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I had a neighbor kid hand out flyers saying he would do most any job, he didn't have any tools - But I do and put him to work. First washing windows, then washing the siding, decks and then into the power tools to take out brush and clearing. I was paying him 25$ an hour and normally he would only work about 4 hrs before he was exhausted and sometimes he would bring over a friend to help on the weekends. I told him anytime he needs work, I have it available before he went back to school. Seems he is to busy with athletics the new summer and hasn't knocked on my door. I would suggest finding someone with a yard that needs help and knock on the door with a flyer. The flyer was good because I wasn't able to just drop what I was doing and go over things, so this gave me a chance to consider my own goals before making the call. I also saw him at other homes in the area working.


This is a great suggestion. Helps young people learn skills and creates an opportunity for people who find yardwork a necessary trudge to gain time back in their schedule.


Good on you man! Genuinely really awesome. Teaches work ethic and skills.


Great suggestion. When I was a kid my parents had me do the same thing. I made a flier and offered to do pretty much any “odd job” or yard work - I organized an elderly neighbors garage, did tons of yard work, weeding, mowed lawns, washed windows, etc. Someone below mentioned how busy people get and that’s what worked for me - there was a younger dude who coached the local university soccer team and was always traveling so I mowed his lawn all summer.


He's also learning sales techniques. He's too young to realize door to door sales is the hardest form of sales and him even trying it gives jim such an advantage


After Covid a lot of places just continued to work with a skeleton crew. A lot of summer jobs I’ve seen are just operated by the owner and family members, very few hire teenagers nowadays. Also with the price of everything more adults are taking on second jobs. Im not saying all summer jobs are gone to teenagers but it’s definitely gotten a lot harder.


It’s a good point in skeleton crews, a phone repair shop I walked by yesterday had a sign apologizing for shortened hours due to “short staffing”. I assumed they must be hiring then? Nope!


They proved during Covid that it *can* be done, so why not keep working people that same way. They don’t care that the goodwill people had for terrible service was situational and long expired.


There's an army of teenagers working at Kimball Farms.


Gotten used to it financially , so the customer pays more and gets less. Stinks for small business but corporations are making record profits. But hey, nobody wants to work!


Shortage of life guards at a lot of pools in the area if they are old enough to get certified


I read the getting certified part is the hangup, those programs are few and far between.


When I used to live in a beach town they had to delay the start of summer beach season because the one lifeguard training class in the region got postponed.


Other problem is a lot of kids just aren’t skilled enough to be a lifeguard. Last spring the town pool I worked at ran a lifeguard class that had 13 kids in it (ages ranging from 16-21). Out of the 13, only 3 kids passed the entire course. A lot of kids don’t realize you have to know how to swim, go to the bottom of a pool and retrieve a brick, etc etc


And $400+ it is a Red Cross SCAM...... On one hand they cry about not having enough lifeguards on the other charge like $60 an hour for "training"


lol what do they offer for pay? also how much do they have to invest in training?


>lol what do they offer for pay? Depends. Usually varies depending on if you work for the state (better paying) or a private entity (like the YMCA or a private company running a city pool) or the municipality. I believe training is often covered, but that may also vary tbh. I was never a lifeguard, just worked in aquatics generally.


Didn’t the Mayor of NY solve this problem? I believe his quote was “migrants are excellent swimmers”.


Not a summer job but I know they'll be looking to hire people to shop digital orders in the Ware Walmart. My team lead said that they were redoing the schedule and will be hiring people to fill in the gaps. Though they'd probably make a lot more money doing landscaping. Either way, I wish them the best of luck!


Didn't y'all just have a bomb threat this weekend??


It was a customer in line angry about something mundane. He said would blow up the place. Just some angry old man not used to hearing no. The cops were called and the situation was handled. Edit: I'd like to make a shout out to the angry Karen at curbside pickup who was shouting at my manager. She couldn't get her baby wipes yet because the employees had evacuated for their safety.


Damn that sounds both annoying and stressful! Glad it was nothing serious


Yes, thankfully it was nothing and hopefully It doesn't give anybody ideas. Also, I'm pretty sure making a threat like that is taken seriously and they're looking at some jail time.


