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Yondu. Honestly most of the Guardians stuff, but specially Yondu.


Good or bad? I feel like that should have been a requirement for this post, stating if you think they were good changes or bad ones


Oh my bad, I like them


Thank you for the clarification! I did as well.


Yondu felt like a big loss in GoTG


His funeral might be my favorite scene in the MCU


I like what we got, but I’d still love to see an OG GotG production of some kind. I don’t think it’d be able to be canon with mcu, though. Also not sure how they would do Vance Astro.


We got a mostly-complete OG Guardians lineup as "the Ravagers", so there's still hope!


And it was cool to see them! Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful. I’m just an old guy with dreams. 😅


Same here, bro, same here.


Bucky being a childhood friend and not a side kick + getting the superhuman serum


I see where you’re coming from, but I’m not sure how well MCU cap would’ve worked with a Side Kick. There aren’t really that many super hero movies where the main character’s got a side kick, is there? Like, Sonic, Batman and Robin, Batman Forever, maybe Iron Man 3 with that kid, but I feel like Steve is too “I see everyone eye to eye” to have a sidekick. Even Peter, Wanda, and other younger characters, he’s talked to them like adults, treated them fairly. The only person I’ve seen him have an “authority” problem with in the MCU was Tony, and the people who treated him like he couldn’t help people.


I think that’s something he likes, that’s a pretty common sentiment that MCU Bucky has a better origin than comics Bucky


Yeah, I’m a huge fan of MCU Bucky’s backstory


Comic book Bucky got a better origin story than he had before when Brubaker brought him back in his Winter Soldier story. He was a child assassin and did the dirty work that Captain America couldn't be seen doing.


Had to do this because child soldiers are not going to cut it today.


You say that, yet Spiderman was 14 when Tony got him involved in the whole Civil War debacle. Not a soldier, but certainly a combat scenario.


That’s fine, I’m pretty sure Groot was less than 1 when his parent figures took him to fight monsters and even gave him the detonation button for a WMD.


Reading the comics for the first time and that was a disappointment.


The redesign of the ten rings as kung fu Iron Rings and the redesign of Atlantis to Talokan are some of the greatest improvements over the comics.


> the redesign of Atlantis to Talokan are some of the greatest improvements over the comics. Geniunely curious why you think this. Not trying to start an argument or anything. I'm usually more of a "traditionalist" when it comes to adaptations. I didn't *not* like the change but I also haven't felt it was necessarily needed either.


Not op, but to me it felt more grounded (ironically because it's set in a superhero universe.) But nonetheless. Changing Atlantis to Talokan was a great way to differentiate the DCEU and MCU underwater civilizations.


I agree. Keeping it in Atlantis would've been a pretty dumb move considering the Aquaman movies were still coming out. Talokan was a way better choice.


Vulture Costume has one of the best redesigns in Comic Book Movie history, and the twist was genuinely surprising I don’t like that they made Captain America’s Shield purely Vibranium; what made it special in the comics that it was made of Vibranium AND a mysterious, accidentally created Steel-Alloy(aka Proto-Adamantium). The steel-alloy was unique enough that a guy who could manipulate molecules considered it weirder than Mjolnir and Silver Surfer’s Board. Making the shield(as far as we know at this point) purely Vibranium, makes removes what made it unique compared to literally any other weapon from Wakanda


In their defense, they couldn't reference adamantium until Disney purchased Fox, but I still agree. I would have rather they kept it vague and still called it a mysterious alloy or something.


They could have just said *some element Howard concocted*, then perfected by Tony in Iron Man 2.


Why would it only be perfected by Tony in IM2? Wouldn't it need to be perfected when Howard made it in order to make the shield?


Because that was the plot of IM2. Howard discovered an element but he cannot synthesize it because the technology doesn't exist. They could have said that Howard's version was unstable, so they have to mix it with vibranium. Then Tony made one that can be mass produced and used as an unlimited power source.


On a side note, I hate that IM3 erased that whole part of IM2 by Tony just getting heart surgery.


Well. He couldn't do it. He needed extremis


>mysterious alloy Tony: "They called it... *mysterimantium*".


Also Vultures' music was sick


Speaking of villain costumes, I love how they made the Mysterio costume work in the movie.


>Vulture Costume has one of the best redesigns in Comic Book Movie history, and the twist was genuinely surprising I don't want to spoil anything for people who haven't watched the newish *My Adventures With Superman* cartoon, so I'll spoiler tag this... >!they did the same twist in this show near the end of season 1 and it was a bit of a shocker there as well.!<


Isn't it a vibranium/steel alloy in the MCU?


Howard made the Shield as noted in The First Avenger, and he never mentions it being made of anything other than Vibranium, noting that the Vibranium is the reason why it’s so durable Black Panther was also able to damage the shield in Civil War since it was made of the same material; he wouldn’t have been able to do that if it was the comics


I like that they gave Thanos motivation/ideology beyond just trying to romance Death… …however, when it was announced that Hela would be the villain of Ragnorak, I immediately assumed that she would be Thanos’ love interest, and that synergy felt both clever and obvious, as a good simplification should. I would have liked to see that storyline play out in some fashion.


To me, the issue with that is that Death is an celestial type being. Omniscient and all powerful. So Thanos seeks her favor. Hela is just another (granted powerful) Asgardian. Infinity powered Thanos has no real reason to seek favor from someone he would, probably, see as an inferior.


