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The best of the best. Incredibly useful skills in all games, fantastic banter and the best bro any Shepard could ask for. The first name on the team list.


Should be the only name on the list. Hell, no need for a list, just make a mental note to auto lock Garrus.


Garrus and Tali the true ride or dies, both been by Shepards side since the beginning


They the best fr


ME 1 - Garrus was quite meh. I played the game quite late well after the trilogy had concluded (2015 to be exact) and I honestly didn't understand why everyone kept referring to him as the best bro. ME 2 & 3 - Best Bro. And it's not even close. I have never romanced him, but I'm certain he's top tier in that regard as well.


Had the same experience my first time through. I couldn't believe people were going nuts for the angsty cop that thinks he should be allowed to beat detainees and murder civilians if it makes his job easier. Then I got to ME2 and was like... ahhh, I see the vision. He's not my absolute favorite, but easily in my top 3.


To me he's more a Vigilante. He doesn't want to harm innocent people and the people he's brutal towards deserve it for the most part. But that quote It's so much easier to see everything in black and white. Grey, I don't know what to do with grey." Does define who he is.


In the case of ME1, you underestimate how a player feels when only one character on the team opens every conversation with a "Commander, how are you?"


Fr he made me feel better everytime he asked me how I was


Well, one thing I liked about him in ME1 is how dynamic the teacher-student relationship with him was. He was one of the squadmates whose mind you could actually change. For example you couldn't argue an old timer like Wrex out of "genophage bad" or Tali the exposition machine out of "Geth bad". Garrus in particular was easy to influence and gets flustered from basic ass arguments, showing that he clearly didn't think his shit through. Makes him look like a kid looking for a daddy figure to be a role model. Fluctuating values are also the reason I liked Kaidan, though he was much more mature


ME1 just had the weakest characters overall, and they didn't come into their own until 2. The world building and galaxy level mystery/ thriller really carried the game in a way that's difficult to appreciate in hindsight


Wrex was interesting. But yeah the loyalty missions make all the difference. I was surprised replaying recently how *little* there was in terms of conversations in ME1.


Yeah, Wrex was the most fleshed out, and see why if you're not careful, his arc will end tragically in the first game. Or 3 where it's even more heartbreaking


The reason is, there's more conversations with other species and aliens, the first game is more focused on exploration and world building than characters and it actually does a great job at that in my opinion.


Absolutely. I still think the Citadel in ME1 *feels like* a big place. While in all the other games it’s a bit muddy, it’s just about the same size as all the other locations. Maybe in ME3 it feels a bit nicer but it still doesnt feel epic like in 1. Something about the music and the views on the Presidium really sell the idea of the Citadel as a location.


Whenever people shit on the characters of Andromeda, I always have to wonder if they are able to separate ME2 and ME3 from ME1. I also wonder if they are decoupling their dislike for other aspects of Andromeda from preventing bias against Andromeda. There were multiple chargers in Andromeda that if additional games were continued I could see developing into fan favorites like Garrus, Tali, and Wrex.


I liked Andromeda as well. Also I think that characters like Drack and Vetra are pretty well fleshed out. I started the series with ME2 back in the day, I only played ME1 with the release of the Legendary Edition. So I already knew who I liked and who I didn't.


In 2 he really needs to chill. I get why he wants Sidonis dead but he's angrier than a Krogan during a Blood Rage and takes it out on a LOT of people. Hell Harkin deserved to be punched in the face, not broken ribs, a busted jaw and kneecapped. Besides it's an investment when you hear about Sidonis in 3. Personal opinion on best romance is Thane but you could do MUCH worse *cough cough* Jacob *cough*. In 3 Garrus is exactly what you described, best bro.


i can confirm that Garrus's romance in ME2/3 have created an unhealthy obsession that threatens the sanctity of my marriage


🤣 please picture the shame meme directed at you.


I loved him immediately because he was the only NPC as completely sick of the council’s crap as you. I also found it endearing how comfortable he is siding with a human against one of his own people simply because he isn’t prejudiced and knows right from wrong.


I think he just has a soft spot for humans in ME1... he's kind of a dick to all the other aliens but super respectful to Shepard/Kaiden/Ashley.


You know…I never noticed that.


