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If Keke ever does end up in the MCU, I hope it's for a role that really utilizes her energy and charisma. If she can pull off the accent/action scenes, I can see her working as Rogue


she has A LOT of energy, which initially made me turned off at the thought of her in the MCU (I am type casting her for sure based on the roles I know her in), but BUTTTT with your comment you actually grounded my thinking. I think she would be a good *energy* based hero, unfortunately my mind is not pulling any into my brain except Photon(and all her nicknames)


Except rogue is white. Stop with the race swapping. If she plays rogue. I want storm to be a white woman


I don't hate it, thats for sure. She would definitely nail the classic Claremont/Cartoon version. The far off aspect definitely will make it more difficult. There are lots of options though.


Yeah, considering how Rogue kind of just disappeared from the X-men films, it could work to bring her in as an early mutant. The biggest reason to bring her in now is because the first powers Rogue absorbs as a mutant are from Carol Danvers. The same Carol Danvers that just swapped places with the first MCU mutant.


I wanna see a confident southern belle Rogue for once on our screens.


As someone who lives in the south, I say they should skip the cousin-fucking hillbilly vibe, no need to bring the worst America has to offer to the MCU.


But we had Goth or Emo Rogue in so many versions now, for once i wanna see a confident and flirty rogue. Doesnt have to be southern i guess. Dont think MCU will do a better job than the cartoons or the previous movies with Xmen tho.


Well sadly I don’t think much can be done to disassociate the southern belle accent from racism; especially not in the current social climate.


Okay but Rogue flying a Confederate flag and yelling how the South shall rise again would be pretty funny in a fucked up sort of way.


Then lets make black panther white and trans then. See how you like that crap.


Exactly. If rogue is gonna be black I want storm to be white. This " we (black) can but you (white) cant" shit is getting really goddamn ridiculous. I also want bishop to be white and a movie about shaft done staring Ryan Reynolds.


But that happened way before Thanos.. I really don’t know how they’re gonna do X-Men now tbh.


Such a padawan thing to say


Great idea. Way better than the suggestions she should play Storm just because she’s black.


Why should she play rogue? Rogue is a southern bell stop black washing crap. Stick to cannon!


Because Rogue's personality is more important than Rogue's skin colour! It would be blackwashing if skin colour was part of her plot or character building or a key part of the lore. It is not. In fact, if you look at the X-Men comics or the concept - it is about being oppressed and marginalised so.... you have an ironic request here u/Sea_Past_3015


You're straight up fucking dumb dude. I'm tired of characters being black washed, the only think you people say Is he skin color isn't a part of her plot...man shut up I'm getting real tired of this bullshit Rouge is white leave it that way


Okay so you don't know what blackwashing or whitewashing is. Just say you don't like black people hahah


Just say you love double standards in racism as long as they favor blacks while you fight against it when it is the other way around. Just say you love pulling race cards while being a racist.


Just say you don't understand rather than putting words in Stan Lee's mouth.


I'll try ELI 5: There's no double standard in racism. If you're hiring based entirely on race. It's racism,  simple. And ironic as it's X-MEN!!! 🤣


Oh shut up. Bishops character has nothing to do withbhis blackness l. So let's make him white. And you will say nothing about it


No thank you.


Stan Lee disagrees with you: “I loved that idea,” Lee told the Guardian... ”It not only made them different, but it was a good metaphor for what was happening with the Civil Rights Movement in the country at that time.” On what the whole purpose of the X-Men was.


I could see her as Rogue,it would totally fit her personality and etc ! She's cute,can be pull off the sass,a total fit,I get that race swapping can be a big issue for people,we grow such an attachment to the characters that the moment something as simple as changing their look happens, we freak,it's the same thing with voice actor changes(hello Sonic fandom). But if the actor fits the role so well,like Keke does in this case,I don't really mind ! And she's cute,I need my Rouge to be cute,so I one hundred percent support this.


Honestly she should play dazzler


Yessss I've said this before, she's got the Grace Jones energy the character was originally intended to have. Plus, she can carry a solo movie. That being said, I love the Rogue idea too. Just get her in a movie, Feige!


I would love her as Dazzler as long as she’s one of the leads of the film and not a side character.


I agree!!! Keke would be an amazing dazzler especially if they make Dazzler into a Donna Summer/Beyoncé type of singer, I need this to happen !!


I think Dazzler should be played a professional recording artist. I know Keke did have that one album and did some songs while she was at Disney, but I think we all want a Dazzler who has some real experience as a professional singer over an actress who would just shadow one for the role.


Keke is a professional singer, music is her passion she just doesn't have as much opportunity to do much in music as she makes money acting


Still think Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen or Olivia Rodrigo should be Dazzler! Gotta be the hotness in popness! One of our pop queens


Dazzler always came off more of a rock star (even if her music is not that) . I don't think these girls could bring her charisma.


Can they even act?


Taylor swift has been in a handful of movies. Olivia Rodrigo got started on a streaming series before her first big album and was the star. Carly Idk but plenty of other musicians have been thrown into film and very few complain. This one actually makes sense for it.


Janelle Monae?


I'm not really familiar, but from a quick Google, she's pretty, so if she was the best option sure! I definitely appreciate and generally hope characters look like their comic characters, and that seems less and less a requirement these days which bums me out, but I do agree that acting and personality definitely come first over "but is she white?"