It's about as bad as the guy in the mid west saying he was "gonna blow thos place up" and proceeded to use the toilet to do number 2. Poor bastard got pulled off the toilet by police.


“Nobody wants to ~~work~~ **hire**”


"nobody wants to work for a wage that doesn't even bring them above the poverty line"


That doesn't apply to teenagers, but it is why teenagers aren't getting hired. No one is going to hire a teenager with no experience and skills for a high wage when they can hire an adult with experience and skills for the same pay.


Buy a lawnmower and a weedwhacker, boom, summer job.


Not a bad idea! TY


What about restaurants they usually hire summer help?


They would usually prefer someone with experience. I remember it being hard to get a restaurant job when I was home from college and had some fast food experience.


They also tend to want people that will stay longer than 3 months because of the cost to onboard and train someone


I have an out of state college kid who will be returning to PA in august. The trick is to look for “seasonal” postings on indeed. Camp counselor, landscaping jobs, amusement parks only open during the summer, etc. they only want people 12 weeks.




All those we’ve tried are not interested in summer-only help, surprised me


Have they applied to day camps and stuff like that? If they have lifeguard certificates they could do that, there's a huge shortage but the pay not be very good.


Lol, you need capital to do that... Even push mowers are like $75 bucks... Are you suggesting that teens take out loans and get into debt?!


Need a pickup truck or at least an SUV (have fun with the gasoline smell) as well, unless you’re in a pretty densely populated area.


Probably want to start with your neighbors at that stage in the game, gotta price a little lower because those neighbor lawns are your bread and butter. You can also put it on one of those hitch racks if you have a trailer hitch.


Gotta spend money to make money


Does Home Depot or Lowe’s still hire for summer? You might need to be 18 but those were good gigs many moons ago


Sure, but they’re hiring migrants, not American kids.


I have about 5 Haitians a day walk into my place of work and ask for a job.


What type of business?


Retirement/assisted living facility


That’s understandable. Worked in a kitchen there for ~6 years, covid really killed those places for young folks sadly. Too much risk




The one benefit is that you’ll gain a very strong immune system there. Thought it Varys on the facility, you might catch something for a day or two but eventually you’ll become mostly immune to everything.


Dey terk der jerbs but sort of actually. Businesses might take a fresh immigrant with little to nothing who won't complain or raise a stink with the departments labor or health over an American kid and we've seen an influx of very exploitable labor recently which is a wet dream for your small business owner, the backbone of America. This is the reality of the situation.


Sometimes it’s more beneficial to have labor that will stick around and not actually about wanting to exploit them. Students’ schedules are unreliable. Employers want someone they can count on day in and day out. This was actually a problem pre-pandemic because a lot of retirees were taking up what was traditionally summer/seasonal jobs for teenagers. Once the pandemic hit they decided it wasn’t worth the risk for extra money and now a different labor force has replaced them.


"Dey terk der jerbs" has always been true. We specialized our economy in administration on the misguided belief that everyone could do it.


Go away. You're always annoying and suck the air out of every conversation. Don't reply to this comment.


Do we have a history? Also, you don't get to tell me what to do lmao.


It just doesn't make sense for businesses to employ someone for a summer most of the time nowadays. Adults are still scrounging for second jobs to make ends meet and they work year round.


This. It's not worth the expense anymore to hire someone for 8 weeks (which is often more like 6 weeks because of family vacations.)


Lawns need mowing?


Adults are working those former teen jobs for survival usually.


Filled months ago. If you’re talking about *genuine seasonal work*, at places like camps and DCR facilities. For next year, so you know, the summer recruitment season starts in late February and most jobs are up in March. Usually actual work - evening trainings - will start after Memorial Day. What did your teens do other years that worked?


I know a bunch of seasonal jobs still available. OP where in central MA are you?


Milford/Bellingham/Hopkinton area


Oh these are more Sudbury/Lincoln. That’s a hike for seasonal employment.


Summer day camps here are always advertising for more help and probably start soon. Grocery stores? Restaurants depending on their age?


Summer camps have been staffed up for at least a month.