Oh my god, I never thought about that! That would’ve made sense, and it would’ve given Thanos Motivation against the Asguardians specifically for killing his lover. Damn, that’s crazy


I have only read X-Men comics so I'm not familiar with that storyline. Could they possibly still run that story  maybe in 10+  Years down the road. Ragnarok never shows Hela dying. Could she resurrect Thanos and have that be his driving force to being a big bad for another avengers movie? Or does that seem like a cop out to bring Thanos back 


You are correct, they absolutely could bring them both back at some point. Even if Hela did die in Ragnarok, the Goddess of Death resurrecting herself feels on-brand, and could easily be connected back to the Blip (so much death, undone) And a resurrected/undead Thanos would make a fearsome Executioner for a reborn Hela seeking vengeance on the universe…


Somehow, Thanos returned.


Strongly disagree with this one. His grand plan is just dumb in this version, it takes about 30 years for Earth alone to recoup from the snap. Pretty sure Thanos is at least a few hundred years old so 30 years is nothing to him. He's smart, he should know that this plan wouldn't do anything more than kill a lot of people. Because that's the only way the snap make sense, as a thing to kill a lot of people at once. Take away the entire worshipping death aspect and it makes no sense for what is supposed to be a smart villain. Him being "mad" doesn't mean he's stupid. And I seriously dislike how everyone portrays it as if he was horny or some shit. He's been groomed since childhood to be a killer, groomed by the aspect of death. Him wanting her as his "mate" is the part where he's mad, he's thinking he can be with a celestial aspect of the universe. Because he's so high on himself that he thinks he's worthy of also being a god of death. And then when he collected the stones and became even more powerful than death she suddenly hated him, because of his arrogance and lack of respect for life itself. To me that's a hell of a lot more interesting and makes more sense than "my people were overpopulated so I want to do a dumb plan tangentially related to overpopulation".


You need to read more comics if you think that's Thanos main motivation. I mean, it was in the infinity gauntlet saga, but still


Moon Knight's costumes are the best redesigns of a comic costume IMO. The River of Truth speech given by Sharon instead of Cap and omitting the "river of truth" line which is so important to that speech and why the speech is called that was a bit criminal.


Moon Knight’s costume is so unbelievably good. Whoever came up with the idea to incorporate mummy wraps into it is an absolute legend.


one thing i desliked about mcu, its the fact that they killed many villains that would be cool to see in a movie sequel or going after the avengers, its such a waste of potential to kill the villains so soon, imagine if iron monger whiplash crossobones redskull scorpion vulture msyterio yellowjacket malekith hela and etc imagining they returning to fight the heroes in a movie sequel?, all this villain could form the villain team masters of evil and etc


This, and I've always wanted them to tap a different characters villain. Like let's have spiderman vs crimson dynamo or something


crimsom dynamo its a ironman villain but thats ok, i would love to spiderman fighting magneto or dr doom on mcu like it happened many times in comics animated shows and etc, the same said for other marvel characters it would interesting and cool to see some avengers fighting other characters collegues villains in the movies, imagine idk ironman fighting kingpin malekith redskull and magneto, or spiderman fighting whiplash and redskull


I’m in a not using commas competition and my opponent is Rockyfast 😳


i have to say your comment made me smile, thank you u/IAMACat_askmenothing


He said a “using commas” competition lol, he’s saying you used too many instead of breaking up into multiple sentences.


thanks u/NeonWafflez, i forgot some spelling rules, and many time ago people would complain in comments on youtube and etc that i didnt used commas in my comment, so i got used to using lots of commas in my comments, sorry for the overuse of commas i guess


Haha I didn’t mean to best yourself up about it u/RockyFast, it’s the Internet, and we’re on Reddit, people are gonna complain about what they want, but who cares? I think we can type how we want. You’re plenty polite and I think your ideas were cool. Have a good day :)


thanks and have a nice day u/NeonWafflez


ON MY GOD ABSOLUTELY! There was so much wasted potential! A lot of the villains that got killed off were played by really, really talented actors! Even having them reappear at the beginning of the next installment for a 5 minute fight scene would’ve been nice!😭


I think the problem here is the “too late” realization that we wanted repeat villains. Remember Iron man launched 1 year after Spiderman 3 (all 3 Spiderman kill their villains) and 1 year after Xmen last stand (they didn’t kill magneto but killed everybody else) — so with the exception of Loki for avengers, killing villains was how you wrapped the movie. At least by the film SM homecoming, they finally realized you don’t have to kill a villain. Adrian Toomes is SO relatable as a human being you don’t want him to die OR go to prison. They did a great job putting him into obscurity at end of film. But there are also villains you don’t want sticking around. Killian’s fake fire breathing mandarin concoction? Meh. Leave him behind 😂


Gorr is probably the most wasted potential. I get that Bale probably didn't want to get tied down to a multi-film role, but having Gorr the God Butcher have his story so thoroughly butchered in Thor 4 is such a damn crime.


Malakith imo the biggest blunder, War of The Realms would’ve been incredible had been done in the MCU and could’ve rivalled the threat and scale of Infinity War/Endgame


A large part of it is surely due to big name actors only wanting to sign on if it’s a one and done deal.


Exactly this. People like Cate Blanchett, Tony Leung, Mickey Rourke, Robert Redford, Hugo Weaving, etc., probably said no to a big franchise, multi picture deal.


“Why didn’t they keep Tony Leung around for more than one movie?” Because he’s Tony Leung! He has better things to do!