Dazzler was originally meant to be black anyway (based off Grace Jones)


Monae got good reviews for her performance in Hidden Figures.


It's dazzler. She just need to sing in the background..


I *really* want Rina Sawayama as Dazzler. Both of her pop albums were widely acclaimed (her second album actually came out today and is amazing) and she’s one of the stars of John Wick: Chapter 4. If her acting performance is well received, I’d love her to join the MCU as Dazzler bc she certainly fits the role


I'm normally not one for fancasts but holy shit do I think she would be a fantastic Rogue


I would love Keke Palmer as Rogue. She is an extremely talented actress in both serious and light roles which is perfect for the MCU. I'm sure someone is going to bitch about 'race swapping' beneath their white hood but I don't think that would affect the character in the slightest. We've already seen a live-action Rogue portrayed by a white actress (Anna Paquin was great/could've been a little more like Rogue from the comics) and it would be fresh to explore the Mississippi culture of Rogue through the perspective of a female POC.


Earlier this year with the talk of mutants, I pitched a black Rogue to my MCU diehard friends and they see it. Rogue’s background just makes sense for it. Would love to see the powers that be actually do it! (PS Keke Palmer is amazing in Password)


I agree 100p. Not to mention the X-Men are primarily based off the Civil Rights Movement so having more POC on the OG team just makes sense. And if they incorporate the Captain Marvel-Rogue storyline I can't imagine anyone (who's not racist) being upset by it


Seen that Tiktok too


Idk Rogues defining element is she is southern US...not that she's white. Long as she has the accent. Hell it could be an accent from a southern black community. Long as it's southern. And to be frank, the south of the US is massively black so it's not even a minority casting for the context. There certainly is a lack of southern people in American media.


Complete deja vu moment, I watched a TikTok yesterday that was this exact pitch, Bumblebee discussion and all. But on her being Rogue, love the Keke so as long as she can do the accent I’m on board.


Yeah it was that guy and Keke made it viral


Same! That’s what prompted this discussion.


I love her in everything so I'd be down for her to be whatever role she wants!


Now you have done something She consistently shows up and eats every role, every interview. Every time.


People say any and every Black actress should be cast as Storm. That’s not Keke’s energy. I also would say she’s not dark skinned enough to play Storm. If she could lock down the accent she would be a great option to play Rogue.


I disagree with the first part. Keke's darker than both [Halle Berry](https://www.sis2sis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/FWCRvWaUUAEixTg-e1658714924461.jpg) and Alexandra Shipp who already played Storm, so that's just a weird criteria. Especially if we're saying skin colour doesn't matter when casting Rogue but it does matter when casting Storm. The original choice for Storm was Angela Bassett (which would have been amazing), so Keke Palmer has always been my fan casting for storm. I'm not against her playing Rogue, I just don't see it. Maybe it's the Anna Paquin connection but I could see Rutina Wesley doing a better job. Either way Marvel knows what it's doing with casting (except maybe Cassie Lang, we'll see).


Skin color matters when casting a live action Storm because of COLORISM. She is a darker skinned Black woman in the comics. The actress that plays her needs to be darker skinned. For reference, the actress that plays Storm should be the same skin tone as Lupita Nyongo, Viola Davis, Runita Wesley etc. My top pick fo play her js Jodie Turner-Smith. She’s got the look and is effortlessly beautiful. Yes, Keke is darker than Halle and Alexandra, but there’s already been enough discussion around the fact that doing it was a bad casting decision both times. I watched True Blood and some of Runita’s show on OWN and really don’t see her as Rogue unless they are going for the Rogue that’s afraid to use her powers. Keke has such an infectious personality and can also carry the dramatic moments of a part. I grew up watching Keke so I know she would kill this part.


Wait so skin color matters when casting for a black character but it doesn’t matter when casting a white character (Rogue in this case). I don’t know man, feels a bit hypocritical to me


White people are not being discriminated for being a couple of shades darker than other white people. Black people - and black women especially - are, even within their own community. So no, it's not the same thing. Storm's character was created with dark-skinned black woman in mind and as such she should be played by one. Dark-skinned black women get few enough opportunities in the industry as is, don't take this role away from them.


Yes, colorism matters because it’s something that negatively effects darker skinned people (especially women) worldwide. It’s a lot more important than what race the actor is that’s cast to play a made up character. Hollywood has been racebending characters in movies for the last 100 years. You can look back and find WAY more examples of white actors playing POCs in movies then what we’ve seen in the last 10 years with POCs getting the roles. What’s your opinion on that? I’d love to hear it.


Exactly this. Redditors will find 1000 reasons why skin Tone matters when talking about a traditionally black superhero but say "its just fantasy / its not real / skin color is not defining the character" when it happens to be a white one. Personally idgaf when fantasy characters get "genderswapped". I mean thanks to this we got great portrayals like Nick Fury or Domino whos actors nailed the role. But like you said its hypocritical if it only goes into one direction. I feel that this is an overcompensation we see due to the "white washing" that happened in the last century.


