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In a normal work environment, any one of those texts would get you fired for cause. In a police department, the supervisors chuckle along.


I was thinking the same thing today. In be fired ins second.


What a scumbag. He should get fired obviously and so should his supervisors.


I can't wait for this case to end, first class dumpster fire with everything that has happened and all the people involved




I agree! Plus I live in Dedham and it is seriously fucking up traffic


I feel like I'm in the minority saying that I truly do not care about the case. I've had to mute the WCVB app notifs because I'd get Read trial updates 3 times a day. Please, just let it end.


Sounds like he showed a biased disrespectful and predatory attitude toward the woman's phone he had access to for his job duties, and job duties only. This should disqualify him from a career where he gets access to people's private info for the rest of his life and this also puts the veracity of his investigation into question. This is essentially a 'peeping tom' crime but through your phone. This puts light at the kind of disrespectful unethical characters that work in LEO and have power and access into our lives.


And his colleagues and bosses were part of the text thread. As a woman and mother, I’m disgusted and more than a little uncomfortable to learn this type of sexism and toxic objectification is STILL so casual, pervasive, and condoned.


It honestly made one of my first thoughts become “and what do they say about rape victims or women dealing with stalkers”.


Yup. You know this isn’t the first time this prick has made comments like this about a case to his friends and co-workers. And people wonder why women don’t come forward and report things.


He violated someone's privacy and made that public knowing his coworkers and manager would approve. He would never write something like, 'Hey coworkers, I just stole someone's wallet!' Then he will turn around and say, 'You don't trust police, what's your problem? We just spy on your nudes and then make fun of you.'


so did this cop physically take the phone from her? or did he access all these texts, etc through her carrier turning over her records? Did he file a search warrant? These disrespectful and unethical cops ruin the reputation of law enforcement yet they always stay on the force.


"I'm sorry I got caught."


I would assume he’s costing the state by the word based on a next civil trial against the state police and also his other cases.


How could the state/Commonwealth KNOW all of this and still bring this prosecution?


Few possible reasons: -Protect the other cases Proctor worked on, specifically the Brian Walshe case. The D.A. would rather railroad one person than have possibly hundreds of cases thrown out. -The police involved have blackmail on the district attorney office, such as the high end brothel that just shut down


Frightening, and we will probably never know the full truth, period.


Every so often a department gets blown the fuck up. Chelsea twice! (Once in the 70s and in the 90s)


I think that they are all open, now.  Everyone will bring this testimony into reference.  They have to be writing their motions, now. 


You know Walshe is. His case is his phone searches and little physical evidence.


It's amazing that they are using a now unsupported software package to analyze the phones.   DA also contests the analysis conducted by others using another software package.  Cannot fathom why the DA fights hard in all of these motions.  Yet, he brings everyone up to testify.  He could have done it in a week and forced the defense to spend 5 weeks asking all of the questions on direct.  The thing is so botched.  Lally is asking leading questions of his own witnesses.  


And that’s just the overtime he’s getting paid :)


I mean he has her cellphone against her will investigating her nudes now in public view, I would be pissed but that’s pervert and their team


This trial is proving to be a colossal eye opener to the inner workings of a mob, aka the police in this state. They circle the wagons, lie, collude, and will manufacture evidence to protect each other. The police are out of control and have no credibility - none. I wouldn't trust them to change a tire.


My boss introduced me to the case, and I was completely unfazed.   You're telling me (1) a cop (2) got involved in some petty, high school bullshit (3) that resulted in domestic violence?   Unbelievable. Unprecedented. Completely offbrand for police officers.


lol you missed the mark there, murder not domestic violence


Sadly, things will continue on as they always have (none of these shenanigans are new or particularly secret).


Eye opener? This just confirms what everyone knows. None of this is new.


Glad to know the high quality of people the Commonwealth has wearing the badge. It’s like one big employment program with great pension benefits for creepy d-bags who lurked around frat parties at colleges they didn’t even attend looking for drunk girls.   


I've never seen so much adultery and drinking and partying then I have in my time in a military police unit. I'm not going to call out the unit but there are a lot of off-duty cops who had no problem messing around on their pregnant wives.