Ultron!! Needs to come back So much potential (Not counting what if even tho he was wild in that)


yes Ultron needs to return, and its super easy to make ultron return, in spiderman homecoming theres a scene that appears a ultron head with light still lit, so theres a possibility till spiderman homemcoming that ultron escaped and sended its A.I code somewhere and its still alive


I still expect Klaw to come back. He never became the actual villain. Very easy to be like 'now he's made of sound!'


atleast ulysses klaw appered in two movies, avengers age of ultron and black panther, even though klaw died in the black panther movie, its sad that that he was killed so soon, i hope if someday theres a mcu reboot we see klaw fighting avengers and fantastic four in full costume and etc that would be awesome


I mean. He has a SIGNIFICANT role in the original Secret Wars run. With them bringing Doom into the MCU before Secret Wars happens, I'm very hopeful.


I think that's just a weird, old Hollywood holdover. The villain has to die at the end no matter what. It has its roots in the Hays Code where the villain or evil couldn't be seen to win or escape punishment in any way. Interesting stuff, but no idea why they keep doing it other than tradition at this point. Such a waste when they just kill a good villain.


many disney movies this cliché still happens of villain dying in the end of the movie, like scar dying by the hienas in lionking, gaston dying in beauty and the beast and etc etc


I meant it in a more general sense, not just an MCU sense, but yeah. Disney is notorious for having a lot of stories play out that way. So are most other studios, honestly. Action movies also love the trope. It made sense when studios weren't planning on making a ton of sequels to something, but that era has long passed. At least make the villain's death ambiguous enough that they can potentially come back if you need them to. Reminds me of how Joel Schumacher wanted Jack Nicholson back for his never made third Batman movie and the solution was hallucinations. Kind of seems like maybe they shouldn't have killed him off in the first place.


i like the fact, that atleast jim carrey riddler its still alive and mr freeze and poison ivy are alive in that universe, thank heavens they werent killed in the plot of the movies, killing the joker on the first batman movie its a very waste of potential, killing the joker and penguin like big time batman villains killed and never be used again its a such a waste, like wtf 1990s dc comics warner bros?


>one thing i desliked about mcu, its the fact that they killed many villains that would be cool to see in a movie sequel or going after the avengers, its such a waste of potential to kill the villains so soon, Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Preach it from the rooftops. This will *always* be my biggest beef with super hero movies.


I actually disagree with this one. I like when villains get killed off and always appreciate the heros that are willing to kill. Its so frustrating to me when a villain that was beat inevitably breaks out of prison to ruin more lives and its like all of this could've been avoided if the hero just had the balls to do what was necessary when they had them beat the first time >imagining they returning to fight the heroes in a movie sequel?, all this villain could form the villain team masters of terror and etc That would be cool though


Well said. Too many great characters met an early demise.


That’s why they’re able to have great villains. They don’t have to sign on for 12 movies if they are a one and done 😂




The only modernization I’m not a fan of is Clint. I haven’t really liked any of his costumes, they’re just too generic and bland-looking.   I get that his wacky comic cowl might be difficult to adapt, especially back in 2012, but I still think he really could have used an H on his body or glasses/goggles or something.


I liked his long jacket look at the beginning of AoU.


Just give him a visibly purple harness to attach his quiver or bow that straps across his chest to make an H shape.


Definitely they can make an MCU joke out of that. - Really, Clint? An H on your chest? What does it stand for, Haw- - Harness.


They should have worked in the bit about him being a carnie somehow. Maybe that's was his background before shield then was his favorite cover. Eventually his cover character, Hawkeye, accidentally becomes famous so he gets in with the avengers. Then later reveals he's shield all along. It would explain his costumes and trick shot thing he does. Could even explain his preference for bows, he just heavily preferred that life to the guntoting shield assassin. So he works his skills into non lethal bow shots.


Honestly it's criminal they didn't in his series. The set up was RIGHT THERE! Have it be the "silly" costume he is forced to wear to LARP. Honestly unbelievable that it wasn't.


I like how they modernized costumes, but dislike that as we’ve gone further into the MCU, the costumes are beginning to converge on different-colored-CGI-spandex I mean even Iron Man was rocking a skin tight suit


What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?


I understand that reference.


It kind of makes sense, this is stuff that people fight in after all. It has to look believable, be comfortable for the actors and safe for the stunt team as well.


I’d argue nano-tech was probably the least believable suit Tony ever wore Also just so happened to be the least interesting as well


Yeah, like it’s hard to remember what’s happening when, what year something takes place, and what events take place before or after others. Like I think recently, there was a problem with FATWS taking place before BP2, but for some reason in some book it said FATWS took place after BP2. It’s gets really hard to remember, especially after the 5 year time jump in endgame 😭


It was *fine*, but I liked Kamala's original powers and origin better. At least she still did the stretchy hands a few times, but no giant or shrinking is sad. Trading her swinging around from stretchy arms or sneaking under doors, for... light platforms? Meh. Still enjoyed her show and movie.


It would have been cool to see those on screen. I'm still plenty happy with the Kamala we got. Didn't she kinda go giant a little bit in thr finale of her show? I thought she did a bit.


I wouldn’t say Black Widow is psychotic in the comics but the main difference imo is that her moral ambiguity is way more present in the comics. In the MCU they constantly reference it but the only movie where it really feels there is Civil War.


I feel that Nat's "romantic" side stories are kinda forced in the MCU as well. I mean I can on some level understand what she saw in Cap but Bruce? And everything with trying to pair her in a romantic way with Clint was awkward. I still think we were robbed of WinterWidow in the MCU. Would have loved to have seen more of her with Bucky. They are, in a sense the perfect pairing because they have so many experiences in common as well as certain aspects of their personality.