I would love to see you tell Keke Palmer she isn't black enough to play [THIS CHARACTER](https://www.marvel.com/characters/storm/in-comics). The same Keke Palmer has been described as a [victim of COLOURISM](https://twitter.com/NBAgladiator/status/1550912209668153348?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1550912209668153348%7Ctwgr%5E9c7a554803f5e002aa38372ad45d65d5a03af504%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nme.com%2Fnews%2Ffilm%2Fkeke-palmer-colourism-comparisons-zendaya-3277331) herself. It's strange that you need a very specific shade of black for someone to play Ororo Munroe, but no problem with her not being played by an actual African actress, considering your pick is English. I mean, you either want accurate casting or you don't. Besides, Storm's skin tone and look has changed from artist to artist over the years. Any black actress should be allowed to play her regardless of how dark they are. Stop gatekeeping people's skin tones.


I just think Keke is not right for the role of Storm and every black woman actress being shoehorned into Storm’s role is silly. I would love an african actress thats older that has a queen’s presence.


As opposed to all those black man actresses.


english isnt my first language dont be a dick


I think storm needs to be a darker actress because she’s supposed to be from a village in Africa. People from there tend to be pretty dark They cast Halle Berry because she was a big name, but she is half white and that shade just doesn’t occur with her background Then they cast the younger version of her the same shade because she had to match Halle and now a lot of people are familiar with a light skinned storm. So it’s kind of erasure in that sense


You're talking out of your arse. You do realise Africa is a huge continent of 54 countries and is filled with people of all different skin tones, right? She's not from a village in Africa. Ororo Monroe was born in New York and is half Kenyan, half African American. Then she moved to Egypt as a baby and lived there until she was orphaned at 5. Later in life she ended up in a village in the Serengeti. You talk about erasure but you don't even know anything about the damn character, you don't even know what is being erased. I don't think Keke Palmer is too light skinned to play Storm. That's my whole stance. Look at Keke Palmer. Look at Storm in the comics. I'm not saying Storm shouldn't be played by a dark skinned actress. I'm just against claiming black actors aren't black enough.


Yes, I agree with you that it would be best for an African actress to play storm. That would actually be preferred. I didn’t look her up, but since she’s from the UK I guessed JTS was of African descent but she’s actually of Jamacian descent. I’m not sure if you’re a Black person from America but even Keke herself said she didn’t agree with that topic of her being compared to Zendaya. Yes, Z may have had bigger roles than her and that’s likely do to colorism but as a person that’s followed both of their careers since I’m the same age as them….Keke has worked consistently since she was a teen. She’s ALWAYS booked doing something. Zendaya catapulted herself to high levels of fame by being a fashion darling. If you check their resumes you will see that Keke’s done more. You really can’t compare them. I’m just happy that two young actresses of color are making the waves that they are in the industry. I’m not gatekeeping Storm’s skin tone. People agree that casting lightskinned biracial women to play a character that’s supposed to be dark skinned and African is because of colorism. 100% I know Marvel isn’t going to cast an actress that isn’t dark skinned. Keke isn’t so she shouldn’t even be in the discussion.


I'm not sure what your deal is. You were just saying that casting Keke Palmer would be colourism because she's too light. Now you've changed your tune and ranted about Keke's resume as if I didn't know it. I'm not comparing Zendaya to Keke Palmer. I never have. I was just pointing out the irony of you claiming Keke was too light when others have said she's been held back because she's too black. >People agree that casting lightskinned biracial women to play a character that’s supposed to be dark skinned and African is because of colorism. You are gatekeeping by saying Storm is supposed to be dark skinned. This isn't true. Look at the comics. She has been drawn in a variety of skin tones. She's half Kenyan and half African American. I'm not saying a biracial woman should play Storm. I'm not saying a dark skinned actress shouldn't play Storm. I don't think casting Keke Palmer would be racist or colorist. Keke isn't biracial either. These are her [parents](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/sharon-palmer-and-larry-palmer-attend-keke-palmers-sweet-16-birthday-picture-id114961457?s=612x612). Stop moving the goal posts.


I’m totally down for this. If she can do the accent and bring that big, brassy southern belle energy I miss from Rogue, which I think she can, that’s all I need. Just please, whatever they do, don’t do sad weepy wilting flower Rogue. It was always annoying to me that they went that direction, especially since Anna Paquin was 100% equipped to play that high energy sassy southern girl, as evidenced by her part as Sookie Stackhouse in Trueblood. I get they didn’t have rights to Carol Danvers for that plot line, but she still could have had that bold personality, and they could have just used a different character to give her super strength imo...


Don't care who plays Rogue, as long as she has the hair and the southern accent.


Would be sick


Keke's almost 30, a bit old for Rogue, who works best as a teen still coming to terms with her powers IMO because if you pick up her story once she's older then you lose so much of the greatness of her origin. I mean, they could play around the characters' ages kind like they did in the Fox movies, but since Fox muddied stuff up so much, I think this fresh start would be a neat way to see "classes" of characters come and go more-or-less like they did in the comics as they discover their powers and join the school, to when they get older and either stay with the school or move on to other things.


It'll massively depend on how they choose to incorporate mutants. If they appear overnight, sure, younger Rogue. But if they're bringing them in from another timeline/multiverse, it doesn't matter how old they are.


True, but again, I think so much of Rogue's character kind of relies on how she gets to where she is, rather than picking her up after already having established herself. Someone like, says, Jean or Cyclops, they have well-developed origins as well, sure, but you can kind of launch straight into them being adults and just explain their powers (like the movies did), but Rogue, if you pick her up later in life then she's already gone through all the stuff with Mystique, her struggles of not being able to touch or be touched, etc... you'd even kinda have to stretch it quite a bit to incorporate the Captain Marvel stuff at such a later age. I just don't think it works as well. Would be similar to making Jubilee a 30 year old.


