. I was honestly surprised to find the wider community hated it.


It's my favorite marvel movie. 🫠


Syf death scene was the only thing I didn't like about it. Loved the rest and the end fight was one of my favorite in all marvel movies


It's also a completely wasted villain and bad effects...


Idk they completely wasted Gorr. Completely wasted Christian Bale. I think it deserves more hate tbh


Nobody talks about how all of the over the top wacky stuff happens when Korg is the narrator. We’re seeing that part through Korg’s eyes.


That's somewhat of a good point, but at the same time, is that even a valid defense...? People aren't referring to the movie as a story, that happend within the Universe - they talk about it as a Film, that they watched. And in that sense, Korg's possible narration was just a horrible way to make this movie. They took one of the best and most serious Storylines from the Comics, with one of the better written Villains that Marvel ever made, and Taika literally turned it all into a bad and boring joke, that doesn't know when to stop...


Such a lame copey excuse 😂, that doesn’t take away from the fact the movie was garbage


No one is coping. And no one said it was good. I was just pointing out that the goofiest parts of the movie were being told through Korgs eyes and most people are too media illiterate to realize it.


That is an excuse. Why are u making a big budget high calibre movie on one of the most popular marvel & mcu characters through a gay rock monsters eyes ? Thats a lame copey excuse & the movies Destined to fail


Lmfao people just downvoting us.... guess they ain't ready for a conversation


I'd "bad jokes and CGI" but I did largely enjoy it.


And the comments prove your point


It had jokes?


Very over hated. It's my second favorite Thor movie after Dark World.


I enjoyed it. Haters can eat my ass.


😂let me guess, u enjoyed secret invasion and Quantumania too?


Yep. And if you didn't, we have nothing to talk about.


Wow, I informally revoke your marvel “fan” status


It's also woke washed.


It’s garbage , stop simping for mid-life crisis campy weirdo Thor