In general I don't think the MCU does romance very well. Natasha's role was very hot potato for a while early on. She took a spot on the Avengers meant for Wasp, then she took a spot in Winter Soldier meant for Sharon Carter. There were intended hints of romance with her and Clint early on (she's wearing an arrow necklace in Avengers), they pivoted to her and Bruce, and the Russos themselves teased her and Bucky around the time of Civil War. By default she was kind of always the MCU's premiere heroine but it certainly wasn't intended or planned to be that way with any kind of consistency.


Yeah, I don't think they do it well either- and I agree Nat's character and relationships in the movies are inconsistent.


She’s definitely a psychopath tho. Your average sane person does not enjoy carrying out justice by brutally killing criminals like Natalia does. Like yes, calling her a psychopath might sound like it holds negative connotations but this doesn’t make her inherently a bad person. Being a born killer is kinda one of her core traits which she embraces and idk, I feel like there’s some clear psychopathy there ever since she was young.


Except she doesn't enjoy it. A large part of Natasha's character is that she seeks atonement for her past.


In the MCU yes. Not in the comics tho. Black Widow No Restraints Play contradicts what you just said about her not explicitly enjoying it. The great majority of her comics also contradict that whole "seeking atonement" part. Comic BW’s "ledger" gets filled with more red in every one of her stories. She’s not out there crying about wanting to become a hero, she‘s out there splitting human traffickers in half and setting predators on fire.


Yeah, that’s what I meant. Sorry, it’s been forever since I read a Black Widow comic 😭


The good: 1. The Mandarin in IM3. So fantastic, to the point that they had us fooled both in universe, as well as in reality. Ben Kingsley, cryptically and ominously heading up an ethnically vaguely terrorist organisation? They believed it in the movie, and everyone believed it in the promos for the movie. That reveal was one of the best things the MCU had ever pulled off. Also, Trevor Slattery was fucking gold. 2. Civil War. Civil War in the comics was the dumbest idiot plot ever, but the movie made it work. Zemo's plan was just ::chef's kiss:: 3. Just a tiny moment, but Cap's Hail Hydra in the MCU. His Hail Hydra moment in the comics was another dumb idiot plot, but that moment in the MCU... effin brilliant. Honourable mention: The design and/ or motivation changes for a lot of characters - M'Baku, Namor, Vulture, Mysterio (the mocap suit!) The Bad: 1. Asgard in general, and New Asgard. In the comics, their major depictions - Simonson, Jurgens, Straczynski - had a really solid and consistent overall impression. MCU just doesn't know what to do with them. Are they epic and majestic, or are they bumbling around? The MCU Asgard swings between those 2 poles almost exclusively, and outside of the first thor, every other depiction just doesn't work. 2. Age of Ultron. In the comics Ultron was terrifying, epic, and eventful. In the movie....meh. Dishonourable mention: Questionably MCU, but Iron Fist. The second season was on the right track, but the 1st.... gods. Every misstep they could make, they made. We could have gotten the tournament, and the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven. Instead we got a miscast, misdirected muddle.


Things I liked, Star-Lord’s entire makeover, Vulture’s representation, making Bucky a super soldier. Things I didn’t like, everything they did with Moon Knight. They pretty much changed everything except for Marc.


The personality changes were really cool


I hope we get more Moon Knight origin that includes Bushman. He's perfect for MCU to use


I really don't like how they messed up Gorr and the whole Love and Thunder storyline, it just really makes me hate Marvel.


It baffles me that such a talented actor like Christian Bale got so little screentime. Love and Thunder was tonally too different, like two different movies were mashed together. The dark, serious scenes with Gorr and Jane Foster’s cancer causing her to be so determined to keep using Mjolnir’s powers, despite the hammer quickening her own demise, just like the Necrosword was doing to Gorr, clashed way too much with the overly goofy, slapstick humor that Thor and most of the rest of the cast had. LAT didn’t do a good job balancing the humor and seriousness that Ragnarok did so well.


Ultimately, it’s a movie that I enjoyed when watching it in the theatre, but I will never watch it again. Unless I’m doing some marathon with friends or something, but at this point that would be a nightmare to go through lol


I tried to rewatch it at home and I had to turn it off it’s so damn cringe


I couldnt get over every costume looking likr 3D Printed plastic.


Same. That movie was a HUGE letdown


scott derrickson deserved complete creativity control regarding dr stange 2, he didn't got it n he backed out while taika got too much of it n he ruined thor's character


Yea that movie was sort of my last hope with one of the remaining main characters and they totally messed it up. Director is a total twit.


Taiki waititi needs to be locked up in Arkham Asylum r/BatmanArkham


Hulk should be strongest avenger by a mile and he should be unpredictable like you never know if he will help your team or hurt it.


This. I always feel like he's been massacred. He IS dangerous and unpredictable. And don't get me started on Banner/Hulk from endgame.


By all means, start! I'm a pretty casual viewer but I'm curious about people's insight. This thread has been a blast


Okay. I'm not the most hardcore fan, but i've read my share of comics / played games / watched movies and shows about Marvel. Here's the thing, Hulk is not a force to mess with. A lot of comics depicted him as scary and dangerous. Look at immortal Hulk, this thing is amazing. There, you'll see why Banner himself is affraid of turning. Then, look at the movies. 2003: Hulk is a menace for the world and the government is litteraly trying to kill him. 2006: Banner is putting himself in danger while monitoring his heart to learn to control the Hulk by suppressing him since he's so affraid of what could happen if he turns. Then you have avengers in 2012 : The scene where Hulk goes berserk in the ship, where I was affraid for black widow's life and amazed at Thor's fight with him. Come the second movie, the avengers decided that he was too unstable, they literaly say that the public is scared of him. The answer ? THEY SHIPPED HIM INTO SPACE. Talk about handling a menace. Then comes endgame. Now, if you read some comics you might be aware of grey Hulk, which is almost what we got. A somewhat stable mix of Banner's intelligence in Hulk's body. In the movie, he's just become a comic relief. It's not even a mix of the two, it's Banner, with jokes, glasses for the nerdy look and a four o'clock beard for... I honestly don't know why. So yeah, Hulk's always been a favorite of mine, but I hate how he became a family friendly ''angry'' hero. They had something with the '' I'm always angry''. But we never saw it.