I know a guy from Chelmsford named Brian Gervais who is basically a functional alcoholic and used to make fun jokes about Black people, like commenting on FB "Don't get AIDS!" when our classmate who was studying architecture at Syracuse went to Haiti for a service learning trip posted one of those classic photos of him with a bunch of poor children. Anyway, wish screenshots were a thing back then and guess where Brian Gervais works now!!!


Haiti?   j/k I’m assuming he works for the state police?


Lololol and yes. Funny hat and all.


And this person is still on the force getting paid by the tax payers. No.accountability in this state


It’s horrifying that Michael Proctor is still on active duty in Massachusetts. Even more horrifying that his superiors have done nothing but condone his behavior and aren’t ashamed of any of this in the slightest. Karen Read could be anyone. These officers are predators who do not care about justice, only punishment, humiliation and protecting people they know personally. I can’t believe we call this due process. I can’t believe this ever got to trial.


Even more horrifying he’s assigned to the Brian Walshe case. If his credibility is called into question I hope they don’t toss that case out.


100%. The current and future/potential trails of damage government officials create when they support abhorrent police work at every level is really sad.


To be fair, it's not just Mass, every single State in the US is like this.


The citizens of Canton have demanded an audit of the Canton PD. Do we, as massachusetts citizens, have the right to demand an audit of the state police? This is infuriating that all of the officers named today are collecting paychecks on our dime, and there seems to be no end to their employment anytime soon.


I think the issue is no one really pays attention to what is happening in police departments...until they get arrested and even then they may not have the means to do anything about it.


Someone could set up an online petition for citizens of the Commonwealth - I will sign it! Change.org has an [option](https://www.change.org/start-a-petition?utm_source=google_paid_g&utm_medium=twigeo&utm_campaign=us_web_gs_ua_sap_20220830_generic-sapready_conversions-sap&utm_content=us_web_gs_kw_makeapetition_x_xx_exact&utm_term=gclickid.CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVC6jcW-h7u1Gh3AG2JJ1WgFMuGBnZIzwwnz_f0gTtKDLOH03U7F9SRoC13cQAvD_BwE_make%20a%20petition&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVC6jcW-h7u1Gh3AG2JJ1WgFMuGBnZIzwwnz_f0gTtKDLOH03U7F9SRoC13cQAvD_BwE&started_flow=true)


I'd sign it also! Hopefully, there is a lawyer in this sub who could handle this.


[change.org](http://change.org) is great if you want to pretend to do something. then throw your hands up when nobody actually cares. [https://www.mass.gov/orgs/office-of-the-state-auditor](https://www.mass.gov/orgs/office-of-the-state-auditor) that's who you need to organize a campaign to.




I find the drop him off a party and run him over with a car right outside doesn’t seem like a smart murder plot










Is this the type of case where "beyond a reasonable doubt" is the threshold for conviction? If yes, I'd say we're WAAAAY beyond reasonable doubt. Probably approaching plausible/definite doubt.


Here are the instructions for the jurors: “It is not enough for the Commonwealth to establish a probability, even a strong probability, that the defendant is more likely to be guilty than not guilty. That is not enough. Instead, the evidence must convince you of the defendant’s guilt to a reasonable and moral certainty; a certainty that convinces your understanding and satisfies your reason and judgment as jurors who are sworn to act conscientiously on the evidence.” I’m not sure how anyone from the DA’s office sleeps at night knowing this is what would be needed for a conviction. It’s a gross waste of taxpayer money and judiciary resources. It makes matters so much worse when you have someone like the Assistant DA calling this a “trial by ambush”— all because the defense wants to call a medical doctor to the stand to give her expert perspective on John O’Keefe’s injuries. Not to mention the irony of whining about an ambush when that’s what they’ve done to the defendant since Day 1. It’s like they forget they’re trying to ruin someone’s life with embarrassingly shoddy evidence.


Wild. I wonder if the option to counter-sue is available once the jury returns the Not Quilty verdict.








MA State police are pretty much universally corrupt and scummy. Anyone who works with them knows it.. it’s amazing the way they carry themselves and actually think it’s normal - like normal citizens think and act the same way. It is a pervasive attitude throughout the entire MA state police.