Start of ME1: Bro who tf are you, i didnt ask for you to come along! ME2: *dramatic sobbing thinking hes gonna die from the gunship wounds after the mission*


Husband material lol. I can’t go a playthrough without romancing him. I keep thinking I’ll try the others out, but then I’m reminded that’s what YouTube is for and I just spend all of ME1 hovering behind him like “…soon…”


Tragic we can’t romance him in the first game as well. He and Tali would be the perfect characters for a trilogy wide romance


As great as that would have been, I like how it works out for both of them as is. You develop a close friendship with them first, you come back and it's like picking up where you left off, but it continues and grows into something more. Both of these are a friends to lovers arc done right.


If you already know where the arc is going I can understand that. But my first play through I didn’t use either of them very much in ME1 so they definitely didn’t feel like friends by ME2 lol. Recruiting Garrus isn’t even mandatory until the second game.


My favourite Garrus story is that I started Mass Effect series with ME2, so I had little and no context for anything. After wandering around and trying to roleplay based on context clues, I did the mission to reach Archangel. He dramatically takes off his helmet and I don’t know who he is. But Shepard sounds so happy to see him that I decide that I like him too. After a game of Cerberus, strangers, and old ally hesitance/hostility, a friendly face was what I didn’t know I needed snd Garrus provided. Loved him ever since.


Wouldn’t have worked out well when it came out. Have to remember ME was the first game to do a lot of what is now “old hat.” They caught enough shit for having a blue humanoid alien you could sex, with both genders at that.


I mean there’s only a couple years difference between the first 2 games. Plus the people that would be mad about it back then would still be mad about it now. Old Fox News type ppl.


To cement that feeling even more, the fan renderings using Shepard and Garrus' models set after ME3 help, XD.


>I just spend all of ME1 hovering behind him like “…soon…” 💀


Voice like melted butter, accuracy like a master-class tuned .50 Cal, and loyal like a Dog, and as frosty as Dry Ice when he needs to be. And ALWAYS willing to give free….Calibrations….


There’s no Shepard without Vakarian 😭


Whether as your Best Man or your Best half.


Whether he's your bro or your bae, there truly is *no Shepard without Vakarian*.


this shit had me sobbing on the floor so hard i missed the paragon interrupt and had to restart my save. i saved his dialogue for last so i literally had to talk to everyone else again. when i tell you i was GASPING for air trying to get through it (i romanced him, in case you couldn't tell LMAO)


I just finished a play a few days ago and I was sobbing! Like this is probably at least my 8th play of the whole trilogy lol I mean I was extra emotional since I did my first insanity run through all 3 for my last Steam achievements but still always makes me tear up minimally.


i only finished my first playthrough about a month ago, and the garrus romance was so intense. my poor fiance knows he can never compare 😭


Then he should do the right thing and get you a Garrus body pillow


You know... You're absolutely right.


Pros: 1. One of the first squad mates you get in all three games 2. One of only two squad mates available on all three games, the other being tali(aka best girl don't @ me) 2. Excellent for romantic partnership because he is one of only three (TECHNICALLY) squad mates that you can romance in multiple games, thus allowing you to actually enjoy the benefits of being in a relationship with somebody versus just starting one at the end of the game. 3. He's an excellent squad mate to bring along in just about any situation provided shepherd is not an infiltrator or engineer due to his combination of long-range capability and tech powers being incredibly useful for dealing with a wide variety of situations. 4. His banter is fucking hysterical and his voice actors very talented and knows what he's doing. Really wish she had more prominent roles in other things. 5. If your shepherd is a male he makes one of the most excellent best friends imaginable and the only character that could possibly give him a challenge on this would be Wrex but he's not around. Edit: Just realized I forgot cons Cons: 1. Idk calibrations or something????


Cons: by ME3 *he* becomes [the main character](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPbB4qfsA14&feature=youtu.be) and Shepard is his sidekick


"I am Garrus Vakarian and this is MY favorite spot on the citadel!"