I kept waiting for someone to really piss him off in the final fight of Endgame and he goes nuts on a couple dozen tanks.


This is just recency bias. He has been that way for first 2/3rds of the MCU. He was unpredictable and destructive in The Incredible Hulk and The Avengers. Even by Age of Ultron, Hulk was still unpredictable, hence needing Black Widow's calming jutsu. By the time he shows up again in Thor Ragnarok is when he becomes a little more controlled, cause he's been stuck as Hulk for multiple years already, but still a bit unpredictable (remember when he just goes after Surtur in the end of Rganarok). Then Banner finally merged the 2 personalities on Endgame. So by that count, he's been unpredictable and destructive Hulk in 3 movies, somewhat controlled but still violent Hulk in 1 movie, and totally under control Hulk in 1 movie. Hulk actually gets a nice little arc through out the MCU, even with just single solo movie. I guess you're suggesting that Hulk never gets any character development? That he just remain an uncontrollable brute for the duration of the MCU? I disagree with that. And besides, they can always have a story where Hulk relapses, and Banner loses control. That can still happen any time they want. So Hulk's character development does not totally rule out that previous version of the character.


Loved the character arc of Captain America. I’m incredibly upset the post credits scene in The Marvels didn’t have Carol crashing into Rogue on a bridge then and Rogue stealing her abilities/personality. Basically Avengers Annual #10.


I feel like that’s what they are potentially setting up with Monica being in a universe full of x-men and avengers, maybe this worlds Rogue will take Carols powers if/when she tries to get Monica back


Yeah, the lack of Rogue in any Captain Marvel content is sore


Oh it’ll happen for sure.


Man, I hope so. Even if it’s a What-If episode lol. It would be cool if in Secret Wars, Rogue takes Captain Marvel’s powers, even if for just a minute lol


I dislike how they have adapted thor for the most part. The first 2 Thor movies replacing all the magic and gods with just "aliens and tecnology" really ruined villians like malekith and the dark elves, who are nothing like their comic Versions. Thor being an actual god is a huge theme in the comics, and it's something that makes Thor unique and stand out compared to the rest of the Marvel universe. making him just an alien takes away everything unique about him. He just becomes another "space/alien Hero" which there are already dozens, if not hundreds of heroes in the comicbook genre. The overly comedic tone that "Love and thunder" had also just ruined the god butcher storyline. However, Moonkight and thor ragnarok/LaT retconned the alien origin and made them actual gods now. So atleast they are heading in the right direction.


I agree with this. While being an alien works in the MCU, it removes so much of what can be adapted. One of my favorite fights in the comics is Thanos vs Odin in Warlock and the Infinity Watch #25. While they are destroying chunks of Asgard, they are also debating whether the source of your power matters. Thanos is arguing that the source of your power doesn't matter as long as you have enough and know how to use it. Odin argues that divine power is superior to the scientifically acquired power possessed by Thanos. It is an absolutely fantastic fight. (I know Thanos being dead in the MCU is another reason why this fight will never happen!)


You are totally right. Thor is just amazing when his stories take a More mythical, higher than life aproach. Thor hearing the prayers of a little girl who prayed to him to bring rain back to her people in the Godbutcher Arc. was a great way to show his relationship with mortals and how it contrasts with gorr praying to his own gods for help, but not recieving it. It's just so interesting seeing the perspective of a god in such a universe.


Asgardians in the MCU may be "aliens" technically but they still use magic and and are able to channel and manipulate cosmic power. They are more than just "aliens" in that regard. Compared to other Aliens they are still super powerful mythical beings.


In Love and Thunder, they made a major change to Nighty Thor. In the comics, the chemotherapy is helping. However the hammer removes the effects of the chemotherapy. In Love and Thunder, she is dying.


The best changes that the MCU did in my opinion have to be Vulture’s more fleshed out character, Wenwu’s rings are far cooler than in the comics, and Thanos’ ideology


I love Vulture in the MCU. His design goes so hard, and his motivation makes sense, and pulls the whole Vulture aesthetic together. I don’t know if I’d want it to be so integrally related to Iron Man or unrelated Spider-Man characters though (I would’ve replaced the Allans with original characters or better yet set up Tiana’s family). I really dislike what they did with Mandarin in Iron Man 2. The redesign in Shang Chi was great but now he is essentially a totally different character. I get why they didn’t want to recreate the Mandarin’s character for multiple reasons, but the bait and switch just didn’t work for me.


I always hated the little wings on Captain America’s helmet. I’m glad they painted them on instead.


I like the change of Wong origin compared to CB and the first movie felt like it was going to the path of modern Wong in the comic but after that Wong gets more and more ridiculous and is more of a comic relief than an actual character. The change of the lore is also annoying because if Wong was supposed to be MCU's Sorcerer Supreme, then they, MCU, could've amped his power set up instead of only using/able to do more or less three spells. He can't even fly.