Find us a police force in this ountry that's isn't corrupt and scummy.


All of this for a fellow police officer and his family to suffer through injustice. It’s sad.


Yes, and you know the family was told by police and the district attorney the prosecution case was strong and they would see it all unfold at trial. I can't even imagine what the family is thinking...


I’m sure they’re loving seeing sexism and biased unfold as evidence from the CW.


I read that John O'keefe's own Mom was laughing at Procter's texts. WTH.


First off, no one deserves this.  But these kind of fellas were the deceased’s pals. You don’t think he knew what kind of people the Alberts, McCabes, and friends were?


NETFLIX already make the Movie and has 6 possible endings.... just need to edit in the right one...


These men are disgusting and should be removed from their jobs.


Proctor grew up in Canton as well. I'm sure he already knows all these cops.


At this point, I don't even care if Read is guilty. The investigation and trial have been such shitshows that I wouldn't believe it if they found her standing over his body doing a victory dance.


This just adds to the reasonable doubt already. Corrupt cops covering for more corrupt cops. Hope she walks.


If Reasonable Doubt is the threshold in this case, I would think Day1 of Defense sealed the deal. I'm amazed the Prosecutor could look at all the evidence and decide to bring the case.


They’re all scumbags. Hate these small town cops around here


Is that a sex crime to lol for nudes against someone’s will?


Mass only passed a revenge porn law after this happened. Ironically, the FKR hero Turtleboy *loves* to post revenge porn of women, but the FKR's are mostly silent on that.


The state police needs federal oversight otherwise it should be disbanded. Rotten to the core. I feel sorry for women and minorities in this state, they wont have a chance


Our DOJ is a joke right now so I wouldn’t trust the Feds either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fuck the police


There are so many things with this case that it is hard to keep up. Some of the things I do catch I just smh.  I can't wait for the Netflix doc. 


Cops investigating cops. Nothing to see here folks. Third party companies should do IA investigations.


this guy michael proctor, his colleagues and supervisors, are all disgusting pigs. like i am actually enraged that he’ll keep his job and pension after this behavior. is this really the type of person/people we’re willing to accept as law enforcement? way to give literally every state trooper a shit stain on their uniform with this nonsense. what a fucking loser


I did not need to hear about Karen’s anal leakage


Neither did half the Massachusetts state police but here we are.  Great workplace culture there.  Back the blue.  


I didn't need to hear it either....my question is why did anyone think it was necessary to release that info? Ok he said that via text - let him get in trouble for that...it seems like someone wanted him and his family to be publicly embarressed for saying that.


Maybe just to be held accountable? He made those choices repeatedly. It also shows it wasn't just "general" information that he was sharing, he disclosed medical info and then mocked it. If that were me, I would have done the same, including staring him down while he testified to each and every comment. And to be frank, he should be embarrassed, at the very least.


IMO - I am curious. Are there any Canton and close surrounding area residents who have their ears close to the ground concerning what locals think of Trooper Proctor's testimony at the Karen Read trial on Monday June 22, 2024)? In other words, do any of them consider Proctor's attitude as being: 1). shocking 2). distasteful 3). misogynistic 4). or not surprising?


The only thing that asshole regretted, is getting caught. The corruption uncovered, in the framing of Karen Read is INSANE. Everyone laughed when Turtleboy broke this story wide open, saying "Dozen or so people capable of covering up a murder"? Yup. The Canton Police, some MSP, Norfolk County DA's office, judge "Aunti Bev" Cannone, are all fuckin' corrupt. All done to protect a couple of shit bag families in Canton named Alberts and McCabes. I hope they all lose their jobs and pensions. AT A. MINIMUM. Proctor's wife is an asshole too. She would call the employers of those that criticized her hubby online, and see if she could get them fired. Now she's playing the victim. FOR DOING THE EXACT SAME THING SHE IS/WAS DOING....


Nothing but a frat bro with a badge. Get rightfully wrecked Proctor.


I haven’t been following this case. Who do you guys think actually killed him? I’ve just been reading pieces about this case here and there.








Removed baseless speculation that is encouraging harassment of witnesses in a murder case.