Rogue as a teen doesn’t work best because that Rogue wouldn’t go toe to toe against Captain Marvel. She’d be too afraid. We’ve had the “What if I touch someone?” Rogue. We need the “Who the hell said y’all could touch ME?” Rogue. The confident woman that would see Carol and face her head on to get the powers we know and want to see.




Rogue as a teen was never confident. When her powers manifested, she was plagued by fear and insecurity. After years of learning to control them and finding comfort in the X-Men and herself did she become the self assured heroine who had no problems jumping into the fray against Carol Danvers.


i agree with you that Storm may not be the right role - storm should be someone tall, dark, and carrying a very imposing presence. i don't know about rogue. i have nothing against a black rogue, i think rogue should probably cast that way. a Southern girl with a dark-skinned mother? of course. rounded features, thick hair. i think casting mystique black like Nyakim Gatwech is a good direction (might even be able to skip the blue - i think the Mystique/Rogue relationship was always more important than Mystique/Nightcrawler)


>Storm, while a very prominent member of the team, she’s a little bit too demure and serious for Keke to really work out with. You realize these people are actors, right? Their job is to act, not to play characters who are close to their own personalities. I mean, they could do that too, but a character who's different to her shouldn't be a problem if she's a good actress.


It's because we want to see her usual keke palmer energy in MCU. That's her magic. For me, it's what turned NOPE from a good to a great movie. It would be a missed opportunity if they cast her as someone all-serious like storm


Playing characters an actor can slip into as easily as their own person is a big boon. Look at Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool or RDJ’s Iron Man. You can get a greater performance when the actor and character align in personality.


And when they look like the character too…


Ah yes, because [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/b/b9/Wade_Wilson_%2528Earth-616%2529_from_Deadpool_Vol_4_54_001.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/504?cb%3D20120509190458&imgrefurl=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Wade_Wilson_(Earth-616)&h=858&w=504&tbnid=useVqxoKzIz46M&q=deadpool+before+mutation+comic&tbnh=307&tbnw=181&usg=AI4_-kTiDH5a5hjlVRIXzdDxj9d8rIC5XA&vet=1&docid=_5Kx5fuE93dDhM&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6-rmC3Zf6AhVAFFkFHUj9BNkQ9QF6BAgVEAE) ABSOLUTELY looks like Ryan Reynolds


I agree with you. It's too bad Charleze Theron is already clea because she'd be a perfect Storm (no pun intended)


Why because she’s African? Lol


The fuck?




Nothing wrong with this comment. I thought race swapping was a non issue?


You people are so unserious. Race swapping white characters from comics that were created when there were only a handful of non-white characters is not the same thing as race swapping one of the still rare major PoC. You know the difference.


This sub loves type casting people haha. No one can ever play a character they haven't before.


…. Nah. I think there’s other roles for her in the MCU but Rogue? Nope.




Because she doesn’t look the part. New characters are better than lazy race swaps. It was lame with the Ancient One and continues to be so.


The fact that you dismiss this as a lazy race swap says way more about you than it does about the idea. I won't argue that making the Ancient One white was not the best choice, but they did that expressly to avoid the extreme racial stereotypes present in the comics. This has nothing to do with that.


I didn't know that about the ancient one. Is that their official explanation for the casting?


Yeah, they've since discussed how while the intention of avoiding the stereotypes was a good one, their execution was regrettable. https://deadline.com/2021/05/doctor-strange-tilda-swinton-the-ancient-one-whitewashing-kevin-feige-marvel-studios-1234761666/


There is more to a performance than looks.


Yes, but looks are a big, big part of it. Which is why we aren’t talking about anyone who isn’t black playing Storm.


No, they aren’t. Zazie Beetz was an amazing Domino. Her looks didn’t impact her performance as the happy go lucky mercenary.


So people are fine with race swapping Storm then? Right?


Stop trying to shift the conversation. This is about Rogue, not Storm.


That’s all the answer I need. I’m sure you could find a role for Keke without race swapping existing ones.


If you’re not going to engage in the discussion at hand, you shouldn’t be here at all.


Your aversion to and use of "race swapping" says everything about you I need to know


I see you're not addressing the comments explaining to you that Storm's African heritage is important to the character... Did you have an argument for why being white is similarly important for Rogue as a character?


I'd argue the difference there is that with Ororo, her being black/African has an effect on her character dynamics with others and her backstory, while with Rogue, her race doesn't play a similar role to her past or interactions with others


Lmaooo this is such a dumb argument, her African heritage places such a large role in her character


A big part of storms character is her African heritage. Rogue is southern. Race doesn’t matter for her. There’s a difference whether you choose to see it or not. And there’s more than enough white roles to go around. You don’t need to take one of the few black roles away to prove some idiotic point.


Because the entire point is representation for groups that have historically not had it. How do you not see that?


I should be clear; the point of improvement of representation in general. This specifically would just be a fantastic casting that happens to do that.


There are other races than black and white. Asians are far FAR less represented in Hollywood than black people. How about an Asian Storm?