I like how they throw curveballs in the expected status quo and aren’t scared to keep it that way. Old Hank Pym to give us Scott Lang as the modern Ant-Man. Wong being the Sorcerer Supreme since around Infinity War since Strange missed the window to obtain the title. And Wong is still the Sorcerer Supreme to this day. As noted in No Way Home, Doctor Strange 2, and She-Hulk. And Marvel didn’t do the easy thing of killing him off to make Strange the de facto Supreme at the end of his second movie.


**Like** 1. Bucky being a friend and not sidekick 2. The comedic vibes of the Guardians of the Galaxy 3. I like how they adapted all the superhero costumes and honestly they are better than the comics most of the time **Don't like** 1. I wish Mantis and Drax were cool and badass like their comic counterparts honestly 2. Hulk has been mishandled after Avengers (2012) 3. A lot of the villains have also been mishandled e.g. Ultron and Gorr 4. Too many characters are too quipy when they shouldn't 5. Secret Invasion in its entirety 6. Nick Fury's eye being the result of a Flerken is the biggest FU in MCU


Marvel did a major retcon of Scarlet Witch since they did not have the rights to use mutants. They turned her into a witch. I actually hope they keep that.


Moon Knight


Pretty much like all the changes with the Guardians


Its weird and maybe a bit nerdy, but I would love to see Alpine, Bucky Barnes pet cat from the comics in the MCU. For those who don't know, Alpine is a small, white, fluffy kitty Bucky found as a stray and adopted. In the comics, they are almost inseperable and Bucky even carries Alpine around in his jacket.


Nat's and to a lesser Stint Fury's Character is so much better by the fact that they aren't Super Soldiers and Super Soldiers are treated with more of a big deal in the MCU with how rare they were during the early part of the MCU unlike in the comics When everyone but the Hawkeyes were on the Serum. Also, Her character is written better then OGComicNat as even in the comics current Day CloneNat is written more like MCU Nat then ComicOG Nat. They even realized that her lore got simply too complicated in the comics lol.


I like the new ten rings but i didn't like how they nerfed hank pym , the guy created Ultron with his own mind .


Changing Kamala's powers up, don't like that Younger Aunt May was fun


I don't love how The Hulk has evolved throughout the MCU. The scene in the first Avengers movie with The Hulk and Black Widow is such a perfect way to capture what The Hulk should be on that team - insanely powerful, but terrifying. I can understand that Mark Ruffalo is playing Banner, so you want to be able to use Ruffalo. By the end of the infinity saga it feels like most of the Avengers would be able to hold their own against The Hulk and that just shouldn't be the case.


A peeve of mine: Dumping Mister Immortal as a side storyline in She-Hulk (as an older/unathletic character no less) rather than eventually introducing him alongside the rest of the Great Lakes Avengers.


I mean, theoretically, he could still come back and join them. He just probably wouldn’t be the muscle of the team. Maybe they could slightly retcon him to be smarter than he led on in She Hulk? Idk. I understand what you mean tho


I've been fine with most everything. Except the Eternals. Goddamn what a waste.


The entire character of Thanos


I do wish we saw one MCU green goblin fight with the mask


A lot of the Thor stuff. Number one being their godhood. Takes so much away from the mythos and it's not better for it, just watered down.


Xu Wenwu was the perfect replacement for the controversial and often called racist/stereotypical Fu Manchu. In addition, unlike Fu, Wenwu at least got to have humanity. However, I hate how they removed Tony Masters. Instead of a gifted copycat assassin, they gave us Antonia and made her Taskmaster just to show how much of a monster Dreykov was.


I actually don’t like how they changed the rings at all. Their story significance is cool but I like when each ring has a unique ability instead of just spinning them around and hitting people with them. I hope that with Wong’s help they unlock their true potential later and he gets all the abilities


I loved that they changed Thanos' motivations for collecting the stones from his weird obsession with Death. I hated how they changed Hulk's origin from a gamma bomb to a failed Super Soldier experiment. IMO the gamma bomb was perfectly symbolic because the Hulk's supposed to be a walking weapon of mass destruction. I hated how they took Hulk's most casual fan-friendly story - Planet Hulk, and gave it to Thor while making Hulk the side character.


You do know that Jason Quill, Peter's grandfather is the MCU's counterpart to J'Son. Sure it's not a perfect match and he's a human rather than whatever J'Son was but still counts.


As for my likes a dislikes, I don't really have anything I dislike here. My only real issue is all the confusion Fiege gave with calling the MCU Earth-616 just because it's an adaptation of the comics. Marvel does not do separate Multiverses, every universe has always and will always be in the same Multiverse, you want separate Multiverses go to DC they have like 10 over there already. Marvel, however, has always stuck to the same rules: One Multiverse, with other franchises being included in the Omni or Megaverse. Comics is Earth-616, MCU is Earth-199999, Peter B. Parker's reality is Earth-616B and that's final.


It's worth noting both in the 616, prime universe, and the ultimate universe (1610) she's a Super Soldier, like Steve and Red Guardian. Not sure why they didn't go that route in the MCU 🤷🏿‍♂️


The Mandarin bothered me because the rings in the comics were much more interesting and had a variety of powers. It wouldn't have even been that big a deal to use them the same way - in the comics the Mandarin finds an old crashed spaceship. He spends years learning about its technology but also finds the rings inside. That could have easily been done in the movies - either a ship from the events of the first Avengers movie or Infinity War, or even a scout ship that had crashed decades ago.