The other cops didn't like him, there was a fight, it got out of hand, they pinned it on Karen.


I've been having trouble following all the names and relationships of the people in the case. Is this a reasonable conclusion?


No fucking clue, it's what I can come up with based on my limited knowledge of the case and because they're douchebag cops and that's exactly what douchebag cops would do.


Based on the evidence, no. The victim’s cell phone GPS data makes the defense’s case impossible. It’s possible for two things to be true at once: The police are scum AND she could be guilty. They could’ve tampered with the case AND she could still be guilty.


This is true. However I'd be hard pressed to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that she's guilty


She possibly accidentally hit him. If not he got beat up by the homeowners nephew


Without even getting into the case itself, the hype following and rabid people reporting every fart that happens in that courtroom is insane.


not to mention the fan club formed


If the courts don’t correct these cops behavior, it’s a matter of time until the mob does. When cops and prosecutors can lie like this, it could be any of us on that stand.


It's only "any of you" if you're poor. There's no "mob" that's going to do anything. Stop making shit up.


Their mistake was trying business as usual on a reasonably well-to-do woman who could afford serious legal defense. 


It's very obvious that this case turned a bunch of back the blue types into ACABs because they saw what cops do to poors and POCs on the daily happening to a MILFy white lady with rich parents and all of a sudden they decided they could empathize instead of just being able to dismiss it offhand like they normally do. That being said, she almost certainly did it, the idea that dozens of people (many of whom have no reason to lie) are executing a conspiracy on this scale just strains belief when in real life conspiracies tend to collapse when under the slightest bit of scrutiny, and this case has had *a lot* of scrutiny. But whether they find her guilty or not is anyone's guess and if they don't the cops have no one to blame but themselves. But TB and his booze wife followers? These people's fucking tears about police corruption ring hollow when the same people were more than happy to look the other way on this until now.


Agree 1000% about white people who DGAF when the cops brutalize and railroad some Puerto Rican kid in Holyoke.  Disagree that dozens of people executing a conspiracy is what’s happening if Karen Read is being framed. Cops pick the first likely suspect and built a case, often corruptly, to nail that suspect ALL THE TIME.  Everyone else in the criminal justice system (other cops, first responders, medical examiners, district attorneys, even judges!) goes along with it because that’s just how it’s done.  Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to—especially if it makes your own job a lot harder.  Witnesses modify their testimony to make it fit the case, exculpatory evidence is not pursued, suppressed, or destroyed.  That’s just how the system works a lot of the time.  95+ percent of the time the defendant is coerced into a plea deal anyway so it’s never scrutinized.   The public wants “results” (i.e. convictions for crimes) and they don’t usually look very closely at how we get them.  If it is exposed, everyone has qualified or absolute immunity anyway and the city or state is on the hook for the damages. Most of the time, the defendant is actually guilty, and if they’re not, they’re too poor for anyone to notice.   If she didn’t hit the victim, all that needed to happen was for the cop family in the house to tell their cop buddies responding to the scene that Karen did it, and, with some professional courtesy, the system did the rest on its own. 


Who is TB?


Turtleboy. Local "journalist" (extremely loose usage of the term journalist) who was being paid by the defense to spread their theories about the case.


Is that the blogger they had to kick out of some of the trial days because he was intimidating witnesses


Yes he's also under investigation for witness intimidation.


Thank you


Did Barros see the tail light as depicted in the foto? His description of the tail light in dighton doesn't not resemble the picture.  


The prosecution did a terrible job not having him clarify his statement. The defense certainly isn't going to have him expound on it.


I can't wait for Wednesday


Zero evidence of a frame job. Karen Read's delusional defense is going to get her convicted and hit with a fat sentence. Will be great to see it, too EDIT: Can't be bothered to correct me huh? There's nothing. The defense opened trial by saying Karen was framed yet they still haven't decided who they're accusing of it, still throwing shit at the wall and praying it sticks


It's not the job of the defense to say who did it. It is their job to demonstrate "reasonable doubt". From the little I've followed this trial, they seem to be doing a decent job of that. Nice to think the cops are actually helping you out only to later learn they are sending texts to their buddies about you while searching for nudes on your phone. Real class act those cops are.