Well moms were posting in my local group as of last week still looking to fill the last few staffing spots as people backed out. Weird that they didn’t already know their camps were fully staffed.


Have found this to be true


Stores and restaurants have no interest in going through the paperwork and training for an employee that will be leaving in 8 weeks for school


The poster said “teens”, that can be anyone, not just older young adults who go to college out of the area. I worked in restaurants in college and did summers and covered school breaks since that’s when the regular employees wanted time off. It’s really not that weird, even if it was a college kid.


Yes, my teen is on the camp counselor track and those jobs begin recruiting in February to March.


Lifeguards are in need lots of places!


All of our YMCAs are clamoring for life guards year long, they reduce hours because of the lack of life guards. It's super annoying.


Head to the closest MassHire and inquire about the YouthWorks program!


If there's an amusement park nearby, they only want seasonal workers. My son is on his second year at Canobie lake, they couldn't wait for him to get home from college.


Good idea, unfortunately we're pretty far from Canobie, Six Flags, etc.


Davis farmland in sterling might be hiring! I know they hire randomly throughout the summer


Check moving companies. I used to work for one in HS during the summer.


Check the federal government website - they just launched something. Check all local and state government sites. They hire for pools, park cleanups etc, one year I got paid to teach other kids arts and crafts (that was way too long ago) - good luck edit: [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/09/20/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-launches-american-climate-corps-to-train-young-people-in-clean-energy-conservation-and-climate-resilience-skills-create-good-paying-jobs-and-tackle-the-clima/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/09/20/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-launches-american-climate-corps-to-train-young-people-in-clean-energy-conservation-and-climate-resilience-skills-create-good-paying-jobs-and-tackle-the-clima/)


is it on their domain from 1992? super secure, easy to navigate?


Try the library. We hire high school kids in the summer for extra help during the summer reading program.


good idea!


I’d suggest looking into community banking. Coverage for vacations is needed and training as a teller is relatively painless. They will probably float to multiple branches but will be welcomed back next summer and if in college during breaks.


DCR ( dept of conservation and recreation)


*ahem* you mean the dept of cars and roads.


Country Clubs


They could probably get camp counselor positions. They were always abundant for me around a decade ago


Buy a power washer and learn how to power wash.


Golf courses!


Grocery stores are usually a safe bet


You would think. My son has worked at MB for a year. He can’t get hours this summer. Too many employees. Not enough shifts for them.


Scoop ice cream


It’s not just teen summer jobs. I just graduated college and can’t find anything, anywhere.


Find an amusement park or kid play area. They're about to get slammed once school is out. Davis Farmland near Clinton is a popular place.


State lifeguard gigs if they meet the requirements


They could get cpr certified be a babysitter


This was true last year as well. Possibly due to older people needing the work?


My son is 16. Couldn’t get Walmart or the grocery store to even give him a call back though he tried repeatedly to get hired in such places. He started his own mobile car detailing business. Invested a bit of money in a shop vac, supplies, and basic tools. Started offering services to his friends, their parents, the local community. Made some flyers, stuffed mailboxes on a Sunday. Advertises on Facebook in community pages. He’s now making about $500/week working part time after school and on weekends. That’ll go up over the summer. He works hard and does a good job. He certainly charges less than what you’d pay for professional detailing, but people know they’re getting a teenager to do the work and they’re okay with that. He’s not detailing Lambos. Best of all, he’s learning how to deal well with people, be fair, be responsible and respectful, communicate, etc. He’s made a few mistakes and miscalculations. All good experiences to have. He’s always been an ambitious kid, a good student, but I’m especially proud of him for putting himself out there like this.


Try walking into restaurants to bus tables or like a Home Depot garden section


Might be a little late in the game too. I saw farms/ice cream stands advertising for help, but that was back in May before the season really started. Could also go places and just ask.


Loads of stores at the Wrentham outlets are looking for seasonal, part-time work. I saw a bunch listed on Indeed under the part-time section.


Every adult has to have multiple to survive = less jobs to trust a teenager with


Fake narrative.