This isn't a zero sum game, and you're being disingenuous. The issue is that white representation has throughly overrun the representation of other groups. Two groups that are both historically underrepresented should not have to fight for the same characters here, and you're trying to shift the goalposts by introducing an argument that isn't happening in this thread. That said, in a world where representation were all equal, I would have exactly no problem with an Asian Storm outside of the fact that being black and from Africa specifically is central to the story of Storm, whereas being white means exactly nothing to Rogue's character. Carry on.


That’s not what a race swap is…


Instead of fun with fictional characters we have racists everywhere. They've been very loud about fictional characters lately. Keke would be great


I think the Ariel casting is great and she looks gorgeous as the character! Love how her hair is even still slightly red too.


Glad we're in agreement. I think it will be great


I think they should let her audition, could be good for her


Too old. Rogue joined as young kid. Like anna paquin last time. Sure we can change it to some early 20s lady, but not as old as Keke. Personally id go with sidney sweeney. She would do a well innocent turn rebellious southern gal


You’re thinking of Rogue as the X-Men Evolution iteration. Keke is perfect for the Claremont/Animated Series Rogue that was a grown woman who owned her power and enjoyed it.


Maybe. Anyway.. not sure about starting the story with roque enjoying her power. Rogue is one crazy deep character. Step daughter of mystique and irene adler (destiny) A southern belle, a runaway, killed/hurted her boyfriend with a kiss (hence saw her power as a curse..) Her first appeareance was a villain, before joining x-men. "Stole" and permanently gain power from carol danvers (I WOULD LOVE to see this in MCU, ... Seeing heroes have bitter relationship with each other) An outsider in x-men.. before became close to other outsiders like wolverine and especially gambit. Eventually a respected member and even a de facto leader (usually if cyclops and storm not around, although she is better than both imho.. cos somehow she is less bossy, lol. My favorite was uncanny x men 340-350, when she led x-men on shi-ar space) There's a reason why rogue is main character in 1st x-men movie. Rogue got deeper characterization & more insteresting stories than most x-men characters. Including storm and jean grey (imho of course..) ---- If we want to see (even a glipse) of this, she must be played by a brilliantly experienced young actress who can really act with great records. Who can carry a journey from an insecure runaway gal who see her power as curse, adopted (and manipulated?) by her adopted parents.. to a confident not just with her gift but also as a leader.


Their are better actors for the role.




I'm not sure about race swapping Rogue it sounds interesting but I'm worried Marvel might pull a DC and race swap lots of characters to being black and not caring about diversity, if race swapping does become a thing in the MCU I hope we at least get more diversity unlike the DCEU.


I've been seeing this today and don't like it. She's great and I'm fine with most race swapping, but rogues look and attitude is so distinctively white and southern that she alongside characters like Peter Parker and kitty pryde I feel are canonical white. Very very few of those beyond just the visual design of em.


Huh…. This is actually a really good one.


No race swaps. There are plenty of fantastic black Xmen she could play without sending the message that a black character can only be popular if they start white. Storm, Cecelia Reyes, Monet, Frenzy, Idrie etc.


That would involve Disney using their writing and creativity to get people to naturally fall in love with the black characters. Which is something they won’t do. They’ll just shoehorn them into importance by race swapping an already established character. Because they don’t give two shits about proper representation.


But how many of those have the same energy, sass or badassry that someone like Keke Palmer can bring? You’re just going off her skin color, not her natural charm and charisma.


Frenzy is a former rebel trying to fit in. She's got super strength, is a total badass, held a romance with Cyclops, and should be in more comics. We've seen rogue in the movies. we've seen a lot of the x-men. I'd LOVE for the MCU films to explore some other cast other than xavier and friends.




Storm, an energetic sassy badass? Really? Storm is a demure leader who thinks ahead.


Yeah, but how many of them can be made rememberable, unlike a one-off colour swap? People still remember static shock from the 2000s TV show, but the race swapped wally west, not so much, even though they have similar personalities because he was eventually white in subsequent movies and shows.


That’s not what a race swap is….


How is that not what a race swap is? You keep saying that but give no explanation.


They aren’t swapping the race of a person, they are choosing an actor for the role who is a different person in more than race. Race swap isn’t an actual term and the way you people use it doesn’t make any sense. These characters aren’t real so nothing is being swapped


You people? Excuse you? So race swap isn't a term, but we're using it wrong... so it is a term? I don't know what you mean by something being an "actual term". Like, do you need it to be in a scientific journal or something? Having a character that is one race and swapping that character's race in live action or a different piece of media is race swapping. It's not always a bad thing, there have been some great examples of a race swap being the perfect casting. But quibbling over terminology is just stupid. As for the characters not being real... I'm pretty sure if a non-black actor was cast to play a fictional black character, the lack of realness would stop being an issue for you.


It’s not actively swapping😂it’s just choosing people who look slightly different based off of their acting ability. It’s a stupid term that isn’t even real. Don’t see people going around complaining about eye color swaps or nose shape swaps.


What do you mean it isn't real? How is it not real? You keep saying random shit and not backing it up. Nothing you say makes sense. Also, eye colour and nose shapes are the same as people's racial identity and culture? Lol, ok. Great comparison. People complain about inaccurate casting all the time, even when it's about nose shape and eye colour. Daenerys Targaryen had violet eyes in the books but not in Game of Thrones. Harry Potter had green eyes in the book and blue eyes in the films. People hated Daniel Craig's casting as James Bond because he's blonde. Emma Stone's character in The Help has a crooked nose and frizzy hair in the book and people complained that Emma was too pretty. You just seem to be mad at the word swap.