While I like this analysis, may I counter with the idea that it's less that he's now the main character and Shep's the sidekick and more that it's he and Shepard, being more-or-less in the exact same positions of authority/expertise in the Reaper War, are their respective people's equivalent of the same type of hero. They both come from checkered histories, and yet they've both been put into a position of being the ones their leadership looks to for answers/solutions on how to stop the Reapers. Given how the turians are culturally, I'd say it's one hell of a high accomplishment for Garrus to be seen as a similar kind of hero to the turians as Shepard is for humanity.


lol I’m sorry it was a joke based on the link to the Garrus ascends to godhood video! If you spec him right in ME3, he can/will basically solo insanity mode But that’s a great point about their respective paths and how they mirror each other. I think that’s why they make such a great friendship (or relationship) in the end, rarely in games do you have a side character NPC that in some ways feels equal to the main character


God-mode Garrus for the win!


But grunt. Well now that i think about it grunt is more of our adopted son.


>What's the hardest part of treating a turian who took a rocket to his face? Figuring out which side took the rocket.


Can't remember the exact banter but it's fantastic: "Shepard, they won't give me a mirror. Tell me the truth. How bad is it?" "Hell Garrus you were always ugly. No one will notice." "HA! Oh it hurts to laugh. Well it's only fair Shepard, now you'll have a shot with the ladies ... "


Smash. Next question


Smash with ALL the reach and ALL the flexibility 😏😏


Garrus is the best squadmate, companion, love interest, and friend in any game that has ever been or ever will be created. I will not be taking questions.


This. 100%.


Can be a tad reckless, but then again so is Shep Also it sucks how quick he runs out of lines in 2


Possibly my favorite ficitional character of all time. True ride or die homie. Funny, smart, has flaws, experiences growth. Excellent companion, either romance or just as a friend.


Best companion in video game history. Starts as your hot-blooded protege, gains a ton of experience away from you and grows into his own man, finishes as your most trusted confidant who helps you bear the weight of the impossible responsibility you have. All of the journey is written naturally and delivered charismatically by Brandon Keener's gravel voice.


Garrus is one of the GOATs. I can’t see anyone honestly disliking him. Great personality, sense of humor, self awareness, relatable existential crisis moments, and a heck of a squad mate performance wise… if I had a friend like Garrus, I’d never let them down.


Me in ME2 every time Garrus tells me he is in the middle of Calibrations: LET ME LOVE YOU, DAMN IT!


Ikr haha, just finish the damn calibrations bro.


He has reach 😏


And Femshep has flexibility


Literally the best companion in the history of gaming bar none.


Shepard’s best friend. The unofficial second in command if you ask me. And the one person who never judges Shepard no matter what because he understands they are in circumstances where certain choices have to be made for the greater good


Sexy voice, sexy face, got me to play as femshep so I can romance him. Best squad-mate in the series.


One of, if not the, most loyal companions in the game. You always know they have Shepard's back no matter what because the two understand one another. A brother to a male Shepard, and a possible romance for a female, Garrus is always there for you. He as a strong moral compass, but feels hampered by everything around him. Renegade in his approach, but paragon in his ethics, for the most part. And one of the best lines in the entire series (paraphrasing): "It's so much easier to see everything in black and white. Grey, I don't know what to do with grey."


My favourite, and one of the best characters from anything not just Mass Effect


Quite literally my ride or die best boy


Can it wait? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.


Longest serving squadmate. And for good reason.


From ME1 he's the goat. And if you romance him as Femshep 😍 And I'm saying this as a guy


Absolute bro. Him and wrex are my two favorite companions in the series. Especially together in one.


Best bro imo, never romanced for that reason. Great banter can quite insightful at times grows and changes bit by bit but is still Garrus. Helps that his voice is spot on always.


The real challenge is not bringing him to every mission in every playthrough


The best


Did the fucking impossible. Taught Shepard to dance well.




Thought: space boyfriend End of thought


My space lover and husband and the reason I get out of bed every day


An absolute gem! A great & well written character with many memorial moments.




There is no Shepard without Vakarian


Would, will, have and am


Can absolutely solo the majority of ME3 with the godhood setup, making Shepherd a side character in their own game.


Bae and/or [god of war](https://youtu.be/ZPbB4qfsA14?si=I3osBXzQINzNmQpj) if you upgrade him and outfit him correctly.


I will not hear a word said against my man Vakarian.


I think he's pretty much everyone's favourite (top 3 at least), and what's not to love. He certainly wins my vote.


