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Tali is flirty but nothing happens. Garrus is oblivious to anyone but Shepard.


Not quite. You can catch Tali and Garrus making out in me3


I should have said Garrus is oblivious if he's dating Shepard.


Yeah I know.. but it just doesnโ€™t feel right. At least for me ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Oh, that's barely flirting. You should hear her on a playthrough where you don't romance Garrus in ME2. There's added/changed lines of dialogue that show just how... forward Tali can get because she knows just how clueless Garrus is.


I thought that as well and then heard a similar somewhat flirty convo with Liara and Garrus that made my eye twitch But all of the Garrus romance dialogue is so intense I knew that our hearts belonged to each other and no one else ๐Ÿคฃ In the Citadel DLC if you wait and listen to all of Tali's drunk dialogue you can hear her drunkenly suggest having a threesome with you and Garrus


Her goodbye with Garrus before the final mission ends up being quite nice when they say their goodbyes to you and gush. When you think about it even if they're just friends it would make sense that the two of them (along w Liara) are the closest. In ME1, I doubt Kaiden or Ashley were super friendly with any of them, Wrex isn't one for close bonds, and the rest of the crew was made up of humans who were all a bit standoffish about aliens. So in theory, the three of them would have spent a lot of time bonding on the Normandy.


I know but Tali is flirting with Garrus even tho he is my love interest ๐Ÿ˜‚ thatโ€™s what pissed me off ๐Ÿ˜‚ besides I didnโ€™t hear anything between him and Liara tbh. Just Tali. I mean I get that they are friends but I donโ€™t flirt with my friends ๐Ÿ˜‚ just saying ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Andromeda was worse. Even if you locked in a romance with PeeBee or Jaal they still discussed having sex with each other "for science" while you were driving them around in the Nomad.


Yesss I forgot about it ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ especially Jaal I heard it few times ๐Ÿ˜‚ especially with Vetra ๐Ÿ˜‚


Tali wants both of yโ€™all. Best friends squad polycule.