The Eternals. I went in retrograde and found myself liking everything they did with the MCU versions as opposed to their comics counterpart. I just wish they gave Ajak something beyond the healing, shes their leader! The rest of the thinkers still can defend themselves but she really at a disadvantage. Which is unfair cuz comic book Ajak is an absolute force. I imagine this was part of what Salma Hayek was pissed about at Chloe initially, aside from her death in the story lmao. How they treated The Scarlet Witch in Wandavision. Better than anything they did to her in the comics. (Until DS2 happened lol. CoMiC bOoK aCcUrAcY i guess?)


I loved no way home, but I would’ve love to somehow see an ending where Tom Holland ended up in the Sony verse and tobey got stuck in the main MCU. Just till after secret wars and they both get to go back to their home universe. It would’ve been so cool to see tobeys older veteran Spider-Man interact with Dr. strange, Bruce banner, Thor, Daredevil, etc and fought with them in avengers 5. Plus it would’ve been nice to see the Sony verse actually have a spidey and tom Holland vs tom Hardy, and having him in morbius and Madame web instantly makes those movies better too




Yea I was hoping all 3 would get swapped at the end and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man got stuck/ended up in the somewhere in the spiderverse and he went on a adventure throughout it(multiple timelines) WITH a Spider-Gwen until he figures out how to successfully navigate through it. And it would be called The Amazing Spider-Man 3. And by the time they figure it out is when secret wars has begun


I was really worried that Peter Parker (Tom Holland) was going to wind up in the Sonyverse in case they couldn’t make another movie with Marvel. Now a few years later, I wish they had done that. Have Avengers the one where they fight Kang open with a bunch of defeated avengers getting unmasked by Kang, with each of them different than the main avengers, until we get to Spider-Man and see Tom Holland.


Best: Vulture Changes, Killmonger Changes, M'baku Changes, Ten Rings/Mandarin Changes, Mysterio Changes Worst: Mar-Vell deletion, Nick Fury nerf with eye story and cat fixation, Extremis botched, World War Hulk being hollowed out and put in Ragnarok, killing off T'Challa (should have recast!), Changes to Star-Lord's background and father, Taskmaster changes and Red Guardian being a joke, Black Widow and Budapest


Red Guardian is also a freaking joke, and a predator, in the comics. They didn’t really change him for the worst at all in the MCU


Just as there's more than one Cap, there's more than one Red Guardian. The one that they were portraying wasn't a joke and fought alongside Cap in WW2 - at least by the name they were using. He wasn't a predator in that iteration, and at one point taunted Cap because he was able to catch his shield. That doesn't sound like a joke to me. Of course, the fact that he was Natasha's father instead of her husband in the movie was a big change.


One thing I didn't liked that the Asgardians are treated more like weird aliens and less like magical gods, especially in the begining. I get that they tried to a more grounded aproach, and that the whimsy from early Thor comics wouldn't really work in live action, and that they wanted the audience to take it seriously But I swear some comic mythos makes things really interesting and cool. Asgard isn't a weird planet cut in half, its a whole ass pocket dimension and so are the other realms. It feels more grand and epic this way. Magic and science shouldn't really be the same, they are two sides of the same coin, the explainable and the unexplained.


If it's unexplained then how the hell does anyone use it?


It more of "it can do this" instead "why it can use this"


That's still science. And you just explained it.


I feel like I haven't phrased my sentances properly.


I like the relationship between Bucky and Steve much better here than in the comics. Thanos motivation of wanting balance vs goth cheeks was much better too. I love Star-Lord being a celestial offspring. Makes him stand out more. Guardians is weird franchise for me. On one hand I love the changes made to the source material, on the other hand I freaking hate the changes made to the source material.


Thing I like: Thanos’ philosophy. In comics he just wants to bang death and is getting her attention. I like that his idea, on paper, is right but is still psychopathic and is still flawed. Sets him up as intelligent and more sympathetic, but not enough that any reasonable person would agree with him. Hate: Quicksilver’s handeling. As much as I love Evan Peters in Fox movies, he’s not accurate QS. They made him so powerful that they have to write him out of stories or make him lose in some weird way. In Avengers he’s much more comic accurate and toned down in his speed. But seriously he could’ve been so good if he didn’t die, seeing so many reimagining about if QS didn’t die that I love it. Plus we’ve never gotten any follow up with Wanda or anyone despite her TWIN BROTHER dying. Her made up kids she had for a week made her throw all morals out the window, her brother? Gets a yell. And then Ralph Boner? God I hated that! They bait everyone to be excited for Evan Peters and QS, then use him for a dick joke.


Task Master. Goodness, why did they give him(?) tech powers instead?


Distribution rights period.


Like:  MCU civil war non cgi Black Panther suit🤌  MCU TDW Thor suit  MCU Captain America character and suit (minus Avengers 2012 suit )  MCU Namor character and origin  Black Panther interaction with Zemo  MCU Vision character and suit  Jarvis   Mandarin and rings  Moon Knight suit 🤌   Not like:  T'Challa's intellectual side not shown like in the the comics or EMH and no energy daggers  James Gunn butchered Nova Corps suit and everything  Taskmaster suit and everything   Old Hank Pym   Hercules casting   Thanos is powers not shown (without IG)  Ghost not properly portrayed   Not developing T'Challa character  Namor should be clean shaved   No Ghost vs Iron Man  James Gunn butchered Adam Warlock suit and everything   We're getting Phyla Vell not Wendell Vaughn Quasar   Hulk is weak


now that i realized, black widow never used the electrical shooting thing she uses in comics and animation in the live action movies, i wish ironman3 had the real mandarin


She uses the Widow's Bite in Avengers, Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, and Civil War.


i was probably very distracted when those scenes happened cause i only remember she using guns to kill and attack the enemies and using the widow bite on civil war


She did use them in Civil War, but I agree, she should’ve used them WAY more often, they’re like her main comic weapon, and even thought hey look super cool as a part of her suit, they aren’t just there to look nice 😭 Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow is my favorite MCU heroine, but man I wish they had let her use her acting range way more. She’s a very talented actress.


i hope in the future we have a mcu reboot with more faithful things to the comics, and we can see black widow shining again in the spotlight


Absolutely. Can’t wait to get a new MCU black widow after Secret Wars


Funny enough you say that, in the comics she stated there was a point where she stopped using her widow bites for many years because she found them too restrictive, inconvenient to carry around and they would sometimes not work well. So she just settled with good old knives and guns.