I mean, it's true though. Even from the employer perspective, why would you hire teenagers who don't *really* need the money or have much investment in their work, "always on their phones", never have open availability bc of school &/or will only be around for the summer, and need to be managed more closely, when there is a line out the door of desperate adults who HAVE to try because they need the money. Throw on top of that the fact that minors can't legally stay past 10pm or perform any job considered too dangerous like using a deli slicer or deep fryer (pretty essential tools in food service, where much of these jobs are) and it just doesn't make sense from a business perspective to hire kids when you could hire adults.


The false narrative is the absurd statement that every adult needs a 2nd job to survive. There isn't even evidence of an abnormal amount of second jobs to begin with.


Its not every adult, but anecdotally it seems to me that it's definitely more than a normal amount. Hell, i have 2 jobs and i'm not even making enough to survive on my own yet.


Well you're wrong. It's generally around 5%, not necessarily linked to necessity, and remains so.


Two places told our kid they don’t hire kids coming home from college for the summer !!!!


Yep, have heard that too. I don't recognize this labor market!


BYCC probably still exists in some capacity


Kids looking for work for the money, the resume or for good old fashioned character building? Lots of volunteer orgs would love help even just for weekend events (ours certainly would!) and there are plenty of senior citizens out there that could use help with yard work and home maintenance and they tip in karma, cookies and pocket change. Where abouts are you located, and how far are they willing to travel?


Do you have a town Facebook page? Post there and see what shakes out. That’s how we found our summer babysitter. We have so much work around here lol we could use another set of hands for landscaping/ furniture assembly etc. I think that’s the case for a lot of families.




Hi, im one of the burnout dropouts taking your kids jobs lol. in my defense i need money.


Skeleton crews AND you will always find cheaper labor with illegal migrants.


Have them check local golf courses


Try any local camp grounds they are usually always looking for help and also like doggie daycare


Illegals work for cheaper


Very few places want to invest time and energy on a new associate that’s just going to leave in 2 months. Not to mention, July and August are generally the slowest months for retail jobs. It’s much wiser to focus on hiring people that want to stick around long term.


Work on a farm


Call up some horse farms - people always need help scooping poop


This has been the only bite he’s had so far, has a few hours on Sunday doing just that


So glad! Def ask the barn owner or manager if they have other friends in the area who may need help, too.


Plenty of places near Ipswich hiring.


Migrants took em. It's a huge problem in Canada. High school and college students can't even get food service jobs cause the immigrants are snatching them up. Edit: lol downvote me all you want. It's the truth, seen it with my own eyes


Migrants are taking the lifeguarding jobs at the local pools and beaches? Babysitting jobs? Camp counselors? Serving ice cream at DQ? These are teenage summer jobs.


Lifeguard jobs - absolutely. Go to water county and see for yourself. DQ and food service? Absolutely, I've seen it with my own eyes. A Dunkin near me has all Chinese immigrant workers.


My guy, the dunks in my 98% white pop town 20 years ago was fully migrant/minority employed. Stop acting like this is new.


In my state you need “working papers” or an ID for any job that isn’t a Mom and Pop/under the table deal.


Why are you being down voted? Any job that comes up in Canada has a line of Indians out the door


Because it's fucking Reddit, the front page of neo-Marxism.


Reddit will downvote you all day because your message doesn't fit the left's narrative of the good migrant we need to save (white savior complex + virtue signaling). I know you are speaking the truth.


Try just not saying it’s a summer job and then peace at the end.


Any grocery stores? They usually hire 25 year olds.


As they say on the internet, we used to have a proper country.


What does that mean?


Why is this downvoted


Thinking that something was better in the past is generally frowned upon on Reddit.


It’s the Massachusetts sub. Most of the people here live a privileged life far removed from reality.


It's also the knee-jerk negative reaction to anyone who indicates they thought something was better in the past, with the notable exception of housing costs.


Even so— it’s just a meme. I have a feeling theyre deeping it too muchZ


All the “asylum seekers” took yer kids’ jobs.


Nice try. Doesn't agree with the facts but if Fox News tells you its so ...


High cost because of the high minimum wage. Used to be cheap to hire kids but no more.


Migrants took them