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It sounds plausible, but I don't think so, the EDI we know wouldn't go that far and put the crew in danger for that. Furthermore, she did not know what the collectors' exact plan was, for all she knew they could have blown up the Normandy like they did with Normandy 1.


I’m not sure I get this, because EDI letting the collectors into the ship means she failed one of her major directives. We are given a pretty good in world answer for why it happened: the IFF contained far more advanced Reaper viruses than those previously encountered, and nobody has studied a Reaper IFF before to know what’s in it. It seems much more likely that the IFF viruses actually did compromise the ship and the true only way to deal with it was unshackling EDI so she could overcome the viruses by being able to think/act like a human, not like a computer.


No, the "thing" that TIM knew about her is that she was the rogue AI on Luna that Cerberus rehabilitated and repurposed. The rest of this is nonsense.


Why would you think that when TIM admitted to orchestrating it, it's never suggested that EDI did it


I'm talking about when they kidnap the crew,not when they go inside the deactivated collector ship


Yeah my bad was thinking of the collector ship, was a virus in the IFF that allowed them to track the ship


When is that actually said? [This](https://youtu.be/YpsLqccWO_s?si=ndr1fJt8G3odkKS3&t=54) implies the opposite. If you can show me a clip of TIM saying that he was the one who orchestrated the whole thing. I think you might be misremembering and confusing it with the Collector Ship incident, which was him fooling Shepard into thinking that it was dormant, when it was not, which he does admit afterwards.


I made a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/193ivi3/comment/kh9ohuf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about this once. But in short, I believe it too. It's very much [implied](https://youtu.be/YpsLqccWO_s?si=yeKxRFRwjf75IJyl&t=54) that she might have done it. ***"Sir... it can be very persuasive. If it were to turn a crewman, convince them to disable the shackles... well..."*** "It's just a cyberwarfare suite, Doctor. Nothing more." "Shows what he knew." ***"It is unlikely that anyone without Jeff's extreme emotional attachment to his ship would have been willing to unshackle me."*** It's definitely my favourite theory and it only makes EDI more interesting as a character.


I don't think she actually wanted to do that, but it's interesting to think that she could have done it because she is an advanced AI after all, but like I said I don't think that was the case. The reason I think she didn't do it is because she was bound to a protocol and had been warning Joker for a while that something was going on with the IFF and the Normandy, and if she had broken free she would have run away or kicked Joker out and gone with the ship, and that was never the case. She always stayed on the ship until the end of the saga, even when she had gotten a new mobile platform and was completely free of her restraints. What she did regret in ME3 was attacking Shep on the Moon xDD


Would she even be able to do that? I would imagine that given that her shackles stop her from interfacing directly with most of Normandy's systems, it wouldn't be physically possible to let the Collectors in intentionally.