Just admit you’re racist. The constant what aboutism on this topic is exhausting and just shows that you don’t like people of certain skin tones


Ok, I'll bite. What did I say that was racist? When did I complain about a race swap? Just admit you're a moron.


Calling an actor being cast as a character a “race swap” is indeed racist


Tell it to Sameer Rao https://www.colorlines.com/articles/cbs-greenlights-pilot-training-day-series-race-swapped-leads


Do you want to tell The Root that race swapping isn't a term? [https://www.theroot.com/race-swapping-tv-series-black-white-produced-by-ice-cu-1848776066](https://www.theroot.com/race-swapping-tv-series-black-white-produced-by-ice-cu-1848776066)


It’s literally not…


Or here’s a thought, she can play one of the many black characters who never gets to be on screen because a-holes keep trying to race swap the white ones.


Here's a thought: we can have both, and you don't need to put artifical limits on how many PoC are represented here, you goddamn weirdo


Then you have to be ok with Black characters being swapped out for white actors, you goddamn hypocrite


No, I don't. If you don't understand that the entire point is that the scales of representation have been tipped WILDLY in favor of white people for an incredibly long time and are suggesting that making a PoC character white doesn't detract from the goal of improving PoC representation, you're simply not intelligent enough to be included in a serious conversation on the topic.




Buddy, I'd suggest taking a deep breath, calming down, removing your head from your ass, and proofreading before you rage post. Your trolling racist nonsense doesn't even make sense because you couldn't be bothered to proof it. Also, pal, I AM white. If you don't think white people are privileged and over represented in media, I am certainly not the piece of shit in this conversation. Now, run along and go have someone change your diaper.


Lmao, maybe make your edits before you post something that doesn't make sense.


Imagine being this fragile


Wow three comments because I posted too quickly and had to edit, talk about pathetic. Sorry buddy but there is no such thing as good hypocrisy. You want it to be OK for Black people to get every role but that shouldn’t apply to white people. Because history. It’s so good to know that you, a white person, knows what’s best for black representation. That’s not problematic at all. Or we could start making movies about characters that are black and not piggyback off of the minor amount of popularity some random white character has. unlike you I actually know black comic book fans, and none of them appreciate this stuff. It’s all designed to make you feel better.


Ah, the old "I have black friends argument"- certainly not the crutch of a racist who can't handle their precious white characters looking different. You can put words in my mouth all you want, but it doesn't make you any less wrong, and even the simplest folks I know can solve the equation of "more representation for underrepresented groups is good, actually" without claiming to speak for those groups. Even assuming you didn't make up the friends you speak of, why do you think that small subset of Black comic fans speaks for an entire group? It has nothing to do with making me feel better, rest assured that unlike you I just haven't invested any emotional energy in maintaining the race of my favorite characters, because it's more important to me that other groups get to enjoy the same opportunities that I do. You sound and behave like a child, and you're both a drooling petulant troll, and way out of your depth. I can feel your rage from here, and it's sad. I suggest finding meaning in something other than preserving the whiteness of comic book characters- maybe you'll even find something meaningful to do with your time instead.




That’s a hard no for me.


All the people talking about race swapping and complaining about people complaining about that, what if we then get a white woman to play Storm? Would people not complain about whitewashing and try to cancel Disney? Like I don't care about either but let's be fair, the other way around people would be complaining even more.


Why does any black character need to be white when a white character is made PoC? Every time we see a traditionally white character become played by someone who isn’t white, that’s the go to argument to justify keeping the character white. And it’s always the black character that has their race intrinsically tied to their character. Storm, T’Challa, Luke Cage, Blade. Never hear “Let’s make Frenzy white” or “Why can’t Spyke be white”. You know if you doubled the number of PoC in the main X-Men line up, it becomes four people. You know how many white people are left? Seven. Almost twice more than the PoC after doubling their numbers. That argument is not about pointing out the hypocrisy of the casting. It is used solely to shame PoC for daring to want an iconic character to look like them.


Why does any white character need to be turned black? As you mentioned they are "daring to want an iconic character to look like them". How come anyone in this world can go "Hey this character is cool, I want him to look like me"? How come this is okay for poc and not for white people? It shouldn't be okay for anyone. If you like a character that much, why do you want to change him? Because you would like him even more if he looked like you? I think there's a word for this, forgot what it's called.


Because there are already literally hundreds of thousands of white characters. White people have been the default character race for centuries. You demand it shouldn’t be okay because you think you’re losing more than you are. You can like a character but still want to see them look more like you, especially when you have a limited number of heroes to choose from that don’t fit you. The word you’re looking for is equality.


Yeah but maybe they have been the default character race because these stories were often written and drawn by people who are white? And those guys just took their own color as to avoid appropriating another race? So you think white people should now start writing more black characters? Actually, I think black people should start writing more black characters because it's kinda racist for white people to write about black characters while not being black themselves. Also I think it's absurdly racist from you to suggest that black people are not capable of writing their own black characters and need to use already existing white characters created by white people. Black people are more then capable of writing and creating strong black characters and you should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that this is not the case.


