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Games like the ME series are why I’ll never get the platinum trophy. Can’t do it. Won’t do it.


Feel that


Full renegade simply ruins the experience of the whole story. Sure you can giggle about some dialogues, but in the end you strip yourself of many aspects of the game. It's fun when you play a second time though. But I personally believe the best way to do it is to go paragon with renegade on some occasions, it just feels natural. You can be honorable, good person, but sometimes show teeth when required.


Yea I do that. It can be funny


You are definitely not alone. Trying to go full renegade makes me feel uncomfortable. Playing as a paragon feels more emotionally rewarding, and the narrative often supports those choices in a positive way. It shows that the game ultimately presents a humanist message (no pun intended). One of my favorite paragon moments involves (ME2 spoilers ahead) >!reaching out to the speciest asari at Illium and standing up for the harassed quarian at the Citadel. And, of course, there's a heart-warming paragon option to kiss Liara after the Shadow Broker's fight, but that depends on where you stand in regards to romancing her.!<


True. It's cool paragon. Renegade is really messed up at times lol


Just be a Paragade, it's the most fun. Get to be a true action hero: do a load of good for the galaxy but occasionally prove your badass credentials by headbutting a krogan or shoving a merc through a window.


You don't have to be evil dumb like you can keep wrex alive by being ruthless instead of just blind bloodlust 


True with the right decisions u can keep him


I did a mostly renegade run, and it was fun and rewarding. Going full renegade, however, that's too much. It means you're just working against your own interests oftentimes too, as well as needlessly being cruel to your crew.


Yea and you lose alot of points in the 3rd. So less allies


I've done enough repeat playthroughs to where I just did full renegade at some point because I felt like I hadn't seen everything yet. I just don't look at it as the character being me, it's more like watching a movie about someone who's a giant space douche and it's kind of amusing. The only thing I have a hard time with is killing Shiala.


Was playing 2 last night and talked to the reporter. Don't like her so i did the renegade prompt. My shep fuckin blasted her lol was not expecting something so extreme. I feel like shep isn't dumb enough to hit a reporter on camera.


I prefer to just go with the choices my character that I'm playing as would go with (like roleplay). I don't really worry about Paragon v. Renegade, just go with what's "in-character" for that Shep. This even led to a really interesting moment in a recent playthrough. So, I *finally* made a male!Shep character (Soldier class, Spacer personal background, Ruthless military background). Up to Noveria, he'd been fairly Renegade. He's a man who joined the Alliance to continue the family legacy of service. When he joined at 18, he never expected to find himself seeing some of the worst types of battles where the cost of failing the mission was even higher than the cost of losing friends and fellow soldiers. But he did what he had to do. To quote Elliot from the show Leverage, he was once "a man with a flag on his shoulder and God in his heart". Torfan changed that for him, but still, he serves the Alliance as his family has done. He did what he had to and accepted the consequences that go with it. When he ran out of thorian gas grenades, he had to make the unfortunate choice to take down a few of the colonists with lethal force (thankfully, most survived). When an asteroid was going to hit Terra Nova and the one responsible for the attack was about to get away, he made sure to stop Balak. At a great cost, the threat Balak posed was eliminated. When he'd later be faced with saving the Council at the cost of having fewer ships to fight Sovereign and the Reapers, he'd hold the fleet back at the cost of the Council... But when faced with the last living rachni... when everything in him told him that this thing was dangerous and responsible for every death in this lab and the deaths of millions centuries before, that it HAD to die... he just couldn't do it. He couldn't doom this last remnant of a sapient race that was at his mercy. Whatever insanity he thinks may have come over him in that moment, he spared the Rachni Queen. And it may simply have been because she was a lone survivor, enslaved in a lab experiment and begging for her life. Jason Shepard has faced many hard decisions and many more to come. While he's learned not to regret or dwell on what choice he made in the moment, the weight of his decisions stays with him. Waking up in Cereberus base 2 years later, seeing what the Citadel Council and the Galaxy has become, he feels the weight of those choices made in that Presidium Tower... but he did what he had to do, knowing full-well what was coming... even sparing the rachni queen is a mixed bag to him. Sure, he spared her because of her circumstances, but *was* that the right choice? Maybe. While he may outwardly own up to every decision he's made and make no excuses or apologies for it, internally, there are plenty of moments of doubt... moments that he also carries with him that make him think about whether or not to pull the trigger for just a moment longer. Just long enough for another choice to present itself... if it can be done... if he isn't forced to do what he has to do. Yet, he is still often left with making the choices that leave him with very little to justify what he's done other than his knowledge of the threat that's coming. Sometimes, his choices leave him feeling like he did well and protected those who needed it. But more often, his decisions only leave him with another weight he'll have to carry. Also, I didn't mean to, but he low-key reminds me of David Boreanaz (the actor who played Angel in Buffy). Not what I intended, but I'm vibing with it. TL;DR: Paragon vs. Renegade is out. Role-playing tf out of things is IN.


Some renegade choices just make no sense. I can’t do it either.