Made me, and at least 6 peoples on here as well as one person i know on discord, realize we were bisexual


Most overrated character oat


He seems to be fairly tall.


He's my favorite


He carried me through Insanity mode, especially in ME3. His skill tree can make him an absolute beast.


Good, if not a sycophant.


That's my husband


The best of the best companions in ME and the greatest in all RPGs. Witting yet disciplined. Funny yet knows when to get serious. Skilled at what he does. Has a great character growth throughout the series. As male/Shepard he's the best friend you'll have and if romanced by fem/Shepard, one of the best romances around. Garrus is simply the greatest and I hope there is some mention of him in the next ME game.


Having garrus on your squad turns mass effect into the best buddy cop video game even


Garrus: tell the Galaxy about us Shepard: *whispers* Shepard and Vakarian Garrus: why did you whisper? Shepard: because you’re my Galaxy Garrus Garrus: Shepard… 🥹 … I’m in the middle of some calibrations


Bastard gave me a voice kink


Great squad mate, especially in Mass Effect 3. Awesome character


The GOAT. Him and Legion are the SS Tier when it comes to companions


The best mate anyone could ask for. The Goose to your Maverick, the Walker to your Diesel, the Rosewood to your Foley, the Frost to your Pegg, the Butch to your Sundance!


Ok I will be downvote for that but: Garrus is the bro ok, but too much. He never disagrees with shepard, never. So he is a bit lame sometimes.


I've cooled off on him. Recent real-world events have soured me on the "cowboy cop who don't need no due process" trope. I shouldn't let it affect a fictional world and yet here I am.






God bless Gary’s Canadian (I used swipe text)


The best alien bro since Chewbacca


Greatest side character ever created. Not gonna argue, I’ll follow Garrus blindly into the hordes of enemies.


Ride or die garrus is always on my missions he's mandatory everyone else is optional


When younger, he was the baddest of badasses. Now that I'm older, he still is, and is absolutely a ride or die friend. But he's an alarmingly bad cop. He only joins you because he's tired of rules like no police brutality and forced due process. I suppose he's a product of the time in which his character was written.


The very definition of loyal. Garrus Vakarian, besides being an excellent sniper and tactician, is perfect as Shepard’s right-hand man. He commands respect with those on the Normandy and throughout the galaxy. He’s one of my favourite companions not just in Mass Effect, but across video games. Truly, there is no Shepard without Vakarian.


I love garrus, you just gotta get the cop mentality out of him


Smash. Next question.


The absolute best. He gets great development throughout the series, and his voice is like melted butter. Easily my favorite character from the series, and my favorite video game romance of all time. 


Overrated. He’s only good in ME2. In ME1 he’s a one dimensional trope and in ME3 he’s super forced being shoehorned in as Shepards best friend regardless of how you treated him in previous games.


My space boyfriend


Boring in ME1, the best in ME2 and ME3. If I play with Risky Suicide Mission mod and lose Garrus, I replay the whole mission from scratch to prevent his death.


He’s the best male romance option for FemShep in my opinion. He might be awkward with women, but he’s still loving and affectionate. FemShep and Garrus’s relationship is probably one of my favorite BioWare romances because of how healthy and mutually supportive it is. There isn’t any unnecessary drama to drag things down. He’s also great as your best bro too. He’s loyal to you no matter what, and you couldn’t ask for a better friend.


I like the guy, but he's hyped up so much that I experience a lot of backlash to him. Tali too.


A completely boring and one-dimensional character. He has no personal growth or change at all, he is always the same.


Underrated. And yes, I know he's one of the most loved characters in the game and regarded by many as either 'best bro ever' or 'sexy turian lover'. Or both. Still underrated. The rating scale is not enough. There needs to be more rate.


How could he not be your best friend? Let's not forget to mention with the right build, he can be utterly broken in ME3. Great character backed up with being useful in gameplay, in short.


Garrus + Typhoon = God of war


Great character, amazing squadmate, would unfortunately be a “back the blue” kinda of guy.


Broest bro of all bros.


\* opens door \* "Unleash the totally not horny comment section!"


Stupid sexy Garrus


Garrus is the man. Somehow he died in my suicide mission. I tried starting ME3 without him. But im about to go to Palaven.