And I agree that Iron Man should’ve had the real Mandarin. Even just teasing him at the end of 3 and having a 4th Iron Man movie focused on him tracking down and facing the real Wen Wu would have been excellent. Basically a money printer for Marvel


yes that would be awesome to see


I feel like we didn’t get enough Iron Man projects in the MCU 😭 which I know sounds dumb because he had 3 movies of his own, the Avengers movies centered around him, and he made himself the main character of Captain America 3 and Spider Man 1, but I really, really miss RDJ as Tony Stark. He was such a staple of my childhood, and looking back, he really brought to life such a phenomenal character. I wish we could see him again. Even What if episodes with Tony in them are better than the others 😭


funny how thor and captain america now have 4movies and spiderman its gonna have another trilogy but ironman only had3, the character that started the mcu only have 3 movies its very bizarre


That’s what IM SAYING


I don’t really like how they constructed Peter’s story. Making him a “mentee” of Iron Man, going far in trying to distance himself from previous iterations by never discussing his origins, not letting MJ *be* MJ, only to then lean into the idea that it was a “three movie origin story all along” seems shoddily planned. I’m looking forward to the next.


Everything they've done with TVA and Loki , love it .


i like how they used iron patriot as a government sanctioned war machine instead of it being norman osborn i'll always say turning ego into a celestial was fucking stupid. especially because that's not how celestials work in the comics or the mcu as established in the previous movie of the damn trilogy turning namor and his whole domain into a mayan esc kingdom was so genius and really helps highlight and separate them from the wakandans and other franchises atlantis making kamala a mutant and completely changing her powerset was absolutely asinine because it clearly came from a place of them just wanting to ignore the inhumans and push the xmen after getting the rights back. i don't care if she was originally intended to be a mutant in the comics, in canon she's inhuman and the mcu clearly didn't respect that, then it leaked into the comics and it's absolutely abysmal


Vision's origin change from the comics was one of the best decisions in the MCU. Instead of Wonder Man or some other character putting half of their consciousness into him Vision has his own mind and soul. He makes the decisions to aid humanity, to be in love with Wanda because he chooses to, not because someone else's mind influences him in some way. Like he says in the movie, he is no longer Jarvis but someone else. His debut in Age of Ultron was one of the best parts of the movie, and honestly I wish he had been written more by Ms Schaeffer. Addition of Sokovia to the MCU was a nice decision. Despite the differences I still somewhat resonate and sympathize with this nation more than with Wakanda or any other fictional country in the MCU. Wanda and Pietro's Slavic origin is also nice take on both characters in my unpopular opinion.


Careful. According to “some fans” not adhering to the comics is why the MCU is suddenly failing.


Captain Marvel having no personality at all.


That's part of her character arc. In the first one she was trained not to show emotion because it made her "weak", and she struggled with that all the way up until the end of the first film. She has a lot more personality in The Marvels, possibly because she had the others in her trio to bounce off.


I like a lot of things they changed but I never read the comics so I can’t say much but there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t like the mandarin and his rings are definitely one of them. The way the rings work here I don’t think Tony and the mandarin fighting would be that entertaining the rings seem like a bigger buff compared to the armor even if it’s the nanotech armor which allows for better close combat. I don’t think the fight would have been done well tbh and that’s coming from an Iron Man fan


Bro, imagine Tony needing to make a new suit to handle the power of the rings, or a suit that could siphon some of the energy from the rings. Him in a new suit fighting this dude would slap SO hard


I mean I might need to rewatch shangchi again but the power difference might not be that much especially if it’s just physical attacks but I just don’t think the kung fu would vibe too much with the way iron man is. Tony is usually better at hand to hand but it’s not his strngth in the mcu he’s very good at it but he’d definitely be wiped by the mandarin and since the rings seem to be able to block anything none of his ranged attacks would work. The thing is he would need a suit as thick as the hulk buster or something or to build it out of a different material or maybe change the design but I just don’t think the material itself can hold up to the rings. You can see how it gets damaged especially pre nanotech. I just don’t see it working out there’s also a lot of things missing from the mandarin and Tony dynamic that make them such enemies it’s lacking entirely there I’d say


I understand what you’re saying. Maybe they can make a What If episode that mixes both our interests, so we can both get something we like


If it’s what if they can do whatever they want tbh what if has it differently. I’m sure Tony could put up a good fight but not as good I’m sure he can one up here and there but the rings power in the mcu might just be too much. It’s possible we never saw the limits and only the good but we’ll see it’s not like Tony was the only one with armor and the rings are still in play


I HATE that they took away the mandarins comic rings, they’re nearly infinity stone power, provide WAY cooler powers individually and he should’ve fought iron man too. One of the biggest Ls in MCU history, and they failed him twice (though he is better the second time around)