Helping you out? When you're the prime suspect in a murder case? Huh? The defense has to make a credible argument for a 3rd party culprit, one that the jury would think the state should have looked into. they haven't done that. just gone down a hundred different paths that went nowhere.


They will show more than enough evidence to fulfill the bowden defense, while not necessarily needing to point the finger at any one person, just at those in the house as a whole.


If they have nothing they should say that they have nothing, is my opinion. Comes across as paranoid delusions.


What do you have to say about the video that was flipped/changed to make it look like her tail light was out?


That you’re believing fantasy from Alan Jackson and not watching the trial


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ZERO. That's why they have to try and make a mountain out of this ant hill with Proctor's messages or a horizontal flip on a security camera. Pathetic. Free Karen Read= QAnon


Found the state trooper trying to stand up for his corrupt buddies and the scum.


\*fucking delusional cult\*


Even if she did hit him, the dirty corrupt cops butchered the investigation so bad you can't in good conscience convict. I'm sorry you refuse to see that you and your buddies are corrupt, lazy wastes of taxpayers dollars.


You’re motivated by this hatred of cops not pursuit of the truth, should actually watch the trial to form your opinion.


I have watched the trial. Which is why I know the cops are entirely incompetent in their investigation. You should actually pay attention to the facts and evidence instead of blindly believing a bunch of corrupt cops.


"Pay attention to the facts" ok then, like what, the lack of any damage to John's car in the driveway? 34 Fairview being only place they found the taillight pieces? Have you actually been watching because the defense has at every opportunity declined to show ANY EVIDENCE of the frame job that they talked about in opening statement. NOTHING


The defense hasn’t presented their case. It’s still the commonwealths turn.


How about the fact that both another police officer and tow driver said the taillight wasn't broken but cracked? They have nothing to gain from this case and are impartial witnesses. How about the cops conflict of interest? Lack of investigation of the people who's yard they found a dead cop in? How about how no one there heard or saw anything? What happened to their dog that mysteriously disappeared? Why did they throw away their phone in a random place? How about text messages that explicitly said "say he never came in the house". How about her googling How long someone dies in the cold? Random phone calls at night. The fact that everyone including the judge is a friend of the owners of the house?


lmao you're parroting nonsense. just like the whole embarrassing cult. A broken taillight is inherently a cracked piece. when your high priced lawyer is bringing up shit like that and no actual evidence, it's a sign that you have no good faith argument to make. they didn't investigate in the house because Karen told them who was responsible that morning, I Hit Him, I Hit Him, I Hit Him. You must not know what probable cause means, lol. He never came in the house, and the defense has not proven it. Fucking hell. You're a piece of work.


The defense hasn’t put on their case. We are still waiting for the commonwealth to prove it was Karen. Also, if I had a body on my lawn, I’m pretty sure my house would be searched.


"zero evidence" I have in mind right now three different still images of Karen's SUV, after the incident, that depict a mostly intact passenger taillight. People like Bukhenik tried to gaslight me into thinking that I wasn't seeing any red plastic in those stills, but I did. Red plastic that was supposed to be sitting on the lawn, rather than still be attached to the car. Tldr: lol, lmao


Hm that’s weird because they found the pieces on the lawn, nowhere else. You are believing fantasy propaganda from dipshits like Sean on the Gulf.


I don't even know who that is, I've only watched the trial itself. And further, my point was that I don't believe that they found those pieces in the yard. My own eyes tell me that the taillight was more intact before the police got hold of it than it is now. No gaslighting from some piece of shit state trooper is gonna change that. You want me to believe Karen did it, show me a goddamn picture from the day of, before it was even towed, showing that taillight missing 95% of that red plastic.


The Karen Read cult propaganda machine is the only thing that is gaslighting you.


Again, how is the trial itself propaganda? This is even the first and only reddit thread on the topic I've viewed. What are you, a bot?


I don’t believe that. Because you are repeating same lines as Karen’s paid PR


You mean to tell me I've been replying to you for free when I could've been getting paid? Shit man, you should've said that sooner


He is the lead investigator for multiple cases at the moment and has yet to be fired! I hate him. But this state is bad corrupt!