The real bro to die with; the only cuttlebone I’d know to watch my six. Take some fucking notes, Jacob.


Total bro, needs someone to help keep him from going fully off the edge at first but otherwise I’d go get drinks with him




Best boy


Straight up best bro ever. I don’t know if BioWare intended to make him a god in ME3, but damned if it didn’t solidify his usefulness on top of being the coolest mofo in the squad. After initially being hot headed and emotional, became one of the most level headed people in the game, not overreacting to outlandish situations despite the frequency of occurrence.


I’m shamefully new to playing Mass Effect. I’m still on the first game. But that being said… Best bro. Wish I could romance him in the first game, but I’m eager to see how this goes forward in the other two. Gonna be hard picking between him and Tali.


He’s the man.


The best. Total bae. My romance option for 2 and 3. Still didn't let him win the shooting contest on the Citadel though.


The true ride or die. What else can I say? Shepard: "Garrus I'm-" Garrus: "I'm in." Shepard: "But I didn't finish." Garrus: ***already packing***


Brother for life


"Garrus, I committed a genocide and lied to the universe about it" "You always make the right call" ... "Garrus, come into this slum with a disease that only affects non-humans" "Of course" ... "Garrus, bomb this orphanage" "Yes sir, always behind you Shepard" ...


Not the biggest fan. Really don't like him in ME1 to the point I just simply don't recruit him anymore. Also useless in 1. Apparently I don't even have the deployment achievement on PS where I had my 1st playthrough. I don't enjoy the 'bad boy' or 'edge lord' trope for party members and he's your token character for the that trope. He's the best done of it but he's still just an edge lord. Or wanna be of one. I think its funny how committed he is to Shepard when he shows little to no commitment to anything else throughout the trilogy. He'll foolishly quit his job without a guarantee that you'll let him on your ship. He deserts his people at Manae to follow Shepard. I really question how long he'd last with Shepard (if she survived) post war if she wanted to retire. If he doesn't have his free ticket to kill without consequence whomever *he* deems unworthy. So yeah, not the biggest fan. He not the worst by any means but eh.


Garrus is either my Shepard's best friend and closest confidant or her lover there is no in between, also I like turning him into a god in ME3 and just watching him melt everything on insanity difficulty


I do not understand the love for him. He whines about due process in all three games despite only being a cop in one of them. He is introduced by him almost getting a hostage killed because he was so horned up to play cowboy. Then in game 2 he was a spree shooter/serial killer. He kinda sucks as a person. Even the incredible VA work for him couldn't make me like him too much. He also transcends mortal limitations in ME3 and does so much fucking damage that it is a wonder they don't just launch him out of a torpedo tube and watch as he recalibrates the entire Reaper fleet. He humiliated Kai Leng so fast on Thessia that it bugged my game out, so I warmed up to him a bit there, but overall he's pretty mediocre in terms of story and character compared to most of the other companions.


He is the best bro on the team. You know he always got your back.




He is truly the best best friend in any video game. The fact that after the first game, he decides to go be the punisher rather than stay a cop was so cool.


Garrus ascends to godhood in ME3. Definitely my favourite bro, and that's saying something


Best friend and loyal companion. No one else does it like Garrus.


Gee, I wonder what people would say about a fan favorite.


He benefits from not being human. If he were real, he’d have a punisher and thin blue line flag on the back of his Ford F-2183.


Shepard's ultimate shoe polisher that does a dollar store Punisher as second job. Overall a boring character to me.


He's space punisher/ batman and one of two characters who sticks with you through the entire trilogy. He's a legitimate ride or die.


Overrated as fuck


Not a fan of really. Maybe because I am not one who gives a damn about anyone but myself and my family and a few friends of mine, I just do not like his “vigilante” vibe And frankly I think he is a weak one in terms of combat, not as tanks as Wrex and Ashley, or as good compare with biotic ones. So yeah, not a fan of. I value his importance as two of the companions who would follow you from beginning to the end and his jokes are actually funny(unlike Joker), but no I just don’t feel a thing about him.


Deserves his own game


The exception to my heterosexuality


YOU’RE MY BOI, BLUE! Love that bird.


Perfection, love him, top tier nerd and turian bad boy. No notes


Ride or Die.