If you're ignoring the fact that Black writers have not enjoyed the same promotion and fandom that white writers have been intrinsically privileged to since the inception of comics, you're missing the most foundational point here. There have been COUNTLESS more opportunities given to white people to write white characters than have been for PoC to do the same. Nobody is suggesting PoC can't or don't write their own characters: the number of opportunities that have been given to those writers and characters historically is dwarved by the opportunities granted to white writers. You're the one inferring that people are speaking to their capability and not their opportunity, and I'd encourage you to examine why that's your default response.


No, they used their own image because they believed people would only read stories about white people. Today, we know that’s not the case so why are we still using those same standards? And the absolute bullshit of you for trying to cry racist. You know what happens when PoC creators make characters? They get shut down. You set it up so PoC can’t win. If they create new characters, they’re just pandering. If they retire the white ones for PoC legacies, you claim it’s riding the coattails of the previous character. The only option you give PoC creators is to either toil in obscurity or stick to the status quo. That’s not good enough and it never was. The only one who should be ashamed is you for demanding PoC be happy seeing white people in the lead to make you feel happy.


I think whether you're ok with a character being race/gender swapped often comes down to your own relationship with that character, and so those who say yeah its fine, or not it's not, I won't say either is wrong. Take Domino in Deadpool 2 for instance. Based on her look in the comics, I would have assumed she was caucasian (whether her skin colour/black spot is from the mutation or not). Either way, i'm assuming she was race swapped and obviously the colours were swapped around too. I didn't really have a connection to the character, so it didn't bother me. I enjoyed her in the movie. Jim Gordon in The Batman. Great actor, but I'd have to say the whole time I watched the movie, I never really thought of him as Jim Gordon, more as 'some Cop guy'. I've had a long time exposure to the character as the typical white Scottish/Irish background type guy, so while I certainly didn't dislike him in it, it just didn't really sink in for me. But I'm not some huge fan or the character, so i wasn't outraged or anything. But then take someone like Tony Stark / Iron Man. This is my favourite comic book character of all time. I grew up in the 80s reading the comics and have always loved the character. For this character to be on screen, I wanted a close to authentic version as after all, they're my favourite. Nothing is perfect, but Robert Downey Jnr was a brilliant casting. I would have hated a race/gender swap of this iconic character strictly for inclusion reasons. So yeah, I think it comes down to someone's individual connection to a character. It's right for some, wrong for others. In this case, I'm familiar enough with Rogue that I'd prefer a more 'authentic' look, but I'm not connected enough I'd particularly care if they race swapped them.


Dam this is genius


Rogue is white end of story fuck outa here


No one cares. End of conversation.


Keke as Rogue? I like it. Who do you guys got for Storm? I’m thinking Sadie Sink.


There are plenty of black comic characters she can play. Don't go changing the comics in the name of diversity


Naaaaope !


We’re probably getting an overwhelmingly non-white cast X-Men anyway, and I’m here for it. I want Magneto to be a survivor of a African genocide rather than the Holocaust, because a 90 year old villain probably wouldn’t be the firebrand that a younger person would be. (Saying this as a Jew who knows that Never Again is supposed to apply to all people, not just us) And really, you can make the argument that the original comic was a whitewash of the Malcom vs Martin debate


As a fellow Jew I disagree, there are plenty of easy solutions to making him having lived through the Holocaust, it’s a comic book world after all, and in my opinion it is kinda Holocaust erasure and further accelerates the decline of Jewish characters in both Marvel and media in general. Representation matters for everyone, and it feels wrong to me to erase the Jewishness of arguably the most well known Jewish character in Marvel. There’s a time and a place of change how a character looks, for example Nick Fury, but in my opinion this isn’t one of them.


He could be an Ethiopian Jew


He could be, but I personally don’t see the point as it adds literally nothing, people are trying to justify a race swap rather then decide what’s best for the character.


"a African genocide" which one? Rwandan? 90 year olds aren't that threatening, i agree. Personally i wouldn't have him in the movie at all. I'd say the MCU is mostly all post-magneto. Magneto could've died in the early 00s before Iron Man revealed himself to the world. Xavier could've used his help in the 1990s to collect the growing-but-still-oh-so-rare mutants and they could've fought a couple times and then that was the end of that. the X-Men of 2025 could see Xavier also having passed (or just being a greatly aging Patrick Stewart, i'm not a fan of xavier having a british accent but whatever, everyone loves him anyway) the original x-men team (hank,scott,bobby,jean,warren,lorna?) could be in their 40s, having been "the world's strangest teens" in the 90s when they fought magneto the holocaust survivor. and we could see the Xavier institute (or better - the Jean Grey Institute - named after the post-phoenix event casualty) be a place where we have 3 tiers of teams. The New Mutants, The X-Men, and Faculty like Scott, Emma, Hank, Warren. anyway, i dont' need magneto, but if you want a living breathing, 50 year old beast of a man playing our favourite supervillain, i'd say, just have him be the son or grandson of a holocaust victim. or fuck, just have him be revealed to have been kidnapped by the high-evolutionary (introduced in GotGVol3) and he's cryogenically unfrozen. tadaaaa\~


It works better for Xavier and Magneto to fight over Cyclops's soul too. A lot of young black men are trying to figure out their place between rising above the hate, or fighting back. Showing Xavier and Magneto's philosophies as both wrong gives us a chance to position Cylops in the middle. Don't hurt innocents for the hurt you've received, but don't stand for it either.


but they aren't "both wrong." Xavier isn't "standing by, letting innocents be hurt." he's assembled a team of mutants JUST FOR THAT. to step him, to show the world they can be better. Xavier / Magneto are often boiled down to simplistic "mlk jr vs malcolm x" parables, but let's be real. Malcolm X fought for segregation, he fought for black people to recognize their own power and hopefully form their own nation within america. he at some point realized he was wrong. he realized this was the wrong path. that integration didn't mean cultural abandonment. Xavier and Magneto are NOT those two men. Magneto is a terrorist who uses his gifts to attack people. that's not what Malcolm X did, and it's not what a good man does. Magneto is a terrorist. Xavier is right. use your strength to defend those who cannot defend themselves. teach people confidence in themselves, in their power, and to embrace others in the world. so Cyclops doesn't have to look at these two as role models. it's very simple. Xavier is a role model, and Magneto is a SuperVillain. i know it was fashionable in the 00s to wear "magneto was right" shirts - as if he's some counter-culture hero like che guevara. but magneto was not right.


Eh, I'd prefer they keep his Holocaust origin. There are black Jews after all and I think that origin would be really frustrating to change.


Her hooded Rogue just knocking on the door to Carol Danvers’ home and leading to this crazy fight between the two concluding in this light show over the Golden Gate Bridge and ending in this tiny splash into the Bay where this older woman just washes ashore meanwhile this figure in the dark lands on the bridge sidewalk. A pan up sees a car’s lights shine on the figure and we glimpse Palmer’s face before the light passes. Then the hooded figure looks up and flies away. If that was a post credit stinger, I’d flip and go “take my money, *now*!”


God no. The Rogue/Captain Marvel fight should be a big scene in an Avengers vs. X-Men film, not a stinger.


Hell no! Rogue is a plantation princess in the comics. Stop with this race swapping bullcrap. I'm sick of it!


No one cares what you want.


All of you damn gen z everything got to be black or representation are ruining entertainment. I grew up reading the comics and watching the show. Rogue is "White" you make her any other race that's not rogue, that is a dollar store black Barbie version. Cheap and looks nothing like the original.


and Henry cavil should portray the role of Blade. wait what? i forgot,It's cool and brave Only when u race bend non black characters.but if u suggest the idea of black characters getting race swapped, You're racist.. stop this hypocrisy and stick to canon


You’re demanding a small pool of black characters remain small to appease your self oppression. Yeah, you’re a racist.


While I’m not the biggest fan of her acting, I acknowledge that she might be a good fit for rogue. That being said, there’s literally no reason to make rogue black. I know her character being white has nothing to do with her culture, I know it has nothing to do with her character background or cultural, and for all intents and purposes she could be black (or at very least biracial?)… But it’s really not necessary. As a black man myself, seeing Rogue change her race/ethnic identity wouldn’t feel right. It would genuinely seem to be forced inclusivity and I feel like that would be less helpful. If anything, I feel like a rogue would be super effective to be a white person who grew up around mostly/primarily Black people in Louisiana and just… Is not racist. Not “woke“ but… understanding or respectful? Just a good freaking human? Which is very on brand with her original/comic book self. Also, she’s one of the more popular X-Men characters of all time, and with how full grown men responded with the freaking little mermaid, I can only imagine what happens when their first crush/sexual awakening/“favorite character“ (because we know she’s going to have been EVERYONE’S favorite character if she is announced to be played by black actress) is turned black. They are absolutely going to be livid if that happens (which is kind of funny because explanation allegory for racial injustice but I digress). Also… How about they just bring in other black characters instead of turning white ones black? We have a good amount of black characters that are really strong with interesting and deep backstory, we just don’t get the representation.


Enough of the race swapping nonsense. Might as well have a white Storm ffs. I can't even see her as Storm tbh. This is just NOPE.


I hope they do an entirely black X-Men cast except Storm, who should be white as fuck. Personal picks: Cyclops - Aldis Hodge Rogue - Keke Palmer Beast - Dennis Haysbert Jean Gray - Vanessa Morgan Wolverine - Idris Elba and I don't care that he played Heimdall already Storm - Evan Rachel Wood Jubilee should be a boy


Lets wait for Wakanda Forever first and see how the stans do with a Brown Namor. The hate for Ariel alone right now is enough for me to say no.


Loved her in Nope. She would be great for Rogue as long as she can nail the accent


As long as Rogue flies, has super strength, and super Southern sass, I don’t really care who plays her.


Keke **absolutely knocked it out of the fucking park** with NOPE this year, and she really just comes off as having the “it” factor. Honestly I don’t have a personal pick for who I’d cast her as, but I’d be very, very down for the MCU to pick her up for a big-time role. While mentioning Nope, would also be very happy to see Steven Yeun attached to the MCU at some point either as a one-off villain or hero or an extended role. Dude is mega talented.


How good is her southern accent tho


I say jubilee or armor, I personally think race swapping is not an issue but seeing the same circle of poc in rotation for big roles does not solve much, if you race swap then like really take a chance with the whole character also part of rogue that was missing fromn her first movie appearance was the southern twang and with out that I see no hope especially if gambit is inevitablely coming into the picture.


If she can sound like cartoon Rogue I'm good. I never liked Anna Paquin in general as Rogue but her accent was the worst. Then again, what are the optics on having a WOC whose power is draining the life force from things?