Best developed character. Can be a bro no matter your paragon/renegade path. Has some of the best stories, top bromace with Broshep, one of the best romances for femshep, great lines and interactions with the other squadmates. He's the best of squadmates through the series.


The best space bro since Chewbacca


If there’s one companion I’d choose as my best friend its him If I was a woman I’d probably fuck his brains out


There's no Shepard without Vakarian. Case closed.


No Shepard without Vakarian!!


As Shep says: Hell … you were always ugly, Garrus 🤣


Almost always in my party from 1-3. I ship him and femshep, and broship him and male Shepard. No other character has your back quite like Garrus does. I usually play an adept, vanguard or sentinel, so his skills always cover my weaknesses.


He's my best friend, he's my pal. He's my homeboy, my rotten soldier. He's my sweet cheese. My good-time boy.


My best man….brother…best friend….the homey……edgy brother…..scoped and dropped man….GARRUS


This is probably going to be the most united post on this topic. Maybe you’ll get some contrarians, but 99% of the replies are going to be how he’s the GOAT and rightly so.


The true ride or die Homie that even in renegade he'll support you Damn war...


My favourite, always in my squad


His lines are so very good. Absolutely love him.


I don’t know how I feel about garrus, I’ll tell you after I run these calibrations


He brings great combat utility, and wonderful dialog, and at least back in the old games on 3, you could max out his rifle skills and he'd be the number 1 dps for just shredding targets.




The best companion from every ME, I can't think of mass effect without Garrus being one of the first things that come to mind


Garrus is interesting because, in my opinion at least, he doesn’t have one of the best character arcs in the trilogy. I think Tali, Mordin, Legion, Liara, and Miranda all have better arcs than Garrus, but still regardless of all that Garrus is the best character in the trilogy. Garrus feels like he is as important to the trilogy as Shepard themself. I can’t imagine ever seeing Commander Shepard without Garrus standing right next to them, the impact he makes as a character and as Shepards right-hand man is unshakable. I think a lot of it comes down to the little moments, out of every squad mate in the trilogy interactions with Garrus feel like Shepard talking to their best friend. The banter between them never feels forced and it’s always incredibly charming. The romance is one of the best in the trilogy, hands down the best femshep choice, and it feels really earned. Garrus is the best, he will never not be who I take on the final missions of all three games, he will never not be who I take with me to retake the Normandy from Clone Shepard, he is awesome.


I would ride with him into the fiery pits of hell


Best character of the series


He and Wrex were my boys til the very end.


Not gonna say much. Mass Effect GOAT.


Best boy in the whole franchise, and second only to best girl (Tali). No you can't change my mind; team dextro for life.




Literally my #1 favorite fictional character


Best squad mate used him in every mission in every game once I unlocked him


It’s impossible not to use him in the missions or take him with you everywhere. Love Garrus


What can be said about my guy Garrus... Easily one of my favourite characters not just in Mass Effect, but in all of gaming. I heavily relate to Garrus when it comes to his family situation, I totally feel his guilt but also his isolation and the way he views life. I love in ME1 where my Shepard almost acts like a mentor to Garrus, we rarely agreed on how a job should be taken care of, but unlike some characters, she didn't come across unlikable. I totally see his viewpoint and why he would come to those conclusions. In ME2, Garrus became my favourite. There is nothing better than the stereotype of "best friend character". I love his loyalty to Shepard, he has some of the best dialogue and he is simply badass. In ME3 we reached new heights. The fact that my Shepard went to him for advice this time... wonderful. I will always love Garrus, he is one of my favourite characters in gaming history. Garrus is the GOAT!


Daddy fr


Best space husband ever. Fantastic marksman. Loyal as hell.


No Shepard without Vakarian. Whether friend or romance they're my favorite duo in any game ever


Shepard's protege and Lil brother or lover if your lady shep


The homie. He’s the partner in my buddy cop movie. May we be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.


Please Bioware make Garrus a maleshep romance option without needing a mod. Anyways he got a great change of character from game to game.




My best friend in the whole galaxy.


He is my buddy. Would be going through hell for that guy


ME1: Exists ME2: Awesome, but it sucks that his interactions are limited because a lot of it was spent on his romance as femshep, hence “calibrations.” ME3: Shepard’s ride